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Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

"What the world needs now is love, sweet love. No, not just for some, but for everyone." (Lyrics from the song: What The World Needs Now Is Love).

The above song, written in 1965, still resonates and is still a needed message for all. It is our theme for the week and our featured authors develop the theme. Will T. Wilkinson shares his thoughts in his article, "Unconditional Love, Finally! We Have Found The Answer ... And It Is Us", while Barry Vissell reminds us to tell others we love them in "In Case They Don't Live Forever".

Pierre Pradervand speaks of love and appreciation in "The Magic of Appreciation: Thank You for..." while Sarah Mane encourages us to discover "The Practical Path to Experiencing Universal Love All The Time". Alan Cohen delves into a perspective of acceptance, in "When We’ll All Get There"

We bring you two astrological perspectives this week. One by Sarah Varcas who writes about the "Reclamation of Independence: Anticipation and Trepidation In Equal Measure" and the second being the regular "Astrological Journal for the Week" by Pam Younghans.

There is no doubt that we live in trying times, and there is also no doubt that the power of Love will get us through these challenges. Love does not mean bowing down to anything or anyone. Love means respect for self, for others, for all living creatures, for the planet. Love means seeking that experience in all our endeavors. It is not an easy task, but gets easier and easier the more we do it. Try it, you'll like it!

We are all in this together and the more we remember, and remind each other, that "What the world needs now is love...", and the more we put love into practice in our lives, the sooner we will reach that destination.

Here to inspire you is an audiovisual presentation of the aforementioned song:     

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Please scroll down below for the links to all the featured articles of this newsletter, as well as all the new articles added to InnerSelf this week, as well as a group of "Oldies and Goodies" for your reading pleasure.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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***** articles and videos added daily *****

Unconditional Love, Finally! We Have Found The Answer ... And It Is Us

Written by Will T. Wilkinson

We Have Found The Answer ... And It Is Us.
Now is the time for the expression of unconditional love through as many humans as possible as often as possible for as long as possible every day.

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In Case They Don't Live Forever

Written by Barry Vissell

In Case They Don't Live Forever
Why do we hold back from telling our loved ones that we love them? Why do we procrastinate, waiting for the "right" time ... later ... when it may be too late? But life goes by in a heartbeat and, before we know it, the ones we love are gone, and we may be left with the regret that we never spoke our deepest truth.

The Magic of Appreciation: Thank You for...

Written by Pierre Pradervand

The Magic of Appreciation: Thank You for...
A few years ago, I discovered with wonder a new form of magic: expressing appreciation to others for something they had done. And modern life offers us a thousand different opportunities to manifest that magic.

The Practical Path to Experiencing Universal Love All The Time

Written by Sarah Mane

The Practical Path to Experiencing Universal Love All The Time
When I was a teacher of young children the Headmaster of the school used to remind us frequently that the key to education was love. He would often say that the only important factor is the meeting of the teacher and the children, and in that meeting, love had to flow.

When We’ll All Get There

Written by Alan Cohen

When We’ll All Get There
Many of us spend a great deal of our life rushing to get places. In the process we do clumsy things, get embroiled in impatience and irritation, and sometimes cause accidents. In our haste to get somewhere, we miss being somewhere, and never seem to get anywhere.

Reclamation of Independence: Anticipation and Trepidation In Equal Measure

Written by Sarah Varcas

Reclamation of Independence: Anticipation and Trepidation In Equal Measure
The final of three eclipses, this lunar eclipse in Capricorn begins a process of emotional repatterning in response to events and experiences over the past month.This eclipse is about the reclamation of independence and its energy is best used supporting each other to that end. 

