Understand that emotions aren't problems to fix but signals that guide us to effective solutions. Explore how to interpret emotional signals as useful navigational tools for life's challenges....

Propaganda’s influence often overshadows education, shaping beliefs and biases in lasting ways. This article delves into the power of propaganda, drawing lessons from history’s masters like...

Mud play offers more than just messy fun—it strengthens kids' immune systems. Exposure to microbes found in dirt helps children develop resilience, reduce allergy risk, and even promotes mental...

Explore the concept of the Huntress archetype as a source of inner strength and guidance. Unleash your empowered vision to navigate life's challenges and embrace your most authentic self. Discover...

This Halloween, make sure your kids enjoy a fun and safe night with essential Halloween child safety tips. From reflective gear for visibility to trick-or-treating safety tips and choosing...

Medieval people held vivid beliefs in supernatural creatures, including elves, fairies, and revenants. These beings shaped medieval society's understanding of miracles, abductions, and unexplained...

Explore the transformative power of self-healing soul powers in overcoming serious illnesses. Learn how positive emotions, unwavering belief, and a deep spiritual connection can lead to miraculous...

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David Ian Cowan
When Lynn Grabhorn was asked, “What is one simple thing I can do now to help prepare for the Shift?” her reply was, “Learn to be grateful”. She suggested the practice of extending gratitude for all th...
Using the analogy of the hologram, the entire hologram now reflects back to me my decision. For example (and I know you will relate to this), I have decided to purchase a Volkswagen. I am now seeing V...
Part of letting go into the flow of life lies in realizing that you have never really been in control of your life, at least not from the perspective of the conscious mind. You simply have been mak­in...
Thousands of case studies proved beyond any reasonable doubt that cancer can be cured by a change in one’s thinking! In the patients who were able to resolve the conflict through recognizing their inn...
Real spiritual experiences always increase our joy. This is partly because true spiritual experiences always involve an element of greater inclusion, expansion, and connectedness. This is love in its...
Once I resolve to see the world and others as extensions of myself, each relationship in any circumstance becomes a portal to deeper Self-understanding, acceptance, and love. The end game here is that...
There may be concerns about being in the right place for the Shift. Any uncertainty or anxiety about this is coming from fear, and thus from the ego. Begin now to affirm to yourself, "I am always in t...