This article explores "Practicing Financial Mindfulness" and the "Benefits of Financial Mindfulness," highlighting how being mindful about finances leads to improved decision-making and reduced...

 Religious freedom in America has been a cornerstone of democracy, but Christian nationalism challenges this principle today. From the 19th-century figure Ezra Stiles Ely to current political...

This article presents "Alcohol Consumption Cancer Risks" and "Effects of Alcohol on Cancer," highlighting recent research that underscores the significant link between alcohol intake and increased...

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

Corporate control through monopolies like Big Ag, Big Pharma, and Big Tech has a firm grip on America. This article uncovers how these giants stifle competition, manipulate politics, and harm...

This article explores how different families express emotions. It highlights the contrasting dynamics between two families—one that conceals emotions and another that overtly expresses them. The...

Research shows a significant link between tablet use by young children and increased emotional outbursts, including anger and frustration. Children who spend more time on tablets may struggle with...

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No child comes into this world with an empty slate. Each has its unique journey, gifts, and challenges, which are so effectively portrayed by the planetary patterns in an astrological chart.
There has always been a lot of controversy among astrologers as to what time (and even location) to take for erecting a horary chart but I feel that it is really quite simple. I have just a few rules...
People who tend to stay up late and wake up late in the morning are different in many important ways from early risers, new research shows. “Night owls, both males and females, are more likely to be s...
Making the decision whether or not to leave a relationship may be the most daunting part of the divorcing process; at least it is the one filled with the most anxiety. Divorce is a choice made of our...
Millions will be looking for the "love of their lives" until they die. They will look, and never realize that real love might already have found them. Being loved means owning up to the responsibility...
We spend so much time helping people who punish themselves and constrain their lives with an overdeveloped sense of guilt that it's easy to forget the other side of the coin.
When I began my journey of self-discovery in my twenties I ran across the concept of forgiveness and, with a great deal of anger and judgment, promptly rejected the idea. Now I believe forgiveness is...
The heart seems to be one of the most vulnerable in the system because it is the one that has held the most fear, the most old pain, perhaps, and repressed energy. It is the one that is most afraid to...
There is nothing good or worthwhile about having a low opinion of oneself. However, positive self esteem improves one's health, sociability, and general attitude towards life. Negative self esteem is...
Energy, like water, is the life-giving sustenance of the earth. Sexual energy is nourishment for the totality of ourselves -- the body, the mind, and the spirit. It is the water of life, replenishing...
If there is a reward for longevity, it is paid out in the form of wisdom, a quality of consciousness that has little to do with intelligence/I.Q. or book learning. Being a by-product of experience, wi...
Times are changing, and for the most part, the word 'crone' is now accurately being used as a synonym for a woman who not only embodies postmenopausal wisdom, but shares it with the world. It is the t...
For several hundred years, people have mistakenly believed that technology, once fully developed, would solve the ills of mankind, that science would provide the path out of the woods, away from illne...
Before I met my wife I was always rushing; rushing to get to the store, rushing to reach my goals, rushing through life hoping to get there faster.
According to Jung, the shadow is any part of the psyche which remains unconscious. It is not always dark or undesirable. Since the shadow is any part of ourselves that we "send away," it contains part...
We all know people who show us the negative side of their Sun sign... every sign has its negative side. What is going on inside people when they display such negative behavior?
Birth Order Personalities develop as coping strategies each one of us used as children to make ourselves feel okay in our particular positions in the family.
I began a course of chemotherapy that was supposed to last forty-eight weeks. The one still point in this turning world was the Buddhist practice I had been cultivating for fifteen years. This practic...
Twenty-five years ago, as a young adult, circumstances felt as if they had spun out of control, and I was so emotionally frayed that everyday activities (such as washing dishes) overwhelmed me. Depres...
Some therapists will use "dream interpretation" to help a patient understand himself, but understanding will not cure symptoms. Our goal is to find blocked memories and to cry. The more you cry, the m...
Our emotions are nothing more than an extension of the ego's opinions -- nothing more. For the most part, our emotions are theatrical manifestations of the ego's opinions. They are forms of manipulati...
I had a man tell me that the problem women have is that we get more hung up on a man's words than we do their actions. He meant that we don't always see if a man walks his talk.
We live in interesting times. In addition to everything else going on in the Western world, there's a spiritual awakening quietly taking place, and right at its heart lies the discovery of that progra...
I found myself in the world of the late eighties with a complete loss of identity and direction. My professional life was in upheaval; my personal life was a disaster. That's when my first significant...
Look, I know you think fantasies are fun, sexy, and cool, whether you dream of being Cinderella or Prince Charming, or that your love will be passionate, available, rich, gorgeous, and lovable.
Most survivors -- whether they've forgotten the abuse or not -- have deep anger which manifests itself in chronic health problems such as cancer, gynecological disorders, back or neck pain, migraines,...
A Romantic Liar isn't the man who tells a little white lie now and then to keep your spirits up or fails to tell you the whole truth because he wants to spare your feelings. Some Romantic Liars specia...
There once was a man who was sentenced to die. He was blindfolded and put in a pitch dark cave. The cave was 100 yards by 100 yards. He was told that there was a way out of the cave, and if he could f...
The astrological signs represent how energy moves, spirals, cycles, and changes. Each sign has unique characteristics. As the moon moves through the astrological signs each month, the dream energy tak...
