The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

  How have movements like Christian Nationalism and the Prosperity Gospel deviated from Jesus’ actual teachings? This article explores how these modern movements distort the radical love,...

Karma and justice often feel elusive, especially in a world filled with inequality and suffering. In this article, we explore how collective karma shapes societal justice and what role we play in...

Taking personal responsibility can significantly improve your life, but it also comes with challenges. In this article, we explore the pros and cons of stepping up to own your thoughts, feelings,...

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

Bigotry and racism are potent tools for authoritarian leaders, helping them divide societies and gain control. By stoking fear and targeting marginalized groups, authoritarianism thrives on...

Discover the best exercises for brain health after 60 that will help you stay sharp and active. These physical activities improve memory, cognitive function, and overall brain performance, making...

Marie T. Russell,
One thing everyone on the planet (animals as well),have in common is that we all have. or had. a mother. Not one of us was born from a father's womb, or from our own womb
Change can be an opportunity for growth and reinvention, but it requires courage and a willingness to take risks.
In today's society, it can be challenging to be happy for someone else's success.
The greatest ailment in our modern world is separation. We have become disconnected from ourselves, from others, and from the world around us.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
What we emit into the world is picked up by others and it affects them as well.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. Your comments and feedback are welcomed to further the "conversation".
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. Your comments and feedback are welcomed to further the "conversation".
As I do in life itself, I look for messages when I watch movies. And because The Universe, All That Is, Spirit, Guidance, Good speaks through everything and everyone that comes our way, messages are f...
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
In order for things, or people, to change they need to be flexible. A willow tree bends in the wind while the branches of a more solid tree like an oak can be broken by a strong wind. The river flows...
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
Today's Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for this day. It is linked to a longer article for additional reflection and inspiration.
“The longest journey a man must take is the eighteen inches from his head to his heart”
When people speak of compassion, they mostly are referring to having compassion for others... for those less fortunate than themselves. However...
When people speak of compassion, they mostly are referring to having compassion for others... for those less fortunate than themselves. However...
Compassion is a much-needed quality in our world. If someone is rude to you, or unfriendly, or whatever, practice choosing alternative thoughts.
Journaling, or writing to and for yourself, is a great way to get in touch with your feelings as well as with your inner guidance.
What kind of teacher is living in your head?
Ask yourself the following questions in a kind, caring, and compassionate voice, perhaps as the voice of your compassionate "ideal self".
Our mind is very good at imagining scenarios.
The thoughts that run randomly in your head can be your worst enemy.
Walk with inner guidance in harmony with your environment and with others. Obstacles facing you begin to disintegrate.
Walk with inner guidance in harmony with your environment and with others. Obstacles facing you begin to disintegrate.
We all have beliefs about ourselves... whether we think we're smart or not, good-looking or not, likeable or not, etc. However...
The word Namasté in its simple form means "I bow to you" and is further interpreted as...
To live in true harmony means to live in a state of social consciousness, aware of the highest good of all, not just our own good.
When we seek harmony within ourselves, as well as with others, we start with our hope or intention to attain that goal.
As things occur around us, and to us, we may find ourselves confused as to what direction to take.
We all have a shadow self, or selves. This is the part of ourselves that we do not acknowledge, that we deny exists.
Raise your voice in praise and let joy flow through your being.
The School of Life is not without its ups and downs, its lessons as well as its rewards. Some of the teachings come through joy, such as...
Most of us have had difficulty not only loving others, but also loving ourselves, unconditionally.
To be conscious means to be here now and to be aware, not just of ourselves, but of the life around us.
Our actions, as well as our thoughts, send ripples of energy out into the world. Realizing this leads us to acknowledge the power we wield with our thoughts and imagination.
Science and quantum physics have shown that everything is energy in motion. Consequently, we are all connected since everything is made of energy and energy has no walls, no boundaries.
We are now, yet again, in a time where people, even members of the same family, see themselves as enemies because of their differing views and beliefs.
To access our own wisdom, we need to take the time to pause before reacting -- which is not always easy to do.
When we think we stand alone, we are weak. However, when we realize that we are part of a greater plan, and that we are connected...
Most of us have had difficulty not only loving others, but also loving ourselves, unconditionally.
Is life complicated? Maybe, maybe not. Do we make it complicated? I think that's a definite yes! We complicate our life when we...
Is life complicated? Maybe, maybe not. Do we make it complicated? I think that's a definite yes! We complicate our life when we...
Most of us have had difficulty not only loving others, but also loving ourselves, unconditionally.
We can choose to make joy and love our life experience and purpose as they...
Find something you love and do it! Sing, dance, walk, paint, cook, clean, whatever brings you that feeling of wellbeing...
We have gotten comfortable in our own status quo, and fear that everything will fall apart if things change.
Bring the image of any challenging person or situation into your heart, and allow yourself to...
Acknowledge and trust your emotions as they can act as a powerful compass.
Some attitudes and energies must be released before we can experience serenity.
"Dare to dream & create a vision for your life." Things are not always as they seem. Sometimes...
We are all connected and we are here to help each other along the journey of life.
It is time to spread our wings and dare to create our dream of a better world.
When working with our own well-being, we need to consider mind, body, and spirit. Harmony is found in the balance between...
When we are feeling out of sorts and off balance, then is the most important time to honor ourselves by providing ourselves with the support we need.
Just like other animals, we have instincts. These "gut feelings" usually alert us to fearful situations.
We express our Self not only through our words, but through our body language, our eyes, our actions, and even our clothes.
There are times that we need to communicate our truth with others. But first, we must get clarity on our intention.
"Dare to dream & create a vision for your life." Things are not always as they seem. Sometimes...
Things are not always as they seem. Sometimes we misinterpret or misunderstand what we see or hear. And at other times...
We grow from our "muddy" or "murky" life challenges and experiences to become a lovely creation of light. anchored strongly to our source.
Like the lotus, we have been living in the darkness, yet now we rise out of the muck, reaching for the light and the truth of who we really are.
We tend to take ourselves so seriously. Even a bad hair day can put us in a bad mood. Hair, for goodness sakes has the power to decide how we feel???
Our ancestors live within us. We have their energy in our blood, their experiences and wisdom imbedded in our cells.
Keep your sight on what is important and gather the energy needed, both from within and by connecting with like-minded souls, to create the reality that our heart's vision is leading to.
Each one of us sees things in their own way, and feels things differently, and thus has their own truth. Value your own truth, and respect and tolerate the truth of others.
Our emotions guide us along the way. They are our messengers and our servants. Our emotions are here to serve us on the path of discovering our true self and our true well-being.
We grow from our "muddy" or "murky" life challenges and experiences to become a lovely creation of light. anchored strongly to our source.
Just like nature, we have cycles and seasons. These can manifest as moods, or cycles of life such as teenager, young adult, parent, grandparent, etc., or as different jobs or careers. Everything in li...
