Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

This week, we focus on new beginnings... having a new attitude to create new possibilities and new realities. The expression that came to mind as I started to write this was: "Out with the old and in with the new." The first step in creating a new reality is to be willing to let go of our old beiefs, our old patterns, our old "set-in-our-ways" behaviors. This is indeed time for a new attitude so we cn create new realities and new experiences.

Speaking of new, this month, Planet Earth is being visited by a comet named "Neowise", which can be "translated" to New Wisdom. Surely wisdom, new or old, is a welcome sight in the heavens and on earth.  (For more info about the comet and its effects, read the "Astrological Journal for the Week".)

Our authors this week facilitate the process of getting in touch with new wisdom and creating a new experience by bringing us their insights and perspectives. We start our featured articles with "Giving Birth to the Future and Achieving A More Life-Affirming Outcome" and follow that with "Rediscovery – Seeing with Our Hearts".

Our new wisdom comes in handy when we are "Taking The Next Steps: So Many Possibilities, So Many Choices". So many avenues are open to us on our journey as we move into rediscovering and "Awakening to the Miraculous Results of Energy Healing". Our new wisdom can come from many sources and one is shared in this article by Nancy Windheart who brings us "Animal Perspectives on the Corona Virus".

To get in touch with inner wisdom and also the wisdom of the Cosmos, we must be willing to change how we've "always" believed things worked, whether with life in general, with our health, and especially with creating the future. Women especially have had ingrained beliefs dealing with the transition called the "change of life". Discover the "Myths and Misconceptions about Menopause and How Sasang Medicine Can Help".

So this is a time to step out of the old ways, the old attitudes, the old beliefs, the old restrictions, and move forward to creating a new world, a new experience, and literally start living and experiencing "heaven on Earth".

Scoll down below for the links to this week's features articles (mentioned above) as well as the numerous new articles added to the website this week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, healthy, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Giving Birth to the Future and Achieving A More Life-Affirming Outcome

Written by Ariane Burgess

Giving Birth to the Future and Achieving A More Life-Affirming Outcome
I have heard women say, “I don’t know where to begin.” We begin with ourselves; we then work together to make changes on a local and community level and campaign at the national level, using the power of our government to introduce legislation requiring that corporations rapidly transition to regenerative, life-supporting practices in their business models.

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Rediscovery – Seeing with Our Hearts

Written by Dery Dyer

Rediscovery – Seeing with Our Hearts
In acting as a conduit for the universe’s love, human creation ultimately creates love. As author Maxine Greene puts it, “Imagination is what, above all, makes empathy possible. It is what enables us to cross the empty spaces between ourselves and those . . . we have called ‘other’ over the years.”

Taking The Next Steps: So Many Possibilities, So Many Choices

Written by Sarah Love McCoy

Taking The Next Steps: So Many Possibilities, So Many Choices
It can feel like this time we're living in and all the stresses of navigating it are doing the opposite of bringing us closer. The feelings of isolation and separation are real. The divisive tools being used against our greater good are real. There's a lot at stake and there are complex challenges facing us...

Awakening to the Miraculous Results of Energy Healing

Written by Niki J. Senior

Awakening to the Miraculous Results of Energy Healing
By the standards set by modern medicine, healing shouldn’t work. However, we know that it does. We don’t quite understand how or why, but when we witness the miraculous results of simply the laying-on of hands, of herbal remedies or of...

Animal Perspectives on the Corona Virus

Written by Nancy Windheart

Animal Perspectives on the Corona Virus
In this post, I share a few of the communications and transmissions from some of the non-human wisdom teachers I’ve connected with about our global situation, and in particular, the crucible of the novel corona virus in our human experience.

Myths and Misconceptions about Menopause and How Sasang Medicine Can Help

Written by Gary Wagman, Ph.D., L.Ac.

Myths and Misconceptions about Menopause and How Sasang Medicine Can Help
Let’s take a moment to discuss several misconceptions about menopause, aka “the change of life.” In Angeles Arrien’s book The Second Half of Life, she states, “Unfortunately, our culture’s current perspective is that the second half of life offers only decline, disease, despair, and death.”

kelp forrest 7 12
How The Forests Of The World’s Oceans Contribute To Alleviating The Climate Crisis

by Emma Bryce

Researchers are looking to kelp for help storing carbon dioxide far beneath the surface of the sea.

