Image by Gerd Altmann

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

This week we focus on looking at things differently which involves changing our perspective about our own self, as well as about the world around us. We start off with Jude Bijou's tips on "Getting Rid of the Self-Critical Albatross That's On Your Back". We then move on to Sarah Varcas and "Choosing Love, Choosing Life!: A Black Moon and Its New Cycles".

Another area where we can benefit from looking through different eyes is in becoming aware of "The Role of Animals in Our Lives". We have a lot to learn from animals' unconditional love and acceptance, as well as from their insights and communication.

For some of us, this next article will be very life-changing and transformative as it presents "Eight Thinking Traps and Biases to Guard Against".

The bottom line or goal of all of these changes in perception and attitudes is "Recovering Our Vastness and Becoming The 5D Humans We Were Always Meant To Be".We are not the small-limited-negative beings that we may have believed we are. We are much more than that. We are on a upward and uplifting journey to discovering our true potential, our true self, and creating a better world for ourselves and for all.

Please scroll down for the aforementioned featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the recap of all the articles that were added to the website during the week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Getting Rid of the Self-Critical Albatross That's On Your Back

Written by Jude Bijou

Getting Rid of the Self-Critical Albatross That's On Your Back
Being too self-critical is rampant in our society. It's almost a national pastime to beat ourselves up over real and imagined imperfections...

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Choosing Love, Choosing Life!: A Black Moon and Its New Cycles

Written by Sarah Varcas

A Black Moon and Its New Cycles: Choosing Love, Choosing Life!
This black moon – the second of two new moons in the same zodiac sign – arrives at a time of immense change and uncertainty the world over. In Cancer, the sign of true family, it reminds us that we cannot and do not live apart from others, no matter how isolated our existence may at first appear.

The Role of Animals in Our Lives

Written by Diane Budd

The Role of Animals in Our Lives
Domestication, for an animal, means not being completely free to roam or to even eat as they please. Pets therefore align with their humans for only one of two reasons: either by their own choice or from a place of surrender. When they do, they have a powerful impact on our lives.

Eight Thinking Traps and Biases to Guard Against

Written by Dr. Paul Napper, Psy.D. and Dr. Anthony Rao, Ph.D.

Eight Thinking Traps and Biases to Guard Against
Being aware of these common thinking traps allows you to get them under control. Realize that you tend to rely more on these biases when you are more emotional, when in a rush, fatigued, or anytime you lower your mental guard and let your mind run on autopilot.

Recovering Our Vastness and Becoming The 5D Humans We Were Always Meant To Be

Written by Judith Corvin-Blackburn

Recovering Our Vastness and Becoming The 5D Humans We Were Always Meant To Be
We walk around our planet typically living, seeing, and responding from our third-dimensional expression. And we typically have no awareness that this is far from the only expression we have access to—and it is far from the only beings that we are.

Twitter Hack Exposes Broader Threat To Democracy And Society
How The Twitter Hack Exposes Democracy and Society To A Broader Threat

by Laura DeNardis

In case 2020 wasn’t dystopian enough, hackers on July 15 hijacked the Twitter accounts of former President Barack…

How Effective Does A Covid-19 Coronavirus Vaccine Need To Be To Stop The Pandemic?
How Effective Does A Covid-19 Coronavirus Vaccine Need To Be To Stop The Pandemic?

by Bruce Y. Lee

The U.S. is pinning its hopes on a COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine, but will a vaccine alone be enough to stop the…

Is Psychiatry Shrinking What's Considered Normal?
Is Psychiatry Shrinking What's Considered Normal?

by Nick Haslam and Fabian Fabiano

Psychiatric classifications catalogue the many forms of mental ill-health. They define what counts as a disorder and…

Four Things That Can Bias How Teachers Assess Student Work
Four Things That Can Bias How Teachers Assess Student Work

by Amy Wong

The way that teachers assess students has been under scrutiny since the UK government announced that this would be one…

daydreaming 7 18
Why Daydreaming At Work Can Be An Asset Or A Flaw

by Chuck Finder

Daydreaming carries significant creative benefits, especially for those who identify with their profession and care…

How Banks Are Trying To Capture The Green Transition
How Banks Are Trying To Capture The Green Transition

by Tomaso Ferrand,and Daniel Tischer

Private sector banks in the UK should have a central role in financing climate action and supporting a just transition…

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US Coronavirus Data Will Now Go Straight To The White House. Here's What This Means For The World

by Erin Smith

Led by physicians, scientists and epidemiologists, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is one of…

As Coronavirus Cases Spike In The Southern US, Northeast Seems To Have The Pandemic Under Control

by Taison Bell

This is a headline I hoped to not see again after the number of coronavirus infections had finally started to decline…

