The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as...

  Cats and dogs both love to fetch, a behavior rooted in their hunting instincts. This article explores why cats and dogs enjoy this game, highlighting how it nurtures their bond with humans...

This article explores how the freedom to choose love over fear can help you rise out of suffering. By understanding the divine laws and releasing old patriarchal and religious belief systems, we...

Empathy is fading in today’s fast-paced, divided world, disconnecting us. This article delves into why empathy is declining and offers actionable solutions for developing it in an unempathetic...

A new study challenges the idea that loneliness directly causes illness but confirms its complex connection to both mental and physical health. While loneliness may not be a root cause of...

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

Joyce Vissell
With all of the education in our family it was my mother, with her high school education, that we all went to for wisdom and understanding.
A lot has been written about forgiveness and how it blesses the person who forgives. I hope to add another aspect which is very important in the journey of full forgiveness.
This year, I am going to suggest adding something to your routine of resolutions. How about looking back at the past year and celebrating the successes that you have made?
Having a true friend (or several) in your life is a true gift. Having someone who you can call and say, "I am not doing well. I need your love," is a huge blessing
Our connection with nature, with the out of doors, is absolutely important to our physical and mental health. Being outside helps bring peace and quiet to our minds.
My life was changed dramatically when someone took that second to point out my beauty.
We are all wishing that we could do something to help. Yes, we could send money and that is good, but not all people have the means to send money. But there is a powerful way in which each one of us c...
We are all wishing that we could do something to help. Yes, we could send money and that is good, but not all people have the means to send money. But there is a powerful way in which each one of us c...
Do you ever find yourself looking at certain people and thinking to yourself, "Surely that person's life is totally incredible and they are not hurting like I am." This is something most people do; th...
Do you ever find yourself looking at certain people and thinking to yourself, "Surely that person's life is totally incredible and they are not hurting like I am." This is something most people do; th...
Pets awaken our hearts in a way that nothing else can. Yes, human relationships are very important, but our pets can open our hearts in a quiet very sweet way that nothing else can.
Pets awaken our hearts in a way that nothing else can. Yes, human relationships are very important, but our pets can open our hearts in a quiet very sweet way that nothing else can.
When tragedy, death of a loved one, or extreme disappointment strikes, do you ever wonder if our Divine Creator is punishing you? A lot of people feel this way...
When tragedy, death of a loved one, or extreme disappointment strikes, do you ever wonder if our Divine Creator is punishing you? A lot of people feel this way...
Have you ever really needed help and it seemed like no one cared? Well, we just had that experience and it ended up in a beautiful miracle.
Have you ever really needed help and it seemed like no one cared? Well, we just had that experience and it ended up in a beautiful miracle.
Clinical trials have shown that hugs are positive to your physical and mental health, and they even suggest that a person should receive and give at least seven hugs in a day for optimum benefit.
Clinical trials have shown that hugs are positive to your physical and mental health, and they even suggest that a person should receive and give at least seven hugs in a day for optimum benefit.
This is not an article about the benefits of getting a vaccination. Nor is it an article about not getting a vaccination. I am writing about following one's heart and having respect for others' decisi...
After being so careful for nine months, my husband Barry mysteriously contracted the Covid-19 virus. Within days, he tested positive and within a few days after that, I tested positive as well.
Several days ago we attended the Cultural Awareness Program at Mt. Madonna School where our grandson is in first grade. His grade of ten adorable students reenacted a Buddhist story from Cambodia. In...
Right now, in our country, and perhaps in other countries as well, people are having a challenging time in their lives. It could be easy for a person to feel lost in all of this ongoing challenge. But...
During this pandemic, so much has been taken from us. Everyone is missing something important for them. For us, the fact that we cannot do our workshops, work that we have done for the past 45 years a...
I grew up in Buffalo, New York and, from the time I was just a little girl, my parents, without even knowing it, started training me to become an ally to people of color. I shall be forever grateful t...
And in this period of sheltering at home, 33 years ago, this is the most important lesson I learned. The practice of gratitude is powerful and can bring us through even the hardest times.
One of my favorite quotes is, "If you have room in your heart for one enemy, your heart is an unsafe place for a friend." I do not know who originally spoke or wrote that statement, but I do know it c...
No one can go through this life without making mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them and feel gratitude for the learning. Some of our mistakes are financial, some educational. Some mista...
I love this photo of our son-in-law Ryan and our almost three-year-old grandson Owen. Ryan is taking Owen for his first surfing lesson. Owen is holding his hand with complete trust. He knows that his...
