Blame vs. Choice: How To Traverse The Darkness Before the Dawn
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Most of us spend the bulk of our time feeling crappy about one thing or another. We find ourselves in disagreements with others, feeling indignant, wounded, or angry. We feel that our lot in life is quite different from the path that we would like to be on. We don't make enough money, we don't have as many things as we'd like, we don't get the love that we need and deserve.

All this comes into play every time we find ourselves at odds with others, and we feel righteous about our own anger. However, very rarely do we take the time to really think about any of these feelings, contenting ourselves with the miserable state we're in by denying that there are any other choices in life.

Blame vs. Choice

The simple fact of the matter is that everything in our lives -- including all the crappy things -- is a choice that we have made for ourselves. That is a difficult fact to face for most of us, since it's much easier to blame random circumstances in our lives than to accept responsibility for our own actions. The first step toward inner and outer peace is accepting responsibility for our lives.

Take, for example, a banker who often gets angry because he had always dreamed of being a country-western singer, but in the course of his life, he never bothered to get on a country western stage at all. Still, he blames his parents, for discouraging him and for sending him to business school, and the country western music community for never noticing his talent. He blames society for "making" everything so expensive that pursuing your dreams is nearly impossible from a financial standpoint. He blames his wife, for getting pregnant when they were only 21. However, the banker is the one who decided not to pursue his dreams, and any blame must end there.

Taking Responsibility For Our Lives

Taking responsibility for our lives is not just a matter of our work situations. We must take responsibility for everything in our lives -- from the greatest to the smallest detail. No one and no thing is capable of effecting any change in us that we do not allow them to make.

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If someone tells you that you have a big nose or a flabby stomach, you may feel hurt. However, you must recognize that this injury is one that you are inflicting upon yourself. Even if someone is intentionally trying to hurt you, you are still the only one capable of causing the injury. It is your feelings of inadequacy that come into play.

If someone told you that you had a big nose, and you liked your nose, the comment would have little effect. So, in essence, the only injuries that can be inflicted upon you are those that you allow.

Every man and every woman is a star, a unique individual, self sufficient and perfect in their own way. Holding ourselves to any standard but our own is both injurious and impractical. We are each perfect in our own way.

Did the Universe Make a Mistake?

This perfection is not subject to comparative analysis, but merely a fact of manifestation. All structures in the universe are in balance, moving harmoniously from unmanifest to manifest and back, in a cyclical motion. This state of balance and invulnerability is the natural state for all human beings. Invoke it, and you can live it.

To make the statement that there is something wrong with you is to claim that the universe made some sort of error in your creation. Your perfection is unknown to you as long as you deny it. If you insist upon injuring yourself with your perceived inadequacies, you will not be able to fulfill your own perfection.

What Are You Really Feeling?

The next time you find yourself in conflict with someone, instead of placing blame upon the other person, look at yourself in the situation. Look at yourself and remember that there are no wrong feelings. Forgive yourself in advance for whatever you may find. Notice how you are feeling.

At first, you probably won't even know how you are feeling, or you may think it is anger. In a few moments, if you look deeply within, you will find that what you really feel is fear.

You probably won't even know what you are afraid of, but when something in life upsets you, it is a manifestation of your fear. It is just one of the elemental forms of fear, creeping into your consciousness.

Anger is a form of fear. Sadness is a form of fear. Loneliness is a form of fear. Still, even recognizing this, it is not easy to let go of that fear. You feel afraid right now. You were taught fear, and you have been fearful for so long that any other condition seems almost impossible.

You Are Not Your Habits and Routines

In your day-to-day life, you spend nearly all of the energy at your disposal on a set of routines. These routines are so implanted that you consider them to be you. They are more than the way you drive to work each day or the brand of soap you buy -- they are the way that you fundamentally interact with your environment.

Everything that you think about, every aspect of your life is just a routine, a conditioned response. For the most part, you live in the past tense, comparing everything that comes along in terms of something that came along before.

It takes a lot to maintain these routines. Every time you react to a circumstance in a typical way, you invest your energy in that direction. Let's say you dislike airplanes, and someone offers you a ride on an airplane. In considering the offer, you reinvest energy in your opinion about airplanes. You assure yourself that you still dislike airplanes, and politely refuse the offer.

However, going around and trying to do all of the things that you normally don't do won't help either, because in your current state that would only do harm. You would invest even more energy in trying to overcome your routine reactions and end up worse off than you began. This is the reason for secluding yourself -- so that you do not have to invest energy in these routines. By ceasing to react to the world in a routine way, your overall energy levels increase to the point where even things you never believed were possible can occur.

