- By Glen Park
Aspiration and achievement, power and success, and fame and fortune are presented as highly esteemed goals in our education systems, our workplaces, the media, and the social fabric of modern societies. The unique individual is emphasized over the family or tribe.
Napping is a great way to feel more rested and alert – and some research shows it can benefit our cognitive function.
I truly believe there are no accidents in life. There is only the magic and mystery of Spirit, and when we open ourselves up to this infinite energy and say “yes!” to our holy longings, Spirit moves in our life in ways that we could not even begin to imagine.
I truly believe there are no accidents in life. There is only the magic and mystery of Spirit, and when we open ourselves up to this infinite energy and say “yes!” to our holy longings, Spirit moves in our life in ways that we could not even begin to imagine.
- By Alan Cohen
It is easy to be seduced by the idea that how things turn out is more important than what happens in the process. The real question is not "How did it turn out?" The question is, "What happened to your spirit as you journeyed?"
Among traditional peoples, when a woman expecting a child enters the last trimester of her pregnancy, the shamans of her community place her in a deep state of trance. The shamans then connect with the spirit of the child coming into life, and they speak to it: 'Who are you? Why are you coming into our village? What is your life purpose?'
- By Corrie Pikul
We invest mental effort in a task in response to what we stand to gain, and in response to how much the outcome hinges on our performance, research finds.
They say you can't take it with you... That is false! Not only do you take it with you, but you come in with it. I'm not talking about material possessions, but rather about personality traits, lessons to be learned...
Consuming too much is the scourge of modern Western culture. Food is not the only thing you may over-consume. Greed causes you to risk everything for the sake of acquisition. This acquisitiveness destroys the health of society and culture as well as your own life.
Though our current society served us in the past, it is unable to stand in the increasing velocity of the evolving age. Like a bi-plane trying to break the sound barrier, it is losing integrity, starting to shake apart, and its ugly underbelly is being exposed.
When power is misused, there is an imbalance in the relationship between those who have the power and misuse it and those on whom the power is being enforced. The former are operating from fear, while the latter are also in fear because they believe...
When power is misused, there is an imbalance in the relationship between those who have the power and misuse it and those on whom the power is being enforced. The former are operating from fear, while the latter are also in fear because they believe...
There is a vast difference between ego and self-esteem, although the observer can easily confuse them. Ego is egotism, an inordinately large sense of self-importance.
Things do not appear without a thought having first given "life" to them. Through your thoughts, you are creating all the time—even when you sleep. The "meals" of your experience are cooked in the kitchen of your mind. Change your "thought recipes" and watch your experiences change.
Though our current society served us in the past, it is unable to stand in the increasing velocity of the evolving age. Like a bi-plane trying to break the sound barrier, it is losing integrity, starting to shake apart, and its ugly underbelly is being exposed.
What is the infinity sign really about? There was a time when knowledge of the power of symbols was the preserve of initiates only and it was passed on in secret. The infinity sign, or lemniscate, is one such fascinating symbol and produces its power regardless of whether we believe in it or not.
What is the infinity sign really about? There was a time when knowledge of the power of symbols was the preserve of initiates only and it was passed on in secret. The infinity sign, or lemniscate, is one such fascinating symbol and produces its power regardless of whether we believe in it or not.
Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing and expecting a different result.” Our human habit is to identify a problem and then try to fix it. That must change. But what’s the alternative? Examining how G.P.S. works gives us some clues.
Promoting work-life balance has also been shown to increase both physical and psychological health, and personal resilience for workers. Balancing time and energy used on work and personal life helps people feel better – subsequently both improving mental and physical health.
Change is inevitable. Notice your reaction to that statement. Change IS inevitable. Pay attention to your body's reaction, your mind, your emotions. Did you feel any fear? Any 'oh-oh' kind of feeling? Any insecurity about what change might bring?
- By Bert Gambini
New research suggests people who choose from many options quickly may be doing it to avoid thinking deeply about their decision.
Boundaries... barriers... walls... All these words have similar meanings. They indicate a place where one must stop and go no further. In some cases boundaries and walls are wonderful. But too much of a "good thing" can become its opposite... bad.
- By Sarah Mane
Think of someone you know, or know of, someone with a quiet self-assurance, a person with a strong moral compass, who is not swayed by passing fancies, a man or woman who sets a clear direction for their lives, who is dependable and trustworthy.