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Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

As we enter the week leading into the holidays of Christmas, Kwanzaa. and the beginning of a New Year, many of us will be returning to spend time with our families. This can be a wonderful experience, or it can be stressful as we strive to hold on to the growth we've experienced inthis past year, and not fall back into old patterns, reactions, and attitudes.

The "magic" of Christmas has been tarnished by commercialism, and perhaps, the way to rediscover it is to return to our center, to our inner peace, to our unconditional love for ourselves and as much as possible, for others.

So while the next weeks\ or two may be busy, full of parties and visits with friends and family, it's important that we keep our focus on Love, for ourselves - body, mind and spirit - as well as for the Planet, and for others. Our articles this week present tools to reconnect with ourselves, with our truth, and with others, with respect and love even in the midst of stress.

Scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.

Please visit our YouTube channel and subscribe. Thank you.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week. 

Marie T. Russell and Robert Jennings
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"


young boy laying on a couch

Surviving the Holidays and the Myth of Happily-Ever-After Families

Author: Celia Landman

All parents I know have gone through hard times with their children. And the holidays with either unexpressed or expressed expectations add more pressure to the family system.
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woman in evening gown silenced with tape on her mouth

Owning and Learning to Trust My Voice

Author: Trish Thompson

Fear of talking too much affected my professional life. A watch or a clock was always in view when I gave a presentation. I rehearsed my presentations. No spontaneity for me; I stuck with the script!
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a sifter on top of the shape of a heart

When You Can't Make Up Your Mind, Use The Priority Sifter

Author: Jude Bijou

The priority sifter helps you get in touch with what's true for you and what to do about a specific situation. It integrates your heart and head and offers a unique perspective.
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people working out on treadmills in a gym

Thriving Through Both Our Strengths and Weaknesses

Author: Cheryl Pallant, PhD

Many of us tend to pursue areas of strengths and ignore areas of weakness. There’s good reason to use strengths. They reinforce competence. But there’s also good reason to explore and utilize weaknesses.
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Diet Without Deprivation: Hunger Management for Healthy Weight Loss

Author: Nick Fuller, University of Sydney

I’m trying to lose weight and eat healthily. Why do I feel so hungry all the time? What can I do about it?
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The Deep Roots of Gift-Giving: An Anthropological Exploration

Author: Chip Colwell, University of Colorado

What’s the point of giving gifts? An anthropologist explains this ancient part of being human...
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Winter's Hidden Influence: Understanding Seasonal Changes in Mind and Behavior

Author: Michael Varnum and Ian Hohm et al

Winter brings more than just ugly sweaters – here’s how the season can affect your mind and behavior...
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Christmas Music in Ads: A Strategy to Boost Your Spending

Author: Tom Garner, Sheffield Hallam University

How Christmas music in adverts and shops harnesses nostalgia to encourage you to spend more...
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Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Ginger: Transforming Winter Holidays with Tropical Spices

Author: Serina DeSalvio, Texas A&M University

How cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger became the scents of winter holidays, far from their tropical origins...
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The Power of Second Opinions: Avoiding Rip-offs

Author: Carlos Oyarzun,The University of Queensland et al

Businesses fear of losing their clients may lead to what researchers call “pandering” - offering consumers what they want to hear rather than what they need.
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Keeping Your Teeth Strong as You Age: Essential Tips and Insights

Author: Arosha Weerakoon, The University of Queensland

What happens to teeth as you age? And how can you extend the life of your smile?
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The Rise of Populism: Understanding its Impact on US Politics

Author: John Shayegh, Queen's University Belfast

US election: how populists encourage blind mistrust – and how to push back...
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Finding Hope in a Troubled World: Strategies for Positive Thinking

Author: Simon Appolloni, University of Toronto

How to stay hopeful in a world seemingly beyond saving. After all, the realities of rising sea levels and more frequent and severe storms are scary prospects.
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Christmas Pudding's Journey: From British Empire to Holiday Classic

Author: Troy Bickham, Texas A&M University

How the Christmas pudding, with ingredients taken from the colonies, became an iconic British food...
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Understanding Male Infertility: Strategies for Healthier Sperm

Author: Karin Hammarberg, Monash University

Male infertility is more common than you may think. Here are 5 ways to protect your sperm...
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Why Major Retailers Are Leaving City Centers

Author: Nicholas Dagen Bloom, Hunter College

Big-box retail chains were never a solution for America’s downtowns ? and now they’re fleeing back to suburbia...
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Fartology 101: Why Farts Vary in Smell and Temperature

Author: Clare Collins, University of Newcastle

Why do some farts smell and some don’t? And why do some farts feel hot?
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Decoding Health Misinformation on Social Media

Author: Monica Wang, Boston University

Health misinformation is rampant on social media – here’s what it does, why it spreads and what people can do about it...
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Unlikely Secret:The Power of Empathy in Leadership

Author: Julia Milner, EDHEC Business School

Why empathy constitutes the ultimate leadership skill...
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A New Era of Parenting: The Move Away from Physical Punishment

Author: Divna Haslam, Queensland University of Technology

1 in 4 adults think smacking is necessary to ‘properly raise’ kids. But attitudes are changing...
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The Global Significance of China's Renewable Energy Surge

Author: Xu Yi-chong, Griffith University

China is the world’s single largest emitter, accounting for 27% of the world’s carbon dioxide and a third of all greenhouse gas emissions.
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This Week's Astrological Overview

Astrological Overview and Horoscope: December 18-24, 2023

Author: Pam Younghans, NorthPoint Astrology

The Galactic Center in Radio from MeerKAT

This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart. (See section below for video version of this article.)
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Videos Added to YouTube This Week

Astrological Overview: December 18-24, 2023


InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration December 15-16-17, 2023


InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration December 14, 2023


InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration December 13, 2023


InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration December 12, 2023


InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration December 11, 2023 


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