The problem is that these routines are so insidious that you will probably find it hard to recognize them. True, cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs can all be habits or routines, but they are really just the tip of the iceberg. The time you like breakfast, your favorite socks, your thoughts on international politics, how much you love the sunset -- these are all merely routines.

You may think those are the endearing parts of your personality, but you probably picked them up from other people. You imitate your parents, your friends, your enemies, and your lovers. Have you ever noticed yourself saying some phrase or using some gesture that your current sexual partner always uses? You're probably not even conscious of when you began to do it.

It will do no good to battle with these habits. Instead, recognize that you are adhering to a routine, and you will diffuse its power by being aware of it.

The Dark Night of the Soul

Dark Night of the Soul: The Darkness Before the DawnSooner or later, you will have to face "the dark night of the soul." This phrase, first used by St. John of the Cross (Juan de la Cruz), refers to a condition that occurs in the mystic process in which you feel totally devoid of spiritual ability or any sense of inner light. It usually refers to an experience that you have after an extended period of doing your practice, once you have started to feel some kind of positive result. Suddenly, the positive results disappear, and you begin to feel lost in darkness and spiritual dryness.

There is an old saying that the first step on the spiritual path is one into pure darkness. That is because the spiritual path leads you into your internal world and the darkness that you find there is the chaos of your own mind.

At first, you may be so enthusiastic about your practices that you will not notice any darkness. It may seem as if your Angel is only inches away, as if you are almost done before you have really begun. Very quickly, this enthusiasm will falter, and you will doubt everything. It will feel as if you have lost not only that spiritual light you thought you were getting so close to, but all of the light in your life. All of this is the dark night of the soul.

This is a totally natural process. Any activity that you undertake will have this dark phase. Whether you are starting to exercise, writing a play, or invoking your Holy Guardian Angel, after a short while you will find it acutely painful to continue. Only by suffering through this darkness and letting the things that are holding you back drop away can you succeed in completing your project.

The darkness will usually manifest as a loathing for the project, a feeling that you are getting nowhere, and doubt that there is really anywhere to go. You may feel as if you are losing your mind. You may feel like you are actually becoming a much worse person than you were when you started off.

What this darkness truly consists of is all of the internal conflicts and fears that you have kept quietly at bay by building a wall between yourself and the universe. By looking within yourself, you are forced to confront these fears, and if you do not approach this operation with all of your will, you will be consumed by these fears. Only by quietly facing each of your fears, doubts, and delusions with intelligence, perseverance, courage, and silence can you succeed through this critical stage.

Recognizing the Dark Night of the Soul

You may not recognize that you have entered the dark night of the soul until it completely surrounds you. It may begin as a mild boredom, or a creeping doubt, but quickly it will turn into panic and perhaps even a feeling of madness.

This is just part of the spiritual growing process. At some point, we each have to go through a period of tribulation. It happens in mundane situations too. Any learning process involves this period of dryness and anguish. Think back to when you learned the multiplication tables. At first, maybe it seemed fun, then horrible, like a looming beast, and then you were its master.

Just remember that you are seeking your Holy Guardian Angel. You cannot force this Angel to come to you; you must just be patient. Allow your fears and doubts to enter your consciousness, because you will face every one of them in one way or another before your Holy Guardian Angel will appear.

Forgive yourself for having these fears, and let them quietly slink away. Eventually, they will not trouble you any longer, and you can be assured that your Angel is only moments away.

Reprinted with permission of the publisher,
Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC. ©2002.

Article Source:

21st Century Mage: Bring the Divine Down to Earth
by Jason Augustus Newcomb.

21st Century Mage by Jason Augustus Newcomb. For the first time since its initial translation into English at the turn of the century, Jason Newcomb has reinterpreted the sacred magic of Abramelin the Mage into a completely relevant program for contemporary seekers. In the thirty-one chapters of 21st Century Mage, Newcomb has reinvented the Knowledge and Conversation of Your Holy Guardian Angel ritual.

Info/Order this book.

About the Author

Jason Augustus Newcomb

Jason Augustus Newcomb has been a professional hypnotist for nearly 20 years. His numerous published works through Weiser Books (now Red Wheel Weiser) launched him into the world on a massive scale. Since then, he's engineered and published over 250 audio and visual works. He has also been an active participant in the Western Mystery Tradition for nearly his whole life, studying consciousness and esoteric spirituality since he was around eleven years old. He has studied with yogis, magicians, psychologists, witches and esoteric orders to learn all I can about Qabala, Yoga Philosophy, Esoteric Astrology, Zen, Tarot, Geomancy, Hermetic Science, I Ching and Taoism, Christian Mysticism, Gnosticism, and many other similar topics. Visit his website 

Video/Presentation with Jason Augustus Newcomb: The Powerful Magical Secret that Occultists Almost Never Talk About
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