The Sun Is Setting On Unsustainable Long-haul, Short-stay Tourism — Regional Travel Bubbles Are The Future
The Sun Is Setting On Unsustainable Long-haul, Short-stay Tourism — Regional Travel Bubbles Are The Future

by James Higham

Unprecedented border closures and the domestic lockdown have paralysed New Zealand’s $40.9 billion a year tourism…

Why A Child's Freedom To Travel And Play Without Adult Supervision Matters
Why A Child's Freedom To Travel And Play Without Adult Supervision Matters

by Negin Riazi and Guy Faulkner

The recently released 2020 ParticipACTION Report Card revealed that Canadian children scored a D+ for “daily physical…

4 Unusual Things We've Learned About The Coronavirus Since The Start Of The Pandemic
4 Unusual Things We've Learned About The Coronavirus Since The Start Of The Pandemic

by Sanjaya Senanayake

As the number of people infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus grows, so does our knowledge of how it spreads, how it…

It’s Time To Learn How To Smile In Your Mask
It’s Time To Learn How To Smile In Your Mask

by Melissa De Witt

As people navigate a masked world, they’ll need to focus more on the eyes and voice to connect with those around them,…

How Social Media Amplifies Political Activism And Threatens Election Integrity
How Social Media Amplifies Political Activism And Threatens Election Integrity

by Anjana Susarla

The lower-than-expected attendance at President Trump’s rally in Tulsa on June 20 was attributed, at least in part, to…

What To Make Of New H1N1 Swine Flu With Pandemic Potential Found In China
What To Make Of New H1N1 Swine Flu With Pandemic Potential Found In China

by Ian M. Mackay,

Researchers have found a new strain of flu virus with “pandemic potential” in China that can jump from pigs to humans…

Ibuprofen Use Is Common – But Many Athletes Are Unaware Of The Risks
Ibuprofen Use Is Common – But Many Athletes Are Unaware Of The Risks

by Anthony R Cox and Craig Rosenbloom

Whether you’re an ultra-marathoner or have just started, injuries and muscle soreness from running are inevitable. But…

If Health Equals Happiness, Will Coronavirus Make The World An Unhappier Place?
If Health Equals Happiness, Will Coronavirus Make The World An Unhappier Place?

by Paul Whiteley et al

More and more politicians are starting to recognise that happiness rather than wealth might be a better way to measure…

How To Manage Plant Pests And Diseases In Your Victory Garden
How To Manage Plant Pests And Diseases In Your Victory Garden

by Matt Kasson et al

Home gardening is having a boom year across the U.S. Whether they’re growing their own food in response to pandemic…

Why Coronavirus Lockdown Rules Will Not Be Obeyed By Everyone
Why Coronavirus Lockdown Rules Will Not Be Obeyed By Everyone

by Patricia Riddell

You may have noticed that some people have responded very differently to new rules on lockdown and social distancing.…

Do Dogs Really See In Just Black And White?
Do Dogs Really See In Just Black And White?

by Nancy Dreschel

While most people see a full spectrum of colors from red to violet, dogs lack some of the light receptors in their eyes…

How The Brain Builds A Sense Of Self From The People Around Us
How The Brain Builds A Sense Of Self From The People Around Us

by Sam Ereira

We are highly sensitive to people around us. As infants, we observe our parents and teachers, and from them we learn…

What An Ocean Hidden Under Antarctic Ice Reveals About Our Planet's Future Climate
What An Ocean Hidden Under Antarctic Ice Reveals About Our Planet's Future Climate

by Craig Stevens and Christina Hulbe

Jules Verne sent his fictional submarine, the Nautilus, to the South Pole through a hidden ocean beneath a thick ice…

Why Training Your Body For Surgery May Improve Recovery And Reduce Complications
Why Training Your Body For Surgery May Improve Recovery And Reduce Complications

by Emily C. Dunford

If you’ve had a surgery postponed due to the pandemic, or one is on the horizon, there may be some work you can do…

How Young Adult Post-disaster Novels Teach Us About Trauma And Survival
How Young Adult Post-Disaster Novels Teach Us About Trauma And Survival

by Troy Potter

COVID-19 is changing the way we live. Panic buying, goods shortages, lockdown – these are new experiences for most of…

How Fake Accounts Constantly Manipulate What You See On Social Media
How Fake Accounts Constantly Manipulate What You See On Social Media

by Jeanna Matthews

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram started out as a way to connect with friends, family and…

Blindsight: A Strange Neurological Condition That Could Help Us Explain Consciousness
Blindsight: A Strange Neurological Condition That Could Help Us Explain Consciousness

by Henry Taylor

Imagine being completely blind but still being able to see. Does that sound impossible? Well, it happens.