In an age when so many feel disconnected from their own spirit, allies in the unseen realms are unthinkable. The very existence of the unseen is still under dispute by many. It is not something you ca...
Unfortunately, being single today is not easy. One, it is difficult, for a number of reasons, to be at peace with being single. Two, it is very difficult to meet other singles, in most any environment...
I find satisfaction in the pursuit of love, and a life that gives full expression to the powers of my mind and my body, while keeping open, uncensored, and unmediated lines of communication with the s...
Compassion is the world's richest energy source. And yet, in human history of late, compassion remains an energy source that goes largely unexplored, untapped, and unwanted. Compassion appears very fa...
We develop the capacity to experience happiness, ecstasy, and tranquility to the degree to which we can free ourselves from the residue of our emotional body.
Children learn to lie from about the age of two . The first lies children learn to tell are denials of wrongdoing. From the age of three they also learn to tell “white” lies. But what can we do to enc...
In 1954, the first director-general of the World Health Organisation, Dr Brock Chisholm, famously stated: “Without mental health there can be no true physical health.” More than half a century later,...
The idea that people can be classified into types has a long history. Writing 23 centuries ago, the Greek philosopher Theophrastus sketched 30 characters that are instantly recognisable to this day. T...
The Community Purchasing Alliance (CPA) in the greater Washington DC area helps over 130 churches, synagogues, schools and other institutions save money and make investments in environmental sustainab...
Not since the 1960s has a sitting President engaged in issues around higher education as frequently as Barack Obama. He’s had little choice.
In this red state, publicly owned utilities provide electricity to all 1.8 million people. Here's how Nebraska took its energy out of corporate hands and made it affordable for everyday residents.
Over the past five years the world has seen a dramatic fall in the cost of solar energy, particularly rooftop solar panels or solar photovoltaic power. It is now a real alternative and considerable pl...
After President Obama’s State of the Union Address Tuesday night, today’s discussion has largely focused on his tax proposals. While these are important measures, two other areas he addressed raise is...
Farmers in the high Himalayas partner with a U.S.–based nonprofit to cultivate medicinal plants — and the environmental and economic benefits they offer. Nepalese residents learn cultivation skills ne...
New research suggests that focusing on the “silver linings” of our negative traits can lead to positive results. Researchers call the finding a “silver lining” theory.
There is something in the culture of banking that lends itself toward making otherwise fairly good people do bad things. That’s the finding of a new study published in the journal, Nature . And it may...
The manic nature of Black Friday has often led shoppers to engage in fistfights and other misbehavior in their desperation to snatch up the last ultra-discounted television, computer or pair of pants.
It's not hard to bring a little more equality into each others' lives. Kerry Morrison interviews homeless veteran John Watkins in the Hollywood Hills. Hollywood was one of the first communities to joi...
Stories of teens taking and sending a naked picture of themselves with their phones have been all over the news media in recent years. The outcome? Shocking, according to reports which have suggested...
Anxious people tend to perceive their world in a more threatening way. That is, the more anxious a person is, the more likely they are to notice threatening things around them. This is called the thre...
Have you ever had something turn out far different than you expected it would and felt immensely disappointed? Have you ever been so let down by a person or situation that you thought you’d never get...
Many more patients are now living for years with the diagnosis of terminal illness. The author describes her journey to what she calls "livingly dying" - facing her death by living in the moment with...
When you have more than one child, the importance of fairness seems to trump all other considerations, including self-interest. Give a child £1 and she will be happy. But if she finds out that her sib...
We asked psychologists, user experience designers, and writers what web users could to do to promote more empathic interaction in online places. Here's what they said...
Since June 30 2014, all UK employees have been granted the right to request flexible working. It is clearly an important step in the battle to achieve some form of balance between our work and non-wor...
Daily interactions require bargaining, be it for food, money or even making plans. These situations inevitably lead to a conflict of interest as both parties seek to maximise their gains. To deal with...
Older people are nearly twice as likely as young adults to have their memory impaired by distractions such as irrelevant speech or written words.
What makes people happy? Finding a definitive answer to this question could certainly make someone very rich (but whether that would in turn make them happy is another matter). The problem is that hap...
Bullying in schools has been recognized as a serious and pervasive problem now for at least two decades. There is now also evidence that traditional forms of bullying in schools have decreased modestl...
As a mother, I have made life choices that can’t always include everything my children want—like hiking the Adirondacks. Here’s how I learned to overcome the guilt...
Humans tend to detect winning and losing streaks in situations that are actually random. The first study of this phenomenon in non-human primates finds that monkeys share this “hot hand bias.” Scienti...
According to recent surveys, more than 40m single people out of 54m singles in the US have signed up to an online dating site such as and eHarmony. In the UK, 9.1m people have used an online...
Man didn’t believe he could fly – until the day he did. The four-minute mile was said to be impossible – until it wasn’t. Many thought it inconceivable to educate a blind/deaf person – until the day a...
The secret to learning self-awareness, cooperation, and other “social and emotional learning” skills lies in experience, not in workbooks and rote classroom exercises.
As a spiritual force in humanity's evolution, the Aquarian Age is important on several levels. It can open us to a reconciliation of our divine and human natures, by ushering in a more practical appro...
