Image by Pete Linforth

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

This week we focus on seeing things differently... Rather than seeing through the lens of our old beliefs and expectations, we can shed the "old persona" and take on the "new and updated" version of ourselves. The one that sees the potential for love and healing in all situations.

We start out this week's featured articles -- and change of perspective -- with "Glad to Be Human: Finding Numberless Reasons To Feel Grateful and Hopeful". We follow that with "Adjusting Your View and Making Peace a Priority".

Whether or not we have implemented the two above "directives", or perhaps to assist us in putting those into practice, we can move on to "Remembering Who We Are Destined To Be and Letting What No Longer Serves Us "Die"". We follow that with "Expansion: Growing Beyond Limits and Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone".

An event that is part of our life -- past, present and future -- and that we also may need to learn to see differently is death. These next two articles will help shed a new perspective on death. The first is Alan Cohen's article: "The Healing Funeral: A Masterful Reframe on Endings" and the other is "The Elephant in the Room: You Can Ignore Him But He's Still There".

And of course, we continue to bring you updated information and insights on the situation "out there in the world" whether about Covid-19, climate change, personal challenges, new developments in technology, in healing, etc.

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, healthy, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Glad to Be Human: Finding Numberless Reasons To Feel Grateful and Hopeful

Written by Irene O'Garden

Glad to Be Human

Our five senses, our fantastic curiosity, our exhilarating emotional capacity are just a few of our avenues to gladness. Even when headlines clamor, or life deals tough challenges, we can find numberless reasons to feel grateful and hopeful.

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Adjusting Your View and Making Peace a Priority

Written by Jean Walters

Adjusting Your View and Making Peace a Priority
If you are nervous with a new assignment or situation, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you shouldn’t go through with it. It could be a signal that something important is about to happen. It could be anticipation for a new door opening.

Remembering Who We Are Destined To Be and Letting What No Longer Serves Us "Die"

Written by Jennifer T. Gehl

Remembering Who We Are Destined To Be and Letting What No Longer Serves Us "Die"
In order for more life to flow through our earthly existence, we need to let that which no longer serves our evolutionary purpose “die,” just as shamanic initiates had to surrender to transformation in order to experience more spiritual gifts and healing.

Expansion: Growing Beyond Limits and Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

Written by Terri-Ann Russell

Expansion: Growing Beyond Limits and Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone
It can be difficult for some people to step outside their comfort zone -- for me that is definitely the case. Who doesn’t like their comfort? But nothing beautiful ever grows in these surroundings.

The Healing Funeral: A Masterful Reframe on Endings

Written by Alan Cohen

The Healing Funeral: A Masterful Reframe on Endings
Consider a challenge you may now perceive - a financial struggle, relationship issue, or health problem. If you regard these matters as troubles or you feel smaller than them, that is what they will become. Yet with but a slight shift in perspective, they become opportunities to shine.

The Elephant in the Room: You Can Ignore Him But He's Still There

Written by Jane Duncan Rogers

The Elephant in the Room: You Can Ignore Him But He's Still There
Humans often spend an inordinate amount of time and energy avoiding the fact that there is an elephant in the room. This phrase refers to an important topic which everyone is aware of but which isn’t discussed due to the topic being perceived as uncomfortable to talk about.

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How We Rely On Older Adults, Especially During Pandemics

by Sally Chivers

“Unprecedented” might be the word of the COVID-19 pandemic. But for many, especially older adults, life has taken many…

Why Coronavirus Outbreaks Are Inevitable If Schools Reopen In Many Areas
Why Coronavirus Outbreaks Are Inevitable If Schools Reopen In Many Areas

by Joseph Magnet

As school boards across Ontario consider reopening in September, parents worry about two things: Will my children and I…

We're More Likely To Let Our Guard Down Around Those We Love Most
We're More Likely To Let Our Guard Down Around Those We Love Most

by Holly Seale

People are not necessarily keeping their distance in their family home. It’s a natural thing, you let your guard down.

