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This week we look at love... not the Valentine's Day kind of love, but love of self, love of others (human and not), and love of humanity, which all ties in with kindness, acceptance, etc. We start with Sonja Grace who speaks of "The Ongoing Search for Love". Then, Lynn B. Robinson asks "Is Out of Body Intimacy Possible?" and Cate Montana answers that question in an article entitled "From Enlightenment to Romance in One (Not So) Easy Step" where she shares about her upcoming novel, Apollo & Me.

Then I have written a new installment in my "What Works For Me" series: "What Works For Me: Love Is All There Is". And then we round it all up with love in action in "Act with Kindness, Considering Everyone and Everything".

And of course, lots of additional articles on a wide variety of topics. Scroll down below for all the links...

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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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The Ongoing Search for Love

Written by Sonja Grace

The Ongoing Search for Love

The search for love is one all humans, throughout lifetimes, have experienced. We search for those connections in each lifetime. It is our reason for being. We look for love believing we have to alter ourselves in some way in order to attract it, when in fact we need to be loved for who we are.

Access the complete article here: The Ongoing Search for Love

Is Out of Body Intimacy Possible?

Written by Lynn B. Robinson, PhD

Is Out of Body Intimacy Possible?

What happens after death? Do deeply loving feelings exist when we are no longer in physical bodies?

Access the complete article here: Is Out of Body Intimacy Possible?

From Enlightenment to Romance in One (Not So) Easy Step

Written by Cate Montana

From Enlightenment to Romance in One (Not So) Easy Step

As I hiked up the old E4 trail above the temple complex at Delphi, romance was the last thing on my mind let alone a dalliance with the ancient forgotten Greek god of Light and Wisdom. It was April of 2015, and all I wanted to do was to get away from the tourists and my worries about a book deadline with Simon & Schuster...

Access the complete article here: From Enlightenment to Romance in One (Not So) Easy Step

What Works For Me: Love Is All There Is

Written by Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf

What Works For Me: Love Is All There Is

Years ago, I knew someone who used to say "Love is all there is". This was his "mantra" and he repeated it often to whoever was willing to listen. At the time, I was in my twenties and his statement would aggravate me to no end. After all, how could he say that "love s all there is" when there were wars, famine, murders, crimes of all kinds, etc. etc.

Access the complete article here: What Works For Me: Love Is All There Is

Act with Kindness, Considering Everyone and Everything

Written by Darren Cockburn

Act with Kindness, Considering Everyone and Everything

Kindness towards people means being considerate, friendly and generous. The opposite to kindness is intentionally causing harm. The Process rewards us for deeds of kindness, and corrects us for deeds of harm. There are always consequences for our actions.

Access the complete article here: Act with Kindness, Considering Everyone and Everything

New Zealand Shows What Real Action to Stop Gun Violence Looks Like

New Zealand Shows What Real Action to Stop Gun Violence Looks Like

by Jake Johnson, Common Dreams

"On 15 March, our history changed forever. Now, our laws will, too," said New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern

Access the complete article here: New Zealand Shows What Real Action to Stop Gun Violence Looks Like

New Evidence Suggests We Should Eat Fewer Eggs

New Evidence Suggests We Should Eat Fewer Eggs

by Marla Paul

Adults who eat more dietary cholesterol—such as that in eggs—have a significantly higher risk of cardiovascular disease…

Access the complete article here: New Evidence Suggests We Should Eat Fewer Eggs

How A Doula Helps Women Giving Birth?

How A Doula Helps Women Giving Birth?

by Meghan A. Bohren

Women have traditionally been supported by a companion during childbirth, and there is good evidence this benefits both…

Access the complete article here: How A Doula Helps Women Giving Birth?

