Image by Gerd Altmann

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

In modern cultures, we tend to affix labels to things and people: good or bad, friend or foe, young or old, and multiple other "this or that". This week, we take a look at certain labels and behaviors and come to realize that everything is fluid. There is no set definition for any person or personality trait. Since we are all unique individuals, though we are all human beings, our quirks and behaviors will not fit a particular typecast role perfectly. And since each day is a new day, we get to vary our behavior from day to day and minute to minute. 

That being said, there is a lot to gain from understanding ourselves... our current tendencies, those we have inherited, either genetically or due to our environment and upbringing. If we wish to create a better world, we must be aware of who we are, and what we are capable of... and that includes our strengths as well as our weaknesses. However, we may discover that what we previously saw as a weakness, may actually be a strong point that has been misunderstood and misinterpreted.

The other aspect to consider is that we contain both light and dark, "good" and "evil", love and hatred... It is time to have compassion for the two sides of our beingness, and that of others as well. The "enemy" is not really an enemy, but a teacher in disguise, as well as a fellow human being with hopes and dreams just like ours.

In this week's Astrological Journal, Pam Younghans states: "Whatever parts of ourselves we reject we inevitably come into conflict with, and the only way to resolve this conflict is to reach across our inner divisions and accept every aspect of who we are." And that includes the reflection that we find in others, whether we like the mirror image or not.

We bring you various perspectives on this via our various authors. We start with a look at the event that is being greatly talked about, not just in astrological circles, but in astronomical and media circles. And that is the Grand Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter. Pam Younghans explores this in the "Astrological Journal for the Week" and Sarah Varcas sheds her light on this event and its repercussions in "Arise To A New Dimension of Truth with a Great Conjunction on the Solstice". 

One of the labels that we apply, or have had applied, to ourselves is "introvert or extrovert". Jane Finkle helps us reflect on that duality in ""I Am An Introvert": The Myths of Introversion". We then move on to the label of ADD or ADHD that is used as a judgment or "wrongness" for youth and adult alike in our society. Thom Hartmann invites us to a new perspective in "Where Have All the Hunter-Gatherers Gone? " and explores ADHD not as a defect or illness, but as a positive trait in our evolution.

We then take a look at the duality and the dark side of our self and our reflection with Charles Eisenstein's essay: "From QAnon’s Dark Mirror, We Can Discover Hope". Charles invites us to look at the dark mirror and see the reflection of our anguish and our hope in those that we consider "the others". We also reflect on the power of our words and our thoughts in "Hieroglyphics, The Word of Gods, Magic, and Power". 

We round off this weeks' featured articles with Jude Bijou's suggestion to "Give the Gift of Kindness and Move Towards Love and Connection". And this recommendation, of course, is not just for the holiday season, but is an ongoing prescription for a better life and a better world. 

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Arise To A New Dimension of Truth with a Great Conjunction on the Solstice

Written by Sarah Varcas

Arise! A New Dimension of Truth
Relinquishing the oppressive Capricorn energy that has defined 2020, this Great Conjunction reflects a shift of power in favour of the people – our global human family. The authorities signified by Capricorn have had their chance, and the end of Pluto's cosmic alliance with Saturn marks a significant reduction of authoritarian influence in this new cycle of becoming.

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"I Am An Introvert": The Myths of Introversion

Written by Jane Finkle

"I Am An Introvert": The Myth of Introversion
It is natural to want to fit into a category that gives us an identity, especially if that identity provides a better understanding of ourselves and others, and explains the nature of our interactions. But be careful of type­casting yourself. Instead, try to ...

Where Have All the Hunter-Gatherers Gone?

Written by Thom Hartmann

Where Have All the Hunter-Gatherers Gone?
New advances in anthropology and paleontology have answered one of the most vexing questions about the Hunter/Farmer theory: “Why is the leftover Hunter/ADHD gene only present in a minority of our population, and where have all the hunters gone?”

From QAnon’s Dark Mirror, We Can Discover Hope

Written by Charles Eisenstein

From QAnon’s Dark Mirror, We Can Discover Hope
A dark mirror shows features one would rather not see. You gaze at the repulsive visage in the picture frame, the caricature of everything despicable, only to realize with dawning horror that you are looking not at a portrait but at a mirror.

