man smoking a cigarette with two people looking at him
Image by Victoria from Pixabay

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration

June 6, 2024

The focus for today is:

I choose to change my habits
so that my past does not become my future.

Today's inspiration was written by Gary C. Cooper:

If we don’t change habits, we’ll keep creating today what we created yesterday, and our past will become our future.

But when we prioritize being true to ourselves, our changed behaviors create a different future. This enables us to reflect back on our past with a more mature understanding.

That’s how we can change our past from the future.

Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
     Healing Our Past and Living Forwards
     Written by Gary C. Cooper.
Read the complete article here.

This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of changing your habits (today and every day)

Comment from Marie:
It's easy to stay in the same-old same-old, however if those habitual behaviors have not brought you health, happiness, and peace of mind, then something needs to change. And of course, the something that needs to change is always us... our attitudes, our behaviors, and mostly our habits... those things we repeat without making a conscious choice as to whether they are helping us or not.

Our focus for today: I choose to change my habits so that my past does not become my future.

Subscribe here to join me for the next installment of "InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration".

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RELATED BOOK: The Success Paradox

The Success Paradox: How to Surrender & Win in Business and in Life
by Gary C. Cooper with Will T. Wilkinson.

The Success Paradox is the improbable story of a life and business transformed, told in a warmly authentic style that says: “I hit rock bottom, I surrendered, I began doing the opposite of what I’d been doing before, miracles happened, and here’s what you can learn from my journey.”

With riveting personal details that illuminate his discoveries, Gary details how he defied the odds – not just to survive but to thrive - by implementing a series of paradoxical strategies, fundamentally opposite to anything he’d ever done before. The result is an inspiring book about what happened to him and a blueprint for readers to experience how to surrender and win in business and life.

Click here for more info and/or to order this hardback book. Also available as a Kindle edition and as an Audiobook.

About the Author

photo of GARY C. COOPERGARY C. COOPER was 28 when his father died suddenly, making him CEO of a South Carolina health care business with 500 employees, $25M in revenue, and ten partners much older than him. Two months after his father’s funeral the bank called all their loans, demanding $30M in 30 days. So began Gary’s roller coaster ride into workaholism, alcoholism, near bankruptcy, and family strife, culminating in a doctor’s grim diagnosis: “You have less than a month to live.”

But Gary turned everything around. Today he is sober, healthy, happy, his family is reunited, and his company, Palmetto Infusion Inc., is valued at $400M. How he did it reveals three astounding secrets that turn best business practices upside down.

For more info about Gary, visit For info on the non-profit organization he co-founded with Will Wilkinson, visit