Image by Jan Alexander

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

There's turbulence in the weather, and perhaps also turbulence in our "inner weather"... We face challenges whether in the external world, or with personal relationships,  or with our health... It seems the turbulence is to be found both on the inside and the outside. And of course, since everything is a reflection of everything else, this makes perfect sense (though we may not be enjoying it all that much).

We start this week's articles with something that seems obvious, yet not always easy to do. Lauren Walker tells us:  "To Change, You Have to Change".  In his article, Will T. Wilkinson quotes Lao Tsu who famously said, "If we don't change direction, we'll end up where we are headed."  And we are faced with the harsh reality of places and situations where we really don't want to end up... whether dealing with war, climate catastrophes, health crises, etc.. Will suggests "Riding The D Train: Getting Up and Doing Something Different"

Another area of our lives where change may be needed is in the realm of personal relationships. Sue Patton Thoele recommends "Accepting Family Foibles (And Protecting Yourself!): Teaching Others How To Treat You". We are definitely in a learning situation at this time on planet earth, and we need to take charge of our life to make the necessary changes. Ted Baxter, in his book Relentless, shares a story from his process of healing from a stroke in "Throwing My Own Switch: Motivation, Mind, and Determination".

It seems that there are challenges not just in our personal lives but everywhere we turn. Our attitudes and beliefs need to change and Eileen Workman, in an excerpt from her book Sacred Economics, shares about these needed changes in: "Modern Beliefs About Economics vs. Following The Laws Of Nature".

Sarah Varcas recaps the energies we are going through in "2020 Is Set To Be A Watershed Year: Resistance, Choice Points and Fresh Perspectives" And Pam Younghans, in this week's "Astrological Journal", shares some very good advice: "...remember, throughout this week and for the rest of January at least, how important self-care is now. Whether we're aware of it consciously or it is beyond our level of awareness, we are each navigating some truly profound energy shifts."

So this new year requires our awareness, focus, and clarity. It is not the time to bury our head in the sand, or disappear in la-la-land, as appealing as that may seem at times. It is time to stand up and participate in our life and in the world we live in. We are not bystanders and we are not victims. We are co-creators in the 2020 production of life on Earth.

And let us remember, that "the world's a stage" and we are all playing our part. So let's play it well, yet not get overwhelmed by our character's (or other characters') flaws and foibles. We are in a huge improvisational show... so each choice, each action, each thought is another step in the improv of life. Let's respond from the heart and from a higher perspective than that of competition, anger, and fear.

I wish all of us, clarity and connecting with our inner guidance and our loving heart.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

To Change, You Have to Change

Written by Lauren Walker

To Change, You Have to Change
It is sometimes impossible to understand the path of your life, especially when it takes an unexpected turn toward illness, disease, trauma, or loss. You cast about for answers, build stories to explain your new life, and move forward as best you can.

Riding The D Train: Getting Up and Doing Something Different

Written by Will T. Wilkinson

innerself subscribe graphic

Riding The D Train: Getting Up and Doing Something Different
Trains. Who doesn't love riding on a train? And "switching tracks" is such a perfect metaphor for taking charge of our lives. As Lao Tsu famously said, "If we don't change direction, we'll end up where we are headed."

Accepting Family Foibles (And Protecting Yourself!): Teaching Others How To Treat You

Written by Sue Patton Thoele

Accepting Family Foibles (And Protecting Yourself!): Teaching Others How To Treat You
|I know from my own life, and as a former therapist, that family foi­bles and failures can be excruciatingly painful. For many of us, it takes great strength to heal from childhood wounds.

Throwing My Own Switch: Motivation, Mind, and Determination

Written by Ted W. Baxter

Throwing My Own Switch: Motivation, Mind, and Determination
Many PhDs that I met during my recovery said that if your stroke affected your right side of your body, as mine did, you should do everything on the

2020 Is Set To Be A Watershed Year: Resistance, Choice Points and Fresh Perspectives

Written by Sarah Varcas

2020 Is Set To Be A Watershed Year: Resistance, Choice Points and Fresh Perspectives
2020 is set to be a watershed year offering many opportunities for change and recalibration. On considering the charts for this year I feel excitement about what could be, whilst being mindful of the fact that what will be is largely up to us! There will undoubtedly be challenges along the way, coupled with gifts and blessings.

Modern Beliefs About Economics vs. Following The Laws Of Nature

Written by Eileen Workman

Modern Beliefs About Economics vs. Following The Laws Of Nature
People today are espousing some very strange beliefs about the state of our modern economy. We frequently hear things like: We can no longer afford to educate our children, provide universal health care, clean up our polluted environment, innovate around renewable energy resources, provide food, water and basic shelter for all, share...