Hieroglyphics, The Word of Gods, Magic, and Power

Written by Normandi Ellis

Hieroglyphics, The Word of Gods, Magic, and Power
Words are magic. Thoughts create actions that manifest forms. No matter what language you are using—English, Chinese, or the language of hieroglyphs—thoughts are things.

Give the Gift of Kindness and Move Towards Love and Connection

Written by Jude Bijou

Give the Gift of Kindness and Move Towards Love and Connection
Kindness shows itself in a lot of ways, such as acts of compassion, helpfulness, empathy, forgiveness, and caring. These gestures ignite feelings of love in both the recipients and ourselves. For maximum effect, kindness must be offered without expecting something in return, except for you...

As Heavenly Bodies Converge, Is The Star of Bethlehem Making A Comeback?
As Heavenly Bodies Converge, Is The Star of Bethlehem Making A Comeback?

by Eric M. Vanden Eykel

On Dec. 21, 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will cross paths in the night’s sky and for a brief moment, they will appear to…

After Coronavirus How Will We Know When Life Can Go Back To Normal?
After Coronavirus How Will We Know When Life Can Go Back To Normal?

by Jasmina Panovska-Griffiths

The first people have begun to receive vaccines in the UK and US as part of mass vaccination campaigns to…

Why The Puritans Cracked Down On Celebrating Christmas
Why The Puritans Cracked Down On Celebrating Christmas

by Peter C. Mancall

When winter cold settles in across the U.S., the alleged “War on Christmas” heats up. In recent years, department store…

Why Christmas Movies Are So Appealing This Holiday Season
Why Christmas Movies Are So Appealing This Holiday Season

by S. Brent Rodriguez-Plate

With the pandemic limiting travel over the holiday season, many Americans will be settling in front of the television…

How To Cook An Environmentally-Friendlier Christmas Dinner
How To Cook An Environmentally-Friendlier Christmas Dinner

by Ximena Schmidt

By now, most of us are aware that much of the food we eat, in one way or another, contributes to the climate crisis.…

A Visual Illusion That May Help Explain Consciousness
A Visual Illusion That May Help Explain Consciousness

by Henry Taylor and Bilge Sayim

How much are you conscious of right now? Are you conscious of just the words in the centre of your visual field or all…

How To Reduce The Spread Of Fake News
How To Reduce The Spread Of Fake News

by Tom Buchanan

When we come across false information on social media, it is only natural to feel the need to call it out or argue with…

Should You Visit Your Family This Christmas?
Should You Visit Your Family This Christmas?

by Lena Ciric et al

Faced with rising infections and a new, more infectious strain of the coronavirus, the UK government has come under…

6 Things To Know About Eating Less Meat and More Plant-Based Foods
6 Things To Know About Eating Less Meat and More Plant-Based Foods

by Mariana Lamas

Many people are making changes to their diets to eat healthier or in a more environmentally friendly manner. They might…

Sherlock Holmes and The Case of Toxic Masculinity: What Is Behind The Detective's Appeal?
Sherlock Holmes and The Case of Toxic Masculinity: What Is Behind The Detective's Appeal?

by Ashley Morgan

Sherlock Holmes is the most famous detective of all time. Since he was imagined into creation in 1892 by the young…

Is Gas Cooking Associated With Worsening Asthma In Kids?
Gas Cooking Is Associated With Worsening Asthma In Kids

by Ian Musgrave

“You’re cooking with gas” is a familiar term associated with doing the right thing and doing it well. But is cooking…

Try These 5 Therapeutic Tools To Manage Stress Better During Covid-19 Restrictions
Try These 5 Therapeutic Tools To Manage Stress Better During Covid-19 Restrictions

by Leslie E. Roos et al

Declining mental health is a serious public health concern during the pandemic, with three- to five-fold increases in…

What Motivates Changing Behaviours — From Toilet Paper Hoarding to Physical Distancing
What Motivates Changing Behaviours — From Toilet Paper Hoarding to Physical Distancing

by Eleftherios Soleas

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to make some pretty interesting decisions like buying in bulk, wearing face…

How To Stay Fit and Active At Home During The Coronavirus Self-Isolation
How To Stay Fit and Active At Home During The Coronavirus Self-Isolation

by Emmanuel Stamatakis et al.

