Image by Quinton Delmar

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

There is a saying about not seeing what's right in front of our nose. And while that does happen, probably a lot, I feel we are more prone to not seeing what is further away than our nose...  and sometimes behind our nose inside our own being. We are prone to, as said in The Little Prince, not seeing what is invisible to the eye. And then of course, there is the question of how we interpret what we see.

In this week's articles we bring you ways of seeing more than what is right in front of us... or what is visible to the eyes. There is much to be learned from the invisible, from the messages that come from within, whether within our own selves or the inner selves of other people such as our authors.

We start off with Will T. Wilkinson who gives us what at first might seems like a contradiction: "It's Time to Give Up, But Never Give Up". His article reminded me of the saying: "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." As I looked up the attibution of this quote (Joseph P. Kennedy) I found many variations, of which this one by RuPaul,. "when the going gets tough, the tough reinvent."

Part of not giving up, and not being carried away by the current, is shared in the next article: "The Attitude of the Observer: Reflecting on the Undercurrent". It behooves us to learn to "be in the world, but not of the world"; to learn to observe what has happened and what is happening, and make decisions from a calm center. To assist you in that endeavor, we bring you "Meditations for Centering and Grounding Yourself". 

So much of our life depends on how we deal with the situations that face us, and what decisions we reach. Alan Seale helps clarify "Complicated, Complex, Or Both—Critical Distinctions in a New World".

Another aspect of seeing something other than what is in front of our nose is to take steps to discovering and "Meeting the Shadow: Healing and Harmony for All" That article begins with the following: "Jung reminded us that what is good is not always beautiful, and what is beautiful is not always good. The paradox requires us to reconsider that what had previously been deemed negative could potentially be positive, including that which remains a mystery. To be in an undifferentiated state means to accept whatever shows up in our lives unconditionally." Again a reminder to see more than what is obvious to the eye.

Other revelations and messages come from unexpected sources, one of which is the tiny, yet powerfully impactful, "Coronavirus Connection: Communication, and Consciousness". I invite you to watch the video at the end of that article which is an "imagined letter" from the Coronavirus to humanity. Whatever your opinion of the source or the presentation, the message is valid and powerful -- guidance for humanity at this time of crisis and transition. The message can assist us in seeing what is actually right in front of our noses, but that we may not have been noticing or paying attention to.

We also bring you an article by Robert Jennings, co-publisher of InnerSelf: "Why Donald Trump Could Be History's Biggest Loser" which presents another instance of our not always seeing what is right in front of us.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, loving and healthy week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

It's Time to Give Up, But Never Give Up

Written by Will T. Wilkinson

It's Time to Give Up, But Never Give Up
I recently gave the keynote address at a local graduation ceremony. I arrived early to hang out with the 72 students and asked a few of them, "What would you like to hear from me?" I ended up quoting a bright young woman I'll call Lucinda, who paused in deep thought for about thirty seconds before answering.

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The Attitude of the Observer: Reflecting on the Undercurrent

Written by Choden and Heather Regan-Addis

The Attitude of the Observer: Reflecting on the Undercurrent
In all likelihood we want to have happy thoughts and for the mind to be calm and peaceful. We don’t want to have unhappy thoughts and we don’t want the mind to be distracted, agitated or bored. However, we are constantly judging, evaluating and assessing...

Meditations for Centering and Grounding Yourself

Written by Joan Rose Staffen

Meditations for Centering and Grounding Yourself
Take three to five minutes to center yourself. It’s a good idea to turn off your phone and set a timer. That way you can truly let go.

Complicated, Complex, Or Both—Critical Distinctions in a New World

Written by Alan Seale

Complicated, Complex, Or Both—Critical Distinctions in a New World
In the mid-1960s, Bob Dylan’s song, “The Times They Are A-Changin,” became an anti-establishment anthem for frustrated young people.Fifty-plus years later, the times are no longer “a-changin;” the times have changed—radically. In fact, rapid, continuous, unpredictable change is the “new normal.”

Meeting the Shadow with Sedna: Healing and Harmony for All

Written by Jennifer T. Gehl

Meeting the Shadow: Healing and Harmony for All
Jung reminded us that what is good is not always beautiful, and what is beautiful is not always good. The paradox requires us to reconsider that what had previously been deemed negative could potentially be positive, including that which remains a mystery.

