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Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

We tend to put everything in neat little boxes... life or death, illness or wellness, you or me, us or them...  As we all know, there's two sides to every coin... and that expression covers all of our life's experiences. Something (or someone) can be, and is, both "good" and "bad". Everything is balanced out by an "opposite" or its polarity in the scale of things. Day and night, wellness and illness, being awake and being asleep, life and death.

Beginnings and endings take place constantly in many forms. This week we are living through the ending of a year, and the beginning of another. It's the death of 2019 and the birth of 2020. We humans often have a hesitancy to speak of death... It's the one thing we aren't comfortable speaking about. Sex, no problem... it is discussed and revealed in its many forms. But death... ah, we have so many euphemisms for it: passed on, resting in peace, departed, gone... But the French have perhaps a different take on it as one of their terms for orgasm is "la petite mort"... the little death.

There are many ways to see the different aspects of our life experience. Just as orgasm is a dying of sorts, isn't sleep a dying, as well? The old day dies as we journey to another dimension or time or whatever your nightly dreams are... And then we are "born anew" the next morning.

So this week, we look at beginnings and endings, at love and death, and at the continuation, or perhaps rebirth, of the journey toward love and oneness. To help us see clearly on our journey, we start off our trek with Alan Cohen and "2020 is the Year of Clear Vision" followed by Will Johnson, author of the book Breathing as Spiritual Practice with this excerpt:  "Healing the Separation Between Me and Everything Else".

Another aspect of the two sides of the coin are our feelings and emotions. Sometimes we are happy, sometimes we feel sad or depressed. Sometimes we feel smart, sometimes we feel stupid. Yet all of these extremes are again part of the wholeness of our being. We take a look at "Reaching Out: Helping A Friend Who Seems Depressed" as we may have people around us, perhaps even our own self, going through the various stages of depression.

And through all of these experiences, we have stories we tell ourselves... whether we are happy, sad, smart, stupid... whether we have succeeded or failed, whether we will succeed or fail... even though they are all sides of the same experience. Will T. Wilkinson asks us to reflect in: "What's Your Story? What Kind Of Story Do You Want It To Be?"

And while we are reflecting on the stories of our life, we may come face-to-face with "the end" of our current journey... a.k.a. death. We bring you two articles dealing with this future we are all inevitably headed for, at some point in the future. Both of these articles offer some very practical "down-to-earth" advice on preparing for closing the door on this planetary journey; "A Place to Rest: Green Cemeteries and Backyard Burials" as well as "Why Bother Making An End of Life Plan?"

Endings, whether of a day, a job, a relationship, a year, a life, are not to be feared. They are a part of life. They are a part of our journey. The more we walk with eyes wide open, the more we can experience the fullness of our life on Planet Earth. Closing ourselves to any realities only stops us from experiencing the fullness of the joy and love that is available for us today and every day.

I wish you a new year full of wonder, of joy, of health, and above all, Love... Love for yourself, love for those close to you, and mostly Love for All. As the song goes: "What the world needs now is Love, sweet Love, no, not just for some, but for Everyone!" (Video with Dionne WarwickWhile it may be an old song, it is a powerful message that invites us to fulfill it.

Let us focus our vision on the year 2020 being filled with Love and the healing that accompanies it, for everyone.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

2020 is the Year of Clear Vision

Written by Alan Cohen

 Clear Vision in 2020
From an early age we were taught to focus on differences, label everything, rank people and objects in order of desirability, and reject everyone and everything that does not get us what we want. What we really want runs far deeper than the judgments we hold.

Healing the Separation Between Me and Everything Else

Written by Will Johnson

innerself subscribe graphic

Healing the Separation Between Me and Everything Else
It’s as though the egoic mind, for its survival, needs to remain eternally quarantined inside the head, afraid to step outside its domain, afraid to let go and let God. On its inner throne it reigns supreme, but the price we pay for laying claim to this throne, and never leaving it, is that we forfeit our direct participation in God.

Reaching Out: Helping A Friend Who Seems Depressed

Written by Kristi Hugstad

Reaching Out: Helping A Friend Who Seems Depressed
If you recognize that someone you love might be drowning beneath the surface, the question becomes: How can you help? Of course, every situation is different, so evaluate the best approach for yourself. However, the essence of helping others is simple...

What's Your Story? What Kind Of Story Do You Want It To Be?

Written by Will T. Wilkinson

12 29 what is What's Your Story? What Kind Of Story Do You Want It To Be?story
If you were to write a screenplay that was turned into the movie of your life, would it be a comedy, a mystery thriller, an adrenal pumping adventure, an insightful documentary, a snooze fest, a horror film...? If we think of our lives that way and then ponder...

A Place to Rest: Green Cemeteries and Backyard Burials

Written by Elizabeth Fournier

A Place to Rest: Green Cemeteries and Backyard Burials
The basic tenets of environmentally friendly living are now being posed for environmentally friendly dying. Green burial is all about sustainability and developing funeral practices that support and heal nature rather than disrupt and harm it.

