Image by Gerd Altmann

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

This week we examine thoughts... We start with Alan Cohen and "Puppy Pregnancy Syndrome: The Witch Doctor’s Secret" which recounts an interesting anecdote about beliefs (thoughts). We continue with Sandy Newbigging and "The Safe Place: Why The Present Is A Place Of Peace " in which he relates some of his childhood beliefs/fears/thoughts and how he broke free of them.

Sarah Varcas shares some info about the upcoming partial Lunar eclipse ("Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn: A Time of Reckoning") and write "This eclipse signifies a time of reckoning: for personal relationships, political movements and global alliances." All of these areas of our life, whether personal or global, are affected/reflected in and by our thoughts/fears/beliefs. In a time of reckoning or consequences, our thoughts are of major importance so we can remain steadfast in faith and purpose in creating the life we desire, and the healing of the planet.

Now in case you're thinking that we are saying that thoughts are "bad" and need to be eradicated (we're not), you'll gain a new perspective in "Outgrowing Escapism: Mental Quiet Alone Is Not Enough." While peace of mind is definitely a worthy goal, we also need to focus on creating/taking action and adjusting our thoughts accordingly to move forward and not just remain at a standstill.

Our next featured author, Gwilda Wiyaka, asks: are we at "The End of Days? or the Beginning of the Next Cycle?" And while the answer is, of course, the "next cycle", Gwilda presents some interesting information about the Mayan calendar and the cycles of life.

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Perhaps one of the "worse" thoughts/beliefs that has afflicted mankind is the one of separation... that we are separate from each other, from Nature, divinity, and the All That Is. Mark Coleman shares some powerful thoughts/insights in "Separation Is An Illusion: We’re All in This Together".

We then round off this new issue of InnerSelf with a short article by Dena Merriam ("The Meaning of Life: Evolving Into Love") to help us transcend the thoughts of limitation, doubt, fear, separation, etc. and move into the ultimate thought/goal of living in a state of Love.

And perhaps Pam Younghans, in this week's Astrological Journal, recaps it best when she states: "The world needs our hearts, but it also needs our strength—and our light." So please remember, your thoughts/mind energy/strength are needed, as are your hearts/light/loving energy. We are all in this together!

Please scroll down for the aforementioned featured articles in this week's issue of InnerSelf, and also for all of the new articles, on a variety of topics, that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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* * * * * new articles added daily * * * * *

Puppy Pregnancy Syndrome: The Witch Doctor’s Secret

Written by Alan Cohen

Puppy Pregnancy Syndrome: The Witch Doctor’s Secret

The dynamic behind Puppy Pregnancy Syndrome illustrates what A Course in Miracles describes as “magic,” the belief that material things outside of us can hurt us or heal us. The Course takes a firm stand that our pain and healing are more a function of our thoughts than physical causes.

The Safe Place: Why The Present Is A Place Of Peace

Written by Sandy C. Newbigging

The Safe Place: Why The Present Is A Place Of Peace

I would often say that I felt there was a party happening somewhere, but I wasn’t invited. Can you relate to that feeling? When with other people, I would pretend to be happy. I would pretend to have a good time. But inside, I felt a separation and a sadness that I couldn’t shake off. In short, I always felt I was missing out...

Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn: A Time of Reckoning

Written by Sarah Varcas

Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn: A Time of Reckoning

The lunar eclipse takes place in the 25th degree of Capricorn on 16 July, 2019. Occurring less than two degrees away from the point of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in January 2020, it augurs approaching changes and gives us an opportunity to get ahead of the game!

Outgrowing Escapism: Mental Quiet Alone Is Not Enough

Written by Paul Brunton

Outgrowing Escapism: Mental Quiet Alone Is Not Enough

Mysticism has been associated in the popular mind mostly with monasteries, retreats, ashrams, caves, and similar places where novices and would-be yogis foregathered. Thus it came to be looked upon as a way of escape from the domestic difficulties, business troubles, and emotional disappointments that seem so inseparable from human existence.

The End of Days? or the Beginning of the Next Cycle?

Written by Gwilda Wiyaka

The End of Days? or the Beginning of the Next Cycle?

We are coming into a time when the old method of taking the events of the past, superimposing them on the present, and making a rerun out of the future is failing. While this pattern is familiar and comfortable, it is also increasingly dysfunctional, as it ignores life’s cyclic nature. Although it is not always evident, life actually operates as a spiral.

Separation Is An Illusion: We’re All in This Together

Written by Mark Coleman

Separation Is An Illusion: We’re All in This Together

Our brain creates a perceptual illusion of separation, which we tend to believe most of the time. We see ourselves as separate individuals, and we carve up reality into dualities: this and that, self and other, us and them. This misperception feeds a sense of disconnection. We can look out across a sea of people in a busy city street or at a party and feel alone, isolated, as if we existed separately from others and even from life.

The Meaning of Life: Evolving Into Love

Written by Dena Merriam

The Meaning of Life: Evolving Into Love

We each enter life with desires, goals, and challenges to overcome, and we choose birth conditions that will best help us meet these objectives. Arriving with dreams from the past that are seeking fulfillment, we find meaning as we are able to satisfy these karmic imperatives from the past, through relationship, work, artistic endeavor, etc.

