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"Do no harm" is a wonderful guiding principle to live by. And it covers so many things.

The "traditional" interpretation in most religions is "thou shalt not kill" and while that definitely is included in do no harm, the precept of not causing harm goes so much further.

For example: Do not harm yourself through your self-criticism, your thoughts, what you eat, how you treat your body. Get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, take time for yourself to relax and enjoy life. And of course it includes doing no harm to others... other humans, plants, animals,  things, and the Planet herself. Harm to others can be in our attitudes towards them, not just in physical actions. It is also in the thoughts and energy we direct their way -- whether we are being judgmental, condescending, thinking we're better than them, etc. etc.

Do no harm includes treating our food with respect and not wasting it. Do no harm includes not buying things that are not necessary... extra clothes, extra car, extra dishes, extra coats, extra appliances, extra anything. Replacing something even if it's still perfectly fine just because we've had it a certain amount of years, or because there's a new model, or a new color - that is doing harm to the environment, to the planet.

Do no harm requires that we simplify our life. That we not abuse the resources of Mother Earth in our over-use of packaging, plastics, and waste of all kinds.

Do no harm can also be correlated to the Ten Commandments... Some examples: do not steal, do not murder, honor your parents, do not covet  your neighbor's wife (or thy neighbor's house or car), thou shalt not bear false witness (don't lie), etc. etc. All of these fall under "Do No Harm". It gives us one simple guideline to replace ten others... Now that's simplicity!

When you remember to do no harm in all things, big and small, internal and external, your life will be much more peaceful and you will gain self-respect.

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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week. 

Marie T. Russell,
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"



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