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Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

Our world and our life is filled with stereotypes, phobias, and many more attitudes and behaviors that have become the norm. Yet, in all of this we always remain the ones who hold the power of choice. We choose whether to do something, or not.

As my mother used to say, and maybe yours too, “Would you jump off a cliff just because all your friends did?”. The point is that even if everyone else is doing a particular thing, you still have the freedom of choice. You don't have to do it just because others are... whether we're talking about diet, social media, attitudes, or other behaviors.

Many of our articles deal with choices we can make... whether in behavior, eating habits, parenting, political actions, stress, anxiety, exercise, and much more. The choices are always ours to make. However, sometimes we need to first be aware of the range of possibilities in those choices. It's not always the obvious one which is the "right" choice. At, we strive to present you with various options and choices to help you create a happier, healthier, and more balanced life through the choices you make.

Scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.

Please visit our YouTube channel and subscribe. Thank you.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week. 

Marie T. Russell and Robert Jennings
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"


coping with reality 7 28

Navigating Distressing Realities: Understanding the Psychological Stages and Moving Towards Growth

Author: Robert Jennings,

As we confront the daunting challenges of our time, such as the threat of nuclear war, the impacts of climate change, the erosion of democracy, and economic instability, there are three psychological stages individuals experience when facing these distressing realities.
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friendship advice 7 28

The Art of Great Friendship: How Nietzsche's Insights Can Enhance Relationships

Author: Neil Durrant, Macquarie University

Friends, family, lovers – these are three mainstays in our intimate lives. We typically expect familial relationships to be solid, essentially for life. In our romantic lives, we search for the “one” to be with for life.
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Child Anxiety Treatment Options: What You Need to Know

Author: Simon Byrne, The University of Queensland

Children’s fears can focus on areas such as being alone, talking to strangers or going to sleep. In small amounts these fears can be helpful for survival; in large amounts they can become overwhelming and impairing.
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learning to love barbie again 7 28

Embracing Femininity: A Feminist Philosopher's Journey with Barbie

Author: Carol Hay, UMass Lowell

As a mama trying to raise a daughter free from the gendered stereotypes of my own childhood, I steered her clear of Barbie dolls.
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Instagram's Impact on Tourist Behavior: How to Travel Respectfully

Author: Lauren A. Siegel, University of Greenwich

Popular destinations have seen an uptick in incidents involving tourists in recent years. Reports of a man defacing the Colosseum in Rome shows that behaviour has deteriorated even in places that rarely had problems in the past.
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food that triggers asthma 7 25

Asthma and Diet: The Impact of Food on Your Lung Health

Author: Evan Williams, University of Newcastle

Certain foods or dietary patterns are linked with better control of your asthma. Others may make it worse. Depending on what you’ve eaten, you can see the effects in hours.
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seniors volunteering 7 25

Volunteering in Late Life: A Shield Against Cognitive Decline and Dementia

Author: Robert Jennings,

Volunteering in late life may be more than just a noble act of giving back to the community; it could be a critical factor in safeguarding the brain against cognitive decline and dementia.
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DIY Exercise Program: Stay Fit Without Breaking the Bank

Author: Lewis Ingram, University of South Australia et al

With the rising cost of living, gyms memberships and fitness classes are becoming increasingly unaffordable. But the good news is you can make just as much progress at home.
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The Science Behind Junk Food Addiction and the Global Obesity Crisis

Author: Robert Jennings,

Do you know why junk food is so addictive? Are you craving sweets yet? If you've ever wondered why junk food can be so addictive, you're not alone.Continue reading


How Our Immune System Fights Respiratory Viruses: Explained

Author: Lara Herrero and Wesley Freppel, Griffith University

Respiratory viruses like influenza virus (flu), SARS-CoV-2 (which causes COVID) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) can make us sick by infecting our respiratory system, including the nose, upper airways and lungs.
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Beating the Heat: How to Train Your Body for Hot Weather Outdoors

Author: Anthony Bain, University of Windsor

Global warming is making outdoor activities challenging — especially exercise.
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Embracing AI in Education: How ChatGPT Can Transform Learning

Author: Andy Phippen, Bournemouth University

ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence (AI) platform launched by research company Open AI, can write an essay in response to a short prompt. It can perform mathematical equations – and show its working.
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Intermittent Fasting vs. Calorie Counting: Which is Better for Weight Loss?

