- By Alan Cohen
A real estate agent sent me a copy of the glamorous magazine, Luxury Homes. One home in particular caught my eye—not for the house, but for its tag line: In this elegant estate, all of your needs will be met.
Ants are simple creatures. They live by simple rules: if you see a scrap of food, pick it up; if you see a pile of food, drop the food you are carrying. Out of such simple behaviour, an ant colony emerges.
When we join in a common intent with other minds, an amplifying effect occurs that is far greater than the sum of the individuals. Things that were difficult to achieve separately suddenly become easy when we join together.
We’ve all been there: you spend an unthinkable amount on a child’s toy – lulled by the promise that the interaction with the flashing lights and whooshing noises will excite, stimulate and educate our little people.
- By Ora Nadrich
I found that the first question I had my clients ask themselves after Says Who?—“Have I heard someone say this before?”—helped establish where the thoughts came from, which then helped determine whether they were just the opinions and beliefs of others that they took on as their own.
We can learn a lot about people through how they use social media. For example, Twitter language can be used to predict the risk of dying from heart disease.
Sometimes people on a spiritual path feel a hesitation about using creative visualization. Their conflict comes from the apparent paradox between the idea of “being here now,” letting go of attachments and desires, and the idea of setting goals and creating what you want in life.
Ask yourself what is actually preventing you from being happy right now, right this very moment? If you are honest with yourself, you will probably say it's because you don't have what you want. This could be ...
A startling number of sex therapists recommend commercial pornography to patients. While it might sound surprising that trained psychologists, counselors and sexologists prescribe...
When you have a strong emotional reaction to something—a song, a speech, a beautiful scene—and get goose bumps, experts say it’s simply a biological reaction to adrenaline.
Most survivors -- whether they've forgotten the abuse or not -- have deep anger which manifests itself in chronic health problems such as cancer, gynecological disorders, back or neck pain, migraines, hemorrhoids, heart palpitations, skin problems, insomnia, alcoholism, and obesity.
Can you feel the energies bumping up against you? One minute, you feel pushed; the next minute, pulled. One minute, you’re OK, and the next minute, you’re not. It’s chaotic out there. Our world is in flux; nothing feels normal anymore.
The holiday season is upon us, and so are its attendant myths, most prominent of which is the Santa Claus story. Given the many absurdities and contradictions in that story, it’s surprising that even young children would believe it. Yet research from my lab shows...
Change is a necessary part of living. Many of us use planners to lay out the course of our day. Then, plans change — someone cancels a meeting, or the car won’t start, or the kids get sick. You couldn’t predict that something else was going to happen, but it did. So, you...
Since the industrial revolution, humans have been driving towards ever greater efficiency. In fact, efficiency – making the best possible use of the resources at hand – has become the core concept of how we run the world.
Our ego mind prefers safety, routine, and the status quo. It does not want us to step too far out of the front door into anything too new or different. On the other hand, our essential self wants us to stretch, grow, shed what is unnecessary or heavy, and explore this life more fully.
Buckets lists – inventories of things to do before you die – are often developed by people who know they have little time left. It seems like a good idea.
Michelle McGagh is a bold woman. A personal finance journalist, she has just completed a year in which she vowed to spend no money at all except on essential bills, simple food, and charitable donations.
Minding other people’s business is a surefire way to make yourself unhappy. That’s why if you want to enjoy the coming holiday season and live a happy life, I highly recommend you take a close look at this mechanism and ask yourself whose business you are in?
Most people don’t know that they need to protect themselves from negative energies around them. Most people on this planet do not even think in terms of ‘energy’ at all, which is strange, because everything on this planet is a form of energy, and we use these different forms of energy all the time!
Happiness has become a modern obsession. Searching for it, holding on to it, and wishing it on our loved ones have all become motivating forces for how we live our lives.
For seniors who want to age in a supportive community environment, cohousing is an exciting alternative to traditional options such as retirement homes and assisted living centers.
- By Tama Kieves
I doubt you want a “mediocre” life. I doubt you want to just pay your bills or settle for a sort of loving relationship and call it good. I think you want to cry with gratitude when it’s all said and done. I’d like you to cry with gratitude before then.