Image by kalhh
Letter to the Editor:
Hello. My name is Shane Archer. I'm writing this letter for two reasons. The first is just to extend my compliments to you for such a fine, educational magazine that has helped me and countless others along this journey called "life". Secondly, I'm writing just to spill my guts a little bit.
Here we go: For a long time my heart was filled with anger, rage, hatred, self-hate, self-destruction and any sort of other "negative emotions" one can have. I hated the entire world, including myself. Because of my self-destructive attitude, I overindulged in drugs and alcohol to the extent that my senses were clouded and I lost all sense of direction.
So I was a lunatic for a few years and WHAM! I ended up behind bars. But instead of this being the worse experience of my life, it's been one of the most beneficial. Instead of letting the rage inside me take full control over my being, I've begun to work through it.
With material such as InnerSelf, I am now able to see through the dark clouds that had hidden the truth from me. I am able to see that there is a way. I've come to realize that I am a good person after all. I am part of God. I am love, I am good. I am human.
I've become more aware of my surroundings and I've begun to see the inter-relatedness of everything...the ripple effect. How everything in life is one and the same.
Although I don't know all the answers, I'm still working on my belief system, but the important point is that I'm working on it. I'm placing one foot in front of the other on the road to personal inner peace and love. It's not that everyday is a good day, but even so-called "bad" days are better than before.
So as you can see, you're helping someone out here...ME. And for that I had to say thanks. I hope all goes well for you take care. Until the next time.
Love, Peace and Laughter,
Shane Archer,
Albion Correctional Facility,
Albion PA
Editor's Note: The above letter is a definite example of how we all can change no matter what scenario we have unwittingly, or willingly, painted in our lives.
Related book:
We're All Doing Time: A Guide to Getting Free
by Bo Lozoff
Often called "The Convict's Bible," this book is also relevant and important to any spiritual seeker. Interfaith wisdom, divided into 3 sections: The Big View describes Bo and Sita Lozoff's life of activism and spiritual exploration. Getting Free is a section of detailed instruction in classic spiritual practices. Dear Bo is correspondence between Bo and dozens of the inmates he has challenged, encouraged, and loved. This is an amazing book, which has moved people to great extremes. It has been translated into 5 languages.
For more info or to order this book. Also available as a Kindle edition.