How Twelve States Are Succeeding In Solar Energy Installation: New Report

A dozen states are leading the way on solar energy policy — what can the other 38 learn from them to reap the benefits?

Solar power in America is growing quickly, generating nearly half of all new electric generating capacity in the beginning of 2013. The technological efficiency is improving by the day. It has also gotten cheaper, with the price dropping 27 percent last year. Aside from the clean, low-carbon energy it provides — mainly during peak demand hours — 119,000 people currently work in the solar energy industry.

So what is the secret?

Environment America released a report today highlighting the twelve states that have found a successful policy approach to solar power which has enabled them to have installed 85 percent of the nation’s solar electricity capacity. The group, which Environment America termed the “Dazzling Dozen,” is comprised of: Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Vermont. They have the highest per capita solar electricity capacity in U.S. Having lots of sun is not enough — they have pursued good policy to ensure they have a thriving solar industry. Here are a few of the policies that any state can adopt that could supercharge the solar industries of even small Northeastern states:

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