It may sometimes seem as if new obstacles are placed in our path constantly. Rarely does everything proceed as planned or without unexpected problems. Yet... a life without setbacks, failures, regrets...
Is pill-popping the best way to ensure we stay in love with our long-term partner? Should we also pop a pill to try to fall out of love in order to end an abusive relationship? Instead of pills, there...
Dear God, we ask for guidance, love, and your healing power for all the people who are close to us. We ask for special healing to be sent to all -- to get through the next week with their trials, thei...
Babies who are breastfed show signs of early brain development, particularly in regions associated with language, emotional function, and cognition.
Everyone knows someone with a quick temper – it might even be you. And while scientists have known for decades that aggression is hereditary, there is another biological layer to those angry flare-ups...
Are school children educated, socialized, or indoctrinated? If there’s any wonder remaining in a student after being swamped with established knowledge throughout the day, she or he would have to purs...
How can we motivate ourselves to overcome anger? We might begin by considering the nature of anger to see whether it is a necessary, helpful, or pleasant state of mind. In other words, does anger impr...
I remember being a very compassionate child. But by the time a boy reaches five or six years old “he’s learned to repress every emotion except anger, because anger is the only emotion society tells a...
The ability to look on the bright side when times get tough — and, conversely, always expecting the worst — may be hardwired in the brain. “It’s the first time we’ve been able to find a brain marker t...
It’s a crisis that’s engulfing all children in the USA, because it starves them of the skills and capacities they’re going to need to transform society in the future. Given that similar forces are at...
Economists at the University of Warwick have found happiness increases productivity by around 12%. Andrew Oswald, Eugenio Proto and Daniel Sgroi carried out a number of experiments to test the idea th...
Genuine happiness involves sharing time and money, but beware of thinking that the poor belong to some other tribe. Do not judge, presume or patronize. There are no unimportant acts of kindness.
“Fears about women’s higher earnings reflect theories, and anxieties, that if women had the financial means they would not stay with men so that women’s dependency holds couples and society together.”...
Why am I a stay at home mom? Because it doesn’t make economic sense to have a child and pay someone else half, or two-thirds of, my salary to rear them while I work. I learned to love my small, domest...
Looking for an antidote to modern culture's emphasis on romantic love? Perhaps we can learn from the diverse forms of emotional attachment prized by the ancient Greeks.
We need to acknowledge our mutual human suffering. While it is, of course, natural for human beings to talk and communicate with one another, unless we have a good excuse or reason to do so we seem to...
When we are told that 2000 calories are what we should consume, most of us don't really have an idea of what that means. Basically, we understand that it equals moderation, but how much and of what?
Is your ideal lover someone who just loves "Air Supply" and Barry Manilow? Someone who starts crying at the beginning of Walt Disney reruns?
If you just adore folks with hot pink hair (on the half of their head that isn't shaved), rows of small pierced silver rings in the most interesting places
Are you in the market for a lover who's ultra responsible, In Charge, and Right On Top Of Things? In other words, a workaholic who takes their organizer, cell-phone, and portable fax machine everywher...
Getting a Sag to fall for you is a piece of cake. They're really good at falling, tripping, stumbling, etc. In fact, Sags can injure themselves worse just walking down the street than most
Looking for a lover who will automatically suspect you of lying at all times? Someone who will be obsessively jealous of everyone around you, regardless of their age or sex?
Don't ever ask a Libra a question that involves a choice unless you want to camp out wherever you happen to be while they're trying to choose
If you're thinking of dating a Virgo, your best bet is to invest in a lint brush, some spearmint dental floss, and an expensive pair of double-thick, lined, sanitized, yellow rubber gloves.
Looking for an easygoing, low-maintenance, and independent partner? Someone who can always roll with the punches, never takes anything personally, and is always able to separate their ego from the sit...
Cancers are known to be private types who are fond of their homes and very, very tight with their families. Don't ask them any personal questions for at least a year, regardless of whether or not you'...
Geminis aren't nearly as fickle as folks make them out to be. They're just, oh,....easily distracted. If you're dating a Gemini, always have Plan B ready
Don't date a Taurus if you're not Looking For A Relationship, because once you ask them out they'll consider themselves engaged and want to shop for rings.
Looking for a lover who's mature, gentle, thoughtful, considerate, and entirely unselfish? Well, then, don't even consider dating an Aries.
When we struggle against the inevitable, or strive to alter the unavoidable timing of Mercury, we oppose the tao of existence. Therefore, understanding the principles of transiting Mercury retrograde...
The extensive cycle research of the past thirty years... has established numerous links between regularly occurring human behavior and external natural cycles ranging from weather and solar radiation...
The procedure of slowing, stationing and retrogression is often noted by events or inner mood shifts. Although rarely on the station-day itself, but frequently within a week on either side of it, ther...
Libra (September 23 to October 22) holds aloft the symbol of the Balance, those scales long associated with objectivity, impartiality, and justice.
Scorpio reigns over birth, death, and rebirth. In a few words, total change. Scorpio is the magician, the transformer, the maker of higher things out of the lower and of lower things out of the higher...
by Sylvia Browne. There was one passage [in the Dead Sea Scrolls] that struck me as reflecting our philosophy so much: "An edict went out amongst the Essenes [later the Gnostics] that stated, 'Stop ho...
by Jeffrey Brock. With the month of September upon us again, we tend to think of returning from summer vacations, the harvest season, and generally getting down to serious work again. It's interesting...
