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Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

One of my favorite occurrences in life is the synchronicity that takes place in the Universe. Sometimes it's in the timing of things, at other times it's the "coincidental" repeating of a message that is presented to us. And the articles coming together for the weekly InnerSelf newsletter are part of that synchronicity. The articles flow together from various sources, adding a new perspective to the topic.

And as the articles come to life, so does the theme. As opposed to more "traditional" magazines where the theme is selected months ahead of time, and people must adhere to that topic, with InnerSelf, the theme comes together as the articles come together. This week we reflect on perception... how we perceive things, how we perceive reality... The "last article" I prepared this week, though it's the first one in the newsletter. is  "Perception Is Everything: Are You Seeing Things As They Really Are?". And just as I was done with that article, I received Pam Younghan's "Astrological Journal". The first paragraph of her column is this:

EACH OF US has the capacity to use our minds as a tool for seeking truth. We have the ability to learn, to ponder the validity of the information we receive, to conceive of unique ideas, and to express our thoughts. In life, we are each charged with the tasks of objectively questioning our existence, of exploring a variety of ways to interpret our life experience, and of developing our own unique perspective on reality."

So the theme of the week, astrologically, is also focused on our perception of life... We each have our own perspective which can be influenced by people around us, people in our past, and by old patterns and memories from within our own self. The next featured article also questions our perception: "I Am More Than My Body: Stepping Out of The 'Real World' Illusion" followed with "Taking Charge of Our Health: Embodying 5D Consciousness".

Another area where it is extremely important to shift our perception is with our relationship to Earth. In an article entitled "Slowing Down and Waking Up to Earth" we read: "The idea that we are interconnected with all life on Earth is becoming common knowledge. We understand that we are part of the larger ecological systems on the planet. We know that these systems must come into balance to remain viable for much of life on Earth." Our relationship with our planet, and its inhabitants, is a major area that needs a change of perception.

Astrologer Sarah Varcas asks: "Whose Thoughts Are YOU Thinking?". Perhaps we need to make sure that we are not seeing reality through the distorted lens of the past, whether past generations or past experiences. The challenge is to be present in this moment and see things as they are, not necessarily as they appear to be or as we've learned to think they are.

We round up this week's featured articles with Barry Vissell's "Emotional-Spiritual Quarantine Survival Guide" which also suggests some changes in how we perceive our day to day life, and our relationships.

And of course, we have numerous additional articles on a variety of topics, all with the goal of assisting you in creating a more purposeful, healthy and joyful existence, whether you are experiencing this time in isolation or not, whatever your current reality looks like.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Perception Is Everything: Are You Seeing Things As They Really Are?

Written by Jodie Jackson

Perception Is Everything: Are You Seeing Things As They Really Are?
The news acts as our eyes and our ears, with its reporters scouring the land to bring back stories – stories we rely on to help us make sense of the world we live in. But the stories they most often bring back focus on war, corruption, scandal, murder, famine and natural disasters. This creates a perception of the world that does not necessarily reflect reality.

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I Am More Than My Body: Stepping Out of The “Real World” Illusion

Written by Jim Willis

I Am More Than My Body: Stepping Out of The “Real World” Illusion
Pinch yourself, for instance, and your body seems solid. Your senses insist this is the case. It seems to be an essential, irrevocable truth. But the plain facts of science, regardless of what normally seems so patently obvious, prove that your senses are deceiving you.

Taking Charge of Our Health: Embodying 5D Consciousness

Written by Judith Corvin-Blackburn

Taking Charge of Our Health: Embodying 5D Consciousness
In her doctoral dissertation, Meredith Davis notes that “all discomfort in our lives, whether physical, mental, emotional or psychic, is the attempt of our Self to shift an energy pattern that is ready to be released on some level.”

Slowing Down and Waking Up to Earth

Written by Elizabeth E. Meacham, Ph.D.

Slowing Down and Waking Up to Earth
During the first decade of my eco-spiritual study and practice, my nature-based spiritual practices became an integral part of my healing. Lying on the Earth, immersing myself in rivers, meditating with rocks, I found safety and a sense of place within the web of the Earth community...