When we look around us, perhaps we see mostly fear and darkness. Yet, in order to create our dream world on this lovely planet, we must have faith in ourselves and our future.
A hardwood tree in winter appears dead. There is no sign of life... no leaves, no buds, nothing that is vibrant to the eye. Yet inside the tree the process of life continues...
The emotion or emotions themselves are not the problem. The problem is what we do with them, or how long we hang on to them.
If someone were to ask you if you prefer joy or fear, I'm sure you would say you prefer joy. We all prefer feeling joy over feeling fear, yet, often that's not the choice we make.
When we remain open to new idea, we then can receive insights and inspiration. These come to us more easily when...
Our guidance can come in many ways. Sometimes it's from the people we know, yet at other times it comes as a whisper in the wind...
When we think of ourselves, we tend to identify with our body. We are of a certain age, weight, build, hair color, skin color, etc. Yet we are so much more than our body.
Change is something we can't avoid. It is constant and it is everywhere. Our body changes all the time. Cells die and are born every second. Actually...
Staying present sounds like it should be an easy thing to do, but it makes sense that we get caught up in the past or the future. After all...
Change is something we can't avoid. It is constant and it is everywhere. Our body changes all the time. Cells die and are born every second. Actually...
Just like nature, we have cycles and seasons. These can manifest as moods, or cycles of life such as teenager, young adult, parent, grandparent, etc., or as different jobs or careers. Everything in li...
While society may try to "tame you" or tamp your spirit down by making you meek, submissive, and a copycat of whatever the "in" thing is, we have our own vibrant truth living inside our being, inside...
There are many things to be sad about in life, and many things that are troublesome. Yet in the midst of all this, we must also remember to laugh, love, and live fully.
Love is the most important energy in life -- both outgoing (loving) and incoming (being loved). Love is more than just between a couple, or a mother and child. It includes all...
If we drain ourselves of energy, and don't take the time to replenish, not only will we be empty of vitality, but we will have nothing to give to others either.
When we're busy struggling with day to day problems and challenges, it's not always easy to lift our eyes and see the light on the future's horizon.
Surrounding ourselves with things we don't love is a drain on our energy. And the opposite is true -- surrounding ourselves with things that please us, provides us joy. In the same way...
"You really are the architect and builder of your life. Your thoughts are creating your life moment by moment. They are either building what you want or tearing it down."
Why are we afraid of change? Why do we resist it? I believe it is due to fear of the unknown. Because we don't know what change will bring, and because we don't trust either others, ourselves, or the...
"You really are the architect and builder of your life. Your thoughts are creating your life moment by moment. They are either building what you want or tearing it down."
All paths lead back to Love... inside and out. Some people prefer to take a more challenging route to reach there, others prefer to sit and wait it out for a while, and others just like the smooth sai...
There is no universal picture or description of perfection. Perfection, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. And it is based on each person's perception and judgments.
If we look at opposites in Nature -- night and day, rain and sunshine, high tide and low tide -- we see that they are not good or bad, they balance each other out.
Life is actually very simple. There is a cause and then, there is an effect or outcome. Thoughts, words and actions are...
As we can see in nature, things go in circles, or cycles -- whether it is the rotation of the planets, the cycles of the seasons, or rainfall evaporating back into clouds and coming back down as rain....
Our prayers and requests are not fulfilled by a magical being or cosmic sugar daddy. The energy of fulfilment is constantly present in the Universe, and we are the ones who control the on and off swit...
I suppose we may all, at times, feel like we are living in dark times. We may feel discouraged at the "state of the world" or at the behavior of people the world over, and even of those close to us. O...
Have you ever had this experience: Something happens, and your immediate comment is "I knew that would happen!" Not only did you know it would happen, you predicted it!
Each one of us is unique. There is only one person like us in the whole Universe.
It is, unfortunately, too easy for us to fall off of our path, off our center. So many things seem to be present to take us out of our calm inner center where our soul resides.
The voice of our creativity is the voice of our heart, the voice of our feelings. When uncensored by the mind and the inner critic, this voice will help us create the most wonderful experience of life...
There is no better time than now. This is the moment, the only moment. So whatever your heart is telling you to do right now, do it! Don't wait, don't doubt. If it feels right in your heart, go for it...
Guilt and shame, as well as blame and judgment, just hold us down, and they do the same to the people around us. These dark energies muffle the light of our inner being and dim the love that wants to...
The best stories and movies contain some drama and suspense. The human race loves excitement and drama, and the adrenaline rush it provides -- so much so, that we attract it and create it in our lives...
I suppose we may all, at times, feel like we are living in dark times. We may feel discouraged at the "state of the world" or at the behavior of people the world over, and even of those close to us. O...
Transformation and rebirth are not a destination but a process that we live through, every day and every moment. Just like happiness, transformation and rebirth are an inside job. They are not "out th...
Life always seeks equilibrium or balance. The thing to remember when faced with "dark days" is that the light will always return.
Let us welcome each day with the curiosity and new eyes of a child, always expecting wondrous experiences and blessings to come our way.
We may be so entwined with our routines and habits that we don't see what needs transformation. To discover what needs changing, we must look honestly at where we are, how we are, and who we are.
Everything in our life, and in our experience, is intertwined in this moment. Everything we have ever lived, everything we have ever learned, and even...
We must be open to discover the magic, miracles, love, abundance, beauty, and all wonderful experiences that are present all around us. If our inner "radio station" is tuned to...
We sometimes "fail" at something, or a dream doesn't come true, or someone we care for leaves our life... And we may perceive that as a loss or failure, rather than an open door to new possibilities.
Optimism is defined as "a disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome."
Transformation and rebirth are not a destination but a process that we live through, every day and every moment. Just like happiness, transformation and rebirth are an inside job. They are not "out th...
Optimism is defined as "a disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome."
" There is a rhythm and balance to all life, a dance between physical reality and the spiritual world...."
Once we acknowledge and accept who we are, we must let our true Self shine. We must let go of our inhibitions, be passionate about our life, and let our creative spirit soar.
To follow our heart and our dreams, we must be independent of others. This does not mean abandoning others, but rather, not being influenced by their beliefs, attitudes, prejudices, and desires.
When we are pulled this way and that way by the world, by the promises of advertising, by the distractions of life, it is difficult to connect with our true self.
Good communication includes both speaking and listening. This includes not only communication with others, but communication with our own self, with our body, with our emotions, with our ego.
Once we have identified what makes our heart sing, and what doesn't -- or worse, what is for us like nails on a chalkboard -- it is time to learn to set boundaries We say yes and say no, appropriately...
Everything has its own vibration, its own energy, its own rhythm. Some things and people are in harmony with us, and some are in dissonance. Part of being...
" There is a rhythm and balance to all life, a dance between physical reality and the spiritual world...."
We are all in need of healing in one form or another. Whether that healing is emotional, physical, financial, or spiritual depends on each one of us, and probably even on what day or time it is, or ev...