Natives of Sagittarius often exhibit expansive thinking, philosophical speculation, and musing over spiritual and religious matters. This is the zodiacal month that lures us out of our limited perspec...
by John Townley. The moon's cycle can be an important one in planning your work schedule -- or your schedule for finding work. The sun also exerts a cyclic pull on us. The sun's cycle serves very much...
Have you noticed that on some days many of your clients or customers seem to have certain things in common. For example, on some days people may only want to window shop, while on other days every cus...
by Daniel Pharr. The 'dark side' of our being is represented by the Moon. This is our invisible side, which is normally active during the night, when the conscious mind is at rest. The lunar-self is c...
by Donna Cunningham. The Moon, in the astrological chart, can help us understand how we deal with our emotions. It show how comfortable we are with dependency, how we take care of others, gratify thei...
by Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D. The Tantric act is a giving and a receiving. There is no taking. When giving and receiving reach their highest level of intensity then No-One is left. There is simply Lo...
by Amy B. Trachter, Psy.D., Ph.D. Anger is an extremely powerful emotion. It can energize you in a way that most emotions do not. Think of all the energy you use when you are angry. Now think of what...
by Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche. Generally speaking, all religions consider compassion to be important. Moreover, it is not just the religions of the world that consider compassion to be important. Ordin...
by Madeline Ko-i Bastis. When we quiet the mind, our transgressions emerge from the shadows and we become sensitive to our interaction with others. A turning point presents itself. Though we feel regr...
My strongest memories of my father are of him leaving for work. There was something important about the ritual of him preparing for work. He was off to do important things. He was off to do business,...
The first among the six perfections is generosity. Generosity is of three types: giving material aid, giving dharma, and protecting from fear. 'Giving dharma' refers to the giving of teachings to othe...
In my recent conversation with my sister Connie, I was sharing the state of my life. I feel emptiness because I do not have a deep and intimate personal relationship. Victories and adventures are dull...
I had been and continued to be a strong and powerful woman, but something had been missing. I hadn't come to know my masculine self. Small wonder. My father loved me very much, but was nowhere present...
Divination is a word that is often loosely used to mean a type of intuition. The highest processes of what we do in any art or science involve this wonderful intuitive capacity. Put that way, we could...
Outside her country home, Dorisse exclaimed, "I've just got to stop and pick some of these delicious blackberries." Until she said that, I hadn't noticed that there were blackberry bushes all around u...
One of the most effective systems for using sound was developed in the fifth century A.D. by the famous Taoist physician T'ao Hung-ching. T'ao discovered that vocalizing different sounds while expelli...
Our childhood programming often keeps us from making our life work. How can we create happiness in our life? Making your life work means freeing yourself from your ego and rational mind that have kept...
Nature is a great teacher. Its natural cycles demonstrate important truths about life and renewal. Every year, deciduous trees must drop their leaves so that new life can form. If the leaves did not f...
For many years, I never watched TV. I remember my TV breaking down and as I placed it out with the garbage, deciding not to buy another one. So in those days, I was not watching the news, or anything...
In my years as a psychologist, I have come to believe that most people seeking psychotherapy are unhappy, not only because of earlier hurts and traumas as well as present frustrations and problems, bu...
Discover the twenty behaviors that ruin a relationship -- as well as the twenty behaviors that will nurture a relationship.
Aspects form a vital component of the interpretation of the natal chart. It does, however, happen that one or more planets do not receive or make any major aspects. They have no direct influence on ot...
Astrology has two helpful functions. One is to identify the strengths and abilities and the second function is to help us identify the ways we create our own problems. For instance, it was only by stu...
There are several ways to restore most of one's sexual performance including a high tone of physical conditioning and mental attitude. The power of the mind to influence the relative efficiency of one...
Individuals with ADHD may be our most creative individuals, our most extraordinary thinkers, our most brilliant inventors and pioneers. The children among us whom our teachers and psychiatrists say ar...
Have you noticed that on some days many of your clients or customers seem to have certain things in common.
As a lawyer, I spent a large portion of time advising divorce petitioners. I found there were a number of recurring themes -- types of conduct which are virtually guaranteed to drive the spouse to dri...
There has been much publicity in recent years about China and its teachers. After the most recent results from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) were published in 2013, considera...
University of Washington researchers have performed what they believe is the first noninvasive human-to-human brain interface, with one researcher able to send a brain signal via the Internet to contr...
In 1980 came his epic masterpiece, A People’s History Of The United States , “a brilliant and moving history of the American people from the point of view of those who have been exploited politically...
It seems that everywhere you look or is it "don't look" these days, the State is continuing to tighten its grip on personal freedoms once held dear by the general population. But times change. Some of...
Did you hear the one about the police officers who went to arrest Occupy Wall Street protesters in Springfield, Missouri? Well turns out after they did round up the protesters but the police officers...
It is during uncertain times that people are compelled to experience their interior world and heed their inner voice. They recognize a Grand Plan, a higher intelligence, search within themselves for m...
Tantric practices address us on the physical, intellectual, and spiritual levels. There are aspects of Tantra that speak to qualities found on each of these levels. In our study of the tantric texts,...
