Image by Gerd Altmann

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration

June 25, 2024

The focus for today is:

I take time each day for moments of
contemplation, meditation, and reflection.

Today's inspiration was written by Chris Fontanella:

No better way exists to hear a dream-filled message than to make time for moments of mysticism. In a word, mysticism---time spent contemplating, meditating, and reflecting---matters. Here is a suggestion to cultivate your inner mystic: Enter a walled garden. 

Recognizing a common theme among myths of different countries and peoples, mythologists stress the importance of isolating yourself in a walled garden, a place your mind can wander and you can be introspective.

“However you find the time,” says Bob Iger in his book, The Ride of a Lifetime, “it is vital to create space in each day to let your thoughts wander…to turn things over in your mind in a less pressured, more creative way than is possible once the daily triage [of work] kicks in.” Entering your walled garden---any place you create for introspective moments---allows you to do just that.

     Make Your Dreams Come True with the Use of Mysticism
     Written by Chris Fontanella.
Read the complete article here.

This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of creating moments of introspection(today and every day)

Comment from Marie:
People will often say they don't have time to meditate. Yet, we all have the same 24 hours each day. The difference is what we choose to do with those hours. So perhaps, rather than check our phone/email/Instagram, etc. several times per hour (or however often you do), use one out of two of those times to close your eyes instead, and take a moment to pause and listen for inner messages, rather than messages and distractions from the outside world. Or use the time when you're sitting in the bathroom to reflect, rather than check your phone. There's lots of opportunities when we start looking for them. Stopped at a traffic light? On hold on the phone? Sitting in a waiting room? etc. etc.

Our focus for today: I take time each day for moments of contemplation, meditation, and reflection.

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 * * *

RELATED BOOK: Jump-Start Your Career

Jump-Start Your Career: Ten Tips to Get You Going
by Chris Fontanella.

book cover of: Jump-Start Your Career by Chris Fontanella.Jump-Start Your Career is not a book of tips on resumé writing and interviewing, or steps you should take to ascend the corporate ladder. It doesn't tell you how to explain the gaps in your resumé, how to negotiate your salary, or when to ask for a raise. You won't learn how to exit a company without burning a bridge. In sum, it's not a how-to manual.

Instead this is a guidebook to help shape who you are as a person, which in turn can shape your career.

Click here for more info and/or to order this paperback book. Also available as a Kindle edition.

About the Author

photo of Chris FontanellaChris Fontanella is the founder of Encore Professionals Group, a professional services firm specializing in the identification and placement of accounting and finance candidates in temporary and full-time positions. He previously served as Division Director for Robert Half International and Client Service Director for Resources Global Professionals. Prior to entering the staffing industry,

Chris spent years studying theology and preparing for ministry, having received his bachelor of arts degree in New Testament Studies from Oral Roberts University, and his master of arts degree in Theological Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary. He is the author of Jump Start Your Career: Ten Tips to Get You Going, and Tune-Up Your Career: Tips & Cautions for Peak Performance in the Workplace.

Learn more at