Image by Arek Socha

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

This week we ask ourselves "Who Am I?" and what does it mean (for me) to be human? It is time to change our perspective of who we thought we were (small, limited, powerless victims) to embracing our full potential -- this is what life is about.

We start out our featured articles with "Rebirth: Love Will Replace Fear".  We follow that with a reminder that "You Are Not A Sheep; You Are A Shepherd".

Neale Donald Walsch encourages us to ask ourselves some "Urgent and Vital Questions: The Why, What, and How of Reconnecting to The Source".

We also receive guidance in many forms. Jim Willis delves into "Dreams, Visions, and Out-of-Body Experiences: Are They The Same Thing?

While we reflect on who we are, we naturally also reflect on the life we've created. A recommended reflection is on the topic of "How We've Created Duality and Separation, and What To Do About It".

The main thing for us to remember, and to focus on, is that we are NOT victims, we are NOT powerless. We are powerful, insightful, and loving beings. We can step away from any limitations or restrictions we either placed on ourselves or accepted from others, and start creating a new reality, a new world, a new experience. We are not stuck in the old ways. We are beings of light and love and we always have choices... every day, every moment... of how we deal and react to the world around us, to the people in our lives, and to our own thoughts and beliefs.

This week I encourage you to be open to change... as Pam Younghans mentions in her Astrological Journal for the Week, the winds of change are upon us. We can flow with it or we can resist them. Let's remind ourselves that, contrary to popular belief, change is good. It is part of life, it is a part of growth and creating the life we know we deserve and that the other inhabitants of the planet, human or otherwise, deserve as well.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Rebirth: Love Will Replace Fear

Written by Dery Dyer

Rebirth: Love Will Replace Fear
The sacred has always been with us. It’s right there outside the window. It’s right there outside the walls we’ve built around ourselves, right there outside the doors of perception made opaque by the human ego.

You Are Not A Sheep; You Are A Shepherd

Written by Paul Selig

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You Are Not A Sheep; You Are A Shepherd
When you justify the old— “Well, we have always done it as such, so this must be the way”— you are a follower, you are sheep. And, in fact, the Divine Self as you is not a sheep, but a shepherd.

Urgent and Vital Questions: The Why, What, and How of Reconnecting to The Source

Written by Neale Donald Walsch

Urgent and Vital Questions: The Why, What, and How of Reconnecting to the Source
Why should we, why do we need to, reconnect to The Source? And what is The Source, and how do we connect with it? These are some urgent and now vital questions...

Dreams, Visions, and Out-of-Body Experiences: Are They The Same Thing?

Written by Jim Willis

Dreams, Visions, and Out-of-Body Experiences: Are They The Same Thing?
What’s the difference between dreams, visions and fully fledged Out-of-Body Experiences? Can we chalk it all up to imagination? Is there any empirical data that suggests we can actually “move” outside our bodies while fully conscious? If so, what actually “moves?”

How We've Created Duality and Separation, and What To Do About It

Written by Judith Corvin-Blackburn

 How We've Created Duality and Separation... And What To Do About It
Instead of embracing change and uniqueness, we are raised to fear both. Our conditioned ego asks that we expend huge amounts of energy trying to create a false sense of security and stability. It chides us mercilessly if we attempt to break out of the dysfunctional norms that our culture has placed on us.

100 Days Without Covid-19: How New Zealand Got Rid Of A Virus That Keeps Spreading Across The World
100 Days Without Covid-19: How New Zealand Got Rid Of A Virus That Keeps Spreading Across The World

by Michael Baker, et al

On Sunday, New Zealand marked 100 days without community transmission of COVID-19. From the first known case imported…

Why Access To Parks And Green Spaces Are Important For Our Mental Health
Why Access To Parks And Green Spaces Are Important For Our Mental Health

by Wendy Masterton et al

How does walking through a forest make you feel? Peaceful? Blissful? Reflective? For many people, lockdown brought a…

How Open Windows Help Stop The Spread Of Coronavirus
How Open Windows Help Stop The Spread Of Coronavirus

by Susan Roaf

Over 200 scientists, including myself, signed a letter that was published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases…

The Only Factor Determining What Exercise You Do
The Only Factor Determining What Exercise You Do

by Bradley Elliott,

It’s a common assumption that exercise in older people is difficult and dangerous, so it’s perhaps best avoided.

Healthcare Consultations In The Digital Age – Are Carebots Up To The Job?

