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There are many ways we can learn to tap into the wisdom within us. One way to tap into your inner wisdom is to allow yourself to make contact with an image of a very wise being who is your adviser, your spirit guide, your helper, your counselor, your guardian angel, whatever you want it to be. For some people it's easiest to do it this way.
This is a meditation to get in contact with the wise being that is a part of you. And remember -- whatever you experience is your own way of doing this, whether you visualize; whether you feel, sense, or just think about it. Take what comes to you easily and trust your own experience as long as it feels right to you.
Meditation: Contact the Wise Being Within
Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Be sure your spine is straight. Get in a position so your body can deeply relax.
Take a deep breath. As you exhale, begin to relax your body. Close your eyes... Take another deep breath and as you exhale, relax your body a little more... Take another deep breath. As you exhale, imagine relaxing your body as completely as you can. If there are any places in your body that still feel tight or tense -- where you're holding energy you don't need -- put your awareness into those places, breathe into them, and, as you exhale, imagine the tension or the excess energy releasing and draining away so that your entire body feels deeply relaxed... Imagine feeling the life force, life energy, flowing freely and easily through your entire body, nourishing every cell of your body, releasing the old that you no longer need, and replacing it with new, vital energy and aliveness....
Now take another deep breath, and as you exhale, relax your mind... Let go of any problems, preoccupations, cares, or responsibilities that you have on your mind right now -- just for a little while. You can always bring these things back when it's appropriate. But for the next few minutes, let them all go... Let your mind grow quiet and move slowly. . . . As thoughts come up in your mind, as they inevitably do, just notice them and then release them. Don't stay focused on the thoughts. Release each thought as soon as you notice it....
Imagine that your mind is becoming very peaceful and quiet, like a still lake or pond, so peaceful there's not even a ripple on the surface....
Take another deep breath, and as you exhale, imagine moving your awareness into a very deep place inside of you.... Then imagine you are walking down a beautiful path in nature, feeling the peace and beauty of nature around you.... As you walk, you gradually feel more and more relaxed and open ... and you come into your inner sanctuary, which may be a meadow, a mountaintop, a spot in the woods, a cave, or a beach -- anywhere you desire it to be....
You may find yourself in the same place as before, or it could be a different place. Let it be however you want it to be. But know that this is a very peaceful, beautiful, and safe place for you to be. It's a very private place. It's yours. No one else can come here unless invited.
Take a few moments just to be and feel and see, to be aware of your sanctuary and how it feels to be there.... Walk around, feel the air, notice the other living beings, the plants or animals or birds....
And then, find a place in your sanctuary to make yourself very comfortable and at home. You can sit down if you wish....
Now look back toward the entrance to your sanctuary, and imagine that you begin to see or sense or feel the presence of a very wise being who is about to enter. This wise being could be a man or a woman, a child or an animal. Or it might be a color or an ethereal presence....
Begin to feel or picture or sense this wise being as it steps through the entrance to your sanctuary and begins to move toward you.... See or feel how old or how young, how big or how small ... how this wise being moves, how he or she is dressed if it's a person.... Most importantly, feel the energy of this wise being as it moves toward you....
As it comes closer, greet the wise being in any way that feels appropriate to you.... Trust your own feelings. Allow the wise being to greet you and make contact. You can make contact through words or energetically, telepathically, through touch, or in any way that feels intuitively right. Know that this wise being is here to serve you, to help you in whatever way you need....
The wise being may have a message for you, so ask now if it has something to tell you, in words or in any other way, something to remind you of or to let you know. And then be open to hearing or sensing or feeling what the message is.... If there is something you especially need or want, ask for it, whether it be some words of wisdom or some loving support -- whatever it may be, go ahead and ask.... Let yourself receive the response that this wise being gives to you....
Now continue to be together in whatever way feels good to you.... You may wish to be together without words, or you may want to talk.... Allow yourself to receive and fully enjoy this experience. And when you feel ready, complete your contact in whatever way you desire for right now. . . .
If you want to keep the wise being with you in the sanctuary, you can do that. If it feels right for the wise being to leave the sanctuary, if you feel complete with your experience for now, then say good-bye and imagine this being moving back up the path and out of the sanctuary. . . . But know that any time you want to, you can come to this sanctuary, you can ask for your wise being to come and be with you here, and you can ask whatever questions you have or ask for whatever support, guidance, love, or contact you need....
Now once again, look around your sanctuary. . . . Remember that this is a place that you can visit any time you want by closing your eyes, taking a few deep breaths, and desiring to be there....
If you want to sleep after doing this meditation, go ahead and let yourself drift into sleep....
If you want to come out of the meditation, say goodbye to your sanctuary for now and begin to move back up the path. Feel yourself more and more alive, energized, and balanced....
Become aware of your body and how it's feeling now, and become aware of the room around you.... When you feel ready, very gradually open your eyes and come back into the room....
If you wish to stay longer with this experience, relax even more deeply and stay with it for as long as you desire....
Reprinted with permission of the publisher,
New World Library. ©1991, 2002.
Article Source:
Meditations: Creative Visualization and Meditation Exercises to Enrich Your Life
by Shakti Gawain.
First published in 1991, this new edition is twice as long and includes all the original meditations as well as those from more recent works that focus on intuition and prosperity. These meditations can be used to help readers and practitioners tap into creativity; connect with their inner guide; explore the male and female within; and much more. With a new introduction by the author, this is a perfect companion for the millions of readers who seek “private” guided meditation from this inspiring teacher.
Info/Order this book. Also available as a Kindle edition, an Audiobook, and an Audio CD.
About The Author
SHAKTI GAWAIN (1948-2018) was an internationally renowned leader in the human potential movement. Her many bestselling books, including Creative Visualization, Living in the Light, and Creating True Prosperity, have sold more than six million copies in thirty languages world. She led workshops internationally and facilitated thousands of individuals in developing greater balance and wholeness in their lives.
For more info, visit her website at