Image by Gerd Altmann

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

"One of the first steps in creating internal order is making a commitment to a new way of thinking. This week, we have help in this regard from the planet Mercury, which rules our mental processes."

That quote is from Pam Younghans' Astrological Journal for the Week.. And our featured articles this week also bring you help in that regard... dealing with our mental processes, our beliefs, our attitudes, our perception, our future reality. All these things that focus from, or on, our brain and thinking processes. Our authors bring to light new ways of thinking and perceiving our reality and our future.

We start with Pierre Pradervand who informs us that "All We Do Has a Planetary Impact: Handling the Belief of Dualism". We then move on to Sara Chetkin who reminds us that "When Conflict Arises, We Always Have A Choice" while Jude Bijou presents us with "The Simple and Effective Way to Resolve Differences".

One of our problems is resistance... resistance to change, to what is, and to what could be. Sandy Newbigging shares "How To Create A Less Resistant Relationship With Life"  while Anne Jirsch brings a whole new perspective, and a powerful tool, in: "The Road Ahead: How You Can Stretch Time".

We wrap up our featured articles of the week with a lengthy but insightful, informative, and inspiring article by Charles Eisenstein: "The Coronation: Forging A New, More Compassionate Normal". Even though this is a much longer article than our usual, it provides so many insights and so much food for thought that I strongly encourage you to read it from beginning to end... it presents many perceptions, many beliefs, and many possibilities. We get to choose...

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week, as well as some "oldies & goodies" for your reading pleasure..

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, healthy, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

All We Do Has a Planetary Impact: Handling the Belief of Dualism

Written by Pierre Pradervand

All We Do Has a Planetary Impact: Handling the Belief of Dualism
May we realize that with every single glance we transmit a message of rejection, indifference, or love. May we have the awareness that the words we say can carry messages that communicate hope and healing rather than disinterest or negativity.

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When Conflict Arises, We Always Have A Choice

Written by Sara Chetkin

When Conflict Arises, We Always Have A Choice
We cannot escape our subconscious mind, but we can use life as a treasure map to unlock the secrets hidden within the dark corners of the psyche. These secrets direct the course of our lives, and like tyrants hiding behind smoke and mirrors they chart a course for their own benefit...

The Simple and Effective Way to Resolve Differences

Written by Jude Bijou

The Simple and Effective Way to Resolve Differences
It’s not just intimate partnerships that are destroyed by not being able to resolve conflict. Business associates, neighbors, friends, and colleagues are affected as well. In each case we have a choice when conflicts arise. We can fight, give in, deny, and avoid, or we can cooperate, collaborate, negotiate, and accommodate.

How To Create A Less Resistant Relationship With Life

Written by Sandy C. Newbigging

How To Create A Less Resistant Relationship With Life
What’s important to appreciate about resistance is that it is often not intentional but the result of what’s going on in the more subtle, hidden parts of your unconscious mind. Most people I meet are usually aware of the surface-level results of resistance, but they live unaware of the underlying reasons as to why they resist and end up feeling the way they do.

The Road Ahead: How You Can Stretch Time

Written by Anne Jirsch

The Road Ahead: How You Can Stretch Time
On one hand, we need to keep pace with new developments and stay on top of our careers. On the other hand, we need to meet the demands of our personal life. Result? We are on overload.

The Coronation: Forging A New, More Compassionate Normal

Written by Charles Eisenstein

The Coronation: Forging A New, More Compassionate Normal
For years, normality has been stretched nearly to its breaking point, a rope pulled tighter and tighter, waiting for a nip of the black swan’s beak to snap it in two. Now that the rope has snapped, do we tie its ends back together, or shall we undo its dangling braids still further, to see what we might weave from them?

Why We Should Keep Asking if God Exists
Why We Should Keep Asking if God Exists

by Graham Oppy

Disputes about the existence of God — like most disputes about religion, politics, and sex — almost always generate…

Why Some People Believe In Coronavirus Conspiracies
Why Some People Believe In Coronavirus Conspiracies

by Jeremy Cohen

The existential threat we’re facing right now might explain the proliferation of conspiracy theories, extreme political…

Human Touch Forms Bonds And Boosts Immune Systems. Here’s How To Cope Without It
Human Touch Forms Bonds And Boosts Immune Systems. Here’s How To Cope Without It

by Michaela Pascoe, et al

We’ve been bombarded with these messages during the pandemic as a way to slow the spread of COVID-19, meaning we may…