Whose Thoughts Are YOU Thinking? The North Node Shifts from Cancer to Gemini

Written by Sarah Varcas

Whose Thoughts Are YOU Thinking?
The North Node always points us in the direction of progress and fulfilment, revealing how to more deeply and fully occupy our humanity. It’s our guide into a bright future, but demands the sacrifice of familiarity for a more satisfying but challenging way.

9 Tips: Emotional-Spiritual Quarantine Survival Guide

Written by Barry Vissell

Emotional-Spiritual Quarantine Survival Guide
There has been a lot of emphasis on physical survival, which of course is important. The following points will help you survive emotionally and spiritually, but more importantly, to thrive, both as an individual and in your relationships.

Has The Alzheimer's switch-on Moment Been Discovered
Has The Alzheimer's Switch-On Moment Been Discovered

by Ivan Koychev

The past three decades saw a dramatic improvement in our understanding of what brings about Alzheimer’s disease.

Why We Need Highly Formal Rituals In Order To Make Life More Democratic
Why We Need Highly Formal Rituals In Order To Make Life More Democratic

by Antone Martinho-Truswell

Please be seated. It’s dinner time in St Paul’s College, Sydney, where I’m dean and head of house at Graduate House.

Why Regular Exercise Has Long Term Benefits For Immunity
Why Regular Exercise Has Long Term Benefits For Immunity

by James Turner and John P Campbell

People around the world are staying at home as part of social distancing measures to limit the transmission of the…

Why Sleep Can Help Our Bodies Fight Coronavirus
Why Sleep Can Help Our Bodies Fight Coronavirus

by Cassandra Pattinson, et al

Getting a good night’s sleep can be difficult at the best of times. But it can be even harder when you’re anxious or…

What To Do To Protect Our Health While We Waiting For A Coronavirus Vaccine
What To Do To Protect Our Health While Waiting For A Coronavirus Vaccine

by Julia J Rucklidge and Grant Schofield

This can feel like we have little control, but there are several evidence-based protective measures we can take in the…

No Wonder Isolation's So Tiring. All Those Extra, Tiny Decisions Are Taxing Our Brains
No Wonder Isolation's So Tiring. All Those Extra, Tiny Decisions Are Taxing Our Brains

by Ben Newell

Anxiety, depression, loneliness and stress are affecting our sleep patterns and how tired we feel.

Why Lockdown Isn’t Good News For All Wildlife
Why Lockdown Isn’t Good News For All Wildlife

by Ben Garlick

From Venetian canals running clear, to herds of goats roaming around Llandudno, Wales, there have been claims of…

Spring Signals Female Bees To Lay The Next Generation Of Pollinators
Spring Signals Female Bees To Lay The Next Generation Of Pollinators

by Lila Westreich

The first days of spring – brighter and warmer – are a biological trigger for female bees to wake up from hibernation…

Why You're Having More Vivid Dreams During The Pandemic
Why You're Having More Vivid Dreams During The Pandemic

by Dr Rosie Gibson

An interesting side effect of the coronavirus pandemic is the number of people who say they are having vivid dreams.

Coronavirus Is Linked To A Rare Inflammatory Disease In Children
Coronavirus Is Linked To A Rare Inflammatory Disease In Children

by Jeremy Rossman

The UK Paediatric Intensive Care Society sent out an alert on April 27 about an increase in cases of severe…

What Evolution Tells Us About Our Need For Personal Space
What Evolution Tells Us About Our Need For Personal Space

by Vivien Shaw and Isabelle Catherine Winder

Humans are intensely social creatures. We all need company and social contact. But for many of us, being at home for…


Why More People Are Living In Tiny Houses
Why More People Are Living In Tiny Houses

by Alice Elizabeth Wilson

Tiny houses have been heralded as a radical and creative way to address a lack of affordable housing, as well as…

What Are The Reopen Protesters Really Saying?
What Are The Reopen Protesters Really Saying?