While this article was written with teenagers in mind, the suggestions and information it contains are valid for adults as well. Bill of Rights: * Your body is yours to respect and protect. * You have...
Correct use of the Mars principle can make for courage and endurance. Courage does not necessarily, of course, mean aggression or fighting. Courage means facing those things we are frightened of. For...
If you don't believe that there is sex after sixty, even seventy and eighty, just read the medical books. They will tell you that, yes, there is; perhaps a tiny bit less often, a smidgen less hot, but...
by John Taylor Gatto. For a while I think we need to make community service a required part of schooling. Besides the experience in acting unselfishly that it will teach, it is the quickest way to giv...
Eastern Astrology differs from Western astrology which most of us are more familiar with. The differences in astrological approaches are reflected in the Eastern use of a constellational, rather than...
Humanity is becoming increasingly aware of its spiritual heritage. This is a fundamental effect of the onset of the Age of Aquarius. It is leading an ever-growing number of people to investigate the n...
Everyday language has two contradictory opinions about relationships. On the one hand it says that 'birds of a feather flock together?, but then there is also the following expression: ?opposites attr...
edited by Michael Fallon. Here's when and where the planets are found in the sky during 2002. The planets are referenced to the constellations (astronomical or sidereal zodiac placements), not to the...
Few sociologists or astrologers have observed the paradigm shift which waits in ambush to mark most lives close to age of forty. The Neptune square -- the most disorienting feature among the "fated" m...
The first part of the retrograde process is where one learns to adapt to new rhythms, and explores different ways of learning. During the entire retrograde period, a different point of view and a new...
by Barbara Hand Clow. Imagine knowing in advance the timing and form that a major life crisis might take. That knowledge could help diffuse the crisis nature of the circumstances and create the possib...
I was sexually abused - for 8 years. By my brother. There it is, out in in the open for everyone to know. No lies, no stories, just the truth and me. I am tired of secrets and hush hushes behind the d...
The United States was born in the Year of the Monkey, the Month of the Cat (Rabbit), the Hour of the Ox, and the Minute of the Monkey.
by Susan Winston. Twenty-four of us sat nervously on unforgiving wooden benches. It was a day of mixed emotions. We all knew that behind our own personal happiness was a deeply disturbing practice her...
Western sexology says that you are a physical body and orgasm is an operational definition that can be measured.
Traditional astrology books were written in times when people were dogmatically certain about gender roles. 'In the chart of a man, Mars in Aquarius means...' The problem is that there is no way, whil...
What and who we find attractive is highly fluid -- we are all friends with at least one person whom we did not like when we first met them. In the same way that first impressions about people can be c...
Your soul has no gender. Each soul has varying percentages of male (focused) and female (creative) energy, but everyone has both male and female energies, and each soul can relate energetically to any...
Lorenzo Milam, disabled for over forty years, discusses how when people become disabled they put sex on the self and the need for proper sexual health.
In just one year, guns are used to kill more than thirty thousand Americans, and thousands more are injured. The fear of gun violence alone affects the quality of life of every American, even those wh...
Good health and a healthy prostate depend on a regular, happy sex life. There is no magic number that guarantees good health, but simply having sex is not enough. Ideally, sex is more than a physical...
The year 2003 is the Chinese Year of the Sheep, specifically, the Black Sheep (also known as the Ram) and the Chinese celebrate the New Year as starting on February 1, 2003. (February 1st 2003 - Janua...
Fear, control and denial. Authority. Discipline. Time. Learning things the hard way. Responsibilities. Duties. Beyond all else perhaps, Saturn represents fear, and many of the problems and difficultie...
No one alive knows what "natural" sex is for Humans. We have been too "civilized" (domesticated). We think that our own sexual preferences and habits are enlightened...
Your sexual health and attitude are determined by multiple influences -- your parents, friends, teachers and your environment and culture -- but the most important influence is you. Most of the time w...
by Stuart Sovatsky, Ph.D. Tantric practices are indications of a certain direction for intimacy and growth. They are not just instructions to be enacted or another set of erotic conventions to be perf...
by Joyce & Barry Vissell. Most people have a difficult time with their sexual lives. However, those traveling the spiritual path can develop unique problems in handling sexual energy. Some of us assum...
by anonymous. How can we normalize sexuality, taking it from scared to sacred? We undertake an individual journey into our Soul, the heroic journey referred to by mythologist, Joseph Campbell. This jo...
Chris Chrysler was a skilled and devoted violinist who had a lifelong dream to own a Stradivarius. For many years Chris worked hard to earn enough money to buy the coveted instrument. Finally he took...
The 'dark side' of our being is represented by the Moon. This is our invisible side, which is normally active during the night, when the conscious mind is at rest. The lunar-self is composed of the su...
You could find the relationship of your dreams right under your nose. Did you ever think of the work place as a primary source of dating opportunities? If you are thinking: not me; no way!, well, stop...
by Rhonda Levand. Our parents had a more profound influence on us than anyone else. What they communicated to us verbally, by their actions, or what they didn't tell us about sex, affects our sexualit...
by David & Ellen Ramsdale. When something is recycled, it is returned to its source. The wheel, or cycle, is turned back to the beginning of its circular path. There is some evidence that in human bei...
Few sociologists or astrologers have observed the paradigm shift which waits in ambush to mark most lives close to age of forty. The Neptune square -- the most disorienting feature among the "fated" m...
