Regardless of the landscape around us, we must find a wholeness from within to have the strength, resilience, insight, and innovation to create new structures that support our evolution.
As humans, we feel joy when we relate to others with love. We receive life-force energy when we spend time in nature’s beauty.
Great ideas can strike when you are fully involved in another task. When an idea strikes, stop what you are doing as soon as you are able and write down whatever arose from your creative mind.
For eons we lived in a world where change was so slow that a snails’ pace would by comparison seem like a racing car from the famous Le Mans car race. Stability was the name of the game...
There is much to be learned from the creative industries when it comes to understanding the future of work.
This so-called U-shaped curve of happiness is reassuring but, unfortunately, probably not true.
The statement?“There are no coincidences”?reveals a paradox at the core of the subject of coincidences.
"Over time, you will form an intensely personal relationship with this beautiful inner force. It will replace the relationship you currently have with inner pain and disturbance. ..."
People aren't way off base," says Amit Kumar. "They get that being kind to people makes them feel good. What we don't get is how good it really makes others feel.
Medieval alchemists were dedicated to birthing a golden consciousness. This awakened consciousness was key to living in harmony with one another and Earth.
By mid-life, most of us have faced a significant loss such as the passing of a loved one, losing a job, or the dissolution of a formative relationship. These painful experiences can leave us feeling like we’ve taken a wrecking ball to the heart.
Many cultures have a ritualistic cleansing practice, often done with smoke or water, to help remove negative or stagnant energy. There are also numerous practices that point to the idea of grounding...
We all know the expression, "You're as old as you think or feel." Too many people give up on activities just because of age. The real danger here is the giving up on life...
Sometimes, when we are laser-focused on our goals and making our mark on the world, the relentless activity can become all-encompassing. In pursuit of a good life, we can sometimes forget to enjoy what is right in front of us.
When we are taught that we should have something or achieve a certain thing and we aren't yet there, this will automatically engender fear and anxiety in us until we believe we reach these goals.
- By Paul Levy
One of the real dangers of the current pandemic is for us to feel helpless—overwhelmed with despair, impending doom, and pessimism—a state that cuts us off from our agency and creative power. With all that’s happening in the world today...
Dying of a broken heart was just a figure of speech until 2002 when Dr Hikaru Sato and colleagues at Hiroshima City Hospital described it in a study.
Our greatest complaint today is that we have no time for anything. No time for our children, our spouses or lovers, no time for our friends and community. No time even for ourselves!
Older adults with a higher sense of purpose lead longer, healthier, and happier lives—and have lower rates of Alzheimer's disease and heart and other cardiovascular problems, researchers say.
When you’re feeling sick, you know it’s probably best to take the day off from work in order to recover and feel better.
Catastrophising is a tendency to assume the worst will happen when imagining a future situation – even if you have evidence that this is not the most likely outcome.
To create change in your life and to make a better mark on the world, you will need to cultivate a new mindset.