Why We Need To Understand Food's Murky Supply Chains

by Cory Searcy and Pavel Castka

Six months ago, you may not have thought much about where your groceries were produced. But chances are you’re thinking…

Are We Really Doomed If We Don't Manage To Curb Emissions By 2030?
Are We Really Doomed If We Don't Manage To Curb Emissions By 2030?

by Robert McLachlan

Humanity is not doomed, not now or even in a worst-case scenario in 2030. But avoiding doom — either the end or…

6 Things to Consider When Planning a Vegetable Garden
How The Pandemic May Change What We Eat

by Pat Harriman

The pandemic may raise widespread awareness of the production, processing, and distribution of food to new heights.

Why Social Media Users Are More Likely To Believe Bunk Covid Facts
Why Social Media Users Are More Likely To Believe Bunk Covid Facts

by Shirley Cardenas

People who get their news from social media are more likely to have misperceptions about COVID-19, according to a new…

5 Top Tips For Managing Your Personal Finances During Coronavirus
5 Top Tips For Managing Your Personal Finances During Coronavirus

by Jonquil Lowe

When it comes to money, coronavirus has split the nation. Financial stress dominates for many of the 9.5 million…

Could  The Love Hormone Oxytocin Help Treat Alzheimer's Disease?
Could The Love Hormone Oxytocin Help Treat Alzheimer's Disease?

by Eleftheria Kodosaki

Oxytocin is often called “the love hormone” because of its role in social bonding, reproduction and childbirth. This…

The Road To Electric Vehicles With Lower Sticker Prices Than Gas Cars – Battery Costs Explained
The Road To Electric Vehicles With Lower Sticker Prices Than Gas Cars – Battery Costs Explained

by Venkat Viswanathan, et al

Electric vehicle sales have grown exponentially in recent years, accompanied by dropping prices. However, adoption of…

Timeouts Improve Kids' Behavior If You Do Them The Right Way
Timeouts Improve Kids' Behavior If You Do Them The Right Way

by Lucy (Kathleen) McGoron

With parents spending more time with their children than usual due to the COVID-19 pandemic, their need for discipline…

Does Coronavirus Linger In The Body? What We Know About How Viruses In General Hang On In The Brain And Testicles
Does Coronavirus Linger In The Body? What We Know About How Viruses In General Hang On In The Brain And Testicles

by William Petri

As millions of people are recovering from COVID-19, an unanswered question is the extent to which the virus can “hide…

My Talk With Jane Goodall: Vegetarianism, Animal Welfare And The Power Of Children’s Advocacy
My Talk With Jane Goodall: Vegetarianism, Animal Welfare and The Power Of Children’s Advocacy

by Clive Phillips

This month marks 60 years since Dame Jane Goodall first ventured into the wilds of Gombe, Tanzania, at the tender age…

Why We Shouldn't Blame Cats For Destroying Wildlife
Why We Shouldn't Blame Cats For Destroying Wildlife

by William S. Lynn, et al

A number of conservationists claim cats are a zombie apocalypse for biodiversity that need to be removed from the…

What Private Browsing Does and Doesn't Do to Shield You From Prying Eyes On The Web
What Private Browsing Does and Doesn't Do to Shield You From Prying Eyes On The Web

by Lorrie Cranor and Hana Habib

Many people look for more privacy when they browse the web by using their browsers in privacy-protecting modes, called…

Why Body Mass Index May Not Be The Best Indicator Of Our Health
Why Body Mass Index May Not Be The Best Indicator Of Our Health

by Karen Coulman and Sarah Sauchelli Toran

The simple formula is widely used to classify whether our weight falls within a “healthy” range for our height. BMI…

Routine Gas Flaring Is Wasteful, Polluting And Undermeasured
Routine Gas Flaring Is Wasteful, Polluting And Undermeasured

by Gunnar W. Schade

If you’ve driven through an area where companies extract oil and gas from shale formations, you’ve probably seen flames…

Theories About The Relationship Between Demons, Illness And Sex Have A Long History
Theories About The Relationship Between Demons, Illness And Sex Have A Long History

by Brandon W. Hawk

On July 27, 2020, the president and his son Donald Trump, Jr. tweeted a viral video featuring Dr. Stella Immanuel, in…

Why a 2,500-year-old Hebrew Poem Still Matters
Why a 2,500-year-old Hebrew Poem Still Matters

by David W. Stowe

At sundown on July 29, 2020, Jews around the world will observe Tisha B’av, the most somber of Jewish holidays.