We all contain a blend of energies -- masculine/feminine, physical/spiritual, lighthearted/serious, childlike/adultlike, etc. Our task is not to transcend one and embrace the other. Our task is to lea...
Each one of us is different, so the solution to the same problem can be very different for different individuals. An introvert or extrovert, a healthy or unhealthy, a mother or a single adult... each...
It's easy to get stuck in a routine or an attitude of "that's just the way it is". But just because something has "always" been a certain way, or because it is that way right now, does not mean it has...
Sometimes things just don't work out the way we'd like them to. Yet, even when we face a roadblock, or a health crisis, we must look at the possibilities. Perhaps...
Breathing is the source of life, so to take charge of our life we must also take charge of our breath. Once we retrain ourselves as to how to breathe fully, we will be able to let it be natural. But f...
We were mostly taught that to achieve our dreams we have to work hard, to struggle, to take the hard road. But what if that isn't true?
It's easy to blame others, or circumstances, for anything that isn't flowing in our life. But since we are the ones in charge of ourselves and of our life, we disempower ourselves when we blame others...
We are all in need of healing in one form or another. Whether that healing is emotional, physical, financial, or spiritual depends on each one of us, and probably even on what day or time it is, or ev...
Contrary to what we've been told, or been taught, no one can "make us" do anything. We make the decision whether to go along with someone else's requests or orders. Our refusal to cooperate or obey wi...
Sometimes it seems as if we are trapped in this maze of fears. But we are not trapped. There are ways out of the maze once we learn the ropes.
One of the greatest hindrances to attaining our goals, whether our goal is an attitude or an aptitude, is our lack of trust and our attempt to control the outcome.
Sometimes it seems as if we are trapped in this maze of fears. But we are not trapped. There are ways out of the maze once we learn the ropes.
Whatever we want to attain or realize, after we've had the inspiration or vision, we must at some point move on to action.
So many things take place in our life that we may not even be aware of. There are many things going on in the background of our life that all contribute to its richness. And there are many things goin...
Focusing on the things we have to be grateful for helps improve our situation which then helps raise our energy, not just emotionally but physically as well.
The reverse of Wayne Dyer statement (You'll see it when you believe it) , is also true. We must first see it within our imagination, within our heart, within our inner thoughts, in order to assist it...
When someone is trying to hand you a gift, if your hands are clenched in a fist, you won't be able to receive it. In the same way, if our energy is all clamped up tight in stress and fear, we can't...
While nothing in the world really belongs to us, our lives are one thing that do belong to us. We are in charge of them completely. We get to make choices, set goals, and choose the direction in which...
In order to conquer our fears or doubts about our future, we must first believe that health, happiness, and success will be ours. Unfortunately our society has taught us to focus on...
While nothing in the world really belongs to us, our lives are one thing that do belong to us. We are in charge of them completely. We get to make choices, set goals, and choose the direction in which...
I will choose inspiration as my guide for anything I choose to do today.
Our life is what we make of it. Whatever we give energy to, is what will live in us and come from us.
We all long for something. When we are sick, we long for health. When we feel tired, we desire more energy. If we are...
Our life is never static. It is ongoing and evolving continually. And as we progress along our path of life, we can also be evolving by choosing to heal from past events and traumas.
Pain is a feeling that is very personal. When asked by a doctor to give a number for my pain, from 1 to 10,...
Whenever we feel out of sync with our life, we can find the clue to the reason why by accessing our feelings. Any disharmony within your being will be expressed through your feelings.
While nothing in the world really belongs to us, our lives are one thing that do belong to us. We are in charge of them completely. We get to make choices, set goals, and generally choose the directio...
We are so blessed to live on Planet Earth, yet we tend to take so much of what is here for granted. This applies not just to our fellow humans, but also to animals, minerals, vegetation, and the whole...
We are so blessed to live on Planet Earth, yet we tend to take so much of what is here for granted. This applies not just to our fellow humans, but also to animals, minerals, vegetation, and the whole...
Nature heals us and purifies our energies and thoughts. Researchers have found that people who are exposed to beautiful nature scenes are more generous, trusting, and helpful towards others.
We live on this planet as if we are the masters of it all and as if we are separate from "others" -- whether human, animal, vegetable, mineral. or spiritual. That is the greatest illusion.
While water, fire, and air are indeed essential, without Earth we would literally have nothing to stand on. Mother Earth is our base, our foundation, our support. She feeds and nurtures us.
The word harmony has various meanings. It is used in music, in relationships, referring to inner peace, and as well as "working well together". In all of these definitions, the commonality is a blendi...
The word harmony has various meanings. It is used in music, in relationships, referring to inner peace, and as well as "working well together". In all of these definitions, the commonality is a blendi...
We are constantly in the process of renewing ourselves and transforming. Physically, we are continually growing new cells.
At the dawning of a new year, we are aware that there is still much to accomplish, both on the personal level and the planetary level.
We are constantly in the process of renewing ourselves and transforming. Physically, we are continually growing new cells.
At the dawning of a new day, a new month, a new year, we are aware that there is still much to accomplish, both on the personal level and the planetary level.
We often think our strength comes from physical things like exercise, food, vitamins, and maybe even coffee. Yet is that really the case?
We often think our strength comes from physical things like exercise, food, vitamins, and maybe even coffee. Yet is that really the case?
We all have access to intuition. While some people believe that only "special people" are psychic, we all can access higher wisdom. It is like anything else...
While some people believe that only "special people" are psychic, we all have psychic capabilities and we all can access higher wisdom. It is like anything else...
If we strictly listen to the media and news channels, we would think there is never any reason to celebrate life. From those sources, we hear about murders, corruption, and all kinds of frightening an...
If we strictly listen to the media and news channels, we would think there is never any reason to celebrate life. From those sources, we hear about murders, corruption, and all kinds of frightening an...
In order for things, or people, to change they need to be flexible. A willow tree bends in the wind while the branches of a more solid tree like an oak can be broken by a strong wind. The river flows...
Each one of us is a unique individual, and thus it seems to follow that each one of us has a specific role to play.
Each one of us is a unique individual, and thus it seems to follow that each one of us has a specific role to play.
We each have our individual experiences, frame of reference, and opinions. This creates our own unique perspective on our surroundings and on life in general. We see life "through a glass darkly"...
We each have our individual experiences, frame of reference, and opinions. This creates our own unique perspective on our surroundings and on life in general. We see life "through a glass darkly"...
As spiritual beings, which we all are, we seek to attain perfection, to attain our fullness of being. And as with many things, the process is not always smooth and/or flawless.
As spiritual beings, which we all are, we seek to attain perfection, to attain our fullness of being. And as with many things, the process is not always smooth and/or flawless.
Just like everything in nature, we are growing. While our growth and changes may not be as obvious as the grass that we have to mow regularly, or the weeds we pull from our garden, we nevertheless are...