Roadside Wildflower Meadows Are Springing Up – And They're Helping Wildlife In A Big Way

Roadside Wildflower Meadows Are Springing Up – And They're Helping Wildlife In A Big Way

by Olivia Norfolk

The joy of being immersed in a meadow – surrounded by the fluttering of butterflies, the chirping of crickets and the…

How Misinformation About CBD Can Be Life-Threatening

How Misinformation About CBD Can Be Life-Threatening

by Tyler Marshall and Jonathan N. Stea

Hyperbole can be rampant in health news, particularly with respect to cannabis. One recent headline declared: “CBD is…

Lunar And Solar Eclipses Make Animals Do Strange Things

Lunar And Solar Eclipses Make Animals Do Strange Things

by Steve Portugal

For most animals, the structure of their day – and indeed their year – depends on the light-dark cycle. These regular…

Policies That Target Gender Inequality Boost Family Health

Policies That Target Gender Inequality Boost Family Health

by Neil Schoenherr

Efforts to decrease gender inequality, such as tuition-free primary education and paid parental leave, transform norms…

Opera Is Stuck In A Racist, Sexist Past, While Many In The Audience Have Moved On

Opera Is Stuck In A Racist, Sexist Past, While Many In The Audience Have Moved On

by Caitlin Vincent

In the first act of Stephen Sondheim and Hugh Wheeler’s musical A Little Night Music, the long-suffering Countess…

Identifying A Fake Picture Online Is Harder Than You Might Think

Identifying A Fake Picture Online Is Harder Than You Might Think

by Mona Kasra

It can be hard to tell whether a picture is real. Consider, as the participants in our recent research did, these two…

How The World's Most Famous Codebreaker Unlocked The Secrets Of Nature's Beauty

by Natasha Ellison

Getting out into nature may seem a world away from a maths classroom. But the beauty that surrounds us has order – and…

Not Everyone Uses A Toothbrush And Toothpaste To Clean Their Teeth

Not Everyone Uses A Toothbrush And Toothpaste To Clean Their Teeth

by Josefine Hirschfeld

Most people use toothbrushes, toothpaste and dental floss to clean their teeth, but their use is by no means universal.…

Can Drinking Coffee Help You Lose Weight?

Can Drinking Coffee Help You Lose Weight?

by Andrew Carey

Researchers from the University of Nottingham in the UK recently published a study in the journal Scientific Reports…

Wonder Woman and The Ancient Fantasy Of Hot Lady Warriors

Wonder Woman and The Ancient Fantasy of Hot Lady Warriors

by Christian-Georges Schwentzel

When the film Wonder Woman was released, it joined the blockbuster ranks of other comic book-inspired film franchises…

Sadness, Disgust, Anger: Fear For The Great Barrier Reef Made Climate Change Feel Urgent

by Matt Curnock and Scott Heron

Media coverage of mass coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef may have been a major tipping point for public…

07 13 mentally challenging tasks Mentally Challenging Tasks Don’t Prevent Alzheimer’s, But They May Slow It Downt prevent alzheimer s but they may slow it down

Mentally Challenging Tasks Don’t Prevent Alzheimer’s, But They May Slow It Down

by Vanessa McMains

Intelligence and education may offer a cognitive “head start” that could keep the minds of people with Alzheimer’s…

How Students Grow Their Community Roots And Critical Consciousness

How Students Grow Their Community Roots And Critical Consciousness

by Jennifer D. Adams and Pieranna Pieroni

Iris, a high school student in New York City, took a course aimed at preparing public school students for college.

How To Exercise In The Summer Without Heat Exhaustion

How To Exercise In The Summer Without Heat Exhaustion

by Scott Lear

With a kilometre to go, triathlete Sarah True was pulled from the 2019 Ironman European Championship in Frankfurt,…

Do Women Age Faster Than Men?

Do Women Age Faster Than Men?

by Sara Zadrozny

The global anti-ageing market is worth at least $250 billion – an astonishing amount, and it’s growing.

How The Brain Prepares For Movement And Actions

How The Brain Prepares For Movement And Actions

by Myrto Mantziara

Our behaviour is largely tied to how well we control, organise and carry out movements in the correct order.

How Much Is Your Data Worth To Tech Companies?

How Much Is Your Data Worth To Tech Companies?

by Samuel Lengen

New proposed legislation by U.S. senators Mark R. Warner and Josh Hawley seeks to protect privacy by forcing tech…

3 Reasons To Get Your Stress Levels In Check

3 Reasons To Get Your Stress Levels In Check

by Stephen Mattarollo and Michael Nissen

It’s difficult not to get stressed in our fast-paced lives. Whether you’re working overtime, battling exams, or caring…

How Mindsets About Destiny Affect Our Romantic Relationships

How Mindsets About Destiny Affect Our Romantic Relationships

by Gery Karantzas

If you listen to any number of love songs, dating “experts”, or plunge head first into a romance novel, you’re likely…

Six-packs And Bulging Biceps – How Appearance Pressures Take Their Toll On Men's Mental Health

Six-Packs and Bulging Biceps – How Appearance Pressures Take Their Toll On Men's Mental Health

by Glen Jankowski

Over recent years, “body dissatisfaction” – or shame about one’s appearance – has been on the rise in men.

