The mind-body connection is central to understanding and managing stress. This article explores how neuroplasticity reshapes the brain in response to stress, highlighting the dynamic relationship...

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

Women face a higher risk of dying from heart disease due to differences in how the disease develops and is diagnosed. This article explores how sex-specific factors, such as hormonal influences...

This article explores how divine love provides comfort, shielding us with unconditional love, and bestows blessings even in challenging times. Learn to trust in the promise of divine care and...

  Parents often use “good girl” or “good boy” as praise, but it may not always foster healthy development. This article discusses why rethinking praise is crucial for encouraging...

The 2024 election presents a critical decision: stick with the strong Biden-Harris economic performance or revert to Trump's risky policies. Discover how this "business decision" impacts jobs,...

Imagining advice from your older self can help you reflect on critical life decisions and make better choices. Learn how this mental exercise can shape a more positive future, offering both wisdom...

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Nora Caron
Señora Labotta stared deep into Lucina’s eyes. “You are not the only soul who has suffered in love. There is a saying I like very much. Boethius said this; ‘Commit your boat to the winds and you must...
The Oxford dictionary defines chaos as complete disorder or confusion. In general when we speak of chaos we associate it with a negative state and negative energy. When someone says, “My life is chaot...
I began to see animals as much more than family members and understood that they were in our lives to help us evolve and heal aspects of ourselves. One of my Native teachers gave us her view on cats.....
When we look at nature, we can clearly see how everything is related to cycles. We have lunar cycles, tide cycles, flower cycles, mating cycles, birthing cycles, and death cycles. Nature creates beaut...
I have come to understand how important it is to have a healthy balance between Yin and Yang energies, both within us and outside of us. Yin energy is the energy of rest, introspection, integration, r...
One of my spiritual teachers spoke a lot about premonitory dreams. She was a firm believer that dreams were important divine messages, coming in through the help of our spirit guides. Over the years,...
When I was ten years old and attending an elementary school called Mountainview School, my mother decided to have a little chat with my school director about the lack of trees on the school property....
Raging waterfall love is the kind that makes you lose your head, your focus, your center, and pretty much all your roots at the same time. It is the kind of love that gives you such an adrenaline kick...
Spiritual writers and leaders agree that in order to live a happy free life, we must dominate our egos and not let our egos dominate us.
I have always depended on dreams to provide me with clear answers about my direction in life, whether in love, my career, health, friendships, travels, and challenges. Whenever I am faced with an unkn...
Throughout primary school, I became accustomed to being in the crossfire of two opposing camps. When a French friend would insult my English friend, I would raise my hand, step forward, and launch int...
I consider myself an expert in recovering from emotional shocks. The past six years has been a long series of extremely difficult events that were accompanied by heavy emotional after-shock for me.
"I was very moved by the Blue Star Kachina prophecy,” Lucina began, sitting self-consciously next to the stranger. “I wanted to share with you a dream I’ve been having for the past months, and maybe y...
Here is something you can practice to connect with your inner guide. Find a quiet spot in nature and sit comfortably alone. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Allow yourself to fully feel yo...
Ever since I was a child, I chased the sun. I was ecstatic in the summer and miserable in the winter. My parents would have to chase after me to wear a hat and long sleeves because I wouldn’t think ab...
A few years ago, I gave conferences in Montreal regarding the healing properties of natural spring water. I was fascinated by the reports of people drinking natural spring water and stating that many...
Sometimes in life we come to a point where we want to leave everything behind and run away from society. It feels as though we cannot take one more abusive comment from our boss, another long drive in...
I have never liked hospitals but suddenly I began to appreciate the safety and stability it brought my family and I. Room 305 carried a special meaning for me, one of courage, hope, power and strength...
In this article I will explore what toxic relationships are, explain how we can get out of them, and share an exercise to cut energy links with toxic people in our lives in order to regain peace.
Growing up I had a lot of trouble distancing myself from other people's problems. I had every aspect of the Savior Complex embedded in my cells. It was this natural-born Savior Complex which resulted...
“It seems to me that this dream, since you don’t believe it to be a vision of your future, could just be Spirit talking to you about your present moment in life. I don’t know much about your life, but...
I once did a survey amongst my close friends and out of 18 friends, 15 admitted that they suffered from seasonal depression. Most of them replied that they would prefer to live anywhere else but in a...
Great prophets, gurus, spiritual leaders, and teachers across the world encourage us to search for the Great Light and find this mysterious thing they call "enlightenment". Many people begin their spi...
Within ourselves we contain seeds of great creativity. We are usually afraid of our own powers so we like to distract ourselves with hundreds of little mundane things rather than look in the mirror an...
Ever since I was young, I loved going to bed at night. I couldn't wait to drop off into deep sleep and experiment the massively expansive world of dreaming and wake up the next day with revelations an...
My first spiritual teacher told me a phrase that echoed in my head for months; “You don’t know what love is because you’re stuck in your fears. Face your fears and you will begin to know what love fee...
"It’s a procedure, a simple procedure which takes time and effort. I’ve been working on this ever since I was very young. I won’t tell you all the formula, but the first step is to turn off your inner...
I learned to sharpen my will power in order to manifest joy every single day. Will power is our greatest friend in life. Don’t let anyone else take the steering wheel and tell you which direction to h...
Those who know me can vouch that they have no clear idea how I have survived through so many hardships and obstacles and still smile today, and some even ask me what kind of magic pill I take to maint...