Coronavirus Connection. Communication, and Consciousness

Written by Nancy Windheart

Coronavirus Connection. Communication and Consciousness
In these past weeks, we as a human species have had our lives  and “business as usual” worlds dramatically altered. During this time, I have been listening deeply, moving back and forth between my human perspective and reality, and spending time daily in connection with the deep wisdom of...

Why Donald Trump Could Be History's Biggest Loser

Written by Robert Jennings,

Why Donald Trump Is History's Biggest Loser
This whole coronavirus pandemic is costing a fortune, maybe 2 or 3 or 4 fortunes, all of unknown size. Oh yeah, and, hundreds of thousands, maybe a million, of people will die prematurely as a direct or indirect result. How much is that worth? It didn't have to be this way. 

Which Would Be Worse Right Now Inflation Or Deflation?
Which Would Be Worse Right Now Inflation Or Deflation?

by Alan Shipman

Inflation among the 37 member states of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) fell from…

What's The Best Diet For Weight Loss?
What's The Best Diet For Weight Loss?

by Clare Collins

When it comes to weight loss, there are no magic tricks that guarantee success. What works for you is likely to be…

How To Stay Calm And Manage Those Family Tensions During A Lockdown
How To Stay Calm And Manage Those Family Tensions During A Lockdown

by Winnifred Louis and Tom Denson

The coronavirus restrictions are slowly being eased but the pressures on families at home still probably lead to many…

Why You Should Keep Your Cat Indoors
Why You Should Keep Your Cat Indoors

by Jaana Dielenberg, et al

We know feral cats are an enormous problem for wildlife – across Australia, feral cats collectively kill more than…

What Caused Major Climate Change In The Past?
This Is What Caused Major Climate Change In The Past

by James Renwick

Earth had several periods of high carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and high temperatures over the last several…

Here Are 7 Ways To Help Young People Navigate A Changed World
Here Are 7 Ways To Help Young People Navigate A Changed World

by Kate Lycett, et al

As we start to think about rebuilding our lives in the midst of an ongoing pandemic, we need to be clearer than ever…

The Perils Of Perfectionism During Lockdown
The Perils Of Perfectionism During Lockdown

by Fuschia Sirois

Trying to find ways to make the most of time in lockdown has motivated many people to learn new skills, polish up old…

Not All Doom And Gloom: Even In A Pandemic, Mixed Emotions Are More Common Than Negative Ones
Not All Doom And Gloom: Even In A Pandemic, Mixed Emotions Are More Common Than Negative Ones

by Luke Smillie, et al

Much has been written on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on negative emotions, such as rising anxiety and the…

Popular Christian Novel ‘The Shack’ Finds A Surprising Solution To The Problem Of Evil
Popular Christian Novel ‘The Shack’ Finds A Surprising Solution To The Problem Of Evil

by Christopher Douglas

In the United States, churches in at least four states have filed lawsuits about the banning of religious gatherings…

The Science Is Simple. Masks Help Stop The Spread Of Coronavirus
The Science Is Simple. Masks Help Stop The Spread Of Coronavirus

by Jeremy Howard

In late March, I decided to use public mask-wearing as a case study to show my students how to combine and analyze…

How Times Of Crisis Reveal Our Emotional Connection With Strangers
How Times Of Crisis Reveal Our Emotional Connection With Strangers

by Andy Levy

As well as attacking immune systems, COVID-19 has severely disrupted every aspect of society. It has altered the way we…

Why You Might Actually Enjoy Life In A Degrowth Economy
Why You Might Actually Enjoy Life In A Degrowth Economy

by Samuel Alexander

The orthodox answer is that a bigger economy is always better, but this idea is increasingly strained by the knowledge…

In Spite Of Their Differences, Jews, Christians And Muslims Worship The Same God
In Spite Of Their Differences, Jews, Christians And Muslims Worship The Same God

by Philip Almond, The University of Queensland

Despite the manifest differences in how they practise their religions, Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the…

Coronavirus Found In Semen Of Young Men
Coronavirus Has Been Found In The Semen Of Young Men

by Peter Ellis et al

We don’t know much about SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, but we are learning new things about it every day.