How Coronavirus Amplifies Your Core Values, Both Bad And Good
How Coronavirus Amplifies Your Core Values, Both Bad And Good

by Jeff Greenberg and Sheldon Solomon

There’s nothing like a worldwide pandemic and its incessant media coverage to get you ruminating on the fragility of…

I Joined A Mixed Martial Arts Gym Looking For A Fight – But Found Inner Peace Instead
I Joined A Mixed Martial Arts Gym Looking For A Fight – But Found Inner Peace Instead

by Jack Sugden

I returned to the UK after a four-year absence to find that the popularity of mixed martial arts (MMA) had increased…

Does Vitamin D Protect Against Coronavirus And Disease?
Does Vitamin D Protect Against Coronavirus And Disease?

by Elina Hypponen

Is this all just hype, or could vitamin D really help in the fight against COVID-19?

15 Ways To Keep Your Indoor Cat Happy
15 Ways To Keep Your Indoor Cat Happy

by Andrea Harvey and Richard Malik

To protect our native wildlife, who never evolved with such an efficient predator, it’s imperative we keep our cats…

The Surprising Reasons People Cheat At Social Distancing
The Surprising Reasons People Cheat At Social Distancing

by Eric Cadesky

As the world fights the novel coronavirus pandemic, our strongest weapon right now is physical distancing.

How Non-religious Worldviews Provide Solace In Times Of Crisis
How Non-Religious Worldviews Provide Solace In Times Of Crisis

by Valerie van Mulukom

The saying “There are no atheists in foxholes” suggests that in stressful times people inevitably turn to God (or…

How To Best Stretch Before And After A Workout
How To Best Stretch Before And After A Workout

by Lewis Macgregor

Many people see stretching as an essential part of any exercise or workout regime.

If You're Struggling To Lose Weight, While Intermittent Fasting This Might Be Why
If You're Struggling To Lose Weight, While Intermittent Fasting This Might Be Why

by David Clayton

Intermittent fasting is a way of losing weight that favours flexibility over calorie counting.

What We Do Now Could Change Earth's Trajectory
What We Do Now Could Change Earth's Trajectory

by Pep Canadell, et al

The numbers of people cycling and walking in public spaces during COVID-19 has skyrocketed.

How To Stay Safe While Eating Out
How To Stay Safe While Eating Out

by Thomas A. Russo

As restaurants and bars reopen to the public, it’s important to realize that eating out will increase your risk of…

Why People Believe That Religious Faith Will Save Them From Disease
Why People Believe That Religious Faith Will Save Them From Disease

by Rebecca Yearling

From the Black Death and AIDS to COVID-19, whenever societies have suffered outbreaks of disease, there have always…

Why Recessions Scar Young People Their Entire Lives, Even Into Retirement
Why Recessions Scar Young People Their Entire Lives, Even Into Retirement

by Jenny Chesters

It is well-established that recessions hit young people the hardest. We saw it in our early 1980s recession, our early…

Cooking Is Much More Fun With Old Secrets From The Queen’s Pantry
Cooking Is Much More Fun With Old Secrets From The Queen’s Pantry

by Madeline Bassnett

Food shopping restrictions and fears of food shortages have contributed to a burst of #pantrycooking recipes that…

The Church Of QAnon: Will Conspiracy Theories Form The Basis Of A New Religious Movement?
The Church Of QAnon: Will Conspiracy Theories Form The Basis Of A New Religious Movement?

by Marc-André Argentino

Followers of the QAnon movement believe in wild and dangerous conspiracy theories about U.S. President Donald Trump.

Global Warming Now Pushing Heat Into Territory Humans Cannot Tolerate
Global Warming Now Pushing Heat Into Territory Humans Cannot Tolerate

by Tom Matthews and Colin Raymond

The explosive growth and success of human society over the past 10,000 years has been underpinned by a distinct range…

Here's How To Stay Safe While Buying Groceries
Here's How To Stay Safe While Buying Groceries

by Erin DiCaprio

Wear a mask, but skip the gloves. Don’t sanitize the apples. And if you are older than 65, it’s probably best to still…

Here's What An Unravelling Economy Could Do To Couples
Here's What An Unravelling Economy Could Do To Couples

by Brienna Perelli-Harris and Niels Blom

Social distancing and lockdown mean that many couples are now spending too much time with each other – and not enough…

Moths Do The Pollinator Night Shift – And They Work Harder Than Daytime Insects
Moths Do The Pollinator Night Shift – And They Work Harder Than Daytime Insects

by Richard Elton Walton

When you settle down for bed, after the birds and bees have hushed, moths are just starting their work.

