As global temperatures shatter records, we find ourselves in uncharted territory and face unprecedented climate threats. The potential release of methane hydrates—an often overlooked yet potent...

  Daily temperature swings can increase health risks, particularly for low-income and minority communities. Learn how large temperature variations affect respiratory and cardiovascular...

Discover why rethinking economic mindsets is essential for climate survival. Learn how shifting economic paradigms, breaking free from the gold standard, and utilizing interest-free bonds can lead...

  Enroll in the National Parks Course on Environmental Issues at the University of Tennessee. Learn about critical environmental challenges through hands-on experiences in iconic parks like the...

Practical and effective strategies for discussing climate change with relatives. This article explores scenarios and tips to foster understanding and respectful dialogue about the climate crisis.

  Looking to refresh your wardrobe sustainably? These 4 tips for a sustainable wardrobe will help you embrace eco-friendly fashion by buying better, repairing, reusing, and choosing natural...

H5N1 is known to be able to infect over 350 species of birds and close to 60 species

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