"Happiness is a butterfly.
When pursued, it is always beyond your grasp,
but if you will sit down quietly,
it may alight upon you."
-- N. Hawthorne
Several years ago, I was going along in my life making my simple life dreams come true, one at a time, adopting a child, becoming a writer, working with children - when my husband died. I was only 44 years old with a young son. Although my husband had been ill for many years, my life was totally changed in an instant.
Rebuilding was a process. I had gotten a computer to start a desktop publishing business so I could be home with my family. I sat for a year looking at this computer, playing solitaire and connecting with other widows and parents on-line. I finally started my business, and there I met Vanessa Vendola who had written a book The Seven Laws Of Laughter and wanted help bringing it to the world.
I became fascinated with the topic of laughter and we formed an organization called Laughter Unlimited. We had great plans for our concept, but the world was not ready for us. After a year we both went on to other projects, knowing that someday Laughter Unlimited would be revived.
Laughter Helps People Find Inner Peace
People commented on our laughs and even suggested we record them. When people were around either one of us, they just had to laugh. We researched laughter, presented talks at health shows, went to humor workshops and conferences. We were inspired by Dr. Madan Kataria, who founded the laughter clubs in India. When I found out he was going to be here in person, I had to be there.
What happened was a powerful experience. I learned so much about laughter and how it helps people find inner peace, happiness, and even love. I learned that laughter is a physical act and humor is an emotional or mental act. Vanessa laughed so hard and I laughed with her -- Dr. Kataria could not even speak. He said that he has taught hundreds of thousands of people to laugh, but never had he laughed so hard until he experienced our laughter.
What Is True Wealth?
Sunday night I watched the story of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, the people behind the computers, who came to be American legends. I could only wonder what motivates people? I wondered what is the connection to wealth and happiness, if there is one?
The Chevron Billboards portrayed a car with the message – Happiness – an inside job. How often is our happiness thought to come from a new car, a new love or some other external thing of event?
What does it mean to be rich?? How much money is enough??
What is true wealth – to have happiness, richness of the soul and heart, money to fulfill one’s desires, to love and be loved.
What Is True Happiness?
What is true happiness, how can it be truly measured? Is it measured by how many smiles we have a day, the satisfaction from our jobs, our lives, our family, our careers?
What is true happiness – is it an inside job that we reflect to the world around us? It really is something to think about.
About The Author
Janet Lifshin is a writer,speaker, enterpreneur, Minister of Mirth (Alliance of Divine Love Chapel 698), Certified Laughter Leader, Certifed Family Life Educator and a lady, known for spreading happiness and laughter where ever she goes. Janet has been sharing laughter programs since 1995. HAHA, Humor Alliance for Healthy Attitudes (a Lighthearted Enterprise) was founded by Janet, April 1, 2002 in West Palm Beach, Florida. The mission of the HAHA is to bring healing humor to the community by hosting community events and bringing humor to community locations. HAHA is a member of the World Laughter Tour (www.worldlaughtertour.com) and Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor (www.aath.org ). Our programs include those that we create as well as incorporating laughter clubs. We celebrate all aspects of healing humor. Visit Janets HAHA website at http://thehaha.com
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Today Show Video which features Janet Lifshin:
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