Why Women Leaders Are Excelling During The Coronavirus Pandemic
Why Women Leaders Are Excelling During The Coronavirus Pandemic

by Louise Champoux-Paillé and Anne-Marie Croteau

Since the beginning of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, there’s been a lot of media attention paid to the relationship…

What's The Point Of Grief?
What's The Point Of Grief?

by John Frederick Wilson

Grieving is an experience almost everyone will go through at some point in their life. And is something we often have…

How To Keep Up Social Distancing After Lockdown
How To Keep Up Social Distancing After Lockdown

by Benjamin van Rooij and Emmeke B. Kooistra

Across Europe, schools are opening, cars are back on the roads and people are returning to their daily commutes on…

COVID-19 May Hit Rural Residents Hard, And That Spells Trouble Because Of Lack Of Rural Health Care
COVID-19 May Hit Rural Residents Hard, And That Spells Trouble Because Of Lack Of Rural Health Care

by Kevin J. Bennett

The burden of COVID-19 in rural areas has been under the radar, as the toll of the disease so far has been heaviest in…

Why Your Brain Evolved To Hoard Supplies And Shame Others
Why Your Brain Evolved To Hoard Supplies And Shame Others

by Stephanie Preston

The media is replete with COVID-19 stories about people clearing supermarket shelves – and the backlash against them.

Before DIY Sourdough Starters Became Popular, There Was Home Economics
Before DIY Sourdough Starters Became Popular, There Was Home Economics

by Mary-Leah de Zwart

My niece is sheltering at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. She’s making sourdough starter for the first time because…

10 Ways To Sleep Like A Baby During The Crisis
10 Ways To Sleep Like A Baby During The Crisis

by Faustin Etindele

The crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a generalized climate of anxiety, which has increased…

Why Returning To Normal Post-coronavirus Would Be Inhumane
Why Returning To Normal Post-coronavirus Would Be Inhumane

by Paul R. Carr

The world is enmeshed in a significant health crisis that stretches to all levels of society. Containing, controlling…

How Planting A Garden Can Boost Bees, Local Food And Resilience
How Planting A Garden Can Boost Bees, Local Food And Resilience

by Sheila Colla

With the arrival of spring, many people have been starting to think about how COVID-19 will impact the affordability…

How Sharing Your Dreams Could Help To Improve Your Relationships
How Sharing Your Dreams Could Help To Improve Your Relationships

by Mark Blagrove and Julia Lockheart

When you wake up from a strange or particularly memorable dream, how likely are you to share it? Maybe you might tell…

The Coronavirus Diets: What's Behind The Urge To Eat Like Little Kids?
The Coronavirus Diets: What's Behind The Urge To Eat Like Little Kids?

by Carli Liguori

Have you noticed grabbing an extra bag of chips at the supermarket? Or eating more frozen dinners than you used to? Or…

How Young Dogs Might Be More Similar To Human Teenagers Than We Think
How Young Dogs Might Be More Similar To Human Teenagers Than We Think

by Naomi D Harvey and Lucy Asher

Speak to many dog owners and they will tell you that their once perfectly behaved puppy started to become “difficult”…

Eating Plenty Of Apples, Berries And Tea Linked To Lower Risk Of Alzheimer's And Dementia
Eating Plenty Of Apples, Berries And Tea Linked To Lower Risk Of Alzheimer's And Dementia

by Eleftheria Kodosaki and Keith Morris

Many of the nutrients found in fruits and vegetables are responsible for numerous health benefits, in particular…

Lord Of The Flies Real-life Story Shows How Humans Are Hard-wired To Help Each Other

by Vittorio Bufacchi

Fiction is a powerful force in shaping social understanding and, in the 20th century, a number of novels shaped…

Historic Power Struggle Between Trump And Congress To Be Reviewed By Supreme Court
Historic Power Struggle Between Trump And Congress To Be Reviewed By Supreme Court

by Stanley M. Brand

The Supreme Court will hear argument in two cases concerning congressional demands, known as subpoenas, for materials…

Is It OK To Feed Stray Cats During The Coronavirus Crisis?
Is It OK To Feed Stray Cats During The Coronavirus Crisis?

by Lee McIntyre

A lot of people are facing ethical decisions about their daily life as a result of the coronavirus.

Research Reveals Way To Predict Coronavirus Infection Without A Test
Research Reveals Way To Predict Coronavirus Infection Without A Test

by Tim Spector and Andrew Chan

The UK and some US states have become the latest to set out plans for easing their lockdown due to coronavirus.

What Every New Baker Should Know About The Yeast All Around Us
What Every New Baker Should Know About The Yeast All Around Us

by Jeffrey Miller

With people confined to their homes, there is more interest in home-baked bread than ever before.