by Diana Daly

The “anti-lockdown” and #Reopen protests in the U.S. have powerful and secretive backers, but there are real Americans…

Why Are Kids Asking Such Big Questions During The Pandemic?
Why Are Kids Asking Such Big Questions During The Pandemic?

by Jana Mohr Lone

When children raise uncomfortable questions or questions that seem to have no answers, adults tend to respond with…

The Impulse To Garden In Hard Times Has Deep Roots
The Impulse To Garden In Hard Times Has Deep Roots

by Jennifer Atkinson

During coronavirus lockdowns, gardens have served as an escape from feelings of alienation. Richard Bord/Getty Images…

A Beginner's Guide To Reading And Enjoying Poetry
A Beginner's Guide To Reading And Enjoying Poetry

by Andrew McMillan

One of the things you get asked most when people find out that you’re a poet is whether you can recommend something…

Are We Living In A Dystopia?
Are We Living In A Dystopia?

by Shauna Shames and Amy Atchison

Dystopian fiction is hot. Sales of George Orwell’s “1984” and Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale” have skyrocketed…

Strong Opinions Are Irrational And Here's Why We Should All Be Agnostic
Strong Opinions Can Be Irrational And Here's Why We Should All Be Agnostic

by Darren Bradley

Suppose you are on a trial jury trying to decide whether the defendant is guilty. You are discussing the case with your…

Homeschooling Math Lessons: Think Dice Games, Cooking Fractions And Ratios With Chocolate Milk
Homeschooling Math Lessons: Think Dice Games, Cooking Fractions And Ratios With Chocolate Milk

by Jennifer Holm and Ann Kajander

In the COVID-19 pandemic, children are just as concerned as their parents about what is happening. The closure of…

How Long Are You Infectious When You Have Coronavirus?
How Long Are You Infectious When You Have Coronavirus?

by Tambri Housen, et al

As the coronavirus pandemic stretches on, a small proportion of Australians infected have now died, while most have…

Hot Flashes? Night Sweats? Progesterone Can Help Reduce Symptoms Of Menopause
Hot Flashes? Night Sweats? Progesterone Can Help Reduce Symptoms Of Menopause

by Jerilynn C. Prior

Intense and frequent night sweats zapped my vitality during perimenopause, the transition to menopause. I would wake in…

3 Ways People Are Reacting To Coronavirus Emergency
3 Ways People Are Reacting To Coronavirus Emergency

by Bobby Duffy and Daniel Allington

There remains near-universal backing for the coronavirus lockdown among the UK public. In our study, nine out of ten…

Shopping Tips To Keep You Safe At The Supermarket
Shopping Tips To Keep You Safe At The Supermarket

by Lena Ciric

For many of us, grocery shopping is when we will come into contact with the highest number of people during the…

What Does Survival Of The Fittest Mean In The Coronavirus Pandemic?
What Does Survival Of The Fittest Mean In The Coronavirus Pandemic?

by Prakash Nagarkatti and Mitzi Nagarkatti

Charles Darwin popularized the concept of survival of the fittest as a mechanism underlying the natural selection that…

Why Very Good Dogs Don't Necessarily Make Very Good Co-workers
Why Very Good Dogs Don't Necessarily Make Very Good Co-Workers

by Jessica Myrick

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us are working from home in close proximity to our human children or fur…

Empty Pews Take A Financial Toll On Many US Congregations
Empty Pews Take A Financial Toll On Many US Congregations

by David King and Chris Munn

As some 350,000 American churches and other houses of worship scramble to meet the spiritual and – increasingly…

As States Weigh Human Lives Versus The Economy, History Suggests The Economy Often Wins
As States Weigh Human Lives Versus The Economy, History Suggests The Economy Often Wins

by Peter C. Mancall

Policymakers are beginning to decide how to reopen the American economy. Until now, they’ve largely prioritized human…

The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Revealed How Fragile Everyday Life Is
The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Revealed How Fragile Everyday Life Is

by Carol Linnitt

Moments of social disruption are a valuable reminder that so much of what we take for granted — our sense of normalcy…

Why Private Gain Must No Longer Be Allowed To Elbow Out The Public Good
Why Private Gain Must No Longer Be Allowed To Elbow Out The Public Good

by Dirk Philipsen

Adam Smith had an elegant idea when addressing the notorious difficulty that humans face in trying to be smart…

The Psychology Of Comfort Food And Why We Look To Carbs For Solace
The Psychology Of Comfort Food And Why We Look To Carbs For Solace

by Joanne Dickso and Charlotte Hardman

Amid the global spread of COVID-19 we are witnessing an increased focus on gathering food and supplies.

