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InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration

June 13, 2024

The focus for today is:

I allow my body to physically connect with nature
and I choose to fall in Love with Mother Earth.

Today's inspiration was written by Jovanka Ciares:

The wellness practice of grounding, or what’s also called “earthing,” is vital. At its most fundamental, this means literally touching the earth with our hands, feeling nature on our skin. It means walking barefoot in the grass and swimming in the ocean and feeling bark on our palms. 

Whether these practices are called grounding, earthing, or simply reconnecting with nature, they share an essential element: physically touching or making contact with the natural world. This is an underrated but critical component of wellness: Allowing our body to physically connect with nature fosters emotional connection.

Our connection with the earth is undeniable. We rely on Mother Earth for the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the foods that keep us alive and well. We must all fall in love (or fall back in love) with Mother Earth, which will inspire more deliberate efforts to protect her.

Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
     Practices for Grounding and Reclaiming Your Connection to Nature
     Written by Jovanka Ciares.
Read the complete article here.

This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of falling in love with Mother Earth (today and every day)

Comment from Marie:
Mother Earth - Nature - is so amazing. Look at the details in a flower, the abundance of fruit on a tree, the miracle of a plant or tree growing out of a tiny seed, the purity of water springing from the Earth, etc. etc. When we pay attention to the wonderfulness of Mother Earth, how is it even possible to not feel gratitude and Love? Let's pay attention to the wonders of Nature, of Life, of Living, and let's fall in Love with it all. From that space will come gratitude and right action.

Our focus for today: I allow my body to physically connect with nature and I choose to fall in Love with Mother Earth.

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RELATED BOOK: Reclaiming Wellness

Reclaiming Wellness: Ancient Wisdom for Your Healthy, Happy, and Beautiful Life
by Jovanka Ciares.

book cover of Reclaiming Wellness by Jovanka Ciares.Reclaiming Wellness explores today’s most effective wellness practices — and their multicultural sources — in a way that makes overall health accessible to all. If you’ve ever felt left out of “elite” healthcare regimes or thought that being healthy shouldn’t be expensive, this book is for you.

For more info and/or to order this book, click here. Also available as a Kindle edition and as an Audiobook.

About the Author

photo of Jovanka CiaresJovanka Ciares is the author of Reclaiming Wellness and several other titles. A certified wellness expert, integrative herbalist, nutrition educator, and coach, she offers lectures and workshops in Spanish and English..

She is the founder of Solana, an herbal supplement line for digestive health, and the creator of the #ReclaimingWellness initiative, aiming at educating BIPOC communities on the power of herbal medicine and plant-based living for their healing journey. 

Visit her online at