Just like everything in nature, we are growing. While our growth and changes may not be as obvious as the grass that we have to mow regularly, or the weeds we pull from our garden, we nevertheless are...
I think that "sweet and sour" is an apt description for life... some sweetness mixed in with some sour, or in a non-food comparison, light mixed with dark.
I think that "sweet and sour" is an apt description for life... some sweetness mixed in with some sour, or in a non-food comparison, light mixed with dark.
All of us, even animals, need to love and be loved. We need it for basic survival, we need it for growth, both physical and emotional, and we need it for happiness.
All of us, even animals, need to love and be loved. We need it for basic survival, we need it for growth, both physical and emotional, and we need it for happiness.
Life. It's something we all have in common, no matter our religion, our race, our gender, our whatever. We are alive! Which means we have choices we make, constantly, whether we are aware of it or not...
Life. It's something we all have in common, no matter our religion, our race, our gender, our whatever. We are alive! Which means we have choices we make, constantly, whether we are aware of it or not...
We go through life with so many questions. Some are simple. What day is it? What will I have for lunch? Should I have another cup of coffee?
We go through life with so many questions. Some are simple. What day is it? What will I have for lunch? Should I have another cup of coffee?
Unfortunately many of us have become victims of instant gratification. We want to succeed and we want it now. We want to heal and we want it now. Whatever it is we want, we want it now.
Unfortunately many of us have become victims of instant gratification. We want to succeed and we want it now. We want to heal and we want it now. Whatever it is we want, we want it now.
Be open to discovering the gifts life is offering you -- expect silver linings and rainbows, be on the look-out for them, and be grateful when they show up.
Be open to discovering the gifts life is offering you -- expect silver linings and rainbows, be on the look-out for them, and be grateful when they show up.
Life can be confusing. There are so many things going on, so many choices presented to us. Even a trip to the grocery store involves choosing between a multitude of options...
Life can be confusing. There are so many things going on, so many choices presented to us. Even a trip to the grocery store involves choosing between a multitude of various options...
Life consists of choices... some are "good" choices, and others not so good. However every choice helps us build a foundation of wisdom gained from experience.
Life consists of choices... some are "good" choices, and others not so good. However every choice helps us build a foundation of wisdom gained from experience.
While we may have been taught that miracles are few and far between, and not only that but only "special" people can perform miracles, this is far from the truth. The first thing to realize is that li...
Many of us were raised on Fairy Tales...where Prince Charming rushed in to the rescue, the fairy Godmother waved her magic wand and made everything better... Having grown up with these 'role models' i...
"He's so lucky! She always wins! I'm just not lucky!" Do these statements sound familiar? Have they come out of your mouth at times? Do you believe that luck is something that happens to some and not...
50 years ago, in 1971, Ram Dass published a book with the title "Be Here Now". It's still good advice. This reminder to be here now was brought to mind as I reflected on the general public's increased...
We live in a world of extremes. Extreme wealth, extreme poverty. Extreme hedonism and joy, and extreme fear and pain. Extreme religious devotion, and extreme hatred. And as with everything, the microc...
Things are sure coming to the surface lately. It seems that issues we have managed to avoid for years are now rearing their heads to be faced. Our way of dealing with reality, or in some cases of avoi...
Freedom is such a powerful word, yet do we really know what it means? For years freedom was tied to the experience of slavery... having the right to not be 'owned' by someone. Then as the women's move...
"He makes me want to be a better person." As I reflected on this statement later, I realized that this is the best compliment anyone could ever hope to receive. Just think about your own life... Think...
So many things happen in life that don't seem to be part of the plan. Whether it involves the end of a job, a relationship, a home, our health, a situation takes place, and we seem to have the rug swe...
Someone once said that intimacy is spelled into-me-see. Thinking it of it that way sheds light on why it frightens us. Letting someone see into us when we are afraid of letting them see our hidden "fa...
Unfortunately, one of the repercussions of modern life with all our TVs and modern conveniences and big cities, is that we have become separated from our neighbors and from the people we see daily. We...
There are so many things to be grateful for! Birds singing, sunshine, trees and the shade they provide, the love of our friends, the comforts of modern living, etc. etc. Yet, surrounded by this beauty...
How many times have you been hurt by what someone said about you? How many times have you doubted your self-worth because someone criticized you, either to your face or 'behind your back'? Why do we r...
I love how the Universe (a.k.a. God/Goddess/All That Is, Creator, Divine, etc.) works. Things just work out sometimes amazingly perfectly. Actually, I don't know why it's amazing, other than we've bee...
We tend to take life seriously… all the problems, challenges, crises… all of these seem to be like life and death situations, and in some cases they are. Yet as Shakespeare told us years ago, all the...
It is our human condition to experience wounding on the earthly plane of existence. It is our celestial condition to embody healing during our earthly tenure of existence.
They say you can't take it with you... That is false! Not only do you take it with you, but you come in with it. I'm not talking about material possessions, but rather about personality traits, lesson...
In the 17th century, the French philosopher René Descartes came up with the "explanation for it all": I think, therefore I am . This statement was the source of debates in philosophy classes. It was t...
Change is inevitable . Notice your reaction to that statement. Change IS inevitable. Pay attention to your body's reaction, your mind, your emotions. Did you feel any fear? Any 'oh-oh' kind of feeling...
Boundaries... barriers... walls... All these words have similar meanings. They indicate a place where one must stop and go no further. In some cases boundaries and walls are wonderful. But too much of...
Judgment plays a big part in our lives, so much that we are not even aware most of the time that we are judging. If you didn't think that something was bad, it wouldn't upset you. If you didn't think...
I woke up this morning to grey skies. My first thought was "Uh, a grey day!" It came to me that perhaps I would be best served when I wake up in the morning to find just one good thing about the day.....
Many of us have grown up with the concept of the 3 R's. We have been told that the 3R's were the basis or the most important part of education. And we were always told that the three R's were Reading,...
We all have various and sometimes numerous reasons to complain. We complain about our job, our health, the weather, our neighbors, our kids, our families, our government, the environment, the state of...
I was feeling sad one morning, feeling the state of the world in my heart, and remembering how I felt at 20 after taking a University class entitled 'History of Human Conflict'. At that time, after le...
As the publisher/editor of InnerSelf, I read a lot of material dealing with personal empowerment. And some of the things I read really resonate with me, and I end up adopting them. It's sort of like c...
Nature does not pick sides: it simply gives every plant a fair chance to life. The sun shines on everyone regardless of their size, race, language, or opinions. Can we not do the same? Forget our old...
The other day I was giving myself a "good talking to"… telling myself I really need to exercise regularly, eat better, take better care of myself… You get the picture. It was one of those days when I...
It is good to have a fresh start on January 1st... this gives us the needed motivation to release our previous beliefs and behaviors. Although the difference between Dec. 31st and January 1st is only...
