Imagine that you are a rock in a stream and the stream is moving all around you. Now, many of you let the stream carry you this way or that. Do you stay centered and balanced while the current flows by, or do you let every current throw you around?
Imagine you have an antenna in your mind, and you can adjust it right now, aiming it upward, to the higher ideals that fit you. What do you value in yourself?? How do you want to feel? Stop for one moment and ask, what feelings do I want? How do I want my Universe to look right now?
On an emotional level, bring those feelings to yourself as if right now at this moment you had your perfect Universe. Keep this antenna adjusted upward to higher levels of the Universe, and you will be stable like the rock, while all the currents flow by you.
It is only an illusion
that you do not have
what you want.
Choosing to Believe You Have a Purpose
If you believe in what you see, then you are believing in the creations of the past. Everything you have right now in your life you created from the past. Everything you have from here on out can be created at this moment, and it can be created differently.
You do not need to know specifically what you will do today or the next day. You can start by believing that you do have a purpose, a concrete purpose, and you can begin by asking it to unfold for you. If you begin believing in and acting as if you know what to do with your life, you will.
Pretend today that you are the captain of your ship, and that for today you will guide this ship the way you want to. You will take the time you need, be with the people you want to be with, say “no” when you want to say no, and “yes” when you want to say yes. You will check in from hour to hour to see if you are feeling joy or peace or whatever you have determined that you want to feel.
Creating the World You Desire
Some say their life purpose is serving and assisting others. This can be a very good and true life purpose if you also pay attention to making your own life work. By taking care of you, putting yourself in an environment that increases your sense of peace and serenity, beauty and harmony, you are in a much better position to assist others than if you put the focus on making them happy and yet are not happy yourself. If every person came from a space of harmony and beauty, of the higher self and soul, you would have an entirely different society.
Right now, look around at all of your options and choices. Decide that from today onward you will create the world that you want. Go within and find that point of strength, that part of you that has always been able to create the things you wanted, and feel it growing stronger. The greatest gift you give another is having your own life work.
Ask yourself, “How can I be true to who I am? What is my truth?” Every person has a different path and is a unique expression of life force.
Life purpose is whatever path
you decide on,
for all is free will.
Believe in Yourself Consistently
Prior to being born, your soul sets up those conditions that would best allow you throughout your life to unfold certain qualities, skills, and life directions. You can have what you want, if you are willing to hold up the vision and believe in yourself consistently. The more consistently you believe in yourself, the better the results.
It would be easy if there were no setbacks (as you interpret them) or trials along the way. Honor every seeming setback, every single challenge or difficulty, for it strengthens your purpose. It gives you opportunities to be even more committed to your vision, even clearer on your intent.
If life were too easy or simple, most of you would be complaining of boredom. Honor your challenges, for those spaces that you label as dark are actually there to strengthen you, to firm your resolve, and to bring out the best in you.
Affirmations: Keys to Personal Power
- My life is unfolding in perfect ways.
- I live in a limitless world.
- I am true to myself. I say “no” when I mean no, and “yes” when I mean yes.
- My life is growing better every day.
- All that I need is within me.
- I am living my greatest potential.
- My inner vision is clear. I know who I am.
- Everything I do is something I want to do, fits who I am, and brings me joy.
- I have all the time I need to accomplish my life purpose.
- I have the determination and focus I need to create my life purpose.
- I choose to be in an environment that increases my sense of aliveness, peace, and joy, and I am!
- My life works in wonderful ways.
- I know all challenges are in my life to bring out the best in me.
- I embrace all that I am and all that I can be.
Reprinted with permission of the publisher,
New World Library, Novato, CA. ©2011.
Article Source
Living with Joy: Keys to Personal Power and Spiritual Transformation
by Sanaya Roman.
Click here for more info and/or to order this book on Amazon.
About the Author
Sanaya Roman has been channeling Orin, a wise and gentle spirit teacher, for over 25 years. All of Orin's work assists people in unfolding their potential, finding their inner wisdom, and in growing spiritually. As well as numerous books, Sanaya has also produced an extensive line of audio guided meditations by Orin to assist you in transforming your life, contacting your soul and Spirit, learning to channel, and creating the reality you want. To learn more visit Sanaya is also teaching seminars and producing new audio meditations and a line of meditation music.