5 Reasons English Speakers Struggle To Learn Foreign Languages

5 Reasons English Speakers Struggle To Learn Foreign Languages

by Michelle Sheehan

According to a recent survey co-ordinated by the European Commission 80% of European 15-30 year olds can read and write…

A Booming International Movie Market Is Transforming Hollywood

A Booming International Movie Market Is Transforming Hollywood

by Weiko Lin

Marvel’s “Shang-Chi” – the studio’s first Asian superhero movie – is a sign of the times.

Walking And Cycling To Work Makes Commuters Happier And More Productive

Walking And Cycling To Work Makes Commuters Happier And More Productive

by Liang Ma and Runing Ye

In Australia, more than 9 million people commute to work every weekday.

New Zealand's Well-Being Budget: How It Hopes To Improve People's Lives

New Zealand's Well-Being Budget: How It Hopes To Improve People's Lives

by Christoph Schumacher

New Zealand’s first “well-being budget” has landed, prioritising well-being over economic growth. So how is it…

For Green Cities To Become Mainstream, We Need To Learn From Local Success Stories And Scale Up

by Jason Alexandra

Greening our cities has become one of the great global imperatives of the 21st century including to tackle climate…

Business Owners' Control Of Their Work-life Balance Is The Fine Line Between Hard Work And Hell

Business Owners' Control Of Their Work-Life Balance Is The Fine Line Between Hard Work And Hell

by Park Thaichon, et al

We live in a society in which people are trying to do more each day. Both work and life are worthy competitors for time.

How Much Sleep Do You Need?

How Much Sleep Do You Need?

by Gemma Paech

The amount of sleep adults need has once again come under the spotlight, with a recent Wall Street Journal article…

Want To Breastfeed? These 5 Things Will Make It Easier

Want To Breastfeed? These 5 Things Will Make It Easier

by Alyce Wilson, et al

More than 90% of Australian women start breastfeeding soon after the birth of their baby, but only 15% are exclusively…

The Fossil Fuel Era Is Coming To An End, But The Lawsuits Are Just Beginning

The Fossil Fuel Era Is Coming To An End, But The Lawsuits Are Just Beginning

by Kyla Tienhaara

“Coal is dead.” These are not the words of a Greenpeace activist or left-wing politician, but of Jim Barry, the global…

Can Background Noise Be Boosting Your Performance?

Can Background Noise Be Boosting Your Performance?

by Onno van der Groen

Like to work in a noisy environment while your colleague prefers silence? It could be your brain is simply less “noisy”…

The Early Warning Signs Of Eating Disorders

The Early Warning Signs Of Eating Disorders

by Joanne Demmler and Sinead Brophy

More than 1.6m people in the UK alone are estimated to have an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia.

Scientists May Soon Be Able To Predict Your Memories

Scientists May Soon Be Able To Predict Your Memories

by Deborah Talmi

Do you remember your first kiss? What about your grandma dying? Chances are you do, and that’s because emotional…

How You Could Be Putting Your Child Off Reading

How You Could Be Putting Your Child Off Reading

by Isang Awah

Not every child is a bookworm, but research shows that developing a love of reading early in life can provide many…

Mad Magazine Is Finished, But Its Ethos Matters More Than Ever Before

Mad Magazine Is Finished, But Its Ethos Matters More Than Ever Before

by Michael J. Socolow

Mad Magazine is on life support. In April 2018, it launched a reboot, jokingly calling it its “first issue.” Now the…

Abs, Arms, and Attitude! and Yoga With Adriene

by Yoga With Adriene

Our Yoga For Weight Loss series continues with this 31-minute warming practice that invites you to focus on the power…

Mind-Altering Drugs: The Magical History Of LSD And Mushrooms

by Michael Pollan

Why did government officials stop psychedelics from reaching mainstream culture?

8 Ways To Halt A Global Food Crisis

8 Ways To Halt A Global Food Crisis

by Michael Hamm

There are serious challenges to global food supply everywhere we look.

Confused About What To Eat? Science Can Help

Confused About What To Eat? Science Can Help

by P.K. Newby

Do you feel like nutritionists are always changing their minds? Do you want science-based information about diet but…

Extinguished And Anguished: What Is Burnout And What Can We Do About It?

Extinguished And Anguished: What Is Burnout And What Can We Do About It?

by Gabriela Tavella and Gordon Parker

Feeling “burnt out” is a pretty common phrase in daily parlance, but we’re starting to learn more about its longer-term…

How Planting Trees Can Improve Water Quality

How Planting Trees Can Improve Water Quality

by Sonia Fernandez

New research offers a hard link between reforestation of marginal, degraded, or abandoned agricultural land and…

photo credit: Tim (Timothy) Pearce/Flickr

A Look At California's Punishment Economy

by Brave New Films

California’s punishment economy is booming. Every year, state taxpayers spend $20 billion to punish people. That’s more…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Week: July 15 - June 21, 2019

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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