Photo: Composite photo of annular solar eclipse by MaryBeth Kiczenski

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Written and Narrated by Pam Younghans

Current and previous weeks astrological overviews

Astrological Overview: Sept. 30 - Oct. 6, 2024

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this weekly astrological journal based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.

Aspects of Note this Week:

All times listed are Pacific Standard Time. For Eastern Time, add 3 hours; Add 7 hours for Universal Time (UT), but add 8 hours for BST.

Monday: Sun conjunct Mercury
Tuesday: No major aspects are exact today
Wednesday: New Moon Solar Eclipse 11:49 a.m. PDT 10 Libra 03, Mercury sesquiquadrate Uranus
Thursday: Venus sesquiquadrate Neptune, Mercury quincunx Saturn
Friday: Sun sesquiquadrate Uranus, Venus trine Saturn
Saturday: Mercury square Mars
Sunday: Sun quincunx Saturn

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RING OF FIRE ECLIPSE: October's New Moon, which occurs at 11:49 a.m. PDT on Wednesday, October 2, is also an annular Solar Eclipse. Energetically, a Solar Eclipse impacts us more profoundly than a regular New Moon, and can also influence our lives for six months or longer after the event. 

While not a total eclipse, this annular Solar Eclipse is visually quite dramatic. It is called a "ring of fire" eclipse because the Moon does not fully block the solar disk, but instead leaves the outer, fiery rim of the Sun visible. The eclipse can be seen from the South Pacific Ocean, South America, the Atlantic Ocean, and Antarctica. 

SOUTH NODE ECLIPSE: Wednesday's lunation is called a "South Node" eclipse because the Sun and Moon will be in close proximity to the karmic South Node. This type of eclipse highlights qualities and behaviors that we must transmute if we are to progress on our evolutionary journey. It can bring up old patterns and tendencies that we must leave behind if we are to advance.

A South Node eclipse in Libra calls for us to redefine our relationships with others and with ourselves, to see if and where we are out of balance. It shows us where we may be prioritizing outer harmony over personal integrity, or where we might avoid taking a risk because it could disrupt the status quo. It also reminds us of the importance of trusting our own instincts rather than relying on others' perspectives and opinions.

MERCURY & MORE: At the time of the eclipse, when the two luminaries align at 10°03' Libra, they are also closely conjunct Mercury, Black Moon Lilith, the asteroid Astraea, and the dwarf planet Makemake. And, all of the aforementioned bodies are in hard square aspect to Mars and to Ceres. As you might surmise, this is a powerful interplay of energies! 

Mercury's strong activation at the time of the eclipse highlights events and challenges involving transportation, travel, communication, networking, information-sharing, and technology. As we try to make logical sense of the world around us, we may also deal with symptoms related to mental health and involving our nervous systems. Strength is found in the ability to know and stand by our truth, and in our capacity to make clear, reasonable assessments and decisions. 

Bringing all these influences together: As we move through this week, we could be inundated with information (Mercury) that triggers intense emotions (Black Moon Lilith). Feelings of vulnerability result in anger and mama bear protectionism, driving defensive action (Mars in Cancer). Questions of fairness and equal treatment arise, compelling us to face issues that we might usually avoid (Astraea). Worries about humanity's relationship to nature could inspire some to environmental or social activism (Makemake). Concerns also arise about who is legally responsible for food quality and supply, as well as the well-being of families and children (Ceres in Capricorn).

A HEADS-UP: I also want to mention that the Full Moon linked to this week's Solar Eclipse is a very powerful one and will extend the transformational "eclipse zone" energies into the next two weeks, at least. The new lunar cycle that begins this Wednesday will climax with a Full Moon in Aries on October 17. 

At the time of that lunation, a cardinal grand cross will form between the Moon, Eris, and Chiron in Aries, the Sun and Juno in Libra, Mars in Cancer, and Pluto in Capricorn. This configuration will strongly activate the power plays and battles of will represented by the Mars-Pluto opposition that perfects on November 3. I'll write more on this influence in the next two issues of this Journal, but wanted to give you a heads-up.

THIS WEEK'S ASPECTS: Here are my brief interpretations of this week's most important planetary aspects, day by day: 

Sun conjunct Mercury: The desire to reach consensus motivates conversations today. We have the ability to see both sides of an issue so will need to be clear on our truth when making decisions.

No major aspects are exact today.

New Moon Solar Eclipse: The new lunar cycle begins at 11:49 a.m. PDT today, when the Sun and Moon align at 10°03' Libra.
Mercury sesquiquadrate Uranus: Our minds are scattered and communications could be derailed today. We could also receive surprising news that requires us to rethink our plans. Nervous energy is heightened.

Venus sesquiquadrate Neptune: A tendency to idealize a person or to overvalue an object can lead to disappointment. We may not see a situation clearly, leading to misjudgments.
Mercury quincunx Saturn: The glass may appear to be half empty instead of half full with this aspect. The mind tends to be more pessimistic or cynical than usual. Frustrations and delays in communications and travel are possible.

Sun sesquiquadrate Uranus: A restlessness and a need for independence inspire eccentric or surprising behaviors today.
Venus trine Saturn: This influence supports greater honesty, intimacy, and commitment in personal relationships. Stability is based on a deeper understanding of each person's motivations.

Mercury square Mars: People may be argumentative and defensive. Words are spoken bluntly, hastily, or forcefully.

Sun quincunx Saturn: It may be hard to see silver linings with this aspect. We are challenged to be realistic but not pessimistic.



Your abilities to think clearly and to communicate calmly are central to your sense of fulfillment this year. You may be especially drawn to learn, teach, or write. Problems can arise if you become too protective of your ideas and feel you must defend them in some way. Do your best not to take things personally; remember that most people are not intentionally hurtful, merely self-absorbed. An inner restlessness urges you to try something new, and to be open to exploring new ideas this year. (Solar Return Sun conjunct Mercury, square Mars, sesquiquadrate Uranus)


TRANSLATION and AUDIO/VIDEO VERSION: This weekly Journal is recorded (in English) AND the text is transcribed into 30 languages! You'll see a row of flags under "Available Languages" in the upper right. And, there are options to listen to the audio (in English)  or watch a video directly beneath the photo (see top of page).

The Journal entry is usually updated by Sunday evening, with the recordings appearing late Sunday or by Monday depending on your time zone. Please share this information with those who might benefit.



THE FINAL FOUR! If you missed my recent webinar covering the last four months of 2024, no worries! The replay, slideshow, and monthly calendars are available for purchase. Just send an email with "Webinar Replay" in the subject line to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I'll reply with all the details.

DAILY ASTROLOGY: For daily astrological insights, including lunar aspects not covered in this weekly Journal, please follow me on Instagram:


For previous weeks of the Astrological Journal, click here.


About the Author

Pam Younghans is a professional astrologer, editor, and writer. She lives in a log home northeast of Seattle, Washington with her beloved animal companions. She has been interpreting charts professionally for over 25 years. If you are interested in an astrology reading, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or leave a message at 425.445.3775.

For more information about NorthPoint Astrology offerings, please visit or visit her Facebook page