Healthcare Consultations In The Digital Age – Are Carebots Up To The Job?

by Jeremy Howick

Research shows that doctors who offer empathic and positive messages can reduce a patient’s pain, improve their…

Children Reveal What They Really Think Of Adults

Children Reveal What They Really Think Of Adults

by Emma Maynard and Sarah Barton

Every parent knows that sometimes your child says something that stops you in your tracks. Such a moment came for one…

how daily exercise rules got people moving during lockdown
How Daily Exercise Rules Got People Moving During Lockdown

by Sarah Metcalfe

There’s no doubt that the pandemic has been difficult for people in different ways. But for a lot of people what has…

Why Artificial Intelligence Could Be Your Best Friend In Finding A New Job
Why Artificial Intelligence Could Be Your Best Friend In Finding A New Job

by Stewart Blac and Patrick van Esch

Millions of Americans are unemployed and looking for work. Hiring continues, but there’s far more demand for jobs than…

5 Ways To Reboot The Global Food Economy To Make It Healthier For All
5 Ways To Reboot The Global Food Economy To Make It Healthier For All

by Corinna Hawkes

COVID-19 has shown how damaging ill-health can be for the economy. But it has also shown how measures that benefit…

Is Humanity Doomed Because We Can't Plan For The Long Term?
Is Humanity Doomed Because We Can't Plan For The Long Term?

by Robin Dunbar et al

While the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic are still unclear, it is certain that they are a profound shock to the…

Covid-19, the rapid saliva test promises results in five ...
What's The New Coronavirus Saliva Test, and How Does It Work?

by Deborah Williamson, et al

A cornerstone of containing the COVID-19 pandemic is widespread testing to identify cases and prevent new outbreaks…

How Should I Clean My Cloth Mask?
How Should I Clean My Cloth Mask?

by Brett Mitchell and Philip Russo

Face coverings, such as cloth masks, are mandatory for all Victorians and are being recommended for public use in some…

Link Between Autism and Eating Disorders May Be Due To An Inability To Identify Emotions
Link Between Autism and Eating Disorders May Be Due To An Inability To Identify Emotions

by Rachel Moseley and Laura Renshaw-Vuillier

Eating disorders have the highest mortality rates of any mental illness. They don’t discriminate, affecting people of…

4 Reasons Why Some People Become Super Smellers
4 Reasons Why Some People Become Super Smellers

by Carl Philpott

Do certain smells make you feel uncomfortable, even nauseous? Or is your nose so good that you can detect even the…

Twitter Posts Show That People Are Profoundly Sad – And Are Visiting Parks To Cheer Up
Twitter Posts Show That People Are Profoundly Sad – And Are Visiting Parks To Cheer Up

by Joe Romanand Taylor Ricketts

The COVID-19 pandemic in the United States is the deepest and longest period of malaise in a dozen years.

Reducing the Obesity Stigma: Are We Over Weight Yet?
Reducing the Obesity Stigma: Are We Over Weight Yet?

by Sara FL Kirk et al

The 2019 report from Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam focused on addressing different forms of…

But Is It Art? Standup Comedy and The Quest For Cultural Credibility
But Is It Art? Standup Comedy and The Quest For Cultural Credibility

by Sebastian Bloomfield

This singling out of comedy clubs once again brings into focus the disdain that the ACE has displayed for standup in…

4 Tips To Help Kids Go Back To School During Covid-19
4 Tips To Help Kids Go Back To School During Covid-19

by Laura Oleniacz

There are ways to ease the transition back to school for kids, parents, and caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Buddhist Monks Have Reversed Roles In Thailand – Now They Are The Ones Donating Goods To Others
Buddhist Monks Have Reversed Roles In Thailand – Now They Are The Ones Donating Goods To Others

by Brooke Schedneck

The offering of food and material goods to monks is an essential part of the daily practice of Buddhism in Thailand.…

Muddy Knees And Climbing Trees: How A Summer Playing Outdoors Can Help Children Recharge
Muddy Knees and Climbing Trees: How A Summer Playing Outdoors Can Help Children Recharge

by Avril Rowley

Most adults will remember spending much of their childhood playing outdoors without much parental supervision. But…

What Groundhog Day And My Time In A Monastery Taught Me About Lockdown
What Groundhog Day and My Time In A Monastery Taught Me About Lockdown

by Dawn LaValle Norman

Stage 4 lockdown is upon Melbourne for the next six weeks. How do we cope with the new normal of staying in our houses…

Settlers like these in Custer County, Nebraska, in 1870, got free or low-cost land from the government under the Homestead Act.
The Fight Against Inequality Is As Old As America Itself

by Daniel Mandell

Americans are increasingly worried about the rising tide of economic inequality, as fewer control more wealth. But…

Tested Positive For Covid-19? Here's What Happens Next – And Why Day 5 Is Crucial
Tested Positive For Covid-19? Here's What Happens Next – And Why Day 5 Is Crucial

by Julian Elliott

With cases of COVID-19 on the rise, many are asking: what happens if I test positive? With no known cure and no…

How To Get Your Kids Used To Face Masks
How To Get Your Kids Used To Face Masks

by Matthew Oates

Having kids wearing a mask doesn’t have to be a daily battle, says a nursing expert.

