This article explores how to develop belief in unlimited health and healing. By understanding how conditioning, introspection, study, and affirmation shape our beliefs, we can deliberately choose...

  Cancer cachexia is a condition where patients lose muscle mass, impacting their strength and survival. Managing cachexia involves a multi-targeted approach, including early detection,...

  Castor oil is gaining popularity among health influencers for everything from skin and hair care to weight loss. However, not all claims are backed by science. While castor oil is known for...

  Smartwatches and other wearable health monitors can help people track heart conditions, but they may also increase anxiety. A recent study found that patients using wearables to monitor...

  Blue light emitted by phones and electronic devices can cause skin damage, such as increasing pigmentation and contributing to wrinkles. Prolonged exposure may also disrupt sleep, leading to...

This article debunks 10 common myths about leadership and change, from the idea that leaders are born, not made, to the misconception that leadership is a solo endeavor. Learn how shifting your...

Australia’s new right to disconnect law gives workers the legal right to disconnect from work communications after hours. This change, effective 26 August 2024, aims to protect employee wellbeing...

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