Why A Mask Cuts Your Coronavirus Risk By 65%
Why A Mask Cuts Your Coronavirus Risk By 65%

by Rick Kushman

Social distancing and wearing a mask prevent you from spreading COVID-19, but they also protect you from getting it…

10 Reasons Kids Develop Sleep Problems, And How Parents Can Help
10 Reasons Kids Develop Sleep Problems, And How Parents Can Help

by Adam T. Newton

For some parents, getting their child into bed is a struggle that can take hours. Others get up at midnight to help…

3 Ways Working From Home Long-term Could Be Good Or Bad For Your Health
3 Ways Working From Home Long-term Could Be Good Or Bad For Your Health

by Carol T Kuli and Ruchi Sinha

The coronavirus pandemic has forced many of us to work from home, often in less than ideal circumstances.

Leaders Fail If They Cannot Speak The Truth And Earn Trust
Leaders Fail If They Cannot Speak The Truth And Earn Trust

by Kenneth P. Ruscio

During a recent Senate committee hearing on the COVID-19 crisis, Dr. Anthony Fauci told lawmakers he was concerned…

How Deadly Is Covid-19?
How Deadly Is Covid-19?

by Ron Fricker

Disease surveillance is the process by which we try to understand the incidence and prevalence of diseases across the…

Which Face Mask Should I Wear?
Which Face Mask Should I Wear?

by Abrar Ahmad Chughtai

Australia’s chief medical officer Paul Kelly today recommended people in Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire wear masks…

Why Kids' Physical Activity Before Age 5 Matters So Much
Why Kids' Physical Activity Before Age 5 Matters So Much

by Nathan Hall and Melanie Gregg

In the current pandemic many parents of young children are finding themselves spending more time in the role of…

How To Eat To Lower Your Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes
How To Eat To Lower Your Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes

by Nita Forouhi et al

Eating about five servings of fruit and vegetables a day is widely promoted as a key part of a healthy diet.

10 Tips For Looking After Your Back While You're Sitting Down
10 Tips For Looking After Your Back While You're Sitting Down

by David Byfield

Apart from reduced social interaction and the domestic juggling involved, homes are not usually designed to replicate a…

These Communities Are Experimenting With Greener And Fairer Ways Of Living
These Communities Are Experimenting With Greener And Fairer Ways Of Living

by Kirsten Stevens-Wood

Frankie lives in a six-bedroom house on the outskirts of Leeds. She is her own landlord, but doesn’t own the house.…

How One Woman Pulled Off The First Consumer Boycott – And Helped Inspire The British To Abolish Slavery
How One Woman Pulled Off The First Consumer Boycott – And Helped Inspire The British To Abolish Slavery

by Tom Zoellner

While many companies have trumpeted their support for the Black Lives Matter movement, others are beginning to face…

How Covid-19 Can Have Long-term Effects On Lungs, Heart
How Covid-19 Can Have Long-Term Effects On Lungs, Heart

by Kara Manke

For some individuals with COVID-19, recovering from the acute phase of the infection is only the beginning, John…

5 Must Read Novels On The Environment And Climate Crisis
Five "Must Read" Novels On The Environment and Climate Crisis

by Ti-han Chang

Since the start of lockdown, more of us have taken to our bicycles, grown our own vegetables and baked our own bread.

Your Top 3 Ideal Qualities In A Partner Aren’t So Unique
Your Top 3 Ideal Qualities In A Partner Aren’t So Unique

by Karen Nikos

The qualities people list as ideal in potential partners don’t really reflect personal preferences so much as they are…

How Animals Are Coping With The Global Weirding Of The Earth's Seasons
How Animals Are Coping With The Global Weirding Of The Earth's Seasons

by Line Cordes

The UK’s weather did a somersault in the first half of 2020, as the wettest February on record gave way to the sunniest…

The New Economic Thinking We Need For Coronavirus Recovery
The New Economic Thinking We Need For Recovery

by Hanna Szymborska

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is calling the coronavirus-induced economic crisis “the Great Lockdown”. The…

COVID-19 Myths Politicians Have Repeated That Just Aren't True
5 COVID-19 Myths Politicians Have Repeated That Just Aren't True

by Geoffrey Joyce

The number of new COVID-19 cases in the U.S. has jumped to around 50,000 a day, and the virus has killed more than…

Why Going Camping Could Be The Answer To Your Lockdown Holiday Woes
Why Going Camping Could Be The Answer To Your Lockdown Holiday Woes

by Carol Southall

For many of us, the forced confinement of lockdown has reiterated the importance of being out and about in nature…

How Coronavirus Affects The Brain
How Coronavirus Affects The Brain

by Michael Zandi

Six months into the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re still learning what the disease can do. There are now detailed reports of…

Watching Foreign-language TV Can Help You Learn A New Language
Watching Foreign-Language TV Can Help You Learn A New Language

by Stuart Webb and Elke Peter

With university classrooms and language schools closed because of the pandemic, language students must find new ways to…