It seems like "not having enough time" is a recurring theme... We spend our waking hours doing things on our list of "things to do" and not having (or taking) the time to do the things that would nurt...
'Always'. 'Never'. These are probably the two most powerful words in the English language. Even more powerful than yes and no, since saying yes (or no) applies to the moment or subject at hand, while...
Chiron as an astrological placement appears not only in the astrological birth chart of individual human beings, but also in the astrological birth chart of businesses, organizations, and countries. I...
Well, the US presidential election is now behind us and it's time to take stock. We must find common ground between young and old, Democrat and Republican, Liberal and Conservative to truly make Ameri...
Many of us have been holding back and storing unfelt emotions. What's the purpose? Unfortunately, the reason behind suppressed emotions is self-defeating. Holding back from "feeling your feelings" is...
We have repressed a lot of our emotions, whether they are considered 'good' or 'bad' ones. Sometimes we hold back on expressing our love for fear of being misunderstood, or perhaps thinking the timing...
Some of our fears are so slight, or come up so rarely, that we ignore them for the most part. Yet, all our fears are with us constantly whether or not we acknowledge their presence. They reside in our...
The pattern I have seen repeated both in myself and in others around me is what we could call the sleeping beauty/frog prince complex. It consists of waiting for something or someone to deliver us fro...
The reason I share "what works for me" is that it may work for you as well. If not exactly the way I do it, since we are all unique, some variance of the attitude or method may very well be something...
The reason I share "what works for me" is that it may work for you as well. If not exactly the way I do it, since we are all unique, some variance of the attitude or method may very well be something...
Just as 13 years of age marks adolescence, 21 marks adulthood (at least officially), 50 seems to me to herald a reaching of maturity? a certain 'je ne sais quoi' of 'I've done it!', 'I've made it' thr...
What do you want? This is a question that is asked of us throughout our lives. " What do you want? " We ask this question of babies when they are crying and we can't figure out if they're hungry, wet,...
If we were able to remember how we felt as a child learning to crawl, we probably would remember looking on with amazement at the giants we saw around us. This memory might help us when we are learnin...
Amidst all the horrors taking place these days, I am inspired by the rays of hope that shine through. Ordinary people standing up for what is right (and against what is wrong). Baseball players, white...
I love the internet. Now I know a lot of people have a lot of bad things to say about it, but I love it. Just like I love the people in my life -- they are not perfect, but I love them anyway.
I called this article "Women Arise: Be Seen, Be Heard, and Take Action", and while I am referring to the women highlighted in the videos below, I am also speaking of each of us. And not just of those...
Everyone has the power and the ability to connect with the life energy that brings in healing. You don't need training, though you can certainly learn techniques... If you're wanting to increase your...
Maybe that is the problem with the world. Everyone is treating their neighbors (whether individuals or countries) the same way they treat themselves. In other words, if you criticize yourself, pollute...
Sometimes it seems that commitment is a four-letter word. It is a word that oftentimes brings up fear as well as insecurity and doubt. What is the underlying fear to committing ourselves to an action,...
It's so easy for us to look to others to shoulder responsibility for occurrences in our past. We accuse our parents for our lack of self-esteem. We blame teachers or siblings for our unwillingness to...
Sometimes when things don't go the way I want, rather than letting things go their own way, I start pushing and forcing and trying to make things happen. Can you relate to this one? We start insisting...
How many times have you made a decision to change something in your life and then found yourself slipping off the path you had chosen? Have you found yourself repeating past behavior even though the h...
While speaking to a friend who has recently 'lost' a dear one to death, I was reminded that we sometimes don't feel comfortable around such situations. The thoughts come up: 'What do I say? How can I...
Living behind a glass wall can be lonely. You can see the others out there, yet you somehow remain separated from them. Your wall may be called "I'm not good enough" or "No one understands me or loves...
Have we not all asked ourselves this question at one point or another? "What's it all about?" Since to every question there is an answer, I asked my inner Self to provide an answer. The answer I heard...
One of my favorite lines in the movie "Gone With The Wind" is when Scarlett says "Tomorrow is another day". This line has given me hope many times when the skies of my life were bleak and I couldn't s...
How many times have you stopped yourself from doing something you really wanted to do? We sometimes seem to have a whole slough of reasons why "not to do" something. These range from "because I don't...
F or me, learning often comes from understanding "why". Why things are the way they are, why things happen, why people are the way they are, why I act the way I do, why other people act the way they d...
Oftentimes, in life, we have doubts about the outcome of a situation... whether the doubt has to do with our own capabilities, or someone else's. Yet faith in ourselves is an integral part in succeedi...
People who are starved for love go out and try to get attention! Now some people may do that by becoming prominent in a constructive way by being in theater, media, or the top in their field. Others c...
A while back I wrote an article entitled " I Am Safe " as part of my ongoing " What Works For Me " series. With all the fear going around these days (and not just about the Coronavirus), I thought I w...
There are many occasions in life where our "inner peace" is challenged. When I find myself in a situation where I would tend to react with anger, or judgment, or criticism, rather than react with ange...
How can one be afraid of the past when it has already happened? Yet when one looks closely at the fears we have for the future, we see they are often repetitions of old fears, or of things that have h...
It's a new year! I must admit, I'm a bit like a kid at Christmas about New Year's. It's like I've just been given 365 brand new days, brand new pages of a blank book to do with as I choose.
When something is taking place and you don't feel in harmony within yourself, ask yourself one simple question: "Where is this coming from?" Keep repeating the question and take it step by step until...
Humans seem to be constantly searching for happiness. Even the Bill of Rights focuses on the pursuit of happiness. By the same token, we go around 'pursuing happiness' -- looking for it, searching in...
You know someone is hiding something when they avoid meeting your eyes. Yet, there are times when I seem to shift my eyes away from my own Self. In those cases, the truth of the matter is that I have...
There are some mornings where I can't seem to get moving. I am not referring to those mornings when I may be physically tired and need the extra sleep. I speak rather of those mornings when I've had e...
Perhaps you've believed, as many do, that wisdom comes with age. That the older you get, the wiser you get. And while that can generally be true, recently so many wise young voices have come to the fo...
We often crave something (whether it is a new TV, a new car, a certain food, a relationship) only to find once we "fulfill" the craving, that we still aren't satisfied... Why? Because the object of th...
There are many theories and many practices abounding today to heal disease and disorders. Basically though there is only one method. In other words, all methods boil down to one thing. The essence of...
Think about it... for years we have been molded and pushed to behave in certain 'acceptable' ways. We have been asked to adhere to tradition, to behave according to certain accepted rules of behavior,...
Marianne Williamson is a complete departure from same old, same old... Her platform: putting in place policies based on caring for our children, our environment, and each other... policies based on w...
As Marianne Williamson expresses in her presentation, for a species to survive, the children must thrive. In most animal species, the mother becomes ferocious when her children are threatened -- think...
