Image by Stefan Keller

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

Even while the world is practicing separation with social distancing and masks, we are realizing more and more that there is no separation and that we are all closely connected. What one does affects the other -- both in a "good" sense and a "bad" one. While the external focus these days is more on the negative aspect of connection, as in the spreading of a virus, the heartfelt side of connection is also coming to the fore... with neighbors helping neighbors, with groups joining in solidarity with the downtrodden and oppressed, with compassion coming to the forefront for our fellow human beings.

We start this week's featured articles with an excerpt from "The Shaman's Mind" by Jonathan Hammond; "There Are No Limits: Separation Is An Illusion" Our connectivity also reaches out to the past and the future. Maggie Craddock takes us on a journey to the past in "The Titanic Offers Timeless Lessons About Survival In Any Situation" while Anne Jirsch leads us into the future with "Are You A Straddler? Discover Your Life’s Mission".

And remembering our connection to people and events in our past can help us feel closer to the people that are not in our present now whether due to social-distancing or other reasons. Joyce Vissell shares "Memories Are Very Precious" and offers several ways to reconnect with the love and gratitude that is present in our lives, past and present. And just as we are connected in time, we are also connected to our health and wellbeing via thoughts and energy, past, present, and future. Jerry Sargeant asks: "Why Do People Get Ill? Shedding Light on the Shadows"

Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

There Are No Limits: Separation Is An Illusion

Written by Jonathan Hammond

There Are No Limits: Separation Is An Illusion
In Nature, there is no separation. Everything is connected, and if it is a cooperative and connected universe, then that means that we are each an inextricable part of that interdependence. This leads us to the second principle of Huna: There are no limits...

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The Titanic Offers Timeless Lessons About Survival In Any Situation

Written by Maggie Craddock

The Titanic Offers Timeless Lessons About Survival In Any Situation
We all like to think we are prepared for the unexpected. Yet in my work as an executive coach, I’ve listened to many people describe professional situations where they were caught off guard and discovered that their reactions under pressure surprised them.

Are You A Straddler? Discover Your Life’s Mission

Written by Anne Jirsch

Are You A Straddler? Discover Your Life’s Mission
We are in a transition phase. The world is changing at a rate never before witnessed, and this can unsettle people. This transition phase means that all aspects of our lives will change. But not all change is bad, and not all change is going to happen overnight.

Memories Are Very Precious

Written by Joyce Vissell

Memories Are Very Precious
During this pandemic, so much has been taken from us. Everyone is missing something important for them. For us, the fact that we cannot do our workshops, work that we have done for the past 45 years and we dearly love, causes hurt to our hearts.

Why Do People Get Ill? Shedding Light on the Shadows

Written by Jerry Sargeant

Why Do People Get Ill? Shedding Light on the Shadows
You are a vibrating mass of particles. You are energy. You are light. Energy is continuously moving through form, into form, out of form and back again. Energy is expansive and is always on the move.

3 Questions To Ask Yourself Next Time You See A Graph, Chart Or Map
3 Questions To Ask Yourself Next Time You See A Graph, Chart Or Map

by Carson MacPherson-Krutsky

The problem is that data visualizations can also leave you with the wrong idea – whether the images are sloppily made…

How Nations Can Tackle Environmental Crises By Shifting Priorities To Sustainable Development
How Nations Can Tackle Environmental Crises By Shifting Priorities To Sustainable Development

by Kai Chan

In May 2019, a United Nations report on biodiversity made headlines for the bad news it contained: A million species at…

Does Your Homemade Mask Work?
Does Your Homemade Mask Work?

by Simon Kolstoe

If a surgeon arrived at the operating theatre wearing a mask they had made that morning from a tea towel, they would…

How Your Posture Came Make You Feel Powerful And Confident
How Your Posture Came Make You Feel Powerful And Confident

by Poppy Brown

Holding wide, expansive postures – known as power poses – were once thought to boost confidence by producing hormonal…

Will The Climate Warm As Much As Feared By Some?
Will The Climate Warm As Much As Feared By Some?

by Steven Sherwood et al

We know the climate changes as greenhouse gas concentrations rise, but the exact amount of expected warming remains…

Love Avocados? Thank The Toxodon

Love Avocados? Thank The Toxodon

by Jeffrey Miller

Given avocado’s popularity today, it’s hard to believe that we came close to not having them in our supermarkets at all.

What Racial Discrimination Does To Young People's Wellbeing
What Racial Discrimination Does To Young People's Wellbeing

by Jochem Thijs

Discrimination against minority groups can be difficult to prove. Perpetrators are typically motivated to deny their…

10 Factors Linked To Increased Risk Of Alzheimer's Disease

10 Factors Linked To Increased Risk Of Alzheimer's Disease

by Mark Dallas

A recent study that looked at 396 studies has even been able to identify ten risk factors that are shown to increase…

How Much Exercise Is Too Much?
How Much Exercise Is Too Much?

by Paul Millington et al

The COVID-19 pandemic has made many of us reevaluate our health and take up new exercise regimes.