Blocking The Deadly Immune System Cytokine Storm Is A Vital For Treating COVID-19
Blocking The Deadly Immune System Cytokine Storm Is A Vital For Treating COVID-19

by Alexander (Sasha) Poltorak

The current pandemic is unique not just because it is caused by a new virus that puts everyone at risk, but also…

Why Complying With Lockdown Does Become Harder Over Time
Why Complying With Lockdown Does Become Harder Over Time

by Sheheryar Banuri

When the UK became the European country with the highest number of COVID-19 deaths earlier this month, there was…

Common Misunderstandings About Preventing Pregnancy
Common Misunderstandings About Preventing Pregnancy

by Richard Gunderman

Sex is one of the most natural things in the world – none of us would be here without it. Yet there are many things…

5 Reasons Students Should Consider Taking A Gap Year Now
5 Reasons Students Should Consider Taking A Gap Year Now

by Robert S Clagett

With many colleges and universities still deciding when to re-open their campuses after they were shuttered due to…

How Can You Be Safe At A Pool, The Beach Or A Park?
How Can You Be Safe At A Pool, The Beach Or A Park?

by Claudia Finkelstein

Even if we escaped getting sick from the coronavirus, we are all sick of staying at home, practicing social distancing…

How Adults Can Help Children Cope With Death And How They Process It
How Adults Can Help Children Cope With Death And How They Process It

by Linda Goldman

Our society is death-phobic, a particularly harmful trait when it comes to helping children process the death of…

When Religion Sided With Science: Medieval Lessons For Surviving The Pandemic
When Religion Sided With Science: Medieval Lessons For Surviving The Pandemic

by Phillip I. Lieberman

Faced with a range of serious patient reactions to the COVID-19 disease, doctors and nurses have sometimes struggled to…

Sudden Loss Of Smell?– Why It Is A Reason To Self-isolate
Sudden Loss Of Smell?– Why It Is A Reason To Self-isolate

by Jane Parker et al

The World Health Organization recently announced that a sudden loss of sense of smell (anosmia) should be added to the…

Just How Hot Will It Get This Century? What The Latest Climate Models Suggest
Just How Hot Will It Get This Century? What The Latest Climate Models Suggest

by Michael Grose and Julie Arblaster

Climate scientists use mathematical models to project the Earth’s future under a warming world, but a group of the…

Here's How To Stay Connected When You're In Lockdown
Here's How To Stay Connected When You're In Lockdown

by Michelle H Lim and Johanna Badcock

We know positive social support can improve our capacity to cope with stress. But right now we’re being asked to keep…

Active Commuting Could Make Children's Return To School Better For Their Health And The Planet
Active Commuting Could Make Children's Return To School Better For Their Health And The Planet

by John J Reilly and Mark S. Tremblay

Children across the globe have not been at school for some time, and this prolonged absence from the daily routine has…

Forget Work-life Balance – It's All About Integration Now
Forget Work-life Balance – It's All About Integration Now

by Melissa A. Wheeler and Asanka Gunasekara

This time, the head of our university department wrapped up the video conference by inviting her nine-year-old son to…

Urban Fantasy Novels: Why They Matter And Which Ones To Read First
Urban Fantasy Novels: Why They Matter And Which Ones To Read First

by Paul March-Russell

Franchises like The Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones and The Witcher often lead us to think of fantasy as a pastoral…

How Do You Stay Safe Now That Things Are Reopening?
How Do You Stay Safe Now That Things Are Reopening?

by Ryan Malosh

Now that states are relaxing social distancing restrictions, people desperately want to see friends and family, go to a…

4 Ways Economic Crisis Can Change Things For The Better
4 Ways Economic Crisis Can Change Things For The Better

by Alexander Tziamalis and Konstantinos Lagos

It is common to hear people say that the epoch of enormous economic progress which characterised the last century is…

How Do Buddhists Handle Coronavirus? The Answer Is Not Just Meditation
How Do Buddhists Handle Coronavirus? The Answer Is Not Just Meditation

by Pierce Salguero

Millions of Buddhists seeking protection and healing from the novel coronavirus are turning to traditional religious…

