Dive into the story of a profound intuitive connection with a Huskie, exploring the challenges and revelations of understanding canine behavior. This personal journey highlights the unique bond...

Journalism aims to inform the public, but what happens when verified facts fail to influence opinions? This article examines the challenges of factual reporting in a society where truth may not...

Can rats find joy in learning to drive? Neuroscientist Kelly Lambert’s experiments show how anticipation and enjoyment impact animal and human behavior. This study reveals fascinating insights...

Explore the transformative power of boldness and how embracing decisive actions in crucial moments can lead to significant personal growth and success. This article offers practical advice on...

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

Explore the intricate world of sleep patterns and how personal storytelling can unravel your unique sleep needs. Find out if you're a lark or an owl and how understanding this can help determine...

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

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Sandy C. Newbigging
What’s important to appreciate about resistance is that it is often not intentional but the result of what’s going on in the more subtle, hidden parts of your unconscious mind. Most people I meet are...
Resistance not only creates physical stress but is also the determining factor in whether a person feels negative emotions. Experiencing anger, sadness, fear, guilt or grief is only possible if you re...
Virtually every aspect of your daily life is impacted by unhealthy beliefs. Unhealthy beliefs have the power to impact your body, your emotions and your life circumstances. Therefore, by healing your...
One person loses their job and experiences stress, fear and anxiety. Another person loses their job and is excited about the new possibilities opening up for them. What’s the difference? The external...
Befriending your feelings can help you to enjoy greater physical health and life success. Emotions are simply ‘ e nergy in motion' and rather than trying to get rid of your emotions, it can be very pr...
Your stories about your past, your current circumstances and fu­ture only exist in your mind, not in reality. And once you fully get this, you can more confidently release your grasp on the need to th...
There is a direct relationship between surrendering control and manifesting miracles because of the difference between desire and desperation. Desire pulls things towards you, while desperation pushes...
Mind mastery is the ability to stop thinking whenever you want. You use your mind as the amazing tool that it is, and then ‘put it down’ when you’re done. As a result, a master of the mind enjoys free...
Love is the essence of your being. Love is what you are . It is not something you get depending on what you do , but an inner presence that is experienced when you are being you now . There is no uppe...
I would often say that I felt there was a party happening somewhere, but I wasn’t invited. Can you relate to that feeling? When with other people, I would pretend to be happy. I would pretend to have...