13 Insider Tips On How To Wear A Mask Without Your Glasses Fogging Up, Getting Short Of Breath Or Your Ears Hurting
13 Insider Tips On How To Wear A Mask Without Your Glasses Fogging Up, Getting Short Of Breath Or Your Ears Hurting

by Craig Lockwood and Zoe Jordan

Yes, wearing a mask can be uncomfortable or frustrating, especially if you’re not used to it.

Reviews On Endocrine Disruptors Show They Are Linked To Widespread Health Problems
Reviews On Endocrine Disruptors Show They Are Linked To Widespread Health Problems

by Shira Polan

Reviews of hundreds of studies show that a growing number of chemicals—in pesticides, flame retardants, and certain…

Tips For The 2 Kinds Of People Who Work From Home
Tips For The Two Kinds Of People Who Work From Home

by Alisson Clark

Research suggests there are two types of employees who work from home: segmenters and integrators.

How Our Brains Imagine Alternate Realities
How Our Brains Imagine Alternate Realities

by Lindsay Gray

You’re on the road to work, when your mind drifts ahead to the lecture you’re scheduled to give in the afternoon.

Working From Home: What The Research Says About Setting Boundaries, Staying Productive And Reshaping Cities
Working From Home: What The Research Says About Setting Boundaries, Staying Productive And Reshaping Cities

by Clark Merrefield

Since March 2020, the coronavirus pandemic has forced millions of employees in America to begin working from home.

How To Get The Most Out Of Remote Health Care
How To Get The Most Out Of Remote Health Care

by Jennifer A. Mallow

COVID-19 has led to a boom in telehealth, with some health care facilities seeing an increase in its use by as much as…

It’s difficult by design to identify disinformation campaign instigators and their agendas.
Disinformation Campaigns Are Murky Blends Of Truth, Lies And Sincere Beliefs

by Kate Starbird

The COVID-19 pandemic has spawned an infodemic, a vast and complicated mix of information, misinformation and…

Why Low-wage Service Workers Are Facing New Emotional Hazards In The Workplace
Why Low-wage Service Workers Are Facing New Emotional Hazards In The Workplace

by Lola Loustaunau et al.

Low-wage service workers increasingly are facing new physical and emotional hazards in the workplace as a result of the…

Why Earth’s Magnetic Field May Change Faster Than We Thought
Why Earth’s Magnetic Field May Change Faster Than We Thought

by Christopher Davies

The Earth’s magnetic field, generated 3,000km below our feet in the liquid iron core, is crucially important to life on…

Is It Better To Sit On The Floor Or Sit On A Chair?
Is It Better To Sit On The Floor Or Sit On A Chair?

by Nachiappan Chockalingam and Aoife Healy

For thousands of years, humans have rested on the ground using variations of a squat, cross-legged or a kneeling…

How To Make Sure Your Mask Maximizes Protection
How To Make Sure Your Mask Maximizes Protection

by Joy Pieper

Whether or not you agree with a mandate to wear a mask, many of us will do so during our daily business.

Why You Need To Remove Memories To Treat Addiction?
Why You Need To Remove Memories To Treat Addiction?

by Lara Streiff

Researchers have interrupted a neural pathway responsible for opiate-associated memories in mice.

How Militant Optimism Is A State Of Mind That Can Help Us Find Hope In Dark Times
How Militant Optimism Is A State Of Mind That Can Help Us Find Hope In Dark Times

by Filippo Menozzi

The COVID-19 crisis has had a grave impact on jobs, wellbeing, mental health and the economy worldwide. But it has also…

How To Make Floating Wind Farms The Future Of Green Electricity
How To Make Floating Wind Farms The Future Of Green Electricity

by Susan Gourvenec

Since 2010, wind energy has seen sustained growth worldwide, with the amount of energy generated by offshore wind…

How Rigid Ideas Of Manning Up Harm Young Men And Those Around Them
How Rigid Ideas Of "Manning-Up" Harm Young Men and Those Around Them

by Michael Flood

Among men, why do some use violence? Why do other men drink to excess and feel hopeless or suicidal, while many men do…

Reason Canada's Legalization Of Cannabis Is A Success
Reasons Canada's Legalization Of Cannabis Is A Success

by Bill Bogart

A highly regarded British think tank focused on reforming drug laws thinks Canada’s legalization and regulation of…