Why Cities Offer Urban Oases For Bees And Butterflies
How Cities Can Offer Urban Oases For Bees And Butterflies

by Rinke Vinkenoog et al

Half of the world’s people already live in urban areas, and that number will only grow in the future. Is this bad news…

Why The Herd Immunity Figure Is Always A Bit Vague
Why The Herd Immunity Figure Is Always A Bit Vague

by Adam Kleczkowski

Nearly 100 years ago, two British researchers, William Topley and Graham Wilson, were experimenting with bacterial…

To Reduce World Hunger, Governments Need To Think Beyond Making Food Cheap
To Reduce World Hunger, Governments Need To Think Beyond Making Food Cheap

by Michael Fakhri and Ntina Tzouvala

According to a new United Nations report, global rates of hunger and malnutrition are on the rise. The report estimates…

Has The Coronavirus Proved A Crisis Too Far For The Far-right?
Has The Coronavirus Proved A Crisis Too Far For The Far-right?

by Georgios Samaras

In recent years, far-right political parties in Europe have capitalised on crises to build their support bases. Many…

Is Voting By Mail Safe From Fraud?
Is Voting By Mail Safe From Fraud?

by Edie Goldenberg

As millions of Americans prepare to vote in November – and in many cases, primaries and state and local elections…

If Immunity To Covid-19 Doesn't Last, It Will Threaten A Vaccine And Herd Immunity
If Immunity To Covid-19 Doesn't Last, It Will Threaten A Vaccine And Herd Immunity

by Nigel McMillan

How is the world going to go back to the days when we could grab a coffee, see a movie, or attend a concert or footy…

Not Just Coronavirus But Heat Also Poses A Threat To Public Health This Summer
Not Just Coronavirus But Heat Also Poses A Threat To Public Health This Summer

by Daniel Harris and Kate Weinberger

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to reimagine our summers. In the past, urban parks were bursting with randomly…

Why Are Some People Experiencing Long-term Fatigue With Covig-19?
Why Are Some People Experiencing Long-term Fatigue With Covig-19?

by Frances Williams

People who have been seriously unwell and treated on intensive care units can expect to take some months to recover…

Neowise: An Increasingly Rare Opportunity To Spot A Comet With The Naked Eye
Neowise: An Increasingly Rare Opportunity To Spot A Comet With The Naked Eye

by Gareth Dorrian and Ian Whittaker

Neowise is the first bright comet to be visible with the naked eye from the northern hemisphere since the mid-1990s.…

How Brains Are More Complex Than What Anatomy Suggests
How Brains Are More Complex Than What Anatomy Suggests

by Salvatore Domenic Morgera

How the brain works remains a puzzle with only a few pieces in place. Of these, one big piece is actually a conjecture:…

Does Cannabis Really Affect Memory? Here's What Research Currently Says
Does Cannabis Really Affect Memory? Here's What Research Currently Says

by Ian Hamilton and Elizabeth Hughes

Cannabis use has long been associated with memory loss. But until now, this notion was largely anecdotal.

Cybersex, Erotic Tech And Virtual Intimacy Are On The Rise
Cybersex, Erotic Tech And Virtual Intimacy Are On The Rise

by Simon Dubé, Dave Anctil, and Maria Santaguida

The coronavirus pandemic is affecting sexuality and relationships. The confinement and social distancing measures…

With Kids Spending More Waking Hours On Screens Than Ever, Here's What Parents Need To Worry About
With Kids Spending More Waking Hours On Screens Than Ever, Here's What Parents Need To Worry About

by James M. Lang

Millions of working parents have spent months largely trapped in their homes with their children.

Why Londoners In The Blitz Accepted Face Masks To Prevent Infection Unlike Today’s Objectors
Why Londoners In The Blitz Accepted Face Masks To Prevent Infection Unlike Today’s Objectors

by Jesse Olszynko-Gryn and Caitjan Gainty

As COVID-19 spread in Britain, journalists and politicians took to comparing the pandemic to the blitz.

Personality Can Predict Who's A Rule-follower And Who Flouts Guidelines
Personality Can Predict Who's A Rule-follower And Who Flouts Guidelines

by James M. Honeycutt

As states struggle to get the COVID-19 balance right – between eased restrictions and rising infection rates – it falls…

To Build A Better Canada After COVID-19 Launch A Fossil-free Future
To Build A Better World After COVID-19 Launch A Fossil-Free Future

by Kyla Tienhaara et al

Demand for fossil fuels collapsed during the COVID-19 pandemic as lockdown measures were introduced. In the second…

5 Activities That Can Protect Your Mental and Physical Health As You Age
5 Activities That Can Protect Your Mental and Physical Health As You Age

by Ziggi Ivan Santini et al

No one is immune to developing chronic illnesses such as heart disease, cancer or arthritis as they get older. But…

How Coronavirus Made Us Nostalgic For A Past That Held The Promise Of A Future
How Coronavirus Made Us Nostalgic For A Past That Held The Promise Of A Future

by Katja H. Brunk et al

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, we have found ourselves in the middle of a nostalgia frenzy.