How Compassion Can Triumph Over Toxic Childhood Trauma

How Compassion Can Triumph Over Toxic Childhood Trauma

by Sheri Madigan, et al

In a piece on the television show 60 Minutes, Oprah Winfrey discussed childhood trauma — shining a public spotlight on…

Access the complete article here: How Compassion Can Triumph Over Toxic Childhood Trauma

Why We Need A New Philosophy Of Sex

Why We Need A New Philosophy Of Sex

by Victoria Brooks

A number of years ago, I found myself at a public sex beach in southern France for research purposes. Unsurprisingly, I…

Access the complete article here: Why We Need A New Philosophy Of Sex

The Climate Solution Right Under Our Feet

The Climate Solution Right Under Our Feet

by Michaela Haas

The ideas behind regenerative farming are simple and ancient. The way to stop climate change might be buried in 300…

Access the complete article here: The Climate Solution Right Under Our Feet

Why The Unspoken Violence Of Border Walls Should Also Be Considered

Why The Unspoken Violence Of Border Walls Should Also Be Considered

by Nour Halabi

Ever since his days on the election campaign trail the US president, Donald Trump, has assured voters of his intentions…

Access the complete article here: Why The Unspoken Violence Of Border Walls Should Also Be Considered

Blind Mice Get Their Sight Back After Gene Insertion

Blind Mice Get Their Sight Back After Gene Insertion

by Robert Sanders

Scientists inserted a gene for a green-light receptor into the eyes of blind mice and, a month later, the mice were…

Access the complete article here: Blind Mice Get Their Sight Back After Gene Insertion

How A Team Approach Makes Full-day Kindergarten A Success

How A Team Approach Makes Full-day Kindergarten A Success

by Janette Pelletier and Christina Moore

Our youngest learners benefit when educators with complementary skills combine their expertise.

Access the complete article here: How A Team Approach Makes Full-day Kindergarten A Success

Teens Have Less Face Time With Their Friends – And Are Lonelier Than Ever

Teens Have Less Face Time With Their Friends – And Are Lonelier Than Ever

by Jean Twenge

Ask a teen today how she communicates with her friends, and she’ll probably hold up her smartphone. Not that she…

Access the complete article here: Teens Have Less Face Time With Their Friends – And Are Lonelier Than Ever

Why Rich Parents Are More Likely To Be Unethical

Why Rich Parents Are More Likely To Be Unethical

by David M. Mayer

Federal attorneys have arrested 50 people in a college admission scam that allowed wealthy parents to buy their kids’…

Access the complete article here: Why Rich Parents Are More Likely To Be Unethical

The Secret To Ovulation Is In Women's Faces But Men Can't See It

The Secret To Ovulation Is In Women's Faces But Men Can't See It

by Robert Burriss

It’s not difficult to tell when a female chimpanzee is in heat. As she nears ovulation — the point in her cycle when…

Access the complete article here: The Secret To Ovulation Is In Women's Faces But Men Can't See It

The Countdown To Peak Tick Season Is Here

The Countdown To Peak Tick Season Is Here

by Rosa da Silva

With spring comes glorious sunshine, warmer weather — and ticks. Ticks and some insect pests can carry bacteria,…

Access the complete article here: The Countdown To Peak Tick Season Is Here

The Dangers Of Your Pet On Pot, Or Even CBD

The Dangers Of Your Pet On Pot, Or Even CBD

by John P. Buchweitz

My family and I were on vacation in Florida recently and took advantage of a free afternoon to do some gift shopping…

Access the complete article here: The Dangers Of Your Pet On Pot, Or Even CBD

How To Move Beyond Simplistic Debates That Demonize Islam

How To Move Beyond Simplistic Debates That Demonize Islam

by Edwina Pio

New Zealand is a religiously and ethnically diverse country with an almost negligible global terrorism index. Muslims…

Access the complete article here: How To Move Beyond Simplistic Debates That Demonize Islam

Parents Of Girls Are Less Likely To Stress Computer Skills

Parents Of Girls Are Less Likely To Stress Computer Skills

by Matt Swayne

While most first-year college students in a new study had positive feelings about computing and computer-related majors…

Access the complete article here: Parents Of Girls Are Less Likely To Stress Computer Skills

Don't Wait For A Crisis – How To Start Planning Your Aged Care Now

Don't Wait For A Crisis – How To Start Planning Your Aged Care Now

by Alison Rahn

Most people prefer to die at home but few adequately plan for it. Consequently, just one in seven Australians dies at…

Access the complete article here: Don't Wait For A Crisis – How To Start Planning Your Aged Care Now