Self-isolation means far fewer opportunities to be physically active if you are used to walking or cycling for…

Should I Stay or Should I Go: How 'City Girls' Can Learn To Feel At Home In The Country
Should I Stay or Should I Go: How 'City Girls' Can Learn To Feel At Home In The Country

by Rachael Wallis

A move to the country is often presented in popular culture as an idyllic life, a place where you can escape the…

Hate Christmas? A Psychologist's Survival Guide For Grinches
Hate Christmas? A Psychologist's Survival Guide For Grinches

by Karen Rodham

A few years ago, I came into work on December 1 to find a bag on my desk labelled “Karen’s Christmas Intervention”. It…

Parents and Children Can Have Different Ideas About Video Games: Why Do Adults Think Video Games Are Bad?
Parents and Children Can Have Different Ideas About Video Games: Why Do Adults Think Video Games Are Bad?

by Joanne Orlando

Many worry that playing video games might have a bad effect on the way their child behaves. For example, if a video…

Should You Ever Get A Puppy At Christmas? Here's All You Need To Know
Should You Ever Get A Puppy At Christmas? Here's All You Need To Know

by Emily Birch

They are cute. They are fluffy (mostly). They are great fun and make perfect family pets. Right? Well, not entirely.…

How To Get Abandoned, Lost and Discarded 'Ghost' Fishing Gear Out Of The Ocean
How To Get Abandoned, Lost and Discarded 'Ghost' Fishing Gear Out Of The Ocean

by Tony Robert Walker, et al.

Fishing gear and plastic marine debris is a growing global issue. An estimated 640,000 tonnes of lost and abandoned…

The Coronavirus Vaccine: A Doctor Answers 5 Questions
The Coronavirus Vaccine: A Doctor Answers 5 Questions

by Jason R. McKnight

Dr. Jason McKnight, a primary care physician at Texas A&M University, answers five questions about the rollout and…

How Can You Tell If Your Cat Is Happy And Likes You?
How Can You Tell If Your Cat Is Happy And Likes You?

by Susan Hazel

The things you see your cat doing are probably what it enjoys. As long as it gets the chance to do these things then…

Was Jesus Really Born In Bethlehem? Why The Gospels Disagree Over the Circumstances of Christ's Birth
Was Jesus Really Born In Bethlehem? Why The Gospels Disagree Over the Circumstances of Christ's Birth

by Rodolfo Galvan Estrada III

Every Christmas, a relatively small town in the Palestinian West Bank comes center stage: Bethlehem. Jesus, according…

Will Going Out In The Cold Give You A Cold?
Will Going Out In The Cold Give You A Cold?

by Libby Richards

Many of us have heard: “Don’t go outside without a coat; you’ll catch a cold.”That’s not exactly true. As with many…

Don’t Spread This Holiday Suicide Myth
Don’t Spread This Holiday Suicide Myth

by Michael Rozansky

The holiday season usually has the lowest monthly suicide rates, but a new analysis shows that in the 2019-2020 holiday…

Why Dogs Can't Eat Chocolate
Why Dogs Can't Eat Chocolate

by Susan Hazel

Most pet owners know chocolate and dogs don’t mix. Despite this, chocolate poisoning in dogs remains a problem…

Little Kids Prefer Fractal Patterns From Nature
Little Kids Prefer Fractal Patterns From Nature

by Jim Barlow

By the time children are three years old, they already have an adult-like preference for the visual fractal patterns…

Stressed Out Working From Home? Consider A Hotel Day Pass
Stressed Out Working From Home? Consider A Hotel Day Pass

by Nita Chhinzer

J.K. Rowling famously wrote her Harry Potter series from local cafés and, eventually, out of a five-star hotel. She…

The Good, The Bad and The Lonely: How Coronavirus Changed Family Lifea

The Good, The Bad and The Lonely: How Coronavirus Changed Family Life

by Megan Carroll et al

COVID-19 has brought about big changes across the world, with much attention focused on the way governments are…

A Hospital That Prescribes Free Nutritious Food To Families Who Need More Than Medical Carea