The Chinese Year of the Horse comes galloping into our lives. The Horse itself is a very Yang creature. Yang gives a tendency toward action, toward the act of rising up, increasing, expansion, and bri...
Mankind stands today on the threshold of a new World Age. Nevertheless, few people consciously understand what the transition to the Age of Aquarius actually implies.
Every language has an alphabet and predictive astrology is no different. What the astrologer is trying to do in formulating a prediction is to take the language of the Cosmos and translate that inform...
by Morton & Barbara Kelsey. What is the source of our fear of talking about sexuality and sexual conduct? Why is the subject so delicate and forbidding for adults that they are uncomfortable discussin...
The pendulum has been swinging from the days of save yourself for marriage, to the pill, free love, open marriage, STD's (sexually transmitted diseases) and safe sex. And the pendulum is still in moti...
The main thing to note is that transiting Pluto is located at the Ascendant point of the USA chart. Pluto is a planet which has an astrological significance of profound destruction and, in the wake of...
by Gerald Fishkin. Individual and family problems often go hand in hand. The stressed-out family member is likely to act out his or her tensions in the family setting, putting additional pressure on o...
by Dr Jenny McCloskey. Your sexual health and attitude are determined by multiple influences -- your parents, friends, teachers and your environment and culture -- but the most important influence is...
Every language has an alphabet and predictive astrology is no different. What the astrologer is trying to do in formulating a prediction is to take the language of the Cosmos and translate that inform...
by Bernadette Brady. Every language has an alphabet and predictive astrology is no different. What the astrologer is trying to do in formulating a prediction is to take the language of the Cosmos and...
by Eliza Bassett. This article mentions the most demanding aspects over the next 12 months with a few of the trines tossed in. Most of the time, there are many other easy aspects with other planets th...
When synthesizing a chart, I begin by considering the relationships between the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant. It is tempting to consider the three equal since people with the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant in an...
Sexual energy is instrumental to the Ageless Body. It is by virtue of the hormones and their master glands connected to sexual function that the body stays in a perpetual state of "juicy" youth.
Women and sex have been the two targets of the Christian Church for centuries. In early times, especially in Hellenic Greece, women had certain rights: divorce, contraception, ownership of property. B...
Whenever we feel that we must transform ourselves or when we discover that our growth has stagnated and our relationship has stopped developing, then it's helpful to take to heart the advice of the he...
by Dana Gerhardt. The 12th house has a somewhat unhappy reputation. This is the part of the chart where hidden enemies reside, along with frustrations, limits, confinement, self-undoing, and loss. It'...
Astrology can be a blessing when used as a guide or means to undertand unique happenings in our life. It can allow us to enrich and enhance our life by helping us uncover hidden talents and abilities,...
In what ways can astrology be considered a science? In general, it can be designated a science simply because it comprises a set of principles and laws that have been accumulated through observation;...
It is not necessary to have a belief in astrology in order for it to be of value to you. Astrology has nothing to do with belief. It's practical. It has to do with gaining knowledge and doing experime...
When we are alone we might feel tormented by the emptiness of our existence. We are saddened by life's loneliness, and are driven by an emotional hunger. We feel unreal. We suspect that something is m...
At what point do you say, "I'm leaving -- he's been beating me for years and it isn't going to stop"? When do you stop believing a lie? You stop when you learn the truth. And you learn the truth by no...
Perhaps if we listen to what astrology teaches us about the world, instead of seeking to find an explanation that will allow it to fit into existing categories of understanding, astrology could open t...
Eastern Astrology differs from Western astrology which most of us are more familiar with. The differences in astrological approaches are reflected in the Eastern use of a constellational, rather than...
People will ask you: I didn't know you were having trouble. What went wrong? You go over the confrontation script again, refining your grievances, sharpening the battles. The main thing is to get this...
People often ask psychologists if they can read what people are thinking just by observing their body language and, in particular, whether they can tell if someone is lying. The inner conflict that ta...
A Look at the Pluto In Virgo Generation -- Virgo's Revolutionaries. The signs of the outer planets address the culture and the time in which a person lives, how that era affects a person individually,...
Most astrologers subscribe to some version of the idea that nothing can happen that is not "promised" in the natal chart. This is unquestionably the backbone of astrological theory -- the idea that pl...
Most astrologers subscribe to some version of the idea that nothing can happen that is not "promised" in the natal chart. This is unquestionably the backbone of astrological theory -- the idea that pl...
by Sioux Rose. Few sociologists or astrologers have observed the paradigm shift which waits in ambush to mark most lives close to age of forty. The Neptune square -- the most disorienting feature amon...
The issues you'll deal with in the early stages of divorce are generally on opposite ends of the emotioectrum. Indeed, most people going through a marriage breakup enter therapy disoriented because th...
Many years ago when I practiced as a lawyer, I spent a large portion of time advising divorce petitioners. And, as I did so, I applied my psychological and astrological training to research the reason...
The moon's cycle can be an important one in planning your work schedule ' or your schedule for finding work. The sun also exerts a cyclic pull on us. The sun's cycle serves very much as an overall per...
The Year of the Dragon is often said to be the luckiest year to be born in. It is said that the Year of the Dragon is good for business and all money-making schemes. In Chinese culture, the Chinese dr...