2020-08-04 14:03:21
Netflix’s Cursed: Retelling Of Arthurian Legend Puts Women Centre Stage In An Era Of Female Leadership

by Marta Cobb

Netflix’s new series Cursed, based on the illustrated novel by Frank Miller and Tom Wheeler, is a retelling of the…

Woman drinks wine in front of laptop showing video call.
How Lockdown Changed People's Feelings About Drinking And Going Back To The Pub

by Emily Nicholls and Dominic Conroy

Among the raft of changes following the UK’s coronavirus lockdown in March 2020 was the closure of pubs – an integral…

These Dogs Are Trained To Sniff Out The Coronavirus. Most Have A 100% Success Rate
These Dogs Are Trained To Sniff Out The Coronavirus. Most Have A 100% Success Rate

by Susan Hazel and Anne-Lise Chaber

We’re part of an international research team, led by Dominique Grandjean at France’s National Veterinary School of…

Major Depressive Episodes Are Way More Common Than We Knew
Here's How The Body Reacts To One-off Overeating

by Aaron Hengist et al

Whether it’s a summer barbecue with friends, your favourite fast food takeaway, or Christmas dinner, we can probably…

How Drugs Like Mdma And Lsd Are Transforming Therapy
How Drugs Like MDMA And LSD+ Are Transforming Therapy

by U. Chicago

The latest research shows that drugs like MDMA and LSD could radically change how some people engage with therapy.

Major Depressive Episodes Are Way More Common Than We Knew
Major Depressive Episodes Are Way More Common Than We Knew

by Yale

The number of adults in the United States who suffer from major depressive episodes at some point in their life is far…

The Female Brain: Why Damaging Myths About Women And Science Keep Coming Back In New Forms
The Female Brain: Why Damaging Myths About Women And Science Keep Coming Back In New Forms

by Gina Rippon

In 1879, French polymath Gustave Le Bon wrote that even in “the most intelligent races” there “are a large number of…

3 Ways To Promote Social Skills In Homebound Kids
3 Ways To Promote Social Skills In Homebound Kids

by Elizabeth Englander

With the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic getting worse in most of the country, a growing number of school districts…

How To Keep Your Home Workspace Safe And Hygienic
How To Keep Your Home Workspace Safe And Hygienic

by Libby Sander, Lotti Tajouri, and Rashed Alghafri

The onset of COVID-19 saw a dramatic shift, with many in the workforce suddenly finding themselves working from home.

What Literature Can Tell Us About People's Struggle With Their Faith During A Pandemic
What Literature Can Tell Us About People's Struggle With Their Faith During A Pandemic

by Agnes Mueller

A recent Pew Research poll found that religious faith had deepened for a quarter of Americans because of the…

Do Face Mask Rules Really Violate Personal Liberty?
Do Face Mask Rules Really Violate Personal Liberty?

by Gwilym David Blunt

Several hundred people assembled in London’s Hyde Park in July 2020 to protest rules making face masks mandatory in…

Climate Denial Hasn't Gone Away – Here's How To Spot Arguments For Delaying Climate Action
Climate Denial Hasn't Gone Away – Here's How To Spot Arguments For Delaying Climate Action

by Stuart Capstick

In new research, we have identified what we call 12 “discourses of delay”. These are ways of speaking and writing about…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Astrological Journal for the Week

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


Don't Give Up On Your Relationship
Don't Give Up On Your Relationship

by Kelly Johnson, M.D.

Can any two people create and maintain a great relationship? You may not think so, because in your search for love…

The Empathy of Children: Have We Lost Our Ability To Feel?
The Empathy of Children: Have We Lost Our Ability To Feel?

by Robert Rabbin

During the first few months of 2003, I was taught something remarkable by 123 children, from 2 to 13 years of age.…

Are You Your Personality? Did It Come From Your Parents?
Are You Your Personality? Is Your Personality Flexible or Inflexible?

by Roberto Kaplan

Consider for a moment the possibility of your personality acting as your mask, as the protection you don for the world.…

Beloved Friend: The Practice of Gazing at the Beloved
The Three Requirements of a Human Being

by Will Johnson

Can a man who longs for a woman to complete him really believe that he needs to do nothing more than lose himself in…

We Have A Choice: We Can Transmute Negativity
We Have A Choice: We Can Transmute Negativity

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

It is hard for us to fathom the true significance of the unique events taking place on Earth, but they are…

Follow Your Heart's Desire and Fulfill Your Life's Potential
Follow Your Heart's Desire and Fulfill Your Life's Potential

by Paula Bonnell

Everyone has dreams. You may dismiss them, wish them into your life or escape into them, but there is always one inside…

Chinese Power Animals and Their Corresponding Sun Signs
Chinese Power Animals and Their Corresponding Sun Signs

by Pamela Leigh Powers.

It is commonly agreed that the Chinese lunar calendar and its animals coincide generally with the Western astrology Sun…

Consensus Reality: Are We All Sharing The Same Illusion?
Consensus Reality: Are We All Sharing The Same Illusion?

by Steven Liebowitz

Consensus reality occurs when others agree with our dominant conframes and we all forget that we're only dealing with…

Also check out the InnerSelf section, Remember Your Future, for articles dealing with issues that are related to you and the upcoming 2020 US election for President, Senate, etc.


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