How Failure Helps Build Kids' Resilience

How Failure Helps Build Kids' Resilience

by Nicole Racine and Sheri Madigan

Bubble-wrapping children doesn’t work. They need to experience mild adversity, to know how to overcome it when they…

Access the complete article here: How Failure Helps Build Kids' Resilience

Having One Mental Health Disorder Increases Your Risks Of Getting Another

Having One Mental Health Disorder Increases Your Risks Of Getting Another

by Christine Bear, et al

New studies reveal that most psychiatric illnesses are related to one another. Tracing these connections, like the…

Access the complete article here: Having One Mental Health Disorder Increases Your Risks Of Getting Another

Big Gods Came After The Rise Of Civilizations, Not Before

Big Gods Came After The Rise Of Civilizations, Not Before

by Harvey Whitehouse, et al

What came first – all-seeing Gods or complex societies? When you think of religion, you probably think of a god who…

Access the complete article here: Big Gods Came After The Rise Of Civilizations, Not Before

How The US Is Turning Back Progress On Access To Birth Control

How The US Is Turning Back Progress On Access To Birth Control

by Melissa Haussman

Last month, the U.S. administration officially announced its intention to block federal family planning funds for…

Access the complete article here: How The US Is Turning Back Progress On Access To Birth Control

Why See China's Latest Sci-fi Blockbuster The Wandering Earth

Why See China's Latest Sci-fi Blockbuster The Wandering Earth

by Hiu Man Chan

As China demonstrated its space credentials by landing a lunar probe on the far side of the moon in January 2019, a…

Access the complete article here: Why See China's Latest Sci-fi Blockbuster The Wandering Earth

Should You Eat More Mushrooms To Keep Your Brain Sharp?

Should You Eat More Mushrooms To Keep Your Brain Sharp?

by National University of Singapore

Seniors who consume more than two standard portions of mushrooms weekly may have 50 percent reduced odds of having mild…

Access the complete article here: Should You Eat More Mushrooms To Keep Your Brain Sharp?

How To Talk To Children About Terrorism

How To Talk To Children About Terrorism

by Sarah Parry and Jez Oldfield

Distressing events like terrorist attacks affect us all in different ways.hile adults often have enough life experience…

Access the complete article here: How To Talk To Children About Terrorism

Study Suggests A Link Between Sleep Disorder And Parkinson’s

Study Suggests A Link Between Sleep Disorder And Parkinson’s

by Shawn Hayward

A large study of more than 1,200 patients provides important predictors of Parkinson’s disease progression, report…

Access the complete article here: Study Suggests A Link Between Sleep Disorder And Parkinson’s

New Research Shows Even Light Physical Activity Has Health Benefits

New Research Shows Even Light Physical Activity Has Health Benefits

by Richard Metcalfe

Most people probably don’t think of everyday activities – such as hanging out the washing or putting away the groceries…

Access the complete article here: New Research Shows Even Light Physical Activity Has Health Benefits

How You Can Stand Out From The Crowd In A Very Competitive Job Market

How You Can Stand Out From The Crowd In A Very Competitive Job Market

by Amy Irwin and Gabi Lipan

The employment market is saturated with graduates who have good degrees and the right qualifications. So the question…

Access the complete article here: How You Can Stand Out From The Crowd In A Very Competitive Job Market

Should You Stand Or Walk On A Escalator? Left Side, Right Side?

Should You Stand Or Walk On A Escalator? Left Side, Right Side?

by Lesley Strawderman

Love them or hate them, traffic laws exist to keep people safe and to help vehicles flow smoothly. And while they…

Access the complete article here: Should You Stand Or Walk On A Escalator? Left Side, Right Side?

Why We Must Narrate A History Beyond The 'Triumph Of Humanity' To Find Solutions To Climate Change

Why We Must Narrate A History Beyond The 'Triumph Of Humanity' To Find Solutions To Climate Change

by Amanda Power

One reason why people find it difficult to think about climate change and the future may be their understanding of…

Access the complete article here: Why We Must Narrate A History Beyond The 'Triumph Of Humanity' To Find Solutions To Climate Change

Do You Have A Magnetic Compass In Your Head?