By knowing the sign of the solar eclipse preceding your birth, you can identify the covenant you made with the universe in exchange for the privilege of having a body and being on the planet.
Why is marriage so tough at times? Why do some lifelong relationships click, while others just tick away like a time bomb? And how can you prevent a marriage from going bad -- or rescue one that alrea...
My suggestion is that marriage should happen after the honeymoon, never before it. As far as I know, ninety-nine percent of marriages are finished by the time the honeymoon is finished. But then you a...
Many men feel that their lives are ones of unrealized intentions. They wanted deeper friendships, but could never work them out, either. They wanted to be more open with their families, but could not...
How will this planet, that demands perfection and assists us in seeing patterns in our life, impact you in its upcoming 3 year passage through Gemini?
by Eliza Bassett. Transits represent external forces helping us to allow change. As we know, the world is always changing, and these planetary contacts assist us and allow us to move ahead. Transits p...
Approximately every seven years, Saturn makes a stressful aspect to the natal placement -- either a square or opposition. Looking back to when you were approximately seven years old and remembering th...
by Eliza Bassett. In times past, when we did not know scientifically about our world, we looked to the stars, and to those who could interpret the patterns of our neighboring planets. Royalty consulte...
Our difficulty lies in the fact that in asserting our right to partake in the man's world we have come to identify with the very patriarchal attitudes that devalue our mothers and grandmothers. We are...
by Eliza Bassett. The new millennium... There?s been a slight shift felt by some: more peace in their internal selves; optimism; an ability to feel with a strong knowing that this is going to be a gre...
Free Will? Fate? Which side are you on? The endless "fate versus free will" debate is foolish, and therefore fills foolish people with great enthusiasm. Both principles have validity; both are relevan...
The ancients established that there seemed to be a connection between the position of the Sun to the Moon in a woman's chart and when she was truly fertile. Just as the female body goes through the me...
The ancients established that there seemed to be a connection between the position of the Sun to the Moon in a woman's chart and when she was truly fertile. Just as the female body goes through the me...
In terms of complete Saturn cycles, you have three to work with at the most. The challenges presented by Saturn have at their core the demand that we become who we are, and who we can be, as fully as...
by Eliza Bassett The time for greater awareness and protection begins a full week before the first eclipse, and will return to their usual pattern a week after the last eclipse. Please use your highes...
The chart for the start of a job is second or third in importance to that of the birth chart itself. A chart cast for the time that employment begins is a viable event chart that can be used for both...
Now is the time for women's equality in Congress and at all other government and corporate decision-making levels. With men, we get rhetoric, more problems and no answers -- but lots of excuses. I am...
In order to be able to make an informed decision on whether or not Viagra is the way you want to treat your erectile dysfunction, you need to have a full understanding of what Viagra -- officially kno...
I was sexually abused - for 8 years. By my brother. There it is, out in in the open for everyone to know. No lies, no stories, just the truth and me. I am tired of secrets and hush hushes behind the d...
A testimonial of an encounter with a policeman who assisted in showing her the way back to the path of enlightenment and recovery: "One morning last spring I was driving down US1 at 5:30 in the mornin...
In my community, there is one man whose life speaks louder than his words. He is known as Sam, and he lives on the streets. His life provides us with a sense of charity so that we can live guilt-free...
A thought or decision can certainly redefine our direction in life and in love. There's a lesson in every experience. However, one usually doesn't figure out the lesson until well after the experience...
Article (short-fiction) that takes a look at being homeless and a way in and out of that experience.
Though many of us desire meaningful, intimate connection with a lover, most of the sexual images we are exposed to condition us to be aroused to sex without love. For each of us, our concept of sexual...
Let's look at some concrete examples of how parental attitudes tend to shape children's sexual identities. Certainly the lack of emotional affection and touch in many homes causes some youngsters to f...
How do herbs help with sex? The term "aphrodisiac" probably comes to mind right away. An aphrodisiac is anything that provokes sexual interest or desire. And it's true -- many herbs can enhance sexual...
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles. Sexuality is a beautiful expression of love. It is an intimate, sacred communion between two people. When experienced with an open heart, it can transcend the limitation...
Everything that is sexually stimulating is part of foreplay and effectively harmonizes the physical and subtle natures of the couple. Love-play should always be undertaken with an earnest desire for t...
Nude recreation is becoming increasingly popular almost everywhere worldwide. It is time to dispel existing myths about their way of life in order to increase understanding about this philosophy.
by Arthur Lytle, Ph.D. >Sexual intercourse can be a very creative act. On a temporary basis, some satisfaction can be had with almost any other human sexual partner, but only temporarily. There is alw...
by Rhonda Levand. Everything that happened to us in our infancy, every touch received, every reaction we felt to our sexuality, is remembered in our subconscious minds. We have stored these memories o...
by Diana Daffner. I would like you to touch me as if you were going away tomorrow, far far away, and you wanted to remember the feel of my body, the texture of my skin, the hills and valleys that make...
There are powerful landmarks that profoundly influence women's lives. They function as psychological gateways to the change in consciousness required by each new stage. Emotions women feel, the psycho...
Sex, the most fearful and fascinating, the most guilt ridden and ecstatic of arts, is a subject we do not discuss easily. Most of us have spent many years avoiding sex talk due to our shame, guilt, an...