Why Sweden's Approach To Coronavirus Is Misunderstood And Not To Be Followed
Why Sweden's Approach To Coronavirus Is Misunderstood And Not To Be Followed

by Stephen Duckett and Will Mackey

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought once-in-a-generation destruction to the lives and livelihoods of people around the…

Flight Shaming: How To Spread The Campaign That Made Swedes Give Up Flying For Good
Flight Shaming: How To Spread The Campaign That Made Swedes Give Up Flying For Good

by Avit K Bhowmik

Europe’s major airlines are likely to see their turnover drop by 50% in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic…

Science Elicits Hope In People and Its Positive Brand Doesn't Need To Be Partisan
Science Elicits Hope In People and Its Positive Brand Doesn't Need To Be Partisan

by Todd Newman

Harley-Davidson is one of the most iconic brands in the world. Harley-Davidson, however, doesn’t sell motorcycles – it…

How Kids Can Wear Masks When They Go To School In Person
How Kids Can Wear Masks When They Go To School In Person

by Meg Sorg

I’m a pediatric nursing professor with four young children. The youngest is 9 months old and the oldest is 9. My oldest…

Why Some Species Thrive After Catastrophe – Rules For Making The Most Of An Apocalypse
Why Some Species Thrive After Catastrophe – Rules For Making The Most Of An Apocalypse

by Nick Longrich

Sixty-six million years ago, an asteroid struck the Earth. The world was plunged into darkness, killing the dinosaurs…

What You Need To Know About Skin Whitening Creams
What You Need To Know About Skin Whitening Creams

by Amina Mire

Corporations like Unilever, L’Oréal and Johnson & Johnson recently announced they will no longer sell products that…

5 Graphs That Show How Uncertain Markets Are About The Coronavirus Recovery
5 Graphs That Show How Uncertain Markets Are About The Coronavirus Recovery

by David McMillan

Financial markets can tell us a lot about the economic recovery ahead, based on their direction of travel and how…

Should Your Doctor Send You For A Walk In The Park?
Should Your Doctor Send You For A Walk In The Park?

by Anna Jorgensen and Jake M. Robinson

Has your doctor recommended you go for regular jogs in the park, countryside walks, community food growing sessions, or…

A Brief History Of Masks From The 17th-century Plague To The Ongoing Coronavirus Pandemic
A Brief History Of Masks From The 17th-century Plague To The Ongoing Coronavirus Pandemic

by Catherine Carstairs

While inspired by growing evidence that masks can reduce the spread of COVID-19, this seems deeply ironic in a province…

Listening To Songs Of Leonard Cohen: Singing Sadness To Sadness In These Anxious Times
Listening To Songs Of Leonard Cohen: Singing Sadness To Sadness In These Anxious Times

by Jen Webb

If anyone can express the particularities of distress, it is surely the artists; and they are surely needed at times…

What Is Known About Coronavirus And Children
What Is Known About Coronavirus And Children

by Kathryn Moffett-Bradford et al

We are asked almost daily about children and COVID-19: Do they get COVID-19? Should they attend day care or school…

How Bacteria Is Tied To Stunted Growth In Malnourished Children
How Bacteria Is Tied To Stunted Growth In Malnourished Children

by Julia Evangelou Strait

Malnutrition can lead to stunted growth. A new study of children in Bangladesh implicates 14 types of bacteria in the…