The Immortal And False Myth Of The Workplace Queen Bee
The Immortal And False Myth Of The Workplace Queen Bee

by Sarah Kaplan and Isabel Fernandez

Cat fights, mean girls, Queen Bees. We’ve all heard these terms stemming from a popular belief that women don’t help…

Climate Watchdog Warns US Fracking Boom Leading to 30% Rise in Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2025
Climate Watchdog Warns US Fracking Boom Leading to 30% Rise in Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2025

by Jessica Corbett

This analysis shows that we're heading in the wrong direction and really need to slow emissions growth from the oil…

Teens With A Higher Sense Of Family Status Are Healthier
Teens With A Higher Sense Of Family Status Are Healthier

by Joshua Rivenbark and Candice Odgers

An adolescent’s sense of their own family’s social and economic status is closely linked to that teen’s physical and…

Can Tea Cut Depression Symptoms In Older People?
Can Tea Cut Depression Symptoms In Older People?

by Feng Qiushi

There’s an association between consistent and frequent tea-drinking and significantly fewer depression symptoms in…

Cruise Ships Can Be Floating Petri Dishes Of Gastro Bugs. 6 Ways To Stay Healthy At Sea
Cruise Ships Can Be Floating Petri Dishes Of Gastro Bugs. 6 Ways To Stay Healthy At Sea

by Leesa Bruggink

Cruise ships, with hundreds, even thousands of people in close quarters, can also be a hotbed of germs.

How The Human Body Temperature Has Dropped Over Time
How The Human Body Temperature Has Dropped Over Time

by Julie Parsonnet and Myroslava Protsiv

The average human body temperature in the United States has decreased over the past 157 years, researchers report.

How Our Adversarial Culture Does Not Serve The Truth
How Our Adversarial Culture Does Not Serve The Truth

by Martin Lenz

Philosophical discussions, whether in a professional setting or at the bar, frequently consist of calling out mistakes…

Winning At Social Media Is Probably Simpler Than You Think
Winning At Social Media Is Probably Simpler Than You Think

by Matteo Farina

While most of us intuitively understand what others find interesting, there’s a growing body of research on online…

What Is The True Value Of Exercise For Older People And Society In General
What Is The True Value Of Exercise For Older People And Society In General

by Carys Jones

Research shows that the benefits of older people going to exercise groups go beyond self-improvement and provide good…

Why You're Probably More Susceptible To Misinformation Than You Think
Why You're Probably More Susceptible To Misinformation Than You Think

by Darren Lilleker

Online misinformation works, or so it would seem. One of the more interesting statistics from the 2019 UK general…

Why We Are Hard-wired To Worry, And What We Can Do To Calm Down
Why We Are Hard-Wired To Worry, And What We Can Do To Calm Down

by James Carmody

We want things to be better for ourselves and the people we love, but worry that they won’t be, and imagine some of the…

Why Self-driving Cars Will Not Fix Our Transportation Woes
Why Self-Driving Cars Will Not Fix Our Transportation Woes

by Cameron Roberts

It’s 2035, and you’re going to a movie. As you walk out the door, you reach for your phone instead of the car keys…

The Rise And Rise Of Audio Storytelling In The Podcast Revolution
The Rise And Rise Of Audio Storytelling In The Podcast Revolution

by Richard Brooks

The roots of the reinvention go back to the early 1980s. Adaptations like the BBC’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,…

4½ Myths About Sunscreen And Why They're Wrong
4½ Myths About Sunscreen and Why They're Wrong

by Katie Lee and Monika Janda

Many Australians are reluctant to use sunscreen, even though it’s an important element in preventing the skin cancers…

Why School Closures Hit Rural Communities So Hard
Why School Closures Hit Rural Communities So Hard

by Mara Casey Tieken

Rural school closures are causing as much, if not more, upheaval as what’s going on when public schools in Chicago and…

Tweets About Cannabis' Health Benefits Are Full Of Mistruths
How Tweets About Cannabis' Health Benefits Are Full Of Mistruths

by Jon-Patrick Allem

There has been a lot of talk in the U.S. about legalizing recreational cannabis, and about cannabis’ potential to help…

A Psychological View Of The Meaning Of Life
A Psychological View Of The Meaning Of Life

by Steve Taylor

The search for meaning in life is a familiar challenge to many of us. Some materialist scientists and philosophers…

How Telecommuters Create Positive Change
How Telecommuters Create Positive Change

by Mohja Rhoads and Fynnwin Prager

More Americans are using flexible workplace practices – including telecommuting, co-working and off-peak start times...

Animal Response To A Wildfire is Astounding. These Are The Tricks They Use To Survive
Animal Response To A Wildfire is Astounding. These Are The Tricks They Use To Survive

by Dale Nimmo

Have you ever wondered how our native wildlife manage to stay alive when an inferno is ripping through their homes, and…

Why Americans Give Birth In Bed
Why Americans Give Birth In Bed

by Neel Shah

Americans still choose to give birth bed-bound, on their backs, with their knees up, legs spread, feet in the air.

Why People Leave Facebook And What It Tells Us About The Future Of Social Media
Why People Leave Facebook and What It Tells Us About The Future Of Social Media

by Mark Whitehead

With the exception of Google, there has never been a company that has had this many people using its services.

