How have movements like Christian Nationalism and the Prosperity Gospel deviated from Jesus’ actual teachings? This article explores how these modern movements distort the radical love,...

Karma and justice often feel elusive, especially in a world filled with inequality and suffering. In this article, we explore how collective karma shapes societal justice and what role we play in...

Taking personal responsibility can significantly improve your life, but it also comes with challenges. In this article, we explore the pros and cons of stepping up to own your thoughts, feelings,...

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

Bigotry and racism are potent tools for authoritarian leaders, helping them divide societies and gain control. By stoking fear and targeting marginalized groups, authoritarianism thrives on...

Discover the best exercises for brain health after 60 that will help you stay sharp and active. These physical activities improve memory, cognitive function, and overall brain performance, making...

  A global study finds that only 14% of preschoolers meet movement guidelines for physical activity, screen time, and sleep. This article explores how physical activity, limited screen time,...

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There are so many diets out there -- and everyone suggests that their way is the best! It may be that each diet has something that makes sense, but is one better than the other? And is that "one" the...