Why Making Coronavirus Testing Easy, Accurate And Fast Is Critical To Ending The Pandemic
Why Making Coronavirus Testing Easy, Accurate And Fast Is Critical To Ending The Pandemic

by Zoë McLaren

For many people in the U.S., getting tested for COVID-19 is a struggle. In Arizona, testing sites have seen lines of…

Peter Green The Troubled Fleetwood Mac Founder Leaves Legacy Of Brilliance That Shines Still
Peter Green The Troubled Fleetwood Mac Founder Leaves Legacy Of Brilliance That Shines Still

by Adam Behr

One of rock’s clichés, originating in a Neil Young song lyric, is that “it’s better to burn out than to fade away”.

The Pandemic Has Blown The Tires Right Off That Old Debt Truck
The Pandemic Has Blown The Tires Right Off That Old Debt Truck

by Michelle Grattan

Symbolic reminders, as if anyone needed them, that Victoria holds the key to whether the dire budget numbers Frydenberg…

Why Marriage Isn’t A Ticket To Happiness
Why Marriage Isn’t A Ticket To Happiness

by Caroline Brooks

How much do love and marriage play into overall well-being? A new study quantifies the happiness of married, formerly…

What The Past Can Tell Us About COVID-19 And Our Future
What The Past Can Tell Us About COVID-19 And Our Future

by Ellen J Amster

During this pandemic, historians have been consulted like the Oracle of Delphi. Is COVID-19 like the Black Death?…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Astrological Journal for the Week

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


I Listened, and Learned: Taking The Time to Talk and Listen
I Listened, and Learned: Taking The Time to Talk and Listen

by Janis Amatuzio, M.D.

My mother, my great encourager and supporter, listened patiently as I read her the last chapter of this book, and she…

Ancient Times -- New Times: It's Your Choice
Ancient Times -- New Times: It's Your Choice

by Linda Berman

Many people like to look back on history, glean from it what they can, and apply it to their everyday lives. This is…

Share Your Secret and Discover Inner Peace
Share Your Secret and Discover Inner Peace

by Bill Chandler

Quietly, to yourself, think of the one thing you most want no one to know about you. Maybe you had an affair, or a nose…

Meditation: Contact the Wise Being Within
Meditation: Contact the Wise Being Within

by Shakti Gawain

There are many ways we can learn to tap into the wisdom within us. One way is to allow yourself to make contact with an…

Freedom Through Self Awareness: You Are A Blessing
Freedom Through Self Awareness: You Are A Blessing

by David Montini

The fear was so intense that he could feel his heart beating in his throat. Moments before he had been enjoying the…

World Gone Amuck? A Fulfilled Negative Prophecy is a Failed Prophecy
World Gone Amuck? A Fulfilled Negative Prophecy is a Failed Prophecy

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

A fulfilled negative prophecy is a failed prophecy. The reason a negative prophecy is being given to us is for the SOLE…

How to Maintain Mindfulness with Whatever Feelings Arise
How to Maintain Mindfulness with Whatever Feelings Arise

by Matthew Flickstein

We need to avoid dwelling on any judgments, decisions, or internal commentary that may arise based upon the feelings we…

Question? Exclamation! The Best Meditation is No Meditation
Question? Exclamation! The Best Meditation is No Meditation

by James Robbins

We are aware that we suffer from optical delusions, but we still suffer, nonetheless. We can see that there has been a…

Nearsighted People Have Common Personality Traits and Patterns
Nearsighted People Have Common Personality Traits and Patterns

by Roberto Kaplan

From interviews of tens of thousands of nearsighted patients, I've been able to catalog patterns of personalities and…

Being Yourself Without Fear in Life and Relationships
Being Yourself Without Fear in Life and Relationships

by Noel Tyl

The need fulfillment process within relationship and the possible introduction of intimacy come down to the bare but…


Also check out the InnerSelf section, Remember Your Future, for articles dealing with issues that are related to you and the upcoming 2020 US election for President, Senate, etc.


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