A few weeks ago, I hurt my back. I pulled a muscle and when it happened, it literally knocked me off my feet. It took me several minutes to get back up off the floor and the pain was like nothing I'd...
We have all gone through life saying certain things about ourselves, such as: I'm a shy person, or I'm intelligent, or I'm stupid, or I'm clumsy, or I'm slow, etc. Once we understand the power of the...
As I was reflecting the other day on love -- loving ourselves, loving our neighbor, loving the world itself -- it came to me that with all the "stigma" attached to the word love, sometimes we may be a...
How do you know something exists if you never hear about it? How do you know about the truth, which is often "the other side of the coin", if it is never exposed to the light? Perhaps those two questi...
Some people feel that they are limited by their genes, by what is encoded in their DNA. Studies show that identical twins raised in different environments have some strikingly similar tastes and behav...
Life can be stressful. It can and does present challenges. It also brings pleasures and laughter, as well as sadness and tears. Some of these experiences we accept with joy, others we want to run from...
We can get side-tracked by our ego that wants to be right at any price. It doesn't care about lost friendships, or uncomfortable work relations, or families torn apart by pride -- it only cares about...
A question that often arises is "How do we know what is right for us?" How do we find our 'proper' place in life, whether we are talking about employment, living location, vacation spot, etc? It seems...
Love... has it become a "four-letter word"? In many cases, love has become equated with other things such as attention, rewards, approval, etc. In many cases, what is depicted in movies as love is sim...
Have you ever found yourself wanting to 'fix' people? You know... when you can clearly see everything that's wrong with them and want to reorganize them and their life? It seems so easy for us to look...
So, stop a minute and ask yourself that question: "What if I gave a party and nobody came?" . What feelings come up for you? While we may not ever have found ourselves in that particular situation, I...
Singing love songs to yourself may sound like something strange to do but it actually is therapeutic and great for one's self-esteem. The experience of singing love songs to myself first started when...
In 1952, a bill proclaiming an annual National Day of Prayer (NDP) was unanimously passed by both houses of congress. President Truman signed it into law. Then in 1988, a bill was introduced to Congre...
One hears a lot about nurturing... nurturing one's self, nurturing loved ones, children, etc. I have been advised many times in my life to pay more attention to myself, and to nurture myself. Not feel...
Every day is a new day. That is an indisputable fact. By accepting each new day with a fresh, enthusiastic attitude, we can empower our life and make it more joyful. What could be blocking our...
Years ago, I knew someone who used to say "Love is all there is". This was his "mantra" and he repeated it often to whoever was willing to listen. At the time, I was in my twenties and his statement w...
Complain? Don't we all? Of course we do, yet do we know how to complain properly? Is there such a thing as complaining properly? Isn't complaining just a "negative" thing? Or is it a necessary way of...
Recently, for the first time, I planted zucchini in my garden. At first I thought people had exaggerated... But now I have discovered something. You may check your garden in the afternoon and see some...
Someone once said to me they didn't feel that being happy was a choice. They felt that no one decides to have a bad day. That everyone starts the day choosing to be happy, but that things happened alo...
So many of us go through life trying to be better than someone else, or better than who we think we are, or better than who we've been. Just as Bruce Willis's character in The Kid , we go around tryin...
I wish you, and all of us, a perfect new year. Yes, perfect! Perhaps this definition of perfection will help clarify my wish for you: "Perfection, in God's eyes, is being incapable of choosing deeds t...
One attitude that has served me well is recognizing that everything I do is by choice... Even if appearances may seem like I don't always have a choice, I really do.
Detached observation is observing with unconditional love the activities of the world around you "as if you were not a part of that world". You witness and observe without judging or labeling anything...
We all have opinions, beliefs, preconceived notions, etc. And I've noticed, in myself and others, a tendency to discount anything that falls outside of what we've decided we "like". For example, when...
"I have a dream!" Most of us are familiar with this now famous line of Martin Luther King as he spoke of his vision for the United States and for mankind in general. He had faith in his dream, in his...
Taking responsibility for ourselves includes taking a look at what is really bothering us, why we feel blasé about life, and choosing to make changes in our attitudes and our actions. Ask yourself the...
Usually the events for which we hold grudges are long-time past, yet, deep in our heart is this little hard cold spot where the memory of that event, accompanied with anger and resentment, lives on as...
I think it is obvious that our planet Earth and its inhabitants are not all feeling the same amount of blessings of God and of the Universe. Some of us seem to be getting a bigger share of the blessin...
Now that's an intense statement: We are responsible for the mess we made! And for some, it might tend to bring up anger, defensiveness, guilt, shame, feelings of being blamed, discouragement, and othe...
I find myself thinking on occasion, "I hate it when...." We use the word hate easily... We hate a certain kind of ice cream, we hate tofu, we hate hurting ourselves, we hate being late, we hate... Thi...
There are numerous things that make our life "work" for us. Some of these are things we learned along the way. And of course, there are things that make our life "not work so well". One thing that has...
Every now and then I come across an affirmation that really 'hits home'. One of these is "I think and speak only words of love". I found this one in Louise Hay's book "Heal Your Body." When I started...
There seems to be so many things going on these days that need to be addressed. I compare the situation to a "healing crisis". You may have had a weakness in your body for years, and then the situatio...
There are numerous things that make our life "work" for us. Some of these are things we learned along the way, and others are somehow "innate" within us. And of course, there are things that make our...
Have you heard the universe talking lately? Have you heard the inner promptings of Spirit? Do you hear the wind, the birds, and everything else in nature? Let the sounds of nature became a focus for y...
Many of our "life lessons" come to us through what we might usually call a "negative" experience, or possibly a "negative" person in our life. However, the addition of the term negative to any person...
What would be good for us to expand? Our caring heart would be a great place to start. We can start caring more about people around us and about the planet in general. Yes, of course we care, but we d...
Life surrounds us with teachers, if we are but willing to learn. Actually, everyone and everything in our life is our teacher -- they teach by example of something we'd like to attain or something we'...
As I sit down to write this message, today is Father's Day. The day that children honor their fathers. However my message to you today is about honoring the children and the family. This is a plea to...
From stories dating back to my childhood, I have memories of the lamb as being the weak one... The one who followed innocently... the one who had to be sheltered... the one who had to be picked up and...
Trust and faith. These two items are in very high demand these days. But, come to think of it, they've been in high demand throughout the ages, it is simply that we now, in this chaotic world we live...
Relationships are funny... You go around searching for the 'perfect' mate, and of course, the 'perfect' mate turns out to be not so perfect. What happened? Since everyone is your reflection, you ended...
As children we rebelled against our parents, against authority. Yet now that we are adults and are in charge of our own lives, whom are we rebelling against? The answer is the same: authority. Yet we...
Hero worship has existed "forever"... it seems that humans have a need to worship someone or something "greater than" themselves. Whether we choose to worship an external God figure (like a saint), or...