The 7 Traits Of Conspiratorial Thinking
The 7 Traits Of Conspiratorial Thinking

by John Cook, et al

The conspiracy theory video “Plandemic” recently went viral. Despite being taken down by YouTube and Facebook, it…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Astrological Journal for the Week

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


Energy Is Priceless: Putting Love in Everything You Do
Energy Is Priceless: Putting Love in Everything You Do

by Stuart Wilde

You have to give because you want to receive. So start by giving. Give of your attention and concentration, give of…

Truth in Dating and in Relationships as a Journey toward Consciousness
Truth in Dating and in Relationships as a Journey toward Consciousness

by Susan M. Campbell, Ph.D.

Truth in Dating is about using honesty as a "practice." A practice is a discipline that you take on intentionally in…

Animals 'R Us: All Who Inhabit This Earth Are A Part Of Us
Animals 'R Us: All Who Inhabit This Earth Are A Part Of Us

by Betsy Otter Thompson

Your pet can tell you a great deal about yourself because the animal takes its cue from you when interpreting life.…

Calling Great Spirit: Visions, Dreams, and Miracles
Calling Great Spirit: Visions, Dreams, and Miracles

by Lakota Wisdomkeeper Mathew King

I walk with the Great Spirit, with God. I talk to Him. The Great Spirit guides me in my life. Wakan-Tanka, that's what…

Strategies To Cut Down On Fighting and Headache-Causing Strife
Strategies To Cut Down On Fighting and Headache-Causing Strife

by Susan K. Perry, Ph.D.

What you say and how you say it certainly matters, and I'll focus on ways to talk more effectively later. First,…

Animals As Love-Detectors: The MAN Who Didn't LIKE CATS
Animals As Love-Detectors: The MAN Who Didn't LIKE CATS

by Allen & Linda Anderson

You've heard of watchdogs who let people know when danger is near, but our yellow Labrador retriever, Taylor, lets us…

Life Lessons From Our Opposite Astrological Sign
Life Lessons From Our Opposite Astrological Sign

by Kathryn Andries

Opposite astrological signs present great learning opportunities because they embody opposite qualities. People with…

Self-Suggestions To Hypnotize Yourself Out Of Pain Now
Self-Suggestions To Hypnotize Yourself Out Of Pain Now

by Bruce N. Eimer, Ph.D., ABPP

All of us who have chronic pain know that it tends to change our personality. Over time, the continued struggle with…

The Long-Lasting Importance of the Bonding of Mother and Child
The Long-Lasting Importance of the Bonding of Mother and Child

by Joseph Chilton Pearce

Bonding gives an intuitive, extrasensory kind of relationship between mother and child. Bonding is a felt process, not…

QiGong for Spiritual Development and Balance
QiGong for Spiritual Development and Balance

by Larry Johnson

Throughout history, peoples in many parts of the world have sought ways to develop their energetic potentials for…

Changing Perceptions and Cleaning Out the Mind's Cubbyholes
Changing Perceptions and Cleaning Out the Mind's Cubbyholes

by Dan Joseph

Let's imagine our minds as being filled with rows of cubbyholes. Each cubbyhole represents a particular relationship in…

A Song to Uplift Heart and Soul
A Song Can Uplift the Heart and Soul

by Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf

I have several ways that I use to clear the darkness from my mind when I find it has crept in. One is gardening, or…

The Journey of Forgiveness Must Begin Somewhere, Somehow
The Journey of Forgiveness Must Begin Somewhere, Somehow

by Carolyn Baker, Ph.D.

I genuinely believe that after some thirty to forty years of deepening our consciousness and attending to our…

Arthritis Diet: Eating the Right Foods Has A Major Impact
Arthritis Diet: Eating the Right Foods Has A Major Impact

by Eugene Zampieron, Ellen Kamhi, Burton Goldberg

Dietary practices have a major impact on arthritis. In fact, if you eat the typical American diet, it could be making…

Ecological State of the World: Total Dysfunctioning of the Planet
Ecological State of the World: Total Dysfunctioning of the Planet

by George Sessions

Consumerism in the industrial world is now both a way of life and an addiction. Third World countries are now entering…

Even One Is Enough... What Would Love Do?
Even One Is Enough... What Would Love Do?

by Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf

We live in a world of extremes. Extreme wealth, extreme poverty. Extreme hedonism and joy, and extreme fear and pain.…


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