a small baby eating fruit and sitting in an oversized hand
Image by Alexa from Pixabay

In this Article:

  • How trusting divine love provides protection and comfort in times of trial.
  • What blessings come from surrendering to divine love’s guidance?
  • How does divine love uphold us through life’s challenges?
  • What it means to rest in the assurance of unconditional love.
  • How can we trust love to guide us to our preordained destination?

Find Peace and Protection: Trust Divine Love

by Pierre Pradervand.

There is no place we could go where divine Love has not been before us and no trial we can endure for which Love has not already planned both a lesson to learn, an opportunity to grow and a way out.

We bless ourselves in our understanding that Love’s guarding presence can never be fooled nor sidetracked by error of any sort.

May we always trust that in the darkest cavern or the deepest abyss, Love’s caring tenderness and unfailing strength will always uphold us.

Even if we appear to be on the road to nowhere, the ultimate dead-end street, the untrodden, most treacherous path, may we know and trust that Love’s plan will always lead us to our divinely preordained destination.

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When the heralds of materialism, all sirens wailing, scream: “There is no God, there is no hope, you are lost, all is falling through,” may Love’s quiet assurance shore up our hearts, return us to our green pastures and reduce our fears to their native nothingness.

When we “walk through the valley of the shadow of death,” may we hold on to the serene understanding that Love’s rod and Love’s staff comfort and uphold us.

When faced with dark deception and the ultimate betrayal, may we quietly rejoice that Love’s shield of truth will restore the innocence of the betrayer and the trust of the betrayed to their original wholeness.

Finally, should we feel at the very end of our tether, overwhelmed by life and feeling that just too many challenges are coming at the same time, may we find the ultimate rest in Love’s assurance that we will never be tried beyond our ability to face the challenge.

A Blessing to Simply Trust Divine Love

Jesus told us that unless we became as little children, we would not enter the “Kingdom” which of course is not a place, but a state of the consciousness of unconditional love and infinite contentment. Children are usually trustful by nature. Let us also learn from them to trust. The quotes are all from the Bible.

“Fear not, little flock, it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom,” the same Friend told us.

May we see that it does not have to be earned by virtuous living, good deeds or stringent discipline. May we rest deeply in the understanding that this gift is totally free. Just as the shepherd does not demand that his sheep produce good wool before leading them to the green pastures, may we relax totally in the understanding that the kingdom is ours by divine birthright – because it is already in us.

May we trust in the promise of constant guidance because divine Love whispers to us, “I (infinite Love) will hold your hand and will keep you.”

May we never fear for our daily bread but trust in the promise of infinite abundance provided by the Source of all good which tells us, “Prove me now herewith, if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”

May we rest in the certainty of constant protection following the promise that “You, omnipotent Love, truly do protect me from behind, in front of me and You rest your hand upon me.”

When we are (I am) hit with full force by tempest, trial or tsunami, may I know that I need not fear, because: “You sent from above, You took me, You brought me forth into a large place, You delivered me because You delighted in me.”

And when the most grueling inner trial knocks me into the dungeon of despair and doubt, may I be reminded that all things (every single trial) will ultimately turn out to be a blessing.

May we trust the divine insight of the Master who told us that even the hairs of our head were counted, i.e. that an infinite Intelligence beyond all comprehension governs absolutely all, from the tiniest mental molecule to the rolling of the galaxies – which, somewhere in between, includes us too!

A Blessing for You My Friend

A friend sent me a lovely blessing from Ralph Waldo Emerson which I have slightly adapted. It is a blessing just for you!

This is my blessing for you.

May you have comfort on difficult days and smiles when sadness intrudes. May rainbows follow your clouds and laughter kiss your lips. May sunsets warm your heart, and hugs abound when spirits sag.

May beauty open up for eyes to see, and may friendships brighten your being. May faith abound so that you can believe what is true and confidence appear when you doubt.

And may you have the courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth and love to serenely complete your life.

©2018/2024 Pierre Pradervand. All Rights Reserved.
Reprinted with permission from the book:
365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World

Book by this Author: 
The Gentle Art of Spiritual Discernment

The Gentle Art of Spiritual Discernment: A Guide to Discovering Your Personal Path
by Pierre Pradervand.

In this guide, Pierre Pradervand offers support for those embarking on an authentic spiritual search. He focuses in depth on helping you answer three fundamental questions: Who am I deep down? What am I really looking for in my spiritual quest? What is the deep motivation of my search? He shows how integrity, generosity, and discernment are essential components of any lasting spiritual path.

Showing how to cultivate your inner voice and intuition to become your own empowered spiritual authority, this guide reveals how to see more clearly, open your spiritual horizons, and move toward your own unique spiritual path.

For more info and/or to order this book, For more info and/or to order this book, click here.  Also available as an Audiobook and as a Kindle edition.

More books by this Author

About The Author

Photo of: Pierre Pradervand, the author of  the book, The Gentle Art of Blessing.

Pierre Pradervand, who passed on July 26, 2024, is the author of The Gentle Art of Blessing, 365 Blessings to heal myself and the World, The Gentle Art of Spiritual Discernment, and Messages of Life from Death Row.  He worked, travelled and lived in over 40 countries on five continents, and was leading workshops on personal and spiritual development, including  the art of blessing for many years, with remarkable responses and transformational results.

For over 30 years Pierre practiced blessing  as a tool for healing the heart, mind, body and soul. He often reminded us that raising world consciousness was the number one priority to heal the planet, and that our most important assignment while on earth was to learn to love more.

Visit his website at GentleArtOfBlessing.org and PierrePradervand.com

Article Recap:

This article discusses how love’s presence shields us through trials and challenges, offering blessings of peace and strength. By embracing divine love, we can rest in the assurance that love provides for us unconditionally, upholding us even in the darkest moments. Through examples and scriptural promises, it highlights the unyielding faith in love’s care and the path it lights for us.