An Ode To Mac And Cheese, The Poster Child For Processed Food
An Ode To Mac And Cheese, The Poster Child For Processed Food

by Jeffrey Miller

In January 2015, food sales at restaurants overtook those at grocery stores for the first time. Most thought this…

Coronavirus Shows The Dangers Of Letting Market Forces Govern Health And Social Care
Coronavirus Shows The Dangers Of Letting Market Forces Govern Health And Social Care

by Marianna Fotaki and Kate Kenny

In March, 10,000 NHS staff signed a letter to UK prime minister Boris Johnson demanding better protection against…

Just What Is This Thing We Call Love?
Just What Is This Thing We Call Love?

by Gery Karantzas

From songs and poems to novels and movies, romantic love is one of the most enduring subjects for artworks through the…

Facts Or Fake News: Revealing Patterns In The Tweets Of Trudeau And Trump
Facts Or Fake News: Revealing Patterns In The Tweets of Trudeau and Trump

by Anthony Bonato and Alex Nazareth

There’s a significant difference in how the two leaders have talked about COVID-19 on Twitter. One has focused more on…

Is 14 Days Enough To Quarantine For Covid-19?
Is 14 Days Enough To Quarantine For Covid-19?

by Jennifer Gollan and Elizabeth Shogren

How long can someone be infected with the virus unknowingly? It’s a question hundreds of thousands of people are asking…

What Drives Panic Buying During The COVID-19 Pandemic
What Drives Panic Buying During A Pandemic?

by Peter O'Connor, and Luke Smillie

Panic buying has returned to Australia in the wake of its second-biggest city experiencing a spike in COVID-19. The…

How The Buddha Became A Christian Saint
How The Buddha Became A Christian Saint

by Philip C. Almond

From the 11th century onwards, the Legend of Barlaam and Josaphat enjoyed a popularity in the medieval West attained…

Mask Resistance During A Pandemic Isn't New – In 1918 Many Americans Were Slackers
Mask Resistance During A Pandemic Isn't New – In 1918 Many Americans Were Slackers

by J. Alexander Navarro

We have all seen the alarming headlines: Coronavirus cases are surging in 40 states, with new cases and hospitalization…

Students Going Back To Remote Schooling: Here's What We Learnt Last Time and How To Make It Better
Students Going Back To Remote Schooling: Here's What We Learnt Last Time and How To Make It Better

by Wee Tiong Seah et al

On Sunday, in Australia, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced government school students in prep to Year 10 in…

Why Your Coping and Resilience Strategies Might Need To Shift As The Covid-19 Crisis Continues
Why Your Coping and Resilience Strategies Might Need To Shift As The Covid-19 Crisis Continues

by Craig Polizzi et al

As people in the U.S. mark six months of coronavirus, the challenges of coping with life during a pandemic continue to…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Astrological Journal for the Week

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


Can A High Level of Self-Esteem Really Boost Your Immune System?
Can High Self-Esteem Really Boost Your Immune System?

by Dana Ullman

How you feel about yourself may actually affect the way your body defends itself against the various stresses and…

Practicing Surrender and Acceptance of What Is
Deepening Your Acceptance of What Is: Surrender is Essential for Selfless Service

by Swami Sivananda Radha

Surrendering doesn't mean you don't have to make plans. You do. I call this doing my homework -- I do my best to look…

Who Do You See When You Look In The Mirror?
Who Do You See When You Look In The Mirror?

by Paula Bonnell

What do you see when you see your reflection? Do you see only the physical form or can you look deeper and see the…

The Sequel's Not Equal: Being a Copy or an Original?
The Sequel's Not Equal: Being a Copy or an Original?

by Alan Cohen

The thing about sequels is that they rarely measure up to the original. Like movies, there are two ways to live a life:…

Aura Meditations for Everyday Life
Aura Meditations For A Fresh Start and For Everyday Life

by Cynthia Sue Larson

Simply by meditating, people have been able to reduce the amount of stress they feel in their lives, alleviate physical…

Discovering the Art of True Happiness
How To Discover and Cultivate the Art of True Happiness

by Sharon Salzberg

We can travel a long way and do many different things, but our deepest happiness is not born from accumulating new…

Facing Your Shadow: Healing The Split Between Conscious Self and Other Part of You
Healing The Split Between Conscious Self and Shadow Self

by Denise Linn

As a child, I was afraid of so many things. I was terrified during my parents' violent arguments. I was afraid of my…

Also check out the InnerSelf section, Remember Your Future, for articles dealing with issues that are related to you and the upcoming 2020 US election for President, Senate, etc.


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