Author: David Clayton, Nottingham Trent University

The traditional approach to weight loss is to count calories and try to reduce the number consumed each day.
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From Nature to Commerce: How Witchcraft Embraces Commercialization

Author: Helen A. Berger, Brandeis University

Most Pagans view the Earth as the Goddess, with a body that humans must care for, and from which they gain emotional, spiritual and physical sustenance.
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From Nasty Words to Threats: The Rise of Menacing Politics in America

Author: Thomas Zeitzoff, American University

The indictment of a former president was shocking, but Trump’s words were not. Twenty years ago, his rhetoric would have been unusual coming from any member of Congress, let alone a party leader.
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The Silent Heartbreaker: How Loneliness Impacts Diabetics' Heart Health

Author: Robert Jennings,

Loneliness can profoundly impact our physical and emotional health, and a new study from Tulane University has shed light on its significant role in the development of cardiovascular disease among people with diabetes.


Conservative Ideology Shift: Challenges to Free Trade Unveiled

Author: Sam Routley, Western University

Challenges to free trade reveal a big change in conservative ideology
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amoc map 7 26

The Unseen Tipping Point: Understanding the Potential Impact of an AMOC Shutdown

Author: Robert Jennings,

The Unseen Tipping Point: Understanding the Potential Impact of an AMOC Shutdown Have you ever heard of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation or AMOC? Don't worry if you haven't! It's not a daily discussion topic, but it's an integral part of our planet that scientists…
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AI in Film: Actors Concerned About Their Future in Hollywood

Author: Dominic Lees, University of Reading

Film and television actors in the US came out on strike on July 14, causing Hollywood productions to shut down.
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PFAS and health 7 25

Understanding PFAS Forevever Chemicals and Their Dangers

Author: A. Daniel Jones and Hui Li

3M offers $10.3B settlement over PFAS contamination in water systems – now, how do you destroy a ‘forever chemical’?
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weight loss is biological 7 24

Obesity Epidemic: Biology, Not Willpower, to Blame

Author: Megha Poddar, and Sean Wharton, McMaster University

Today, mountains of calorie-rich (and often nutritionally poor) food and lakes of sugary beverages are readily available in much of the world. It’s no longer necessary to leave home — or even stand up — to access this cornucopia.
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oil companies and climate change 7 24

Big Oil's Decades-Long Gaslighting Campaign: Unraveling the Truth behind the Climate Crisis

Author: Robert Jennings,

Imagine a world where extreme heatwaves scorch cities, wildfires consume forests, and hurricanes wreak havoc on coastlines.
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green tea 7 24

Unraveling the Healing Potential of Green Tea Compound EGCG for Uterine Fibroids

Author: InnerSelf Staff

Uterine fibroids, or leiomyomas, are benign tumors commonly occurring in the uterus. They affect many women, particularly African Americans, and can lead to clinical symptoms such as abnormal bleeding, pelvic pain, and infertility.
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This Week's Astrological Overview

Astrological Overview and Horoscope: July 31 - August 6, 2023

Author: Pam Younghans

Photo by Frank Cone: Supermoon over snowcapped mountains. 

This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
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For the link to the audio/video version of the Astrological Overview, see Video section below.

Videos Added to YouTube This Week

Astrological Overview: July 31 - August 6, 2023

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration July 28-29-30 , 2023

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration July 27, 2023

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration July 26, 2023

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration July 25, 2023

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration July 24, 2023 


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