Do You Have A Magnetic Compass In Your Head?

by Shinsuke Shimojo, et al

Do human beings have a magnetic sense? Biologists know other animals do. They think it helps creatures including bees,…

Access the complete article here: Do You Have A Magnetic Compass In Your Head?

Unscrambling Whether Eggs Are Good For You

Unscrambling Whether Eggs Are Good For You

by Tom Sanders

It’s hard to keep up with the message on eggs. Are they good for you or not? In the 1960s, people were told: “Go to…

Access the complete article here: Unscrambling Whether Eggs Are Good For You

Why You Shouldn't Bury Your Pet In The Backyard

Why You Shouldn't Bury Your Pet In The Backyard

by Rachel Allavena

Companion animals are part of our families, but inevitably the time comes for us to say goodbye to them due to old age…

Access the complete article here: Why You Shouldn't Bury Your Pet In The Backyard

A Parent's Guide To Protecting Your Kids From Online Hoaxes

A Parent's Guide To Protecting Your Kids From Online Hoaxes

by Joanne Orlando

It’s a parent’s responsibility to protect their children from harm, no matter where that threat of harm comes from. But…

Access the complete article here: A Parent's Guide To Protecting Your Kids From Online Hoaxes

How Driverless Cars Will Free Up Time For Work And Rest

How Driverless Cars Will Free Up Time For Work And Rest

by Zia Wadud

One of the most attractive things about driverless cars is their potential to free up the time spent driving from A to…

Access the complete article here: How Driverless Cars Will Free Up Time For Work And Rest

Food Allergies: What You Need To Know About The Role Your Skin Plays

Food Allergies: What You Need To Know About The Role Your Skin Plays

by Sara Brown

Food allergies are on the increase worldwide, ranging from minor inconvenience to possible sudden death, and leading to…

Access the complete article here: Food Allergies: What You Need To Know About The Role Your Skin Plays

Why The Meat Industry Could Win Big From The Switch To Veggie Lifestyles

Why The Meat Industry Could Win Big From The Switch To Veggie Lifestyles

by Malte Rödl

One of the largest meat processors in the UK, supplying supermarkets across the country with beef, pork, and lamb, has…

Access the complete article here: Why The Meat Industry Could Win Big From The Switch To Veggie Lifestyles

Women Can Build Positive Body Image By Controlling What They View On Social Media

Women Can Build Positive Body Image By Controlling What They View On Social Media

by Rachel Cohen, et al

Social media use is often described as being problematic for mental health and body image. But is all social media use…

Access the complete article here: Women Can Build Positive Body Image By Controlling What They View On Social Media

Boys' Attention And Prosocial Behavior Linked To Earnings 30 Years Later

Boys' Attention And Prosocial Behavior Linked To Earnings 30 Years Later

by Francis Vergunst

New research, published in the medical journal JAMA Pediatrics, shows that boys from low-income backgrounds who were…

Access the complete article here: Boys' Attention And Prosocial Behavior Linked To Earnings 30 Years Later

How You Can Help A Friend With Depression

How You Can Help A Friend With Depression

by Lowri Dowthwaite

Depression is a common mental health problem that can affect people at many different stages in life. How bad it gets…

Access the complete article here: How You Can Help A Friend With Depression

Thich Nhat Hanh, The Buddhist Monk Who Introduced Mindfulness To The West, Prepares To Die

Thich Nhat Hanh, The Buddhist Monk Who Introduced Mindfulness To The West, Prepares To Die

by Brooke Schedneck

Thich Nhat Hanh, the monk who popularized mindfulness in the West, has returned home to Vietnam to enjoy the rest of…

Access the complete article here: Thich Nhat Hanh, The Buddhist Monk Who Introduced Mindfulness To The West, Prepares To Die

Marijuana is a lot more than just THC

How Marijuana Is A Lot More Than Just Getting High

by James David Adams, Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Southern California

Medical marijuana is legal in 33 states as of November 2018. Yet the federal government still insists marijuana has no…

Access the complete article here: How Marijuana Is A Lot More Than Just Getting High

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


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