Caring For Community To Beat Coronavirus Echoes Ideas Of A Good Life
Caring For Community To Beat Coronavirus Echoes Ideas Of A Good Life

by Krushil Watene

The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us our own well-being is intimately connected to other people and our natural…

Children's Grief In Coronavirus Quarantine May Look Like Anger. Here's How Parents Can Respond
Children's Grief In Coronavirus Quarantine May Look Like Anger. Here's How Parents Can Respond

by Elena Merenda and Nikki Martyn

COVID-19 has taken the world by storm and profoundly changed the lives of children and families. Children aren’t going…

What Spiritual Retreats Can Teach Us About Our Challenges
What Spiritual Retreats Can Teach Us About Our Challenges

by Steve Taylor

In 2005, a documentary called Into Great Silence was released, which portrayed life in a monastery in the French Alps.

Home Cooking Means Healthier Eating And There's An Opportunity To Change Food Habits For Good
Home Cooking Means Healthier Eating And There's An Opportunity To Change Food Habits For Good

by Danielle McCarthy

Over the last month there has been a dramatic transformation in our access to and the availability of food – along with…

Why Universal Basic Income Could Improve Mental Health
Why Universal Basic Income Could Improve Mental Health

by Matthew Smith

Many people are talking about universal basic income (UBI) these days. Giving everyone a guaranteed income could be the…

5 Things College Students Should Include In A Plan For Their Wellness
5 Things College Students Should Include In A Plan For Their Wellness

by Sandra M. Chafouleas

As a psychologist and the mother of two college-aged students, I am concerned about my children’s future emotional…

Now Is Great Time To Try Baking Sourdough Bread
Now Is Great Time To Try Baking Sourdough Bread

by Lyndal Collins

More time at home combined with supermarket shortages of essentials, has fostered the creativity of a whole new…

How To Help Young Children Regulate Their Emotions And Behavior During The Pandemic
How To Help Young Children Regulate Their Emotions And Behavior During The Pandemic

by Cathrine Neilsen-Hewett and Steven Howard

With governments around the world asking their citizens to avoid places, activities and gatherings to save lives, this…

Can Coronavirus Spread 4 Metres?
Can Coronavirus Spread 4 Metres?

by Meru Sheel, et al

Recent headlines have suggested COVID-19 can spread up to four metres, drawing into question the current advice to…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Horoscope Current Week: May 4 - 10, 2020

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


Sugar Addiction: A Refined Dependency on Sugar
by Brigitte Mars

Dark Night of the Soul: How To Traverse The Darkness Before the Dawn
by Jason Augustus Newcomb

Color Code Eating: A Way of Life and A Path to Health
by James A. Joseph, Ph.D. and Daniel A. Nadeau, M.D.

The Inner Advisor Technique: How To Connect with the Inner Healer
by Ellen Curran

The Inner Journey: Seeing Through the Illusions
by Rich Rahn

Become AWARE of Pain: Accept and Change through Self-Suggestion
by Bruce N. Eimer, Ph.D., ABPP

Choosing An Astrologer: The How and Why
by Debra Burrell, C.S.W.

The First Step to Accessing Spiritual Direction When You Have A Problem
by Wayne W. Dyer

Attaining Right Livelihood: What Effect Does Your Work Have On You?
by Rick Lewis

Are You Looking... or Seeing? Left Brain, Right Brain
by Roberto Kaplan

Using Basic Feng Shui for Your Health, Prosperity, and Happiness
by Terah Kathryn Collins


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