As human beings, we seem to have developed a tendency to look outside of ourselves for the solutions to our problems. When we encounter a challenge or difficulty in our life, we run to someone else fo...
A while back, in a conversation with my inner guidance, I was trying to find out some specifics on a project that I was working on. As in, when is this going to take place? Who's going to be handling...
Someone said to me the other day that people don't change... as in "a leopard doesn't change its spots" . Is it possible for a murderer, an alcoholic, a liar, a thief to be "reformed"? Is it a case of...
When you do something with a negative attitude or in a negative (resentful) frame of mind, you will get the same kind of results on an energy level. As you sow, so shall you reap.
Through the years, I've read many articles (and books) that recommend minding your own business. Never mind trying to "fix" the lives of your friends and family... deal with your own life. While I und...
Imagine... a world where any time you inflicted pain, whether physical or emotional, unto any other being you would immediately feel the same pain. Such was the situation in a science fiction story en...
I was reminded lately of a thought that came to me as a child. I don't know what age I was, but I do remember that I was sitting in church on a Sunday morning. I vividly remember thinking to myself, a...
I have a new favorite song. Well at least it's my favorite for today, or this week anyway. This is a song that currently is my new mantra, a thought that's staying to the forefront of my consciousness...
I love rewards. And I've noticed that the Universe functions on a reward system. I suppose if you were looking at it from the opposite perspective, which many religions do, you might say the Universe...
I saw a cartoon the other day that posed the well-known question about whether the cup is half full or half empty. And the punch line was that if you think your cup is half empty, get a different anot...
You may have experienced situations in life where you felt there was just no point fighting "it" anymore... whatever the challenge it was you were facing. And someone may have said to you, "Why fight...
I know competition can provide motivation to try to be better in a particular field or skill. But I think we've taken this win at all costs attitude way too far. Competing against yourself in order to...
If life is a school or a learning opportunity, then all the challenges we meet are tests administered to see if we've mastered the course material. Looking at current events that way, we can tell that...
People are taking a stand on what they believe in. And while some believe in things you may not believe in, yet at least people are speaking out, taking a stand, and making choices. They are no longer...
I've always believed that we can learn from others' mistakes. And of course, the opposite is obviously true, we learn from others' positive experiences as well.
There is a common theme in a lot of the things I hear, see, and read these days. It is the theme of "taking action". We are being encouraged from many directions to act, to stand up for what we believ...
The worst advice one can ever give, or receive, is "don't talk to yourself". Yes, I know! We're all told to stop talking to ourselves, but is that good advice? It definitely is not!
Whatever path we're on, whatever attitude we've taken, we can probably recognize that we've experienced it before... with other partners, other bosses, other co-workers, other friends, other family me...
What needs to change? Wow! That's a loaded question. Or perhaps not loaded so much as extensive! If we were to start with a list of what needs to change, it could go on forever. Or at least my list co...
As with most questions, this one ( Why Do We Do Things That We Know Are Bad For Us? ) does not have just one answer. There are multiple reasons for different people's behavior, and multiple reasons fo...
As I reflect on the tradition of Thanksgiving, I am reminded that Thanksgiving needs to take place every day, and every single moment of the day. Maybe that's what mindful meditation is all about... r...
If we are to love humanity as a whole, we must first love humanity in a unit of one -- our own self. I started looking at what loving someone really meant, and...
Many times we seem to experience life as if we have no power to make changes -- no power to make a difference. If you don't feel powerful, or if you feel that power is unavailable to you, take a look...
We've all heard of ask and you shall receive and I've been an avid proponent of that method myself. However, there is asking and there is expecting . Now on the surface, those seem to go hand in hand,...
How many times have we stopped ourselves from doing something we really really wanted to do, but were afraid to? If you think back, imagine where the road would have taken you had you had the courage...
Many of us have lost our way, or at least we lose our way during the day or the week. Some people feel that their joy can only exist on weekends, as the week is consumed by work. Joy is sometimes rele...
Are you addicted to your problems? That's a strange question I admit. Addicted to problems? How can you be addicted to something you don't like? Aren't people addicted to things they enjoy? Exactly! W...
While we "know" patience is important, it remains one of life's greatest lessons. In our modern society of instant gratification, it sometimes seems that patience is a forgotten commodity. It is somew...
It's that time of year... Income Tax Time. As I was looking over my income tax form, I reflected that in a `truly enlightened' society, Uncle Sam's yearly required report would contain a lot of differ...
First you have to believe! Unfortunately many of us believe in the “wrong outcome”, as evidenced by the bumper sticker, “shit happens”. We believe in the inevitability of problems and struggle, but no...
One of the teachings that is emphasized by many teachers is that of acceptance. Accepting what is. What exactly does that mean? Does it mean accepting the way things are? Well, yes it does. It is an i...
Do you remember the 1970s hit by The Temptations, "Just My Imagination"? The refrain goes: "It was just my imagination running away with me". And this morning as I was reflecting on certain events in...
It's time to start talking to our Self -- not our small self, but our Higher Self, the wise one, the one with the "higher" perspective on things. At first you may not know what the difference between...
We ask for health, happiness, a loving relationship, but deep down we have all these other thoughts... we don't eat a "perfect" diet, so we can't have health... we are not "perfect" so how can we dese...
I remember reading years ago about people who used to send their mother flowers on their birthday... What's so special about that you might say. You've also sent your mother flowers on her birthday......
I was raised with the concept of "white lies". Here's how I understood it. There were two kinds of lies: the bad, real serious lies (the ones you might go to hell for), and then there were the lies wh...
Sometimes we put others on pedestals – this often happens in new relationships, whether with a love interest or new friend. You know, that’s the wonderful feeling that this person is “so wonderful” an...
We all know that stress is bad, that working 18-hour-days is not healthy, and that working at a job you hate can lead to depression. But did you know that job burnout may be increasing your risk for a...
Some things are so sad that we might like to bypass and ignore them completely. But can we do so when lives are being affected and our ignorance causes more and more deaths? Especially when those live...
There is a kingdom where farmers grow everything organically. There are no chemical fertilizers, no pesticides, no herbicides, no fluoride-based products, and no GMO seeds. Utopia, you say? Well yes,...
For some people, spiritual guidance comes while sitting quietly in meditation. For others, spiritual guidance comes while taking a quiet walk, or taking a long shower, or washing the dishes quietly, o...
Many of us find it hard to forgive. Yet, what if we had to forgive the killer of our son, or wife, daughter, husband... Would we be able to forgive in that situation? Would we want them to be sentence...
You know.... that pesky tune that you can't seem to get rid of... It keeps running on and on in your brain... They're called earworms and some researchers at Goldsmiths, University of London are study...
While some people may think of pets simply as companions or playthings, it is coming to the forefront that pets are and can be so much more. My cat, who has been with me for 13 years now, has shown ca...