Coronavirus Spike: Why Getting People To Follow Restrictions Is Harder The Second Time Around
Coronavirus Spike: Why Getting People To Follow Restrictions Is Harder The Second Time Around

by Kristina Murphy et al

With residents in ten Melbourne postcodes banned from non-essential travel until at least July 29, the need for…

How To Make Your House And Garden More Tranquil
How To Make Your House And Garden More Tranquil

by Greg Watts

Many of us have been spending more time at home than ever before, and chances are unless you live by yourself in the…

Drugs And Therapies Proven To Work Or Not For COVID-19?
Drugs And Therapies Proven To Work Or Not For COVID-19?

by William Petri

What is known about which treatments work, and which don’t, for the new coronavirus infection.

Monks, Experts In Social Distancing, Find Strength In Isolation
Monks, Experts In Social Distancing, Find Strength In Isolation

by Michael A. Vargas

Need a habit to get through trying times? Try solitude. Ever since the rainy season retreats of the Buddha 2,500 years…

AI Can Book A Restaurant Or A Hair Appointment, But Don't Expect A Full Conversation
AI Can Book A Restaurant Or A Hair Appointment, But Don't Expect A Full Conversation

by Peter Stratton

Google recently unveiled its latest talking AI, called Duplex. Duplex sounds like a real person, complete with pauses…

Hajj Cancellation Due To Coronavirus Is Not The First Time Plague Has Disrupted This Muslim Pilgrimage
Hajj Cancellation Due To Coronavirus Is Not The First Time Plague Has Disrupted This Muslim Pilgrimage

by Ken Chitwood

Saudi Arabia has effectively canceled the hajj for most of the world’s Muslims, saying the obligatory pilgrimage to…

Developing Resilience Is An Important Tool To Help You Deal With Coronavirus And The Surge In Cases
Developing Resilience Is An Important Tool To Help You Deal With Coronavirus And The Surge In Cases

by Keith M. Bellizzi

We’re all exhausted and pushed to the limit by months of social distancing, and the recent news that cases are climbing…

Astrological Journal for the Week

Written by Pam Younghans

Pam YounghansThis weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights. 


Believing in Miracles So That We Can Then Create Them
Believe in Miracles and All Things Become Possible

by Marilyn Innerfeld

We live in a world filled with miracles, and yet we take them for granted. Why do we, as adults, forget to see the…

Empowering Children to Find the Answers to their Problems
Empowering Children to Find the Answers to their Problems

by Alina Guiterrez

The most important job a person can have is to teach another. Educators have a great responsibility toward those they…

Emotional Suppression Causes Serious Damage to Bodies, Minds, and Spirits
Emotional Suppression Causes Serious Damage to Body, Mind, and Spirit

by Michael Sky

Emotional suppression sometimes serves a useful, even essential purpose. When suffering a severe traumatic injury, for…

How to Dissolve Solid Views & Evolve Beyond the Little Me
How to Dissolve Solid Views and Evolve Beyond the Little Me

by Pema Chodron

It takes some training to equate complete letting go with comfort. But in fact, 'nothing to hold on to' is the root of…

The Cosmic Thread: Be All That You Can Be
The Cosmic Thread: Be All That You Can Be

by Dave Lappin

That which you "most choose to have in your life, you must first become." It is time for us all to "be" what it is that…

Becoming a Living Soul: Not Just Pointing At The Moon
Becoming a Living Soul: Not Just Pointing At The Moon

by Tami Coyne

I was born in 1960 and my formative years were spent worrying about the Vietnam War, race riots, and the nuclear…

Also check out the InnerSelf section, Remember Your Future, for articles dealing with issues that are related to you and the upcoming 2020 US election for President, Senate, etc.


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