Understand that emotions aren't problems to fix but signals that guide us to effective solutions. Explore how to interpret emotional signals as useful navigational tools for life's challenges....

Propaganda’s influence often overshadows education, shaping beliefs and biases in lasting ways. This article delves into the power of propaganda, drawing lessons from history’s masters like...

Mud play offers more than just messy fun—it strengthens kids' immune systems. Exposure to microbes found in dirt helps children develop resilience, reduce allergy risk, and even promotes mental...

Explore the concept of the Huntress archetype as a source of inner strength and guidance. Unleash your empowered vision to navigate life's challenges and embrace your most authentic self. Discover...

This Halloween, make sure your kids enjoy a fun and safe night with essential Halloween child safety tips. From reflective gear for visibility to trick-or-treating safety tips and choosing...

Medieval people held vivid beliefs in supernatural creatures, including elves, fairies, and revenants. These beings shaped medieval society's understanding of miracles, abductions, and unexplained...

Explore the transformative power of self-healing soul powers in overcoming serious illnesses. Learn how positive emotions, unwavering belief, and a deep spiritual connection can lead to miraculous...

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P.M.H. Atwater
No matter how many psychics you consult or how many readings you have, only bits and pieces of one's personal path is ever revealed. The rest remains your mystery -- for you to solve. While I cannot t...
What we see and experience depends entirely on the angle with which it is viewed for definition. To put it another way, where we stand determines what we see. Only our attitudes, our beliefs, block us...
People who sense, feel, or see a light flash released from the body when a person dies are lucky, for it is an awesome thing. I have been privy to such scenes with animals as well.
When you return from death or near-death, a new commandment courses throughout your veins and in rhythm with your heartbeat . . . love one another. Experiencers of every stripe, tongue, culture, relig...
Easily 90 to 95 percent of near-death experiencers return absolutely convinced that God exists. Whether atheist, agnostic, purveyor of fairy tales, or avid worshipper, watch the experiencer’s face cha...
Good education for children cannot be deleted from tight budgets or thwarted by religious zealots without a country’s prosperity and very existence suffering. Because this is true, I’m going to tease...
For most of my adult life I’ve been asking questions of young people, “What do you want to be when you grow up? Do you see yourself ever becoming a parent?” The usual “I want to be a fireman [or a nur...
Nothing amazes more than the flip side of ADHD. Its positives are striking: creativity, energy, intuition, nonlinear minds that abstract, risk taking, entrepreneurial spirit, adventurousness, courageo...