A Hospital That Prescribes Free Nutritious Food To Families Who Need More Than Medical Care

by Diana Cuy Castellanos

Being food-insecure – unable to get enough nutritious food to meet your needs – can take a toll on your health. So…

Venus Was Once More Earth-like, But Climate Change Made It Uninhabitablea

Venus Was Once More Earth-like, But Climate Change Made It Uninhabitable

by Richard Ernst

We can learn a lot about climate change from Venus, our sister planet. Venus currently has a surface temperature of…

These Are The Plastic Items That Most Kill Whales, Dolphins, Turtles and Seabirds
These Are The Plastic Items That Most Kill Whales, Dolphins, Turtles and Seabirds

by Lauren Roman et al

How do we save whales and other marine animals from plastic in the ocean? Our new review shows reducing plastic…

What To Do and What Not To Do At The Office Christmas Zoom Party
What To Do and What Not To Do At The Office Christmas Zoom Party

by Sarah Brooks

Whether you look forward to the Christmas party or see it as a seasonal obligation, that time of year is here again.…

Water Exercises Are As Effective As Gym Workouts For Preventing Cardiovascular Disease
Water Exercises Are As Effective As Gym Workouts For Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

by Markos Klonizakis

Swimming, aqua-aerobics, and other water-based exercises are popular for people aged 55 and older to keep fit without…

Mermaids Aren't Real But They've Fascinated People Around The World For Ages
Mermaids Aren't Real But They've Fascinated People Around The World For Ages

by Peter Goggin

Mermaids – underwater creatures that are half fish and half human – do not exist except in people’s imaginations…

Why We Need Monoclonal Antibodies As Well As A Vaccine
Why We Need Monoclonal Antibodies As Well As A Vaccine

by Rodney E. Rohde

A vaccine is now available. So are other therapies necessary or valuable? And what exactly is a monoclonal antibody?

Masks and Mandates: How Individual Rights and Government Regulation Are Both Necessary For A Free Society
Masks and Mandates: How Individual Rights and Government Regulation Are Both Necessary For A Free Society

by Martha Ackelsberg

Thomas Hobbes recognized almost four centuries ago, if everyone just does what they please, no one can trust anyone. We…

Creative Destruction: The Covid-19 Economic Crisis Is Accelerating the Demise of Fossil Fuels
Creative Destruction: The Covid-19 Economic Crisis Is Accelerating the Demise of Fossil Fuels

by Peter Newman

Creative destruction “is the essential fact about capitalism”, wrote the great Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter in…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Astrological Journal for the Week

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


What is Meditation and What Are The Two Main Types of Meditation?
What is Meditation and What Are The Two Main Types of Meditation?

by Franz Metcalf

What is meditation? Seems like it should be an easy question, but it's like asking what is love. There are so many…

How To Find Your Path When You've Lost Your Way
How To Find Your Path When You've Lost Your Way

by Deborah L. Price

We have so confused money with fulfillment that the very meaning of the word has been lost. Fulfillment can only be…

Broken Wings Can Learn to Fly: Love Needed!
Broken Wings Can Learn to Fly: Love Needed!

by Francesca Cappucci Fordyce

Parenting is the most difficult job there is because of the immense responsibility of shaping another human being. A…

The Voice Within: We Each Have A Higher Self
The Voice Within: We Each Have A Higher Self

by Robert Landau

"I am here for you. Remember, I love you always." Jackie awoke from her dream with a start. However, she could only…

Compassion is a Verb, Not A Feeling

by Sharon Salzberg

Compassion is not a thought or a sentimental feeling, but is rather a movement of the heart. Compassion is born out of…

Losing Our Appetite For Struggle and Reclaiming Our Divine Birthrigh
Losing Our Appetite For Struggle and Reclaiming Our Divine Birthright

by Gail E. Steuart and Barry Blumstein

Since we originated in the essence of infinite and unconditional love of self, you may be wondering, then, "How did we…

Always and Never: Two Very Powerful Words
Always and Never: Two Extremely Powerful Words

by Marie T. Russell

'Always'. 'Never'. These are probably the two most powerful words in the English language. Even more powerful than yes…


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