Have you ever had a dream that you wanted so deeply, but it just did not seem to be coming forth for you? I would like to give you the possibility that, right as you are reading this article, details...
"There is a gift behind each disappointment and sadness." These are words my mother spoke to me countless times growing up. But we need to trust that a gift will come. This trusting can be difficult t...
When our three children were living with us, we had a family dinner each night. As we were eating, we always asked, “Tell us something good that happened to you today.” We all took turns telling somet...
What would it be like if you lived your life with the feeling that there was a beautiful plan for you? What if the delays and frustrations were actually a part of this beautiful plan?
Rejection can hurt. Perhaps a person can be rejected by a friend, partner, boss, sibling, parent, co-worker, someone you work out with at the gym, or even your grown child. Scientists are discovering...
December 21, 1968 was our wedding day. It was the happiest day for me. After four years of loving Barry and having people tell us that a Jewish/Christian marriage just cannot work, we were actually do...
Find out what kind of acknowledgment means most to the man in your life. How does he most need to be appreciated? You may be surprised. Please don’t get the idea that men don’t need appreciation for i...
“ I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” --Rabindranath Tagore. Babaji encouraged people to serve others on a daily, even ho...
Miracles happen all the time. You probably know someone who has had a miracle happen to them, or maybe a miracle has happened to you.
Sharing your life with a loving partner is very rewarding and meaningful. Since we work with couples, we often ask them how they met. Often they will respond that they met online. Typically, they are...
To really love a man is to choose him over and over again. It’s not enough to say marriage vows one time, though that is certainly important. The relationship is deepened if you let him know often tha...
There is a large billboard sign along the Saw Mill River Parkway north of New York City that reads in big bold letters, “ Prayer Works .” There are no other words on the sign. A man named Tom rode by...
I was listening to a news reporter in Texas listing all of the destruction, and then he started talking about all of the volunteers who have showed up to help, and he started to cry. Through tears, he...
When I think of a spiritual retreat, I imagine a lot of meditation, quiet walks, no computers or media, listening to gentle music, and withdrawing from the busyness of the world. Some of that happened...
I believe it is important for every parent to keep in their heart the possibility that their child might one day “come out” to them. Barry and I were totally surprised when our son came out to us when...
Imagine if we could completely trust that we are guided, protected and completely loved by an unseen higher power, that all that happens is a gift bringing us closer to God and our angels. I imagine t...
As a really good practice, sit at your dining room table with crayons or markers and paper and make a sign that holds your deepest feeling about what is going on right now in our world. Make it positi...
In 1960, I was fourteen years old and my mother was the first civil rights activist that I knew. She did not march the streets. She lived her beliefs. She had Blacks, Muslims, Gays and other minoritie...
"Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened." Those nine words by Ted Geisel (Dr.Seuss), one of our country’s favorite storytellers, contain so much wisdom. They apply to many different as...
Difference exist only on the surface. People sometimes use their differences as an excuse for their lack of closeness. And yet these differences can be a great blessing, and almost force a couple to g...
I want to love, serve and remember until the very day that I die. I want to be able to look back at my life and feel that I tried in my mission. I will never be perfect in this, but I can strive to be...
The first three steps of the twelve step program for recovery from addiction have to do with asking for help, knowing that we are powerless without help from a higher power, and trusting that this hig...
Someone once gave Barry and I a small yellow button to wear that says, “You never need to defend or justify your feelings.” I love the message on this button and, though I don’t wear it, I keep it in...
Are we not more important than our cell phones? Our “batteries” run low as well. Few people are as urgent to charge their own batteries as they are to charge up their cell phone. We push and push ours...
You might think that people know you are grateful, so you don’t have to share it. But remember that expressing your gratitude is a special gift for you as well. I feel very far from perfect in remembe...
One of my favorite things to do is to imagine a divine hand upon my head blessing me in my life and letting me know that I am cared for and loved. I do this especially when I feel insecure or stressed...
I never remember being held when I would cry. I was always sent to my room. It was incredibly lonely to be crying alone. I felt as if no one understood me and I had the horrible feeling that there mus...
There are two different types of acknowledgment. There are compliments which are more superficial and then there are deeper appreciations that involve your character and inner qualities. How do you ha...
Have you ever been lied to or betrayed by someone you loved and trusted? Has anyone not believed you when you were telling the truth? Has anyone you loved walked away from the relationship and refused...
