Understand that emotions aren't problems to fix but signals that guide us to effective solutions. Explore how to interpret emotional signals as useful navigational tools for life's challenges....

Propaganda’s influence often overshadows education, shaping beliefs and biases in lasting ways. This article delves into the power of propaganda, drawing lessons from history’s masters like...

Mud play offers more than just messy fun—it strengthens kids' immune systems. Exposure to microbes found in dirt helps children develop resilience, reduce allergy risk, and even promotes mental...

Explore the concept of the Huntress archetype as a source of inner strength and guidance. Unleash your empowered vision to navigate life's challenges and embrace your most authentic self. Discover...

This Halloween, make sure your kids enjoy a fun and safe night with essential Halloween child safety tips. From reflective gear for visibility to trick-or-treating safety tips and choosing...

Medieval people held vivid beliefs in supernatural creatures, including elves, fairies, and revenants. These beings shaped medieval society's understanding of miracles, abductions, and unexplained...

Explore the transformative power of self-healing soul powers in overcoming serious illnesses. Learn how positive emotions, unwavering belief, and a deep spiritual connection can lead to miraculous...

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Susan Ann Darley
Do you recall the massive, underwater earthquake that took place in 2004 in Indonesia? It triggered a 20-foot high tsunami leaving a trail of destruction in its path. Fortunately, many of the aborigin...
Do you recall the massive, underwater earthquake that took place in 2004 in Indonesia? It triggered a 20-foot high tsunami leaving a trail of destruction in its path. Fortunately, many of the aborigin...
When we neglect ourselves in the mad rush to make a living, take care of business and raise our families, we die a little with each passing day. What have you done lately to nurture yourself, enhance...
I was raised on “don’t hurt other people’s feelings — be nice.” The concept of setting personal boundaries was foreign to me... How could I tell her she had overstepped her boundaries?
The biggest trap in the world to fall into is that of making careless and cruel comments about others. It is difficult not to jump in and fan the fire with our own critical take on another. It is equa...
Are you ready to come out from under the influence of others and learn how to listen to your inner wisdom? You can discover your truth and find the confidence to express it through your creativity, re...
Each of us longs to express who we are, what we think and how we feel. But how often do we? From my perch I see more being repressed than expressed. Considering that repression can lead to depression,...
We are all creative. Our lives are a work of art and we are creating with each new breath we take. And as you probably know, we form our personal reality through our thoughts, feelings and beliefs.