Cancer, which has been around for a long time, has been increasing in recent decades. Even with the tons of money poured into research, the "cure" has not been found. Or has it?
At Christmas, we usually focus on giving to our loved ones, to those close to us -- family, friends, co-workers. We give to those we love or who love us, or in some cases to those that we feel we "hav...
The song "Let There Be Peace on Earth" has been sung around the world since 1955. It is popular in churches and numerous other groups. The story behind this song is very interesting as it was not "off...
When we decide to go on a diet, or quit smoking, etc. we tell our friends. We think that this will help us attain our goals more easily. After all, we told our friends and family, so we try harder to...
In this age of science, it is usually postulated that unless you can see it, it doesn't exist. Of course, this includes seeing with microscopes, telescopes, ultrasound, etc. However, as we know, there...
Oftentimes, we hesitate using our intuition because of the "risk" of being wrong. What if the "voice" we're hearing, or the hunch we're getting is wrong? In some situations, as in chemo or not chemo,...
by Marie T. Russell. Years ago I read a small (yet immense) book entitled The Door of Everything . When I first saw it in a bookstore, I immediately bought it. It sat at home for a few weeks, until on...
I was speaking to a friend who is the head of a customer service department. She tells everyone in the company, whether they work in the warehouse, in accounting, or wherever, that everyone in the com...
I've never been a big fan of country music. I have found it depressing, sad, whining, self-pitying... Well, you get the picture. However, now that I live in northern Florida, when I'm in my car and I'...
Important consideration has been given to money earned, retirement benefits, chances of advancement, etc. Considering that most of us spend half of our waking hours working at a job, it might serve to...
The question to ask ourselves is "Who are we becoming?" Are we living up to the child we were, or could have been? Loving, playful, wanting nothing more than to love and be loved. (I'm talking about v...
by Marie T. Russell. Every year, I watch the Academy Awards. As I think back upon those evenings, I realize that much of the Academy Awards can be a reflection on our own attitude towards winning and...
I remember as a child that when evening would come and I would see the first star, I would happily intone the little rhyme: "Star Light, Star Bright, First star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I m...
by Marie T. Russell. "Don't tell me what to do!" We've heard that said many times... we've even said it, and at times when we didn't say it, we thought it! "Don't bug me! Don't get on my case! Don't t...
Oh, dear! I did it again. Shifted gears. Things were going along smoothly, everyone was feeling good, the vibrations were pleasant and then I shifted gears. I guess you could say that I shifted into r...
Let's look at the system of reward and punishment as it is practiced among humans. We reward ourselves or others when we judge an action to be 'good'. We punish others or ourselves for something 'bad'...
We've all been brainwashed! We were all taught the work ethic! " Work (and suffer) till you die, or if you're lucky retire. We don't have time to waste on frivolities. We have responsibilities to fulf...
by Marie T. Russell. In case you haven't noticed, it's election time again... Of course if you watch TV at all, or read newspapers, or listen to the radio, it would be difficult not to know that there...
It crept up unexpectedly, little by little, until it was a full blown "mood". My ego tells me "It all started after the conversation with that person who was angry... it's all their fault." "Wait a mi...
Are you angry at yourself? Some of you may respond "no" while others may recognize that you do carry anger towards yourself. Yet, even with acknowledging the presence of anger, do we really realize th...
Every day we make choices. Some seem simple, some seem complex. What will I eat for breakfast? What will I say to this person? How will I react to this situation? Some choices we make without even thi...
Guilt! It may not be a four-letter word, but its effects on the body, mind and emotions are deep. It used to be accepted as a way to keep us on the path, but upon reflection I realized that its effect...
Someone asked me the other day if loving myself and putting myself first was selfish. As I endeavored to explain the difference, I realized that there is a fine line between the two. There are two dis...
If someone called you a "fool," how would you react? Would you feel hurt or upset? Let's think about that word for a minute. What does being a "fool" mean to you?
We all want to be happy! At least, we all say we do... yet, how much happiness can we handle? How much happiness are we willing to have in our lives before we sabotage ourselves? Let's look for a minu...
Recently someone asked me, "In your years of publishing, what would you say was your most memorable encounter?" I instantly heard my inner voice whisper the answer, but my mind didn't feel comfortable...
Ideally, we all want to be in a constant state of total unconditional acceptance. However, in your zeal to become 'unconditional' have you overlooked yourself? Have you been able to stop judging and a...
One of the characteristics of humankind seems to be a desire to have more. Many experience the feeling, or have the belief or attitude of never having enough. We sometimes seem to view this as a "nega...
As I was washing the dishes this morning, I remembered how I used to "hate" washing the dishes. To me, it was always equated with a task that I "have to do", not one that I "choose" to do. This led me...
"We are what we eat" they say. I would add that we are what we think and what we listen to. Everything that we are exposed to registers in our brain and adds to our complex programming. It all registe...
"The meek shall inherit the earth..." . Those of us raised in the Christian faith know this statement well. And for many of us, myself included, it was interpreted to mean that we should bite our tong...
I've given myself permission to be proud of who I am, of what I've accomplished, and the greatness that is in store for me. Now, some of you may have a strong reaction to this "who does she think she...
The human body is an amazing creation. It works without needing our input as to what to do. The heart beats, the lungs pump, the lymph nodes do their thing, the evacuation process works. The body runs...
As much as I love silence, I also love music. Music uplifts me and speaks to me. Which is probably why the lyrics of a song are so important for me.
Everyday is April Fools' doesn't only occur on April 1st. Many of us are living daily the greatest April fools' of all... and we are it! We have been living our lives as a lie, pretending to...
These days, when people see my garden or the fruit trees in my yard, they often comment that I have a green thumb. That's because they see the abundance of produce in my garden.
We tend to take life seriously… all the problems, challenges, crises… all of these seem to be like life and death situations, and in some cases they are. Yet as Shakespeare told us years ago, all the...
Sometimes we learn from people's mistakes, sometimes from their examples (good or bad) but always we have the opportunity to look...
OK everyone...the world is whirling and maybe your brains need some rest time. Breathe...
In this 1992 Oprah Show episode, award-winning anti-racism activist and educator Jane Elliott taught the audience a tough lesson about racism by demonstrating just how easy it is to learn prejudice.
(May 30, 2020) As I watch the news on the events in Philadephia and other cities in the country, my heart aches for what is transpiring. I know that this is part of the greater change that is taking p...
I came across a song recently and as I listened to the lyrics, I thought it would be a perfect song as a "theme song" for these times of social isolation. (Lyrics below the video.)
October 2nd was Mahatma Gandhi's birthday. As we write this, on October 2nd, it is the "International Day of Non-Violence ". And it is also the beginning of the third week of Occupy Wall Street whose...
Many of us want to make a difference in our lives, and in the lives of the people we love. We were born with a seed in our being desiring a better world, knowing that peace and love are a much better...