Women face a higher risk of dying from heart disease due to differences in how the disease develops and is diagnosed. This article explores how sex-specific factors, such as hormonal influences...

The connection between genetics and weight loss is more important than you might think. A new study reveals how genetic variations impact exercise results and weight loss.

By practicing conscious breathing, you can align with your body’s natural rhythm and release stored tension. Learn how curved breathing and sound can open pathways to deep relaxation and emotional...

Research reveals that eye contact with your dog forms a human-dog brain connection through a phenomenon called neural coupling. This synchronisation of brain signals deepens the bond and...

A new study tackles the long-debated question: Which has a greater impact on lifespan, genetics or diet? By examining caloric restriction in genetically diverse mice, researchers found that while...

Discover the best exercises for brain health after 60 that will help you stay sharp and active. These physical activities improve memory, cognitive function, and overall brain performance, making...

Virtual reality nature is becoming a trendy tool for wellness, but how does it compare to real nature? While VR headsets can offer visually stunning environments, they can't provide the sensory...

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