Why Bother Making An End of Life Plan?

Written by Jane Duncan Rogers

Why Bother Making An End of Life Plan?
Let’s face it, there is never going to be a good time to address anything to do with dying, death or grief. When you’re fit and healthy, the last thing on your mind is the end of your life.

Why Hangovers Happen
Why Hangovers Happen and What You Can Do About It

by Daryl Davies, et al

Debaucherous evening last night? You’re probably dealing with veisalgia right now.

Does Intermittent Fasting Live Up To The Hype?
Does Intermittent Fasting Live Up To The Hype?

by Rafael de Cabo

Current scientific evidence supports claims made for intermittent fasting, according to a new review.

Why Good Governance Is The Missing Prescription For Better Digital Health Care
Why Good Governance Is The Missing Prescription For Better Digital Health Care

by Linying Dong

Recently Ontario released its Digital First for Health strategy — aiming to further digitize health care and end the…

A New Study Shows An Animal's Lifespan Is Written In The DNA. For Humans, It's 38 Years
An Animal's Lifespan Is Written In The DNA. For Humans, It's 38 Years

by Benjamin Mayne

A genetic “clock” lets scientists estimate how long extinct creatures lived. Wooly mammoths could expect around 60…

Should Jesus Should Be Recognised As A Victim Of Sexual Violence?
Should Jesus Should Be Recognised As A Victim Of Sexual Violence?

by Katie Edwards and David Tombs

It is one of the most widely known and often retold stories in human history.

5 Nutrients That Can Boost Your Mood
5 Nutrients That Can Boost Your Mood

by Catherine Nay and Megan Brown

Though winter may bring you down, the food you eat can play a significant role in how you feel emotionally, dietitians…

The Affect Of Too Little Or Too Much Water On Older Women’s Cognition
The Affect Of Too Little Or Too Much Water On Older Women’s Cognition

by Hilary Bethancourt and Asher Rosinger

Not getting enough water is enough to make you feel sluggish and give you a headache, but a new study suggests for…

Men With Sexist Ideas Of Masculinity Are More Likely To Abuse Women
Men With Sexist Ideas Of Masculinity Are More Likely To Abuse Women

by Michael Flood

Men who adhere to rigid, sexist stereotypes of how to be a man are more likely to use and tolerate violence against…

Why Dating Apps Make Men Unhappy And Provide A Platform For Racism


Why Dating Apps Make Men Unhappy and Provide A Platform For Racism

by Glen Jankowski

The research found Tinder users reported lower levels of satisfaction with their faces and higher levels of shame about…

How The Cult Of Virgin Mary Turned A Symbol Of Female Authority Into A Tool Of Patriarchy
How The Cult Of Virgin Mary Turned A Symbol Of Female Authority Into A Tool Of Patriarchy

by Dorothy Ann Lee

Belief in the virgin birth comes from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Their birth stories are different, but both…

Giving Pregnant Women Antibiotics Could Harm The Lungs Of Preemies
Giving Pregnant Women Antibiotics Could Harm The Lungs Of Preemies

by Kent Willis

Born after just 23 of the normal 40 weeks of pregnancy, the extremely preterm baby is small enough to fit in the palm…

Can You Die From A Common Cold?
Can You Die From A Common Cold?

by Peter Barlow

Most people know that the flu can kill. Indeed, the so-called Spanish flu killed 50 million people in 1918 – more than…

Why Turtle Doves Are Disappearing From The UK
Why Turtle Doves Are Disappearing From The UK and Elsewhere

by Rebecca Young

The 12 Days of Christmas is a song that promises a great deal, but there’s a line that carollers may have to omit in…

10 Ways To Indulge And Stay Healthy This Holiday Season
10 Ways To Indulge and Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

by Melanie Gregg and Danielle Defries

Before the holidays ruin your wellness plan and make you turn as green as the Grinch, try these 10 ways to help you…

What Is Geothermal Energy?
What Is Geothermal Energy and What Is Its Future?

by Hal Gurgenci

Geothermal means, literally, “earth heat”. The temperature of the earth increases as we drill deeper towards its core.

How To Break Up With Plastics Using Behavioural Science
How To Break Up With Plastics Using Behavioural Science

by Kim Borg

First off, plastic is not evil: it’s flexible, durable, waterproof and cheap. The issue is the way we dispose of it.

