The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

While I have no doubt that there are Spirit Beings, I have come upon no sufficient way of completely and effectively explaining what a Spirit Being is made of, where it lives, and how it can move...

The prevalence of SMS phishing scams is increasing in today's digital landscape. Recent research has provided new insights into the scope and sophistication of these scams.

The concept of cultural entrepreneurship has many facets. It encompasses both the cultural and social impact of entrepreneurial training, and the environmental factors that influence its development.

The reality may be hard to recall, but these devices have profoundly transformed the way we relate to the world and others in the past fifteen years or so.

Gotland has been a popular holiday destination for decades, but recently Swedish commander-in-chief, Mikael Bydén, claimed that Russian president Vladmir Putin “has his eyes” on the island.

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

Kent M. Keith
The world will change when more and more people carve out time from their busy schedules to raise questions, challenge assumptions, set high standards, and pitch in to help each other. The meaning tha...
The power to bring about change is in our hands. That's because the most important thing that each of us needs is each other . Many of our problems have grown out of our alienation -- our inattention...
Most people agree on what they want out of life. They want the basics -- food, clothing, shelter, health. They want a beautiful and healthy environment. They want opportunities -- education, jobs, and...