English expressions like "so long" and "against the grain" have intriguing origins that reveal much about language evolution. Uncover the fascinating stories behind these common phrases and learn...

  Healthy soil isn't just vital for crops; it's essential for your gut health and mental wellbeing. By enhancing soil quality, we can improve the nutrients in our food, boosting both physical...

  Selecting the right college major is crucial for academic success. Use these three strategies to make a smart decision: create a career plan, do your research, and prepare for challenges....

  New research suggests that parental alcohol use before conception can accelerate aging in offspring and increase their susceptibility to diseases. Learn how drinking impacts a child’s...

Managing your dog’s unwanted behaviors, such as barking, jumping, or nipping, requires understanding their root causes and using positive reinforcement. This article provides practical tips for...

  Assisted dying is a deeply personal choice, often made with the support of loved ones. This article shares first-hand stories from families who helped their relatives through the process of...

  Many popular mobile apps have complicated privacy settings that put your data at risk. Understanding these settings and adjusting them can help protect your privacy and reduce exposure to...

Sarah van Gelder
In Norway, a high-tech seed vault flooded from melting permafrost. In Montana, locals keep their seeds in the library.
The starting point is to realize we have choices—like meaningful work, authentic relationships, and gratitude. We come into this world naked with nothing to count on but love.
Why has it taken so long to respond? Naomi Klein’s new book, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate , explores that question. Klein points to the “terrible timing” of the climate crisis c...
If you want to understand people, ask for their stories. Listen long enough, and you learn not only the events of their lives, but their sources of meaning, what they value, what they most want.
Lama Tsomo is a Tibetan Buddhist lama, a former homesteader, and an heiress to a family fortune who lives a quiet life in the mountains of Montana. Now she is beginning to teach the practices and insi...
Much happened that was hopeful this year — a new pope focused on inequality, successful minimum wage campaigns spread across the country, and the number of states allowing gay marriage doubled. We loo...
Remember the last time we were told military strikes were needed because a Middle Eastern despot had used weapons of mass destruction? As U.S. political and media leaders prepare for military strikes...