21st Century: Solving Our Self-Created Environmental Planetary Mess

I believe we need a completely new macroeconomic paradigm. My vision is that each home and business would have a new-energy-generation system integral to the site and that the energy would be, indeed, free.

The grid — even the proposed “smart” grid — is anything but smart, but is prone to failure, storms, and outages. We need to move to a paradigm where energy is generated where it is used. Once the device is in place, it would be free.

Impoverished areas and peoples should have such systems heavily subsidized or gifted to them. It is for this reason that we should have a charitable trust to ensure that whatever benefits come from any such new invention, that the proceeds go back to benefit humanity and the needy. Anyone not in agreement with this overarching vision is not allowed to be on our board.

Long-Lasting Energy Systems: Doing Away with Throwaways

My vision is also to engineer such systems so they last at least one hundred years — eliminating the current paradigm of throwaway devices (lightbulbs, cars, computers, appliances, and the like — all deliberately designed to fail in a short time to churn up more replacement revenue).

Eventually, we will move to applications of the technology so that every manufactured item that uses energy will have a free-energy generator within it — this is completely feasible. At that point, homes and buildings will not even need electrical wiring, saving huge amounts in building costs — and lives — by eliminating electrical fires and electrocutions.

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The costs of manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, and other energy-intensive industries will plummet. Eventually we will move to a less-than-twenty-hour workweek with full employment and abundant leisure time to pursue health, recreation, education, and spiritual development and higher states of consciousness.

Abolishing Economic Slavery to the Grid

21st Century: Solving Our Self-Created Environmental Planetary MessThe current economic macroeconomic system is, in effect, undeclared economic slavery and must be abolished, just as actual slavery was abolished in the 1800s.

That’s the view as I see it.

Note that currently all the “new-energy” proposals so much in fashion now are, in fact, a fraud: centralized utilities using multi-billion-dollar wind, solar, and similar old technologies — all so it can be controlled and metered by the GEs of this world. Absurd.

Of course, decentralizing the macroeconomy and creating abundance for all who dwell on Earth is precisely what the “controllers” wish to avoid: they like being masters of the universe. But it is time for change. And it will be the greatest change in known, recorded human history.

The Universe ?as Energy Source

Energy is a snowflake, a flower, a leaf. It is atoms and molecules, DNA and all the rest. It is the giant redwood and the gentle violet. It is ice-crystals on the window pane, the wonderfully intricate tapestry of tissues and cells in living creatures. It is the cycle of the seasons, the span of a life, the rhythm of the planets. It is the hazy calmness of a summer’s day, the power of the hurricane, the crush of a great ocean breaker. It is the gentle flame of a candle, the explosion of a supernova. We cannot escape from energy. . . . It is both the information content and the carrier wave. We are embodied in energy. . . . It is this intrinsic oneness within the many which is the essence of causality.  --  John Davidson

There is really nothing sacrosanct about the physicist’s present interpretation of Nature. We are all free to think things out for ourselves and we can explore our own ideals without being obliged to conform to the pattern already set by others. If we are able to fashion the basic structure of Nature we cannot be timid in the approach we take. . . . We should not invent a pattern of scientific behavior and expect Nature to conform. We should perceive Nature’s own pattern.  --  Harold Aspden

The implosion motor, however, is centripetally operated. It produces its own driving source through the diamagnetic use of water and air. It does not require any other fuel such as coal, oil, uranium or energy derived from atomic splitting, since it can produce its own energy (atomic power) by biological means in unlimited amounts — almost without cost.  --  Olof Alexandersson

Looking at things from first principles, we have to understand that motion is the essence of manifestation. Everything we perceive is an energy dance. At the physical level, this subatomic dance is spun out on the energy of space or the vacuum state energy field. And the nature of the motion of the spending, whirling energy vortices which we call subatomic particles is of the utmost importance, for it is a pattern which gives rise to all the microscopic forms we perceive with our senses and allied instrumentation.  --  John Davidson

We have no means of getting hold of the ether mechanically; we cannot grasp it or move it in the ordinary way: we can only get it electrically. We are straining the ether when we charge a body with electricity; it tries to recover, it has the power to recoil.  --  Sir Oliver Lodge

Orthodox scientists have never looked for a way to engineer the vacuum, because they have not realized that it is composed of pure massless charge.  --  Thomas E. Bearden

A prerequisite for solving our self-created environmental planetary mess is a world view that must bear some relationship to the highest spiritual reality. Without this, there is no basis upon which to determine our actions, no intuitive comprehension of natural law, no rationale for unselfish behavior.  --  John Davidson

 ©2013 by Finley Eversole.
Reprinted with permission of Inner Traditions, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

This article was adapted with permission from Chapter 9 of the book:

Infinite Energy Technologies: Tesla, Cold Fusion, Antigravity, and the Future of Sustainability
edited by Finley Eversole Ph.D.

Infinite Energy Technologies: Tesla, Cold Fusion, Antigravity, and the Future of Sustainability edited by Finley Eversole Ph.D.As the global need for clean, renewable energy grows and the shortage of viable large-scale solutions continues, it is time to look to the geniuses of our past and the visionaries of our future for answers. Taking inspiration from Albert Einstein’s statement that “Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them,” Finley Eversole explains that the key to a pollution- and poverty-free future of infinite energy lies not in pursuing one single method, but in investigating all the possibilities--in uniting as a world in creative pursuit of global transformation.

Click here for more info and/or to order this book on Amazon.

About the Author (Chapter 9 of the book)

Theodore C. Loder, PhDTheodore C. Loder, PhD is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of New Hampshire where he taught classes in the field of chemical oceanography. He was also a member of the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space at UNH. In October, 2000, at the request of Senator Bob Smith (R-NH), Dr. Loder organized and coordinated a briefing for the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee with six other energy experts. The subject concerned "Outside-the-Box" technologies, their critical role concerning environmental trends, and the unnecessary energy crisis (available at: www.disclosureproject.org/docgallery.shtml). Dr. Loder was also a member of the Space Colonization Technical Committee for the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics from 2002 to 2005. This article is a segment of a paper on energy technologies for the 21st century that he wrote for the AIAA. Recently, Dr. Loder presented a paper assessing the development of electrogravitic research over the past 50 years and implications of this technology (available at: www.theorionproject.org/en/research.html). During the past several years Dr. Loder has been researching and testing new energy technologies as a Board Member of The Orion Project.

About the Editor

Finley Eversole, Ph.D.Finley Eversole, Ph.D., is a philosopher, educator, activist, and advocate for the role of the arts in the evolution of consciousness. In the 1960s he was active in the civil rights and women's movements and participated in organizing the first Earth Day in New York City in 1970. He has planned and edited five forthcoming volumes addressing solutions to a range of global problems; Infinite Energy Technologies is volume one in this series.