Image by Robert1709 from Pixabay

Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self

The cover image that "presented itself" for this week's InnerSelf Magazine is a picture of a gannet. This bird known for its graceful flight, powerful diving abilities, and strong social connections, can be said to symbolize: grace and focus, nurturing and community, as well as adaptability and resilience. These are all great life lessons for we humans bound to the earth by gravity (sometimes the gravity being a mental and attitudinal one).

Gannets can dive from great heights with incredible precision, catching their food (fish) 
through focus, determination, and grace under pressure. Gannets also have a strong sense of community. They nest in large colonies, relying on cooperation and connection.

While they live in harsh environments, often traveling great distances over the ocean to find food. They know how to adapt and be resilient, and are flexible in the face of adversity. They also represent having trust in one's inner strength to find solutions to life's challenges. So perhaps we can learn from the gannet and learn to focus, trust, and persevere while letting go to the forces of nature that guide us to find what we need -- not only to survive, but to thrive.

While we may often resist change, change is the best thing that can happen to us. If we had never changed from birth, we still wouldn't be able to walk or talk. That may be a drastic example of not changing, but yet every day, we experience change -- whether we are aware of it or not. From the moment we wake (and even while sleeping) our body and our mind are rejenerating themselves (i.e. changing) by creating new cells, new thoughts, and hopefully new attitudes. Our blood is cleansed, old cells dies and new cells are born, etc. Ditto for thoughts and beliefs - or at least that is an option for us.

We may have a tendency to stay stuck in old attitudes, old patterns, etc., because after all, that seems easier, and perhaps safer. But, when we are willing to change, to "go with the flow of change", we may discover that what we resisted for so long is actually a blessing. We may have resisted changing jobs, and yet when it does take place (either by choice or by "force") we discover that it is the best thing that could have happened to us. Sometimes, we may be evicted from the place where we live (maybe the house is being sold, or whatever) and when we are told of the needed change, we may complain, yet once the change takes place, if we are willing to trust our guidance, we will find a much better place, a better job, etc. 

So let's start trying to flow with the changes life offers us and look for the blessings in them, rather than resisting them. The more we learn to "accept what is", be true to ourself, and respect our (and others') needs, the more we will find that we are creating a life where we discover a deep feeling of joy and inner peace. Learning to trust ourselves and the Universe (by whatever name or concept you use), is learning to trust Life (and our Self). The more we do so, the more joy and peace we will discover (and create).

Even in the challenges, the illnesses, and the struggles, are gifts and life lessons that are there to assist us on our path towards ultimate freedom and peace and joy. Learn to let go, to trust, to love yourself and others and to trust Life itself. Once you do so, the magical and mystical experiences of life will reveal themselves to you. (They've been there all along, but now you will be on the same wavelength and be able to experience them.)

Life is magic. You are magic. We are very powerful and the more we let go of our limitations (and beliefs in limitations), the more we will be able to, like the gannet, soar above (and with) the stresses and struggles of life.

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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week. 

...with Peace, Love, and Gratitude,

Marie T. Russell,

"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"


This Week's Astrological Overview

♥ Your InnerSelf To Do List ♥

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