A Call on Every Major City in the World to Divest From Climate-Destroying Fossil Fuels
A Call on Every Major City in the World to Divest From Climate-Destroying Fossil Fuels

by Jessica Corbett

Mayors Bill de Blasio of New York and Sadiq Khan of London on Tuesday urged every major city in the world to divest…

4 Ways To Reduce The Carbon In Your Food Basket
4 Ways To Reduce The Carbon In Your Food Basket

by Luca Panzone and Natasha Auch

How does your food shop affect the planet? Well, think of it like this

Is Sparkling Water Bad For You?
Is Sparkling Water Good For You or Bad For You?

by Nicola Innes and Suzanne Zaremba

While most people know they should drink more water, it can be a bit boring. So what about sparkling water as an option…

How Communities Can Combat Racism, Hate And Extremism With Education
How Communities Can Combat Racism, Hate and Extremism With Education

by Kawser Ahmed

Countering extremist anti-immigrant and racist attitudes and recruiting in Manitoba requires new approaches.

Veganism Has Always Been More About Living An Ethical Life Than Just Avoiding Meat And Dairy
Veganism Has Always Been More About Living An Ethical Life Than Just Avoiding Meat And Dairy

by Kate Stewart and Matthew Cole

The word “vegan” was invented in 1944 in Leicester, England by Donald Watson and his future wife Dorothy Morgan. That…

How Childhood Deprivation Affects Brain Size And Behaviour
How Childhood Deprivation Affects Brain Size and Behaviour

by Nuria Mackes

The human brain goes through dramatic developmental changes in the first years of life. During this period it is…

How The EPA's Proposed Secret Science Rule Directly Threatens Children's Health
How The EPA's Proposed Secret Science Rule Directly Threatens Children's Health

by Gabriel Filippelli

The Trump administration is working to weaken U.S. environmental regulations in many areas, from water and air…

Rediscovering Boredom In The Age Of The Smartphone
Rediscovering Boredom In The Age Of The Smartphone

by Julie Shiels

Smartphones have changed the way we inhabit public space and more specifically, how we fill our time while waiting.

The Dark Side Of Supportive Relationships
The Dark Side Of Supportive Relationships

by Edward Lemay and Michele Gelfand

Imagine that you’ve had a heated argument with a co-worker, and you call up your husband or wife to talk about it. Your…

Asians Are Good At Math? Why Dressing Up Racism As A Compliment Just Doesn't Add Up
Asians Are Good At Math? Why Dressing Up Racism As A Compliment Just Doesn't Add Up

by Niral Shah

The narrative that “Asians are good at math” is pervasive in the United States. Young children are aware of it. College…

How Psychology Can Help People Coping With Life Threatening Food Allergies
How Psychology Can Help People Coping With Life Threatening Food Allergies

by Rebecca Knibb

Food allergies have a big impact on people’s quality of life. The stress and worry of having a potentially…

Hunter, Hunted: When The World Catches On Fire, How Do Predators Respond?
Hunter, Hunted: When The World Catches On Fire, How Do Predators Respond?

by Euan Ritchie, et al

2019 might well be remembered as the year the world caught fire. Some 2.9 million hectares of eastern Australia have…

Universal Coverage, Single-payer, Medicare For All: What Does It All Mean For You?
Universal Coverage, Single-payer, Medicare For All: What Does It All Mean For You?

by Simon F. Haeder

Partisan wrangling over health reform has perhaps been the most acrimonious issue in Americans politics, exemplified by…

Want To Be Happy? Then Live Like A Stoic For A Week
Want To Be Happy? Then Live Like A Stoic For A Week

by John Sellars

What have the Romans ever done for us? Well, obviously the roads – the roads go without saying. How about guidance for…

This Is Better Than an Apology
This Is Better Than an Apology

by The Gottman Institute

Why repair attempts are even more powerful than saying sorry. Everyone messes up. Any relationship involves two…

Wildfires Have Reshaped Life On Earth Before. They Could Do It Again
Wildfires Have Reshaped Life On Earth Before. They Could Do It Again

by Mike Lee

The catastrophic bushfires raging across much of Australia have not only taken a huge human and economic toll, but also…

Before You Hit Share On That Cute Animal Photo, Consider The Harm It Can Cause
Before You Hit Share On That Cute Animal Photo, Consider The Harm It Can Cause

by Zara Bending

Limbani the chimpanzee has about 650,000 Instagram followers. In recent months the account has featured viral photos…

How Small Increases In Physical Activity Can Make A Big Difference
How Small Increases In Physical Activity Can Make A Big Difference

by Libby Richards

You know physical activity is good for you. But, that isn’t always enough to get or keep you moving.

Hermit Crabs May Offer Insights Into Wealth Inequality
Hermit Crabs May Offer Insights Into Wealth Inequality

by Ivan Chase

Hermit crabs can teach us about wealth inequality, according to a new study.

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Week: January 13 - 19, 2020

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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