woman with eyes closed in reflection
Image by A. Debus from Pixabay

Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner Self.

I feel it's very important for us to realize that we are not powerless. We can change our life, we can change the way things are and the way they work. The only reason we feel powerless is because: 1) we were told, verbally and subliminally, that we are powerless, and 2) we were not taught that we are powerful. We have learned to give our power away to "those in charge", whether that be religious leaders, teachers, politicians, "the law", our parents, our mate, our boss, and even sometimes our peers and friends.

All around us we find that there are "leaders of the pack". In the animal kingdom, the leader of the pack usually has the good of his charges in mind... the leader finds the best hunting ground, the best place for fresh water, access to food, etc. However in the human realm, the leaders of the pack have been corrupted in their own mind and in their craving for power... whether that power lies in material things, status, or power over others.

But people only have power over us because we give them our power. When we abdigate our right to make our own choices, our own decisions, to decide what is right for us, then we are the ones who are empowering them to do whatever they choose to do, whether it is in our best interests or not.

As we approach election time in the USA and as many other countries also deal with the battle between the good of the people and the good of the few, good and evil, compassion and greed, we need to stand firm in our own personal truth... not what the media tells us, not what our neighbors tell us, but what we know in our heart is the loving and compassionate way to live life, both personally and as a nation. Is closing borders a compassionate way to live or a way to try to hoard what we have? Is denying the rights of minorities, women, sexual-differences. a way of living the teachings of Jesus to "Love Thy Neighbor"? Of course not. 

It's time for us to be real, to be true to what we know is right, to be the best loving compassionate person we can be. It's time to stand up for Love, for Compassion, for Kindness. We can choose to bury ourselves in trivial matters (watching other people - fictional or real - live) or we can decide that this is our life, our world, and "we aren't going to take it anymore". Evolving to be who we truly are... a shining bright light of Love and Compassion to make a difference in our world. 

We are blessed in the Western world with immeasurable material riches, yet are we rich in Love and Compassion? Those are the riches that will bring us happiness... not the new TV or new car or new house, or whatever. A new attitude, one of Love for humanity -- whether they look like us, think like us, or live like us -- that's what will bring us happiness and will empower us to live our life to our full cabability. You are powerful! You have power over yourself and that can make a big difference in your life and in the life of those around you. Let's do it, let's be it, let's live it!

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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week. 

...with Peace, Love, and Gratitude,
Marie T. Russell,
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"


The Mary Poppins Principle: Fun Behavioral Science Strategies

This Week's Astrological Overview

Your InnerSelf "To Do" List: 

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