Do you take the people you love for granted? Do you just assume they will always be there? Do you tell them often enough that you love and care about them, or do you feel there is no need as they prob...
Barry and I decided to make Sunday our special day of rest and recharging. Our intention was good, but soon we were going on the computer for “just a little” to check an important email. That “just a...
In 1993, Conari Press published a book called Random Acts of Kindnes s . This book started a movement of people looking for ways to be kind to complete strangers. It was not at all unusual to see a bu...
We have ideals about being a good friend and, when we don’t measure up to those ideals, we judge ourselves negatively. How good a friend are you? Many would contemplate this question for a minute and...
I like the anonymous quote, “Holding resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” This poison can negatively affect every aspect of your life. Make a commitment towards l...
There is a great need in every human being to be acknowledged and blessed by another person, especially their parent. People often strive to receive acknowledgment of who they are. When they do not re...
One of my favorite quotes is, “If you have room in your heart for one enemy, your heart is an unsafe place for a friend.” I do not know who originally spoke or wrote that statement, but I do know it c...
We human beings try very hard to control our lives by careful planning and scheduling. And when things do not work out according to our well-made plans and schedules, we often feel disappointed, or ev...
Our words have a tremendous power to bring healing and strength to another person or to hurt in a very deep way. We should never underestimate the power we have to use our words for a positive effect...
Is there a resentment that lives inside of you? When we first started our counseling practice, a woman came to us that had been raped. We asked her to try forgiveness and compassion. She looked at us...
Several years ago my beloved husband of 40 years came very close to death. Yes, we are very grateful that he survived. Also I am very grateful for the inner changes that have occurred in me as a resul...
Do you ever wonder if you’re too much for those you love? Do you ever worry that you will burden them? Do you ever feel that your loved ones already have enough on their plate to be concerned about yo...
When I was twenty-seven, a woman friend became frustrated with how much love and attention I was giving my husband. I was making my relationship with him my top priority, even over career and friends....
A disappointment can really be a blessing in disguise. We had an experience of this recently while returning home from our three week work trip in Europe. I admit, I have a big thing about seats on th...
Everyone has unique words they need to hear. These words are like a magic sound to their ears, for they have perhaps longed to hear them all of their lives. The important thing in our relationships is...
Whatever pain someone was experiencing, Charmaine had gone through it, and much more. With so much compassion she would talk about the power of forgiveness and the risk to bring healing to any emotion...
Do you ever feel that you are totally alone and unsupported in difficult times in your life? The feeling of isolation can be very painful. I have a story to remind us that we are never really alone an...
When you ask someone a personal question, do you sit back and listen to their response without any interruptions? Or do you fill in the waiting period with more questions and other talking? Most of us...
Do you ever wonder why challenges come into your life? Do you ever wish that your life could be smooth and simple? Do you ever want your relationship to just be easy? These are things that probably ev...
Once in a while, a person will have a defining moment -- an experience -- a bit of wisdom or inspiration that pops into their heads and hearts and changes their lives. I had one of those moments recen...
Finding peace in your lives and relationships, especially if you feel stressed with financial, health, or relationship challenges, can sometimes seem almost impossible. And yet finding that peace is e...
A lot of books have been written about gratitude. I think it is a well-received idea that gratitude is a nice thing to do. But I want to address the use of gratitude in our most vulnerable times, when...
This article explores how different families express emotions. It highlights the contrasting dynamics between two families—one that conceals emotions and another that overtly expresses them. The piece...
As part of our hobby of raising Golden Retrievers, we used to march in our town's parade (Aptos, CA) each July 4. When we passed the judges' stand, the Goldens all wiggled up to them to give their lov...
My grandfather was stern and bitter. Earlier in his life, he had owned a business with his brother, and he felt that his brother had cheated him. He often obsessed about that supposed injustice, even...
Bokie was more like a child to me than a dog. He was a steady loving presence that I counted on. While I still couldn't fully trust Barry, I could completely trust Bokie. He was never far from my side...
While the women's movement of the sixties has done much to liberate women in their careers, many women are still settling for less than they deserve in their relationships.
Ram Dass taught us many very important things. Perhaps the most important is to accept and love ourselves completely and to not hide the darker sides of our being.
This is not an article about the benefits of getting a vaccination. Nor is it an article about not getting a vaccination. I am writing about following one's heart and having respect for others' decisi...
My mother died three years ago, and her death and dying process has changed my life. I’ve never been afraid of death itself. Rather, I’ve been afraid of the process it takes to get there. My mother’s...