Random Testing In Indiana Shows Covid-19 Is 6 Times Deadlier Than Flu, And 2.8% Of The State Has Been Infected
Random Testing In Indiana Shows Covid-19 Is 6 Times Deadlier Than Flu, And 2.8% Of The State Has Been Infected

by Nir Menachemi

Since day one of the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. has not had enough tests. Short of testing every person in the…
Evidence That Beautyberry Compound Aids Antibiotic Against MRSA (Staph) Infection

by Carol Clark

A compound in the leaves of a common shrub, the American beautyberry, boosts an antibiotic’s activity against…

Mask-Shaming Won’t Work. Try These 5 Things Instead
Mask-Shaming Won’t Work. Try These 5 Things Instead

by Erica Etelson

As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, many people have found themselves serving as armchair epidemiologists and pundits…

Why People Are Missing Their Daily Commute
Why People Are Missing Their Daily Commute

by Abigail Marks et al

The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a unique experiment in mass homeworking. It’s the first time since before the…

What If We Took All Farm Animals Off The Land And Planted Crops And Trees Instead?
What If We Took All Farm Animals Off The Land And Planted Crops And Trees Instead?

by Sebastian Leuzinger

I would like to know how much difference we could make to our commitment under the Paris Agreement and our total…

We Are In A Period Of Rapid Transformation. How Do We Make Sense Of What’s Happening?
We Are In A Period Of Rapid Transformation. How Do We Make Sense Of What’s Happening?

by Kate Knuth

Four scholars from around the world offer insights into how we might steer the tumult of 2020 toward a more positive…

History Shows That Sustained, Disruptive Protests Work
History Shows That Sustained, Disruptive Protests Work

by Kevin A. Young

All disruptive social movements are met with stern warnings from people who think they know better. The current…

Why The Coronavirus Pandemic Became Florida's Perfect Storm
Why The Coronavirus Pandemic Became Florida's Perfect Storm

by Tiffany A. Radcliff and Murray J. Côté

Florida is an international crossroads, a magnet for tourists and retirees, and its population is older, sicker and…

Why People Literally Don’t See Things The Same Way
Why People Literally Don’t See Things The Same Way

by Yasmin Anwar

Our ability to pinpoint the exact location and size of things varies from one person to the next, and even within our…

Confederate Flags Fly Worldwide, Igniting Social Tensions And Inflaming Historic Traumas
Confederate Flags Fly Worldwide, Igniting Social Tensions And Inflaming Historic Traumas

by Jordan Brasher

The United States isn’t the only country debating Confederate symbols. The Confederate flag can be seen flying in…

A Tale Of Two Coffee Farmers: How They Are Surviving The Pandemic In Honduras
A Tale Of Two Coffee Farmers: How They Are Surviving The Pandemic In Honduras

by Allan Discua-Cruz

I am a third-generation member of a farming family in Honduras. I fondly remember getting up before dawn every day and…

How A Journey Mindset Can Get You Through Pandemic Stress
How A Journey Mindset Can Get You Through Pandemic Stress

by Patrick J. Kiger

The “journey mindset” could prove to be a useful tool for coping with stress and tragedy during the COVID-19 pandemic…

Methane Emissions Hit Record Breaking Levels
Methane Emissions Hit Record Breaking Levels

by Josie Garthwaite

Global emissions of methane have reached the highest levels on record, research shows.

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Astrological Journal for the Week

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


The Peacemakers' Message: All For One and One For All
Learning the Ancient Ways First-Hand: Living, Loving, and Laughing

by Margaret Wolff

It was three days after I met with her that I realized Grandmother Twylah Hurd Nitsch is a small woman. Her fathomless…

buddhism orient sunset
What The Buddha Saw, Felt, and Taught To His Disciples

by Franz Metcalf

What does Buddhism teach? Don't worry, I won't give you a history of Buddhism. There are many dull accounts of this…

Buddha smiling
Living Life To The Fullest: Why Buddha Is Always Smiling

by Martin E. Segal

Next to the chair where I sit in meditation is my puja table, where I keep various items of spiritual significance to…

The Art of Forgiveness and Setting Yourself Free
The Art of Forgiveness and Setting Yourself Free

by Eldonna Bouton

Forgiveness is not an easy thing for a lot of us. I believe this is because we associate forgiveness with allowing…

give myself permission
Rewriting the Script: I Give Myself Permission...

by Marie T. Russell

How many times have you made a decision to change something in your life and then found yourself slipping off the path…

Food Cravings Based on Emotional & Physical Needs?
Are Your Food Cravings Based on Emotional or Physical Needs?

by Doreen Virtue

Food cravings often stem from basic unmet needs for fun, excitement, or love -- issues most would consider "normal" and…

What Is Karma? Where Does It Come From?
What Is Karma? Where Does It Come From?

by José Stevens, Ph.D.

What is karma? What is its purpose? How do you create it and how do you resolve it? The more you know about karma, the…

Also check out the InnerSelf section, Remember Your Future, for articles dealing with issues that are related to you and the upcoming 2020 US election for President, Senate, etc.


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