pensive young woman
Image by Ankit Singh

Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner Self.

Comment from Marie:

One thing we all have in common is we all have, or at least had, a mother... thus we also had ancestors. We have a lineage from which we descend. This means we have certain traits we have inherited (skin color, eye color, build, etc.) as well as some personality traits and behaviors that we also have either acquired genetically or through modeled behavior.

Even is we are not close to our birth family, there is still a connection through our cells, our blood, our shared history and experiences. We can learn a lot about ourselves by observing, or remembering, the behavior of our family members (just as we can learn a lot about ourselves by observing the people that we draw, or are drawn to, in life). But, it's important to remember that while we can learn from these connections, we are not mirror images or even "genetically-obligated" to adopt behaviors, weaknesses, diseases, etc.

We can identify the patterns and then tap into our innate power and surpass the limitations of our ancestors (near and far). They came, as everyone else in our life, to help us learn about ourselves and to help us release any limitations that keep us from expressing our true and complete radiant Self.

While you may have inherited genes and learned behaviors, you are unique and you are in charge of where you go from here... Your behavior, your attitudes, your choices, your health, are uniquely yours. The past is not a map for the future. The future is what you choose to create right here and right now, as well as in the next moment, the next day, etc. 

In the book Illusions by Richard Bach (one of my long-time favorite books) it says: "Argue for your limitations, and they are yours." In other words, if you insist that you will get cancer because your parent did, then you are the one who is accepting that limitation. If you agree that because your parent was diabetic, you will also be diabetic, you are "arguing for your limitation" -- you are telling the Universe (which I also refer to as The Big Yes) that you are agreeing to this limitation.

So this is why it's important, not only to watch our words, but also to watch what we "accept as truth" in our history and parent's history. You are your own creator, you are the boss of you. You do not have to accept the limitations (or illnesses or ccharacter traits) of your ancestors, as they are not yours. Everything can be healed. Everything can change. The key? We have to be open and willing to believe it is possible and then, let it happen.

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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week. 

...with Peace, Love, and Gratitude,
Marie T. Russell,
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"



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