When the machinery of rejuvenation is activated through the practice of Taoist sexology, aging can be prevented. The age-old search for the fountain of youth may end here, for Taoists believe that imm...
In modern Western societies the messages about sex are extremely contradictory and confusing. We have no traditional rites of passage nor meaningful ceremonies to initiate young people into informed a...
A sensual ceremony is a special gift. It is a physical sharing warmth and caring, an expression of tenderness. Giving this gift of pleasure, we invite another to be guided into the inner garden. Here...
Sex You Up! Sex is more than just fun, it's profoundly important in maintaining physical and emotional well-being Science has uncovered several ways in which regular sexual activity confers health ben...
by Miss Desmond Clark. Do you know how to tie your shoe? I hope so. Now, do you remember who taught you how? Whether it was your Mom or Dad is unimportant... but do you remember? We all have memories...
Many beings are yearning for relationships and most of those that are in relationships on earth are quite unsatisfied. It is a reflection of the imbalance of the earth. Now the time has come for the b...
These seven Tantric keys can open us up to our essential selves and unleash in us that abundant, joyous energy -- Every Day Ecstasy -- that allows us to be all that we can be as human beings with our...
It doesn't have to be as obvious as a clutch back from the brink of nirvana to show you that you're afraid to surrender to sex. Perhaps just as you're getting really turned on, you suddenly flash on s...
Thousands of years ago, people had achieved a high degree of awareness and an all chemical formula for converting what we know as sex energy-called by many names, such as Vital Force, Elan Vital, Soul...
A divorce, separation or, in general, any loss of an important relationship is a painful experience. We can, however, use this inner discomfort for our spiritual benefit. Although we need to make ever...
While hundreds of studies exist concerning the results of divorce and separation, less than a handful have been conducted concerning the prediction or likelihood of divorce for a couple. Thanks to Joh...
by Gabriel Horn. They stood together, a man and a woman, holding hands within the circle of wild oaks and sabal palms. A warm wind swept the sweet spring air around them into a gentle, loving force th...
Dear John, I have been seriously looking back upon our relationship and getting very clear on what I need and desire out of a relationship. The conclusion I have come to is that we are too different i...
There are many challenges to relationship; some of them come from outside of us and some come from within. Meeting these challenges takes commitment, time, and effort. But a good relationship is well...
There are many challenges to relationship; some of them come from outside of us and some come from within. Meeting these challenges takes commitment, time, and effort. But a good relationship is well...
The lonely withdrawal from married life is very real to men. They express loss in a million different ways. Some men are without solace, barely able to function, and say that "divorce is worse than de...
by Alan Cohen. You can find yourself in ideal conditions and be miserable, and you can be in the most adverse conditions and soar. Environment and physical factors may influence us, but attitude makes...
A lot of the afternoon talk shows are featuring "therapists" who say that it's not possible to completely repress memories of abuse. Well, I know from my dealings with thousands of abuse survivors tha...
Dealing with addictive responses such as anger, jealousy, irritation, aggravation.We learned these as children and we now respond automatically. We can learn to respond in a different manner, and thus...
Dictionary for use while reading behavior modification articles from Innerself Magazine. Contains common couseling and psychology terms.
When it comes to people, there are only about a dozen life stories in the whole world, and each archetype has its own obvious characteristics. The Supreme Achievers, the Saviors, usually have great st...
by Douglas Bloch, M.A. The other day I overheard the following conversation between a father and a neighbor friend. "I can't understand how my children Molly and Sarah came from the same family," Tim...
by Rio Olesky, M.A. The twelve signs of the zodiac are archetypes of human experience. They help us to be objectively aware of our attitudes and behaviors, our drives and motivations. All ten planets...
The goal of hypnosis is to access the subconscious mind which functions at a deeper level than our usual level of awareness. Our subconscious mind is not limited. It can remember everything and can tr...
Medical astrology requires a different approach to counseling than natal astrology. The medical astrologer is usually not a licensed medical practitioner, such as an M.D., N.D., D.C. or D.O., since mo...
by Jenny Yates. The moon circles the earth quickly, passing through all the signs of the zodiac in 28 days. She is generous with her changes, offering a new zodiacal perspective every 2+ days. The moo...
Transiting Neptune infrequently aspects itself in the course of a life time, but such "life-cycles" are usually experienced by most people around the same age. All of these phases can be very subtle,...
Someone asked me why all "New Age" astrology is so positive. Isn't there anybody out there who will focus on the negative qualities of the signs? Each of the signs certainly does have a distinctly neg...
As we advance in our studies of astrology, we become centered and prepared to meet whatever comes. Astrology teaches us to awaken through every experience, meeting each moment with courage...
by Sylvia Browne. Your Sun sign (where the sun was positioned at birth) is characteristic of what you are "made of." The Sun sign presents a view of your inner self, that which you feel is you, your f...
by Salvatore Though this article was written in 1995 a lot of the information can be applied to current transits and planetary shifts.
A look at transits, retrogrades, and other aspects that affect our lives. When Mercury moves away from Earth in its orbit around the Sun, it is said to be moving in direct motion. When Mercury approac...
A guide to minerals, with benefits, symptoms of deficiency, and natural food sources.
A guide to vitamins, from A to K, with benefits, symptoms of deficiency, and natural food sources.
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