Worried About Coronavirus? Pay Attention To Your Gut
Worried About Coronavirus? Pay Attention To Your Gut

by Martin Veysey

When we think of the symptoms of coronavirus, we think of the lungs – people on ventilators or with nasty coughs,…

How Little Richard's Saucy Style Underpins Today's Hits
How Little Richard's Saucy Style Underpins Today's Hits

by Rebecca Sheehan

Born Richard Wayne Penniman and nicknamed for his smallness as a child, Little Richard was one of 12 children. He…

How Death Ships Have Spread Disease Through The Ages
How Death Ships Have Spread Disease Through The Ages

by Joy Damousi

One of the haunting images of this pandemic will be stationary cruise ships – deadly carriers of COVID-19 – at anchor…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Astrological Journal for the Week

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


 After All... Tomorrow Is Another Day!
After All... Tomorrow Is Another Day!

by Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf

One of my favorite lines in the movie "Gone With The Wind" is when Scarlett says "Tomorrow is another day". This line…

The Need to Blame and Shame: Discovering Our Inner Enemy
The Need to Blame and Shame: Discovering Our Inner Enemy

by Karol Kuhn Truman

In essence, blaming or pointing our finger at someone else is saying that we are totally absolving our Self of having…

Transformed By Nature: We and the Earth Are One
Transformed By Nature: We and the Earth Are One

by Gwendolyn Endicott

On her thirtieth birthday, two years after her marriage, the woman fell in love. So powerful was the experience that…

Birthing A New Cultural Myth
Birthing A New Cultural Myth and Living The New Myth

by Richard Heinberg

The suggestion that we do away with mythology is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of myth and of the human…

Learning The Art of Leading Yourself
Learning The Art of Leading Yourself: Moving From Acquiring and Achieving to Being

by Randi B. Noyes

Seeing life as a series of "have to's" can be destructive. In reality, we don't "have to" do anything. On the contrary,…

Emotional Elbows: Loving All Parts of Yourself, the Good & the "Bad"
Loving All Parts of Yourself, the "Good" & the "Bad"

by Barbara J. Semple

My thoughts and feelings have a lot to do with how I do or don't love myself. Imagine learning to love every part of…

The Millennial Miracle: Shifting to the Reality We Desire
The Millennial Miracle: Shifting to the Reality We Desire

by Ken Kalb

Tales of gloom and doom abound for the millennium. This article offers a shift in our reality - things we can do to…

Awareness Tune-Up: Meditation and Telepathy Exercises
Awareness Tune-Up: Meditation and Telepathy Exercises

by John Holland

There have been many books written on spiritual unfoldment and developing one's awareness. I recommend that you…

Freedom of Being: Heed the Call and Dare to Live
Dare To Be True To Yourself: Heed the Call and Dare to Live

by Randi B. Noyes

Viktor E. Frankl, in his book, Man's Search for Meaning, recounts his experiences in a concentration camp during World…

Emotions 'R Us: As We Think, So Shall We Feel
Emotions 'R Us: As We Think, So Shall We Feel

by Dr. Paula Sunray

We can't be feeling what we are feeling unless we are "thinking" it. First we have to think and then we feel, so…

Grieving: Why Men and Women Handle It Differently
Grieving: Why Men and Women Handle It Differently

by Elizabeth Levang, Ph.D.

Grieving is not something done to us, but rather something we do. Thus, grief demands a response from us, one other…

Do Your Dreams Influence Your Everyday Life?
Do Your Nighttime Dreams Influence Your Daily Life?

by M.J. Abadie

Although no one can say for certain what dreams are, where they come from, or even why we have them, there's no doubt…

7 Steps to Accessing the Healing Process for Healing Yourself and Others
7 Steps to Accessing the Healing Process for Yourself and Others

by José Stevens, Ph.D.

It is important to realize that all healing techniques whether they be physical, energetic, mental, or emotional are an…

Are You Drinking Cleopatra's Bathwater?
Are You Drinking Cleopatra's Bathwater?

by Kenny Ausubel

The Earth is mainly a closed loop. What's here today was generally here yesterday. So that cup of tea you're drinking…

Know Thyself... Because Wherever You Go, There You Are!|
The Importance of Knowing Thyself: Wherever You Go, There You Are!

by Lana Allen

The ancient Greeks knew the unexamined life was not worth living. They knew that the knowledge of self was the key to…


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