Personality Is Not Only About Who But Also Where You Are
Personality Is Not Only About Who But Also Where You Are

by Dorsa Amir

In the field of psychology, the image is canon: a child sitting in front of a marshmallow, resisting the temptation to…

Kama Muta: A New Term For That Warm, Fuzzy Feeling We All Get
Kama Muta: A New Term For That Warm, Fuzzy Feeling We All Get

by Alan Fiske

Some emotions you seem to recognise the moment you feel them – you know when you’re angry, surprised, embarrassed or…

Saying Thank You Does Make A Difference
Saying Thank You Does Make A Difference

by Lisa A Williams

Most of us were taught that saying “thank you” is simply the polite thing to do. But recent research in social…

Being Grateful This Christmas Benefits You Even When Your Family's Driving You Bananas
Being Grateful This Christmas Benefits You Even When Your Family's Driving You Bananas

by Aaron Jarden

Christmas can be a stressful time of year. You will blow your budget, your relatives will annoy you, and you’ll receive…

The Neuroscience Of The Christmas Cheer Emotion
The Neuroscience of the Christmas Cheer Emotion

by Olly Robertson

It is, for many of us, the most wonderful time of the year. “Christmas cheer” is that thing which is often referred to…

3 Lessons For Today's Teachers And Students From Coach Vince Lombardi
3 Lessons For Today's Teachers And Students From Coach Vince Lombardi

by Richard Gunderman

Like many greats, Lombardi considered coaching a form of teaching and his approach offers vital insights for today’s…

’Tis The Season To Redesign And Reduce Our Waste
’Tis The Season To Redesign and Reduce Our Waste

by Pamela Tudge

On average, each Canadian produces 720 kilograms of municipal waste — more than the per capita output in the United…

How Explicit Instruction Help Children Learn
How Explicit Instruction Help Children Learn

by Lorraine Hammond

Explicit instruction is a term that summarises a type of teaching in which lessons are designed and delivered to…

The Story Of Hanukkah: How A Minor Jewish Holiday Was Remade In The Image Of Christmas
The Story of Hanukkah: How A Minor Jewish Holiday Was Remade in the Image of Christmas

by Rebecca Forgasz

Menorahs have now become ubiquitous features around the world during Hanukkah, from Berlin to New York to Melbourne.

Will You Gain Weight This Christmas?
Will You Gain Weight This Christmas?

by Rebecca Charlotte Reynolds, UNSW Australia

For most of us, Christmas and its festivities revolve around consuming tasty food and drinks with colleagues, friends…

How Mindfulness Can Give You The Gift of a Calmer Christmas
How Mindfulness Can Give You The Gift of a Calmer Christmas

by Anna Leyland, University of Sheffield

In the run-up to Christmas we find our to-do lists bloated with added chores: present shopping, card writing, preparing…

Here's How You Can Be Nudged To Eat Healthier, Recycle And Make Better Decisions Every Day
Here's How You Can Be Nudged To Eat Healthier, Recycle and Make Better Decisions Every Day

by José Antonio Rosa

Life is made up of countless decisions. The idea of nudging people in the right direction, instead of relying on their…

How To Help Children Build Empathy And Resilience
How To Help Children Build Empathy and Resilience

by Dan Mamlok and Sandra Chang-Kredl

Disturbing events related to cyberbullying in recent months and years have raised great concern among parents, youths…

The Holidays Remind Us That Grief Cannot Be Wished Away
The Holidays Remind Us That Grief Cannot Be Wished Away

by Heather Servaty-Seib

The year-end holidays are a time of social gatherings, traditions and celebrations. They can also be a time of…

5 Ways Chess Can Make You A Better Law Student And Lawyer
5 Ways Chess Can Make You A Better Law Student and Lawyer

by Mark Kende

Paul Morphy was a 19th-century New Orleans chess prodigy who was the de facto world chess champion during much of his…

How To Make Computers Faster And Climate Friendly
How To Make Computers Faster and Climate Friendly

by Seokbum Ko

Your smartphone is far more powerful than the NASA computers that put Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the moon in…

What The Early Church Thought About God's Gender
What The Early Church Thought About God's Gender

by David Wheeler-Reed

The Episcopal Church has decided to revise its 1979 prayer book, so that God is no longer referred to by masculine…

The Hidden Psychology Of The Christmas Poker Face
The Hidden Psychology Of The Christmas Poker face

by Elisabeth Blagrove

Imagine the scene – gleeful children ripping open presents, harassed parents surveying the carnage of once-tidy homes…

7 Reasons To Learn A Foreign Language
7 Reasons To Learn A Foreign Language

by Kathleen Stein-Smith

Here are what I see as seven of the best reasons for America’s young to speak a language besides English.

How To Keep Kids With Enough Stuff From Being Disappointed
How To Keep Kids With Enough Stuff From Being Disappointed

by Nikki Martyn and Elena Merenda

Disappointment is a natural human emotion that occurs after a perceived failure.

How Comedy Can Help Us Tackle The Climate Crisis
How Comedy Can Help Us Tackle The Climate Crisis

by Birte Loschenkohl

Society’s defining issues are rarely presented as raw facts and stats, and climate change is no exception.

Why Some People Distrust Atheists
Why Some People Distrust Atheists

by Jaimie Arona Krems and Jordan W. Moon

An ad featuring Ron Reagan, son of the Republican former President Ronald Reagan, surprised some viewers of the recent…

Why Anxious Teenage Girls At Higher Risk Of Eating-disorder Symptoms
Why Anxious Teenage Girls At Higher Risk Of Eating-Disorder Symptoms

by Caitlin Lloyd

The illness, which usually starts in adolescence, is difficult to treat. Only around half of those treated recover, so…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans


Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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