Image by Stefan Keller 

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration

August 21, 2024

The focus for today is:

As I learn to use my gut feeling and trust it more and more,
it will grow stronger just like a muscle.

Today's inspiration was written by Nancy E. Yearout:

There is so much to know as we all begin to wake up and realize our gifts. Now that the age of Aquarius has arrived, many of us will begin to be more aware and tuned into our own intuition and special gifts. As we open our eyes, we will begin to see things in a different light.

You may see things for the first time about people you have known your whole life. No judgement, just a new awareness.

We all come here to learn. I believe we have to go through tough situations in life to realize our own powerful abilities. As you learn use your gut feeling and trust it more and more, it will grow stronger just like a muscle.

Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
   Using Our Intuitive Gifts in The Age of Aquarius
   by Nancy E. Yearout.
Read the complete article here.

This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of using and trusting your gut feelings (today and every day)

Comment from Marie:
Practice makes perfect, or if not perfect, at least we can improve and strengthen our gift. So it is with intuition or gut feelings or inner guidance... The more we trust it and follow its directive, the more confident we will become, and the stronger the messages will be.  

Our focus for today: As I learn to use my gut feeling and trust it more and more, it will grow stronger just like a muscle.

Subscribe here to join me for the next installment of "InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration".

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Wake Up! The Universe Is Speaking To You: Learn to Use Universal Energy
by Nancy E Yearout.

book cover: Wake Up! The Universe Is Speaking To You: Learn to Use Universal Energy by Nancy E Yearout.What if you were given the ability to change your life for the better” To create what you want for yourself? Most people are not aware that God has blessed us with that Energy to design the lives we desire. All you need to do is pay attention to what the Universe is showing you. Wake Up! You can tap into the Universal Energy to enhance your love life, your career, anything that you wish. This Energy was created for our use and it’s free! I explain in this book that there is an entire realm of Energy here on earth for us to access. It is the Energy that God intended for us to use. My wish is that discovering these Universal laws will change many lives for the better. 

Click here for more info and/or to order this book. Also available as a Kindle edition. 

About the Author

photo: Nancy YearoutNancy Yearout is an author, a spiritual life coach, inspirational speaker, and psychic tarot card reader, as well as a Christian and a member of the Baptist Church. Nancy has been fortunate to acquire hands-on energy-healing skills from an Aztec healer from Mexico, and she has helped many balance their energy fields. She has received guidance from religious and spiritual teachers along the way, resulting in the development of her skills as an intuitive, a tarot card reader, and a life coach. Visit her website at