What The World Was Like The Last Time Carbon Dioxide Levels Were At 400ppm
What The World Was Like The Last Time Carbon Dioxide Levels Were At 400ppm

by James Shulmeister

The last time global carbon dioxide levels were consistently at or above 400 parts per million (ppm) was around four…

Is The COVID-19 Pandemic Cure Really Worse Than The Disease?
Is The COVID-19 Pandemic Cure Really Worse Than The Disease?

by Olga Yakusheva

The coronavirus pandemic catapulted the country into one of the deepest recessions in U.S. history, leaving millions of…

3 Ways To Teach Kids Storytelling
3 Ways To Teach Kids Storytelling

by Cathy Miyata

During this unprecedented era of separation and isolation due to coronavirus, all people, particularly children…

Why Realism Is The Key To Wellbeing
Why Realism Is The Key To Wellbeing

by Chris Dawson and David de Meza

Life coaches and motivational speakers often treat positive thinking as the key to happiness. Self-help books tend to…

Modern Monetary Theory: The Rise Of Economists Who Say Huge Government Debt Is Not A Problem
Modern Monetary Theory: The Rise Of Economists Who Say Huge Government Debt Is Not A Problem

by John Whittaker

There is no limit to the quantity of money that can be created by a central bank such as the Bank of England. It was…

How To Help Someone You Live With Who Has Depression
How To Help Someone You Live With Who Has Depression

by Monika Parkison and Maria Loades

The coronavirus pandemic has meant sudden changes to our daily lives, with restrictions on free movement, imposed…

How Practising Mindfulness Can Help Us Through The Coronavirus Pandemic
How Practising Mindfulness Can Help Us Through The Coronavirus Pandemic

by Kira Jade Cooper,

We seem to have mastered the perfect recipe for chaos: a global ecological emergency, humanitarian crises and to top it…

The Remote British Village That Built One Of The Fastest Internet Networks In The UK
The Remote British Village That Built One Of The Fastest Internet Networks In The UK

by Kira Allmann

Nestled between Lancashire’s stand-out beauty, the Forest of Bowland, and the breathtaking vistas of the Yorkshire…

Why So Many Women Still Take Their Husband's Last Name
Why So Many Women Still Take Their Husband's Last Name

by Simon Duncan

Our names lie at the heart of our identity. But in Britain nearly all married women - almost 90% in a 2016 survey…

How Did The Color White Become A Metaphor For All Things Good?
How Did The Color White Become A Metaphor For All Things Good?

by Aradhna Krishna

Shortly after George Floyd’s death, one of my friends texted me that Floyd wasn’t necessarily a bad person, but,…

Retractions And Controversies Over Coronavirus Research Show That The Process Of Science Is Working As It Should
Retractions And Controversies Over Coronavirus Research Show That The Process Of Science Is Working As It Should

by Mark R. O'Brian

Several high-profile papers on COVID-19 research have come under fire from people in the scientific community in recent…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans


Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


Why You Need To Befriend Yourself
Why You Need To Befriend Yourself and Understand Your Needs

by Bud Harris, Ph.D.

It is a paradox that if we cannot open our hearts to ourselves, then we have no foundation for dealing with other…

Have We Been Living An April's Fool Since Childhood?
Have We Been Living A Lie Since Childhood?

by Marie T. Russell

Everyday is April Fools' doesn't only occur on April 1st. Many of us are living daily the greatest April…

For The Highest Creativity, A Balance Is Needed Between Intellect And Intuition
For Creativity and Guidance: Balancing Intellect and Intuition

by J. Donald Walters

The rational mind can only point to probable solutions. Intuition will supply you with clear answers.

Simple Mindfulness Or Awareness As A Way To Enlightenment
Simple Mindfulness and Awareness As A Way To Inner Peace

by Jim Pym

The Buddha's teaching of simple mindfulness or awareness as a way to enlightenment is particularly suitable for people…

Daily Mindfulness: Eating and Walking Mindfully
Daily Mindfulness: Eating and Walking Mindfully

by Thich Nhat Hanh

When you practice mindful breathing, you become truly present. Mindful eating is very pleasant and is a very deep…

Weaving Peace into the Fabric of Your Daily Life
Weaving Peace into the Fabric of Your Daily Life

by Pythia Peay

As more women tell their stories and take their place on the stage of history, a growing number are emerging as peace…

Fulfilling Your Desires: Asking The Right Questions
Fulfilling Your Desires: Start By Asking The Right Questions

by Norman Monath

Before you can get what you want, you have to know what you want. This sounds simple, but it really isn't. To know what…


Also check out the InnerSelf section, Remember Your Future, for articles dealing with issues that are related to you and the upcoming 2020 US election for President, Senate, etc.

And check